Пример #1
from db_connection import DbConnection
import TabletStatusMailer
import requests
import traceback
from config import CheckMateConfig

    conn = DbConnection().connection

    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # get all of the venues that have tablets
    cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT venue_uid FROM tablets.venues_x_tablet")

    for venueRow in cursor.fetchall():
        venueUid = venueRow[0]

        #for each venue find the events between where the current time is within the 'seconds_before_event' interval.
        #I.E. are we within 12 hours of the event
            "SELECT events.id AS event_id FROM setup.events \
                        JOIN setup.tablet_report_controls ON events.venue_uid = tablet_report_controls.venue_uid \
                        WHERE events.venue_uid = %s \
                        AND event_date BETWEEN NOW() AND DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL seconds_before_event SECOND) \
                        AND tablet_alert_sent = 0 \
                        ORDER BY event_date  ASC", (str(venueUid)))

        #for each of these events send a tablet status alert email
        for eventRow in cursor.fetchall():
            eventUid = eventRow[0]
            if TabletStatusMailer.sendStatusEmail(venueUid, eventUid) == True:
from db_connection import DbConnection
import os.path
import hashlib

MENU_ITEM_IMAGE_PATH = "/data/media/202/images/menu_items/"

db = DbConnection().connection
menuItemCursor = db.cursor()

menuItemCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM menus.menu_items WHERE show_image =1");

menuItems = menuItemCursor.fetchall()

for menuItem in menuItems:
    image = MENU_ITEM_IMAGE_PATH + str(menuItem[0]) + ".png";
    if os.path.isfile(image):
        fileHash = hashlib.md5(open(image).read()).hexdigest()
        cursor = db.cursor()
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO media.images(pointer_uid, image_type, image_hash, created_at)\
                        VALUES ({0}, 'menu_items', '{1}', NOW())".format(menuItem[0], fileHash))

        print "Can't find it: " + image
#Avnet Data Export
import sys
from db_connection import DbConnection
import HipChat
import csv
import traceback
import paramiko

    EXPORT_FILE_PATH = "/data/Avnet_Export/"

    conn = DbConnection().connection
    venueUid = sys.argv[1]

    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), 'UTC', (SELECT local_timezone_long FROM setup.venues WHERE id = %s)))", (venueUid))
    date = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    formattedDate = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")

    # ORDERS #
    orderFilename = "order_" + formattedDate + ".csv"

    orderCursor = conn.cursor()
                        orders.id AS 'order_uid',
                        units.name AS 'suite', 
from db_connection import DbConnection
import sys
import HipChat
import traceback

    conn = DbConnection().connection

    cursor = conn.cursor()

                    SELECT venue_uid FROM integrations.venues_levy
                    WHERE is_active = 1
    venueUids = cursor.fetchall()

    for venueUid in venueUids:
        venueUid = venueUid[0]

        print "Autolocking events for: " + str(venueUid)

            '''SELECT events.id FROM setup.events 
                        LEFT JOIN setup.event_controls ON event_controls.event_uid = events.id 
                        WHERE venue_uid = %s 
                        AND event_date BETWEEN date_sub(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR) AND NOW()
                        AND (is_locked = 0 OR is_locked is null)
                        AND event_type_uid != 11;''', (venueUid))

        unlockedEvents = cursor.fetchall()
        if len(unlockedEvents) == 0: