Пример #1
def translate_idl_mjd5_script(scriptfile):
    Translate an IDL MJD5.pro script file to yaml.  It returns a list of strings
    that can be written to a file.

    scriptfile : str
         Name of MJD5.pro script file.

    flines : numpy char array
         The lines of the script file translated to yaml.

    flines = mkplan.translate_idl_mjd5_script('apo25m_59085.pro')

    Example file, top part of apo25m_59085.pro
    ;these are not sky frames
    plate = 12767

    By D.Nidever,  Oct 2020

    # Check that the file exists
    if os.path.exists(scriptfile) == False:
        raise ValueError(scriptfile + " NOT FOUND")

    # Load the file
    lines = dln.readlines(scriptfile)
    lines = np.char.array(lines)

    # Fix continuation lines
    lines = fixidlcontinuation(lines)
    # Remove comments
    lines = removeidlcomments(lines)

    # Get telescope from apserver line
    ind, nind = dln.where(lines.strip().lower().find('apsetver') == 0)
    telescope = None
    if nind == 0:
        print('No APSERVER line found')
        if scriptfile.lower().find('apo25m') > -1: telescope = 'apo25m'
        if scriptfile.lower().find('lco25m') > -1: telescope = 'lcoo25m'
        if telescope is None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot find TELESCOPE')
        setverline = lines[ind[0]]
        telescope = setverline[setverline.lower().find('telescope=') + 10:]
        telescope = telescope.replace("'", "")
    telescopeline = "telescope: " + telescope

    # Get MJD
    ind, nind = dln.where(lines.strip().lower().find('mjd=') == 0)
    if nind == 0:
        raise ValueError('No MJD line found')
    mjdline = lines[ind[0]]
    mjd = int(mjdline[mjdline.find('=') + 1:])
    mjdline = 'mjd: ' + str(mjd)

    # Get day number
    ind, nind = dln.where(lines.lower().find('day=') > -1)
    if nind > 0:
        dayline = lines[ind[0]].lower()
        # day=getnum(mjd)*10000
        if dayline.lower().find('getnum') > -1:
            dayline = dayline.replace('getnum(mjd)', '(mjd-55562)')
        day = int(eval(dayline[dayline.find('=') + 1:]))
        day = None

    # Remove apvers, mjd and day line
    gd, ngd = dln.where((lines.strip('').lower().startswith('day=') == False)
                        & (lines.strip('').lower().find('apsetver') == -1) &
                        (lines.strip('').lower().startswith('mjd=') == False))
    lines = lines[gd]

    # Deal with IDL code using day, indgen(), etc.
    lines = replaceidlcode(lines, mjd, day=day)

    # Initalize final lines
    flines = ['---']  # start of yaml file

    # Loop over mkplan blocks
    #  mkplan command is at the end of the block
    ind, nind = dln.where(lines.lower().find('mkplan') != -1)
    for i in range(nind):
        if i == 0:
            lo = 0
            lo = ind[i - 1] + 1
        lines1 = lines[lo:ind[i] + 1]
        nlines1 = len(lines1)
        # Add TELESCOPE line
        flines.append("- " + telescopeline)
        # Add MJD line
        flines.append("  " + mjdline)
        # Assume all lines in this block except for mkplan are key: value pairs
        kvlines = lines1[0:-1]
        for kvl in kvlines:
            if kvl.strip() != '':
                lo = kvl.find('=')
                key = kvl[0:lo].strip()
                val = kvl[lo + 1:].strip()
                flines.append("  " + key + ": " + val)
        # Deal with mkplan lines
        planline = lines1[-1]
        # Trim off the first bit that's always the same, "mkplan,ims,plate,mjd,psfid,fluxid,"
        planline = planline[planline.lower().find('fluxid') + 7:]
        # Remove vers=vers if it's there
        if planline.lower().find('vers=vers') == 0:
            planline = planline[9:]

        # Deal with keywords
        if planline != '':
            if planline[0] == ',':
                planline = planline[1:]
            # Add lines for sky, dark, cal
            if planline.lower().find('/sky') > -1:
                flines.append('  sky: True')
                planline = removeidlkeyword(planline, '/sky')  # Trim off /sky
            if planline.lower().find('/dark') > -1:
                flines.append('  dark: True')
                planline = removeidlkeyword(planline,
                                            '/dark')  # Trim off /dark
            if planline.lower().find('/cal') > -1:
                flines.append('  cal: True')
                planline = removeidlkeyword(planline, '/cal')  # Trim off /cal

