Пример #1
 def one():
     socket_loop(('', 21211), {'x': x}, socket=GreenSocket)
Пример #2
 def one():
     socket_loop(('', 21211), {'x':x}, socket=GreenSocket)
Пример #3
 def one():
     socket_loop(("", 21211), {"x": x}, socket=GreenSocket)
Пример #4
""" This is a sample demo showcasing file server, done by the pypy
distribution library.

Not counting __doc__ and initialization this is 2 line,
fully operational file server,
sample client which is in fileclient.py is included as well.

run by:
pypy-c fileserver.py

pypy-c needs to be compiled with --allworkingmodules in order to have socket

HOST = ''  # defaults to localhost, not to export your files
PORT = 12221

from distributed.socklayer import socket_loop

socket_loop((HOST, PORT), {'open': open})
Пример #5
""" This is a sample demo showcasing file server, done by the pypy
distribution library.

Not counting __doc__ and initialization this is 2 line,
fully operational file server,
sample client which is in fileclient.py is included as well.

run by:
pypy-c fileserver.py

pypy-c needs to be compiled with --allworkingmodules in order to have socket

HOST = '' # defaults to localhost, not to export your files
PORT = 12221

from distributed.socklayer import socket_loop
socket_loop((HOST, PORT), {'open':open})
Пример #6

# things to export
# function
def f(x):
    return x + 3

# class
class X:
    def __init__(self):
        self.slot = 3
    def meth(self, f, arg):
        """ Method eating callable and calling it with an argument
        assert callable(f)
        return f(arg)

# object
x = X()

# module
import sys

# constants
HOST = ''
PORT = 12222

from distributed.socklayer import socket_loop
socket_loop((HOST, PORT), globals())
Пример #7
# things to export
# function
def f(x):
    return x + 3

# class
class X:
    def __init__(self):
        self.slot = 3

    def meth(self, f, arg):
        """ Method eating callable and calling it with an argument
        assert callable(f)
        return f(arg)

# object
x = X()

# module
import sys

# constants
HOST = ''
PORT = 12222

from distributed.socklayer import socket_loop
socket_loop((HOST, PORT), globals())