Пример #1
def _configure_range_supplier_for_data(field_spec, data):
    """ configures the supplier based on the range data supplied """
    config = field_spec.get('config', {})
    precision = config.get('precision', None)
    if precision and not str(precision).isnumeric():
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'precision must be valid integer {json.dumps(field_spec)}')

    start = data[0]
    # default for built in range function is exclusive end, we want to default to inclusive as this is the
    # more intuitive behavior
    end = data[1] + 1
    if not end > start:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'end element must be larger than start:{json.dumps(field_spec)}')
    if len(data) == 2:
        step = 1
        step = data[2]
        return datacraft.suppliers.range_supplier(start,
    except ValueError as err:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(str(err)) from err
Пример #2
def _configure_select_list_subset_supplier(field_spec, loader):
    """ configures supplier for select_list_subset type """
    config = datacraft.utils.load_config(field_spec, loader)
    data = None
    if config is None or ('mean' not in config and 'count' not in config):
        raise datacraft.SpecException(f'Config with mean or count defined must be provided: {json.dumps(field_spec)}')
    if 'ref' in field_spec and 'data' in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(f'Only one of "data" or "ref" can be provided for:{json.dumps(field_spec)}')

    if 'ref' in field_spec:
        ref_name = field_spec.get('ref')
        field_spec = loader.get_ref(ref_name)
        if field_spec is None:
            raise datacraft.SpecException(f'No ref with name %s found: {ref_name}, {json.dumps(field_spec)}')

        if 'data' in field_spec:
            data = field_spec.get('data')
            data = field_spec
    elif 'data' in field_spec:
        data = field_spec.get('data')
    if data is None:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            'Unable to identify data for ' + _SELECT_LIST_SUBSET_KEY + ' for spec: ' + json.dumps(field_spec))
    return datacraft.suppliers.select_list_subset(data, **config)
Пример #3
def _configure_unicode_range_supplier(spec, loader):
    """ configure the supplier for unicode_range types """
    if 'data' not in spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            'data is Required Element for unicode_range specs: ' +
    data = spec['data']
    if not isinstance(data, list):
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'data should be a list or list of lists with two elements for {_UNICODE_RANGE_KEY} specs: '
            + json.dumps(spec))
    config = datacraft.utils.load_config(spec, loader)
    return datacraft.suppliers.unicode_range(data, **config)
Пример #4
def _configure_precise_ip(field_spec, _):
    """ configures value supplier for ip.precise type """
    config = field_spec.get('config')
    if config is None:
        raise datacraft.SpecException('No config for: ' +
                                      json.dumps(field_spec) +
                                      ', param cidr required')
    cidr = config.get('cidr')
    sample = datacraft.utils.is_affirmative('sample', config, 'no')
    if cidr is None:
        raise datacraft.SpecException('Invalid config for: ' +
                                      json.dumps(field_spec) +
                                      ', param cidr required')
    return datacraft.suppliers.ip_precise(cidr, sample)
def configure_supplier(field_spec, loader):
    Configures the supplier from the provided field spec using the huggingface fill-mask pipeline by default

    :param loader: datacraft.Loader object
    :param field_spec: specification for the hf-fill-mask field

