Пример #1
class Subscriptions:

    def __init__(self, subscriptions_file):
        """ Open/create a subscriptions list for the named webbox URI. """
        self.store = DiskStore(subscriptions_file)

    def _safe_hash(self, key):
        """ Turn a rdflib (or whatever) object into an ascii string to use as a DBM/Shelve key, ignore unicode errors. """
        u = unicode(key)
        a = u.encode("ascii", "replace") # replace means that non-ascii characters are replaced with a '?'
        return hashlib.sha256(a).hexdigest() # hash

    def subscribe(self, person_uri, resource_uri):
        """ Subscribe person to resource. """

        subscribers = self._get(resource_uri)
        if person_uri not in subscribers:
            self._add({resource_uri: subscribers})

        return None # success

    def unsubscribe(self, person_uri, resource_uri):
        """ Unsubscribe person from resource. """

        subscribers = self._get(resource_uri)
        if person_uri in subscribers:
            self._add({resource_uri: subscribers})

        return None # success

    def get_subscribers(self, resource_uri):
        """ Get a list of subscribers for a resource. """
        subscribers = self._get(resource_uri)
        if subscribers is None:
            subscribers = []

        return subscribers

    def _add(self, hashes):
        for key in hashes:
#            self.store[self._safe_hash(key)] = hashes[key]
            self.store.set(key, hashes[key])
#        self.store.sync()

    def _get(self, hashed):
        return self.store.get(hashed)
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, subscriptions_file):
     """ Open/create a subscriptions list for the named webbox URI. """
     self.store = DiskStore(subscriptions_file)