        # Deal with remaining arguments
        if planline != '':
            # Return leftover line as a dictionary
            import pdb
            exec("args=args2dict(" + planline + ")")
            # Loop over keys and add them
            for k in args.keys():
                val = args[k]
                if (type(val) is int) | (type(val) is str):
                    flines.append("  " + k + ": " + str(val))
                    flines.append("  " + k + ": " + str(list(val)))

    # End of yaml file

    return flines
        #hlist = dbutils.query(listfile,'hlist',cols='FILE')
        #nlist = len(hlist)
        #healstr = fits.getdata(listfile,1)
        #expdir = [os.path.dirname(f) for f in healstr['FILE']]
        #expdir = np.unique(expdir)
        liststr = fits.getdata(listfile,1)
        expdir = liststr['EXPDIR']
        # change /dl1/users/dnidever/ to /dl2/dnidever/
        expdir = expdir.replace('/dl1/users/dnidever/','/dl2/dnidever/')
        # Trim trailing /
        #expdir = expdir.rstrip('/')  # this doesn't work for some reason
        expdir = np.char.array([a.rstrip('/') for a in expdir])
        nexpdir = len(expdir)
        rootLogger.info("Reading list from "+inplistfile)        
        expdir = dln.readlines(inplistfile)
        nexpdir = len(expdir)

    # Create the commands
    allexpdir = expdir.copy()
    allcmd = dln.strjoin("/home/dnidever/projects/noaosourcecatalog/python/nsc_instcal_measure_update.py ",allexpdir)
    alldirs = np.zeros(nexpdir,(np.str,200))
    alldirs[:] = tmpdir
    nallcmd = len(allcmd)        

    # Check what's been done already
    check = False
    #if not redo:
    if check:
        rootLogger.info("Checking if any have already been done")
        exists = np.zeros(dln.size(allexpdir),bool)+False
Пример #3
    #     pars, cov = parallax.fit(meas)
    #     parallax.plotfit(meas,pars, cov)
    #    print("This field threw an error ", idv)

# Main command-line program
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Make diagnostic HPM plots')
    parser.add_argument('objid', type=str, nargs='*', help='Object IDs')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    objid = args.objid
    nobj = dln.size(objid)

    if nobj == 1:
        if os.path.exists(objid[0]):
            listfile = objid[0]
            print('Reading ' + listfile)
            objid = dln.readlines(listfile)
            nobj = dln.size(objid)

    if type(objid) is not list: objid = [objid]

    for i in range(nobj):
        print(str(i + 1) + ' ' + objid[i])
        except Exception as e:
            print('Failed on ' + objid[i] + ' ' + str(e))
Пример #4
                print('  Writing missing catalog to ' + missfile)
                Table(meas[miss]).write(missfile, overwrite=True)
                print(str(i + 1) + ' ' + exp1 + ' none missing')
            print(measfile + ' NOT FOUND')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser(
        description='Combine NSC data for one healpix region.')
    parser.add_argument('exposure', type=str, nargs=1, help='exposure')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    version = 'v3'

    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    host = hostname.split('.')[0]
    exposure = args.exposure[0]

    # Input is a list
    if exposure[0] == '@':
        listfile = exposure[1:]
        if os.path.exists(listfile):
            exposure = dln.readlines(listfile)
            print(listfile + ' NOT FOUND')

Пример #5
def getdata(refcat, minra, redo=False, silent=False, logger=None):
    Get reference catalog information from DL database 
    cenra : float
       Central RA for the search. 
    cendec : float
       Central DEC for the search. 
    radius : float
       Search radius in degrees. 
    refcat : table
       Reference catalog name (e.g. 2MASS, Gaia, etc.)
    version : str
       Version of NSC reduction.. 
    saveref : bool, optional
       Save the output to SAVEFILE or a default filename. Default is False.
    savefile : str, optional
       The file to save to or search for existing catalog. 
    silent : bool, optional
       Don't print anything to the screen. 
    logger : logging object, optional
       Logging object to use for printing messages.
    ref : astropy table
        Search results from the reference catalog. 

    cat = getrefcat(cenra,cendec,radius,refcat,file=file,saveref=saveref) 
    By D. Nidever  Sep 2017 
    Translated to Python by D. Nidever, April 2022

    count = 0
    t0 = time.time()

    if logger is None:
        logger = dln.basiclogger()

    # Check that we have psql installed
    out = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'psql'], shell=False)
    if type(out) is bytes:
        out = out.decode()
    out = out.strip()
    if dln.size(out) > 1:
        out = out[0]
    if os.path.exists(out) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No PSQL found on this sytem.')

