Пример #1
def test_sparsity():
    zeros = torch.zeros(2, 3, 5, 6)
    assert distiller.sparsity(zeros) == 1.0
    assert distiller.sparsity_3D(zeros) == 1.0
    assert distiller.density_3D(zeros) == 0.0

    ones = torch.zeros(12, 43, 4, 6)
    assert distiller.sparsity(ones) == 0.0
Пример #2
    def get_layer_macs(self, layer):
        """Return the number of MACs required to compute <layer>'s Convolution"""
        if layer is None:
            return 0

        conv_module = distiller.model_find_module(self.model, layer.name)
        # MACs = volume(OFM) * (#IFM * K^2)
        dense_macs = (conv_module.out_channels * layer.ofm_h * layer.ofm_w) * (conv_module.in_channels * layer.k**2)
            return dense_macs

        # If we didn't physically remove structures, we need to use the structural sparsity to compute MACs
        conv_pname = layer.name + ".weight"
        conv_p = distiller.model_find_param(self.model, conv_pname)
        # return dense_macs * distiller.density_ch(conv_p)  # Channel pruning
        return dense_macs * distiller.density_3D(conv_p)  # Filter pruning
Пример #3
def test_sparsity():
    zeros = torch.zeros(2, 3, 5, 6)
    assert distiller.sparsity(zeros) == 1.0
    assert distiller.sparsity_3D(zeros) == 1.0
    assert distiller.density_3D(zeros) == 0.0
    ones = torch.ones(12, 43, 4, 6)
    assert distiller.sparsity(ones) == 0.0
    x = torch.tensor([[1., 2., 0, 4., 0], [1., 2., 0, 4., 0]])
    assert distiller.density(x) == 0.6
    assert distiller.density_cols(x, transposed=False) == 0.6
    assert distiller.sparsity_rows(x, transposed=False) == 0
    x = torch.tensor([[0., 0., 0], [1., 4., 0], [1., 2., 0], [0., 0., 0]])
    assert distiller.density(x) == 4 / 12
    assert distiller.sparsity_rows(x, transposed=False) == 0.5
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity_cols(x, transposed=False),
                               1 / 3)
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity_rows(x), 1 / 3)
Пример #4
def collect_conv_details(model,
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset)
    g = SummaryGraph(model, dummy_input)
    conv_layers = OrderedDict()
    total_macs = 0
    total_params = 0
    for id, (name, m) in enumerate(model.named_modules()):
        if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d):
            conv = SimpleNamespace()
            conv.t = len(conv_layers)
            conv.k = m.kernel_size[0]
            conv.stride = m.stride

            # Use the SummaryGraph to obtain some other details of the models
            conv_op = g.find_op(normalize_module_name(name))
            assert conv_op is not None

            conv.weights_vol = conv_op['attrs']['weights_vol']
            total_params += conv.weights_vol
            conv.macs = conv_op['attrs']['MACs']
            conv_pname = name + ".weight"
            conv_p = distiller.model_find_param(model, conv_pname)
            if not perform_thinning:
                #conv.macs *= distiller.density_ch(conv_p)  # Channel pruning
                conv.macs *= distiller.density_3D(conv_p)  # Filter pruning
            total_macs += conv.macs

            conv.ofm_h = g.param_shape(conv_op['outputs'][0])[2]
            conv.ofm_w = g.param_shape(conv_op['outputs'][0])[3]
            conv.ifm_h = g.param_shape(conv_op['inputs'][0])[2]
            conv.ifm_w = g.param_shape(conv_op['inputs'][0])[3]

            conv.name = name
            conv.id = id
            if layers_to_prune is None or name in layers_to_prune:
                conv_layers[len(conv_layers)] = conv
    return conv_layers, total_macs, total_params