Пример #1
def test_hat_and_lcr():
    hemi = hemi_icosahedron.subdivide(3)
    m, n = sph_harm_ind_list(8)

    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        B = real_sh_descoteaux_from_index(m, n, hemi.theta[:, None],
                                          hemi.phi[:, None])

    H = hat(B)
    B_hat = np.dot(H, B)
    assert_array_almost_equal(B, B_hat)

    R = lcr_matrix(H)
    d = np.arange(len(hemi.theta))
    r = d - np.dot(H, d)
    lev = np.sqrt(1 - H.diagonal())
    r /= lev
    r -= r.mean()

    r2 = np.dot(R, d)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r2)

    r3 = np.dot(d, R.T)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r3)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, data, model, sphere, sh_order=None, tol=1e-2):
        if sh_order is None:
            if hasattr(model, "sh_order"):
                sh_order = model.sh_order
                sh_order = default_SH
        self.where_dwi = shm.lazy_index(~model.gtab.b0s_mask)
        if not isinstance(self.where_dwi, slice):
            msg = ("For optimal bootstrap tracking consider reordering the "
                   "diffusion volumes so that all the b0 volumes are at the "
        x, y, z = model.gtab.gradients[self.where_dwi].T
        r, theta, phi = cart2sphere(x, y, z)
        b_range = (r.max() - r.min()) / r.min()
        if b_range > tol:
            raise ValueError("BootOdfGen only supports single shell data")

        B, m, n = shm.real_sym_sh_basis(sh_order, theta, phi)
        H = shm.hat(B)
        R = shm.lcr_matrix(H)

        self.data = np.asarray(data, "float64")
        self.model = model
        self.sphere = sphere
        self.H = H
        self.R = R
Пример #3
def test_bootstrap_array():
    B = np.array([[4, 5, 7, 4, 2.], [4, 6, 2, 3, 6.]])
    H = hat(B.T)

    R = np.zeros((5, 5))
    d = np.arange(1, 6)
    dhat = np.dot(H, d)

    assert_array_almost_equal(bootstrap_data_voxel(dhat, H, R), dhat)
    assert_array_almost_equal(bootstrap_data_array(dhat, H, R), dhat)
Пример #4
def test_bootstrap_array():
    B = np.array([[4, 5, 7, 4, 2.],
                  [4, 6, 2, 3, 6.]])
    H = hat(B.T)

    R = np.zeros((5, 5))
    d = np.arange(1, 6)
    dhat = np.dot(H, d)

    assert_array_almost_equal(bootstrap_data_voxel(dhat, H, R), dhat)
    assert_array_almost_equal(bootstrap_data_array(dhat, H, R), dhat)
Пример #5
def test_ResidualBootstrapWrapper():
    B = np.array([[4, 5, 7, 4, 2.0], [4, 6, 2, 3, 6.0]])
    B = B.T
    H = hat(B)
    d = np.arange(10) / 8.0
    d.shape = (2, 5)
    dhat = np.dot(d, H)
    ms = 0.2

    boot_obj = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(dhat, B, ms)
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[0], dhat[0].clip(ms, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[1], dhat[1].clip(ms, 1))
Пример #6
def test_ResidualBootstrapWrapper():
    B = np.array([[4, 5, 7, 4, 2.], [4, 6, 2, 3, 6.]])
    B = B.T
    H = hat(B)
    d = np.arange(10) / 8.
    d.shape = (2, 5)
    dhat = np.dot(d, H)
    ms = .2

    boot_obj = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(dhat, B, ms)
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[0], dhat[0].clip(ms, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[1], dhat[1].clip(ms, 1))
Пример #7
def test_hat_and_lcr():
    hemi = hemi_icosahedron.subdivide(3)
    m, n = sph_harm_ind_list(8)
    B = real_sph_harm(m, n, hemi.theta[:, None], hemi.phi[:, None])
    H = hat(B)
    B_hat = np.dot(H, B)
    assert_array_almost_equal(B, B_hat)

    R = lcr_matrix(H)
    d = np.arange(len(hemi.theta))
    r = d - np.dot(H, d)
    lev = np.sqrt(1 - H.diagonal())
    r /= lev
    r -= r.mean()

    r2 = np.dot(R, d)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r2)

    r3 = np.dot(d, R.T)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r3)
Пример #8
def test_hat_and_lcr():
    hemi = hemi_icosahedron.subdivide(3)
    m, n = sph_harm_ind_list(8)
    B = real_sph_harm(m, n, hemi.theta[:, None], hemi.phi[:, None])
    H = hat(B)
    B_hat = np.dot(H, B)
    assert_array_almost_equal(B, B_hat)