    # Temporary directory
    # /tmp is often small and get get fille dup
    dldir, mssdir, localdir = utils.rootdirs()

    refname = str(refcat).upper()
    if refname == 'II/312/AIS':
        refname = 'GALEX'
    elif refname == '2MASS-PSC':
        refname = 'TMASS'
    elif refname == '2MASS':
        refname = 'TMASS'
    elif refname == 'GAIA/GAIA':
        refname = 'GAIA'
    elif refname == 'Skymapper':
        refname = 'SKYMAPPER'
    elif refname == 'GLIMPSE':
        catname = 'II/293/glimpse'
    elif refname == 'SAGE':
        catname = 'II/305/archive'
    elif refname == 'ATLASREFCAT2':
        refname = 'ATLAS'

    ra0 = float(minra)
    ra1 = minra + 1.0

    outdir = '/net/dl1/users/dnidever/nsc/refcatalogs/' + refname + '/'
    if os.path.exists(outdir) == False:
    savefile = outdir + 'ref_%.6f_%.6f_%s.fits' % (ra0, ra1, refname)
    if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(savefile))) == False:

    if silent == False:
        logger.info('Querying %s: %.6f <= RA < %.6f' % (refname, ra0, ra1))

    # Loading previously loaded file
    if os.path.exists(savefile) and redo == False:
        logger.info(savefile + ' already exists and redo==False')
        return None