    Config Params:
    :key mask-token-placeholder: place holder that should show up in the seed strings, default '__MASK__'
    :key pipeline: name of the transformers pipeline to use, default is 'fill-mask'
    :key model-dir: directory to load model from, default is loader.datadir
    :key token-only: if only the generated token should be output apart from the context, default is to output the full sequence
    if 'seed-ref' not in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException('seed-ref is required field for hf-fill-mask type: ' + json.dumps(field_spec))
    key = field_spec.get('seed-ref')
    seed_ref_spec = loader.refs.get(key)
    config = field_spec.get('config', {})
    mask_token_placeholder = config.get('mask-token-placeholder', '__MASK__')
    pipeline_name = config.get('pipeline', 'fill-mask')
    model_dir = config.get('model-dir', loader.datadir)
    token_only = config.get('token-only', False)
    # This is the supplier for the inputs to the transformer pipeline
    wrapped = loader.get_from_spec(seed_ref_spec)
    return HuggingFaceFillMaskSupplier(wrapped, mask_token_placeholder, pipeline_name, token_only, model_dir)
Пример #6
def _configure_ip(field_spec, loader):
    """ configures value supplier for ip type """
    config = datacraft.utils.load_config(field_spec, loader)
        return datacraft.suppliers.ip_supplier(**config)
    except ValueError as err:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(str(err)) from err
Пример #7
def _configure_distribution_supplier(field_spec, _):
    """ configure the supplier for distribution types """
    if 'data' not in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            'required data element not defined for ' + _DISTRIBUTION_KEY +
            ' type : ' + json.dumps(field_spec))
    distribution = datacraft.distributions.from_string(field_spec['data'])
    return datacraft.suppliers.distribution_supplier(distribution)
Пример #8
def _configure_csv(field_spec, loader):
    """ Configures the csv value supplier for this field """
    config = datacraft.utils.load_config(field_spec, loader)
    datafile = config.get('datafile', datacraft.registries.get_default('csv_file'))
    csv_path = f'{loader.datadir}/{datafile}'
    if not os.path.exists(csv_path):
        raise datacraft.SpecException(f'Unable to locate data file: {datafile} in data dir: {loader.datadir} for spec: '
                                      + json.dumps(field_spec))
    return datacraft.suppliers.csv(csv_path, **config)
Пример #9
def _configure_templated_type(field_spec, loader):
    if 'data' not in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'data is required field for templated specs: {json.dumps(field_spec)}'
    suppliers_map = build_suppliers_map(field_spec, loader)

    return datacraft.suppliers.templated(suppliers_map,
                                         field_spec.get('data', None))
Пример #10
def _configure_calculate_supplier(field_spec: dict, loader: datacraft.Loader):
    """ configures supplier for calculate type """

    formula = field_spec.get('formula')
    if formula is None:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(f'Must define formula for calculate type. {json.dumps(field_spec)}')

    suppliers_map = build_suppliers_map(field_spec, loader)

    return datacraft.suppliers.calculate(suppliers_map=suppliers_map, formula=formula)
Пример #11
def _configure_combine_list_supplier(field_spec, loader):
    """ configures supplier for combine-list type """
    if 'refs' not in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'Must define refs for combine-list type. {json.dumps(field_spec)}'

    refs_list = field_spec['refs']
    if len(refs_list) < 1 or not isinstance(refs_list[0], list):
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'refs pointer must be list of lists: i.e [["ONE", "TWO"]]. {json.dumps(field_spec)}'

    suppliers_list = []
    for ref in refs_list:
        spec = dict(field_spec)
        spec['refs'] = ref
        suppliers_list.append(_load_combine_from_refs(spec, loader))
    return datacraft.suppliers.from_list_of_suppliers(suppliers_list, True)
Пример #12
def build_suppliers_map(field_spec: dict, loader: datacraft.Loader) -> dict:
    """uses refs or fields to build a map for those suppliers"""
    if 'refs' not in field_spec and 'fields' not in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'Must define one of fields or refs. {json.dumps(field_spec)}')
    if 'refs' in field_spec and 'fields' in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'Must define only one of fields or refs. {json.dumps(field_spec)}'
    mappings = _get_mappings(field_spec, 'refs')
    mappings.update(_get_mappings(field_spec, 'fields'))
    if len(mappings) < 1:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'fields or refs empty: {json.dumps(field_spec)}')
    suppliers_map = {}
    for field_or_ref, alias in mappings.items():
        supplier = loader.get(field_or_ref)
        suppliers_map[alias] = supplier
    return suppliers_map
Пример #13
def _configure_range_supplier(field_spec, _):
    """ configures the range value supplier """
    if 'data' not in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'No data element defined for: {json.dumps(field_spec)}')

    data = field_spec.get('data')
    if not isinstance(data, list) or len(data) < 2:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'data element for ranges type must be list with at least two elements:{json.dumps(field_spec)}'
    # we have the nested case
    if isinstance(data[0], list):
        suppliers_list = [
            _configure_range_supplier_for_data(field_spec, subdata)
            for subdata in data
        return datacraft.suppliers.from_list_of_suppliers(suppliers_list, True)
    return _configure_range_supplier_for_data(field_spec, data)
Пример #14
def _configure_combine_supplier(field_spec, loader):
    """ configures supplier for combine type """
    if 'refs' not in field_spec and 'fields' not in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'Must define one of fields or refs. {json.dumps(field_spec)}')

