Пример #1
    def __init__(self, name, obj, getter=None, setter=None, attr=None):
        """Wrap an object as a Parameter.

        name    --  The name of this Parameter.
        obj     --  The object to be wrapped.
        getter  --  The unbound function that can be used to access the
                    attribute containing the parameter value. getter(obj) should
                    return the Parameter value.  If getter is None (default),
                    it is assumed that an attribute is accessed via attr. If
                    attr is also specified, then the Parameter value will be
                    accessed via getter(obj, attr).
        setter  --  The unbound function that can be used to modify the
                    attribute containing the parameter value. setter(obj, value)
                    should set the attribute to the passed value. If setter is
                    None (default), it is assumed that an attribute is accessed
                    via attr. If attr is also specified, then the Parameter
                    value will be set via setter(obj, attr, value).
        attr    --  The name of the attribute that contains the value of the
                    parameter. If attr is None (default), then both getter and
                    setter must be specified.

        Raises ValueError if exactly one of getter or setter is not None, or if
        getter, setter and attr are all None.

        if getter is None and setter is None and attr is None:
            raise ValueError("Specify attribute access")
        if [getter, setter].count(None) == 1:
            raise ValueError("Specify both getter and setter")

        self.obj = obj
        self.getter = getter
        self.setter = setter
        self.attr = attr

        if attr is not None:
            if getter is None:
                self.getter = bind2nd(getattr, self.attr)
                self.getter = bind2nd(getter, self.attr)

            if setter is None:
                self.setter = bind2nd(setattr, self.attr)
                self.setter = bind2nd(setter, self.attr)

        value = self.getValue()
        Parameter.__init__(self, name, value)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, name, obj, getter = None, setter = None, attr = None):
        """Wrap an object as a Parameter.

        name    --  The name of this Parameter.
        obj     --  The object to be wrapped.
        getter  --  The unbound function that can be used to access the
                    attribute containing the parameter value. getter(obj) should
                    return the Parameter value.  If getter is None (default),
                    it is assumed that an attribute is accessed via attr. If
                    attr is also specified, then the Parameter value will be
                    accessed via getter(obj, attr).
        setter  --  The unbound function that can be used to modify the
                    attribute containing the parameter value. setter(obj, value)
                    should set the attribute to the passed value. If setter is
                    None (default), it is assumed that an attribute is accessed
                    via attr. If attr is also specified, then the Parameter
                    value will be set via setter(obj, attr, value).
        attr    --  The name of the attribute that contains the value of the
                    parameter. If attr is None (default), then both getter and
                    setter must be specified.

        Raises ValueError if exactly one of getter or setter is not None, or if
        getter, setter and attr are all None.

        if getter is None and setter is None and attr is None:
            raise ValueError("Specify attribute access")
        if [getter, setter].count(None) == 1:
            raise ValueError("Specify both getter and setter")

        self.obj = obj
        self.getter = getter
        self.setter = setter
        self.attr = attr

        if attr is not None:
            if getter is None:
                self.getter = bind2nd(getattr, self.attr)
                self.getter = bind2nd(getter, self.attr)

            if setter is None:
                self.setter = bind2nd(setattr, self.attr)
                self.setter = bind2nd(setter, self.attr)

        value = self.getValue()
        Parameter.__init__(self, name, value)
Пример #3
def _latsetter(par):
    return bind2nd(setattr, par)
Пример #4
def _latgetter(par):
    return bind2nd(getattr, par)
Пример #5
def _latsetter(par):
    return bind2nd(setattr, par)
Пример #6
def _latgetter(par):
    return bind2nd(getattr, par)