    R = lcr_matrix(H)
    d = np.arange(len(hemi.theta))
    r = d - np.dot(H, d)
    lev = np.sqrt(1 - H.diagonal())
    r /= lev
    r -= r.mean()

    r2 = np.dot(R, d)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r2)

    r3 = np.dot(d, R.T)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r3)
Пример #9
def test_ResidualBootstrapWrapper():
    B = np.array([[4, 5, 7, 4, 2.],
                  [4, 6, 2, 3, 6.]])
    B = B.T
    H = hat(B)
    d = np.arange(10)/8.
    d.shape = (2,5)
    dhat = np.dot(d, H)
    ms = .2
    where_dwi = np.ones(len(H), dtype=bool)

    boot_obj = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(dhat, B, where_dwi, ms)
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[0], dhat[0].clip(ms, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[1], dhat[1].clip(ms, 1))

    dhat = np.column_stack([[.6, .7], dhat])
    where_dwi = np.concatenate([[False], where_dwi])
    boot_obj = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(dhat, B, where_dwi, ms)
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[0], dhat[0].clip(ms, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[1], dhat[1].clip(ms, 1))
Пример #10
def test_ResidualBootstrapWrapper():
    B = np.array([[4, 5, 7, 4, 2.], [4, 6, 2, 3, 6.]])
    B = B.T
    H = hat(B)
    d = np.arange(10) / 8.
    d.shape = (2, 5)
    dhat = np.dot(d, H)
    signal_object = NearestNeighborInterpolator(dhat, (1, ))
    ms = .2
    where_dwi = np.ones(len(H), dtype=bool)

    boot_obj = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(signal_object, B, where_dwi, ms)
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[0], dhat[0].clip(ms, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[1], dhat[1].clip(ms, 1))

    dhat = np.column_stack([[.6, .7], dhat])
    signal_object = NearestNeighborInterpolator(dhat, (1, ))
    where_dwi = np.concatenate([[False], where_dwi])
    boot_obj = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(signal_object, B, where_dwi, ms)
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[0], dhat[0].clip(ms, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[1], dhat[1].clip(ms, 1))
Пример #11
def test_hat_and_lcr():
    v, e, f = create_half_unit_sphere(6)
    m, n = sph_harm_ind_list(8)
    r, pol, azi = cart2sphere(*v.T)
    B = real_sph_harm(m, n, azi[:, None], pol[:, None])
    H = hat(B)
    B_hat = np.dot(H, B)
    assert_array_almost_equal(B, B_hat)

    R = lcr_matrix(H)
    d = np.arange(len(azi))
    r = d - np.dot(H, d)
    lev = np.sqrt(1 - H.diagonal())
    r /= lev
    r -= r.mean()

    r2 = np.dot(R, d)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r2)

    r3 = np.dot(d, R.T)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r3)
Пример #12
def test_hat_and_lcr():
    v, e, f = create_half_unit_sphere(6)
    m, n = sph_harm_ind_list(8)
    r, pol, azi = cart2sphere(*v.T)
    B = real_sph_harm(m, n, azi[:, None], pol[:, None])
    H = hat(B)
    B_hat = np.dot(H, B)
    assert_array_almost_equal(B, B_hat)

    R = lcr_matrix(H)
    d = np.arange(len(azi))
    r = d - np.dot(H, d)
    lev = np.sqrt(1 - H.diagonal())
    r /= lev
    r -= r.mean()

    r2 = np.dot(R, d)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r2)

    r3 = np.dot(d, R.T)
    assert_array_almost_equal(r, r3)
Пример #13
def test_ResidualBootstrapWrapper():
    B = np.array([[4, 5, 7, 4, 2.0], [4, 6, 2, 3, 6.0]])
    B = B.T
    H = hat(B)
    d = np.arange(10) / 8.0
    d.shape = (2, 5)
    dhat = np.dot(d, H)
    signal_object = NearestNeighborInterpolator(dhat, (1,))
    ms = 0.2
    where_dwi = np.ones(len(H), dtype=bool)

    boot_obj = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(signal_object, B, where_dwi, ms)
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[0], dhat[0].clip(ms, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[1], dhat[1].clip(ms, 1))

    dhat = np.column_stack([[0.6, 0.7], dhat])
    signal_object = NearestNeighborInterpolator(dhat, (1,))
    where_dwi = np.concatenate([[False], where_dwi])
    boot_obj = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(signal_object, B, where_dwi, ms)
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[0], dhat[0].clip(ms, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(boot_obj[1], dhat[1].clip(ms, 1))
Пример #14
fit_matrix = model._fit_matrix
delta_b, delta_q = fit_matrix

# setup sampling matrix
sphere = small_sphere
theta = sphere.theta
phi = sphere.phi
sampling_matrix, _, _ = shm.real_sym_sh_basis(sh_order, theta, phi)

## from BootPmfGen __init__
# setup H and R matrices
# TODO: figure out how to get H, R matrices from direction getter object
x, y, z = model.gtab.gradients[dwi_mask].T
r, theta, phi = shm.cart2sphere(x, y, z)
B, _, _ = shm.real_sym_sh_basis(sh_order, theta, phi)
H = shm.hat(B)
R = shm.lcr_matrix(H)

# create floating point copy of data
dataf = np.asarray(data, dtype=float)

print('streamline gen')
global_chunk_size = args.chunk_size * args.ngpus
nchunks = (seed_mask.shape[0] + global_chunk_size - 1) // global_chunk_size

#streamline_generator = LocalTracking(boot_dg, tissue_classifier, seed_mask, affine=np.eye(4), step_size=.5)
gpu_tracker = cuslines.GPUTracker(args.max_angle,