Пример #1
def initialize_database(path: util.PathLike,
                        schema: SchemaLike,
                        files: bool = False) -> None:
    Initialize a bare database directory at *path*.

    Initialization creates the directory at *path* if it does not
    exist, writes the schema, an deletes any existing files defined by
    the schema.

    .. warning::

       If *path* points to an existing directory, all relation files
       defined by the schema will be overwritten or deleted.

        path: the path to the destination database directory
        schema: the destination database schema
        files: if `True`, create an empty file for every relation in
    path = Path(path).expanduser()
    if isinstance(schema, (str, Path)):
        schema = read_schema(schema)

    write_schema(path, schema)
    _cleanup_files(path, set(schema))
    if files:
        for name in schema:
Пример #2
    def __init__(self,
                 path: util.PathLike = None,
                 schema: tsdb.SchemaLike = None,
                 encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None:
        # Virtual test suites use a temporary directory
        if path is None:
            self._tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
            path = Path(self._tempdir.name)
            path = Path(path).expanduser()
            path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)  # can fail if path is a file

        # Ensure test suite directory has a relations file
        if not path.joinpath(tsdb.SCHEMA_FILENAME).is_file():
            if schema is None:
                raise ITSDBError(
                    '*schema* argument is required for new test suites')
            elif isinstance(schema, (str, Path)):
                schema = tsdb.read_schema(schema)
            tsdb.write_schema(path, schema)

        super().__init__(path, autocast=False, encoding=encoding)
        self._data: Dict[str, Table] = {}
Пример #3
def write_database(db: Database,
                   path: util.PathLike,
                   names: Iterable[str] = None,
                   schema: SchemaLike = None,
                   gzip: bool = False,
                   encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None:
    Write TSDB database *db* to *path*.

    If *path* is an existing file (not a directory), a
    :class:`TSDBError` is raised. If *path* is an existing directory,
    the files for all relations in the destination schema will be
    cleared.  Every relation name in *names* must exist in the
    destination schema. If *schema* is given (even if it is the same
    as for *db*), every record will be remade (using
    :func:`make_record`) using the schema, and columns may be dropped
    or `None` values inserted as necessary, but no more sophisticated
    changes will be made.

    .. warning::

       If *path* points to an existing directory, all relation files
       defined by the schema will be overwritten or deleted.

        db: Database containing data to write
        path: the path to the destination database directory
        names: list of names of relations to write; if `None` use all
            relations in the destination schema
        schema: the destination database schema; if `None` use the
            schema of *db*
        gzip: if `True`, compress all non-empty files; if `False`, do
            not compress
        encoding: character encoding for the database files
    path = Path(path).expanduser()
    if path.is_file():
        raise TSDBError(f'not a directory: {path!s}')
    remake_records = schema is not None
    if schema is None:
        schema = db.schema
    elif isinstance(schema, (str, Path)):
        schema = read_schema(schema)
    if names is None:
        names = list(schema)

    # Prepare destination directory
    write_schema(path, schema)

    for name in names:
        fields = schema[name]
        relation: Iterable[Record] = []
        if name in db.schema:
                relation = db[name]
            except (TSDBError, KeyError):
            if remake_records:
                relation = _remake_records(relation, db.schema[name], fields)

    # only delete other files at the end in case db.path == path
    _cleanup_files(path, set(schema).difference(names))