    if 'refs' in field_spec:
        supplier = _load_combine_from_refs(field_spec, loader)
        supplier = _load_combine_from_fields(field_spec, loader)
    return supplier
Пример #15
def _configure_uuid_supplier(field_spec, loader):
    """ configure the supplier for uuid types """
    config = datacraft.utils.load_config(field_spec, loader)
    variant = int(

    if variant not in [1, 3, 4, 5]:
        raise datacraft.SpecException('Invalid variant for: ' +
    return datacraft.suppliers.uuid(variant)
Пример #16
def _configure_ref_supplier(field_spec: dict, loader: datacraft.Loader):
    """ configures supplier for ref type """
    key = None
    if 'data' in field_spec:
        key = field_spec.get('data')
    if 'ref' in field_spec:
        key = field_spec.get('ref')
    if key is None:
        raise datacraft.SpecException('No key found for spec: ' +
    return loader.get(key)
Пример #17
 def next(self, iteration):
     value = str(self.wrapped.next(iteration))
     if self.mask_token_placeholder not in value:
         raise datacraft.SpecException(
             f'Mask token placeholder: {self.mask_token_placeholder} not found in generated data!')
     value = value.replace(self.mask_token_placeholder, self.mask_token)
     candidates = self.nlp(value)
     # just take a random candidate
     candidate = random.sample(candidates, 1)[0]
     if self.token_only:
         return candidate['token_str']
     return candidate['sequence']
Пример #18
def _configure_rand_range_supplier(field_spec, loader):
    """ configures the random range value supplier """
    if 'data' not in field_spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'No data element defined for: {json.dumps(field_spec)}')
    data = field_spec.get('data')
    config = datacraft.utils.load_config(field_spec, loader)
    if not isinstance(data, list) or len(data) == 0:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'rand_range specs require data as array with at least one element: {json.dumps(field_spec)}'
    start = 0
    end = 0
    if len(data) == 1:
        end = data[0]
    if len(data) >= 2:
        start = data[0]
        end = data[1]
    precision = None
    if len(data) > 2:
        precision = data[2]
    # config overrides third data element if specified
    precision = config.get('precision', precision)
    return datacraft.suppliers.random_range(start, end, precision)
Пример #19
def _configure_char_class_supplier(spec, loader):
    """ configure the supplier for char_class types """
    if 'data' not in spec:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(
            f'Data is required field for char_class type: {json.dumps(spec)}')
    config = datacraft.utils.load_config(spec, loader)
    data = spec['data']
    if isinstance(data, str) and data in _CLASS_MAPPING:
        data = _CLASS_MAPPING[data]
    if isinstance(data, list):
        new_data = [
            _CLASS_MAPPING[datum] if datum in _CLASS_MAPPING else datum
            for datum in data
        data = ''.join(new_data)

    if 'join_with' not in config:
        config['join_with'] = datacraft.registries.get_default(

    return datacraft.suppliers.character_class(data, **config)
Пример #20
def _configure_weighted_csv(field_spec, loader):
    """ Configures the weighted_csv value supplier for this field """

    config = datacraft.utils.load_config(field_spec, loader)

    field_name = config.get('column', 1)
    weight_column = config.get('weight_column', 2)
    count_supplier = datacraft.suppliers.count_supplier(**config)

    datafile = config.get('datafile', datacraft.registries.get_default('csv_file'))
    csv_path = f'{loader.datadir}/{datafile}'
    has_headers = datacraft.utils.is_affirmative('headers', config)
    numeric_index = isinstance(field_name, int)
    if numeric_index and field_name < 1:
        raise datacraft.SpecException(f'Invalid index {field_name}, one based indexing used for column numbers')

    if has_headers and not numeric_index:
        choices = _read_named_column(csv_path, field_name)
        weights = _read_named_column_weights(csv_path, weight_column)
        choices = _read_indexed_column(csv_path, int(field_name), skip_first=numeric_index)
        weights = _read_indexed_column_weights(csv_path, int(weight_column), skip_first=numeric_index)
    return weighted_values_explicit(choices, weights, count_supplier)