    # Do the Query

        # Use DataLab database search
        if refname in [
                'TMASS', 'GAIA', 'GAIADR2', 'GAIAEDR3', 'PS', 'SKYMAPPER',
                'SKYMAPPERDR2', 'ALLWISE', 'ATLAS'
            if refname == 'TMASS':
                tablename = 'twomass.psc'
                cols = 'designation,ra as raj2000,dec as dej2000,j_m as jmag,j_cmsig as e_jmag,h_m as hmag,h_cmsig as e_hmag,k_m as kmag,k_cmsig as e_kmag,ph_qual as qflg'
                ##server = 'gp04.datalab.noao.edu'
                #server = 'gp01.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                ##server = 'dldb1.sdm.noao.edu'
                server = 'db02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'
            racol = 'ra'
            deccol = 'dec'
            if refname == 'GAIA':
                tablename = 'gaia_dr1.gaia_source'
                cols = 'source_id as source,ra as ra_icrs,ra_error as e_ra_icrs,dec as de_icrs,dec_error as e_de_icrs,'
                cols += 'phot_g_mean_flux as fg,phot_g_mean_flux_error as e_fg,phot_g_mean_mag as gmag'
                #server = 'gp04.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                ##server = 'gp01.datalab.noao.edu'
                ##server = 'dldb1.sdm.noao.edu'
                server = 'db02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'
            if refname == 'GAIADR2':
                tablename = 'gaia_dr2.gaia_source'
                cols = 'source_id as source,ra,ra_error,dec,dec_error,pmra,pmra_error,pmdec,pmdec_error,phot_g_mean_flux as fg,phot_g_mean_flux_error as e_fg,'
                cols += 'phot_g_mean_mag as gmag,phot_bp_mean_mag as bp,phot_bp_mean_flux as fbp,phot_bp_mean_flux_error as e_fbp,'
                cols += 'phot_rp_mean_mag as rp,phot_rp_mean_flux as frp,phot_rp_mean_flux_error as e_frp'
                #server = 'gp04.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                ##server = 'gp01.datalab.noao.edu'
                server = 'db02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'
            if refname == 'GAIAEDR3':
                tablename = 'gaia_edr3.gaia_source'
                cols = 'source_id as source,ra,ra_error,dec,dec_error,pmra,pmra_error,pmdec,pmdec_error,phot_g_mean_flux as fg,phot_g_mean_flux_error as e_fg,'
                cols += 'phot_g_mean_mag as gmag,phot_bp_mean_mag as bp,phot_bp_mean_flux as fbp,phot_bp_mean_flux_error as e_fbp,'
                cols += 'phot_rp_mean_mag as rp,phot_rp_mean_flux as frp,phot_rp_mean_flux_error as e_frp'
                #server = 'gp04.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                ##server = 'gp01.datalab.noao.edu'
                server = 'db02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'
            if refname == 'PS':
                #tablename = 'cp_calib.ps1'
                tablename = 'public.ps1'
                cols = 'ra, dec, g as gmag, r as rmag, i as imag, z as zmag, y as ymag'
                ##server = 'gp02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                #server = 'gp01.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                server = 'db02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'
            if refname == 'SKYMAPPER':
                tablename = 'skymapper_dr1.master'
                cols = 'raj2000 as ra, dej2000 as dec, u_psf as sm_umag, e_u_psf as e_sm_umag, g_psf as sm_gmag, e_g_psf as e_sm_gmag, r_psf as sm_rmag,'
                cols += 'e_r_psf as e_sm_rmag, i_psf as sm_imag,e_i_psf as e_sm_imag, z_psf as sm_zmag, e_z_psf as e_sm_zmag'
                #server = 'gp04.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                ##server = 'gp01.datalab.noao.edu'
                server = 'db02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'
                racol = 'raj2000'
                deccol = 'dej2000'
            if refname == 'SKYMAPPERDR2':
                tablename = 'skymapper_dr2.master'
                cols = 'raj2000 as ra, dej2000 as dec, u_psf as sm_umag, e_u_psf as e_sm_umag, g_psf as sm_gmag, e_g_psf as e_sm_gmag, r_psf as sm_rmag,'
                cols += 'e_r_psf as e_sm_rmag, i_psf as sm_imag,e_i_psf as e_sm_imag, z_psf as sm_zmag, e_z_psf as e_sm_zmag'
                #server = 'gp04.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                ##server = 'gp01.datalab.noao.edu'
                server = 'db02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'
                racol = 'raj2000'
                deccol = 'dej2000'
            if refname == 'ALLWISE':
                tablename = 'allwise.source'
                #cols = 'ra, dec, w1mdef as w1mag, w1sigmdef as e_w1mag, w2mdef as w2mag, w2sigmdef as e_w2mag'
                cols = 'ra, dec, w1mpro as w1mag, w1sigmpro as e_w1mag, w2mpro as w2mag, w2sigmpro as e_w2mag'
                #server = 'gp04.datalab.noao.edu'
                #server = 'gp01.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                server = 'db02.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'
            if refname == 'ATLAS':
                tablename = 'atlasrefcat2'
                cols = 'objid,ra,dec,plx as parallax,dplx as parallax_error,pmra,dpmra as pmra_error,pmdec,dpmdec as pmdec_error,gaia,dgaia as gaiaerr,'
                cols += 'bp,dbp as bperr,rp,drp as rperr,teff,agaia,dupvar,ag,rp1,r1,r10,g as gmag,dg as gerr,gchi,gcontrib,'
                cols += 'r as rmag, dr as rerr,rchi,rcontrib,i as imag,di as ierr,ichi,icontrib,z as zmag,dz as zerr,zchi,zcontrib,nstat,'
                cols += 'j as jmag,dj as jerr,h as hmag,dh as herr,k as kmag,dk as kerr'
                server = 'gp10.datalab.noirlab.edu'
                user = '******'

            # Use Postgres command with q3c cone search
            refcattemp = savefile.replace('.fits', '.txt')
            cmd = "psql -h " + server + " -U " + user + " -d tapdb -w --pset footer -c 'SELECT " + cols + " FROM " + tablename
            if refname == 'SKYMAPPER' or refname == 'SKYMAPPERDR2':
                cmd += " WHERE raj2000 >= %.6f and raj2000 < %.6f'" % (ra0,
                cmd += " WHERE ra >= %.6f and ra < %.6f'" % (ra0, ra1)
            cmd += " > " + refcattemp
            dln.remove(refcattemp, allow=True)
            dln.remove(savefile, allow=True)
            out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
            # Check for empty query
            tlines = dln.readlines(refcattemp, nreadline=4)
            if len(tlines) < 4:
                if silent == False:
                    logger.info('No Results')
                return []
            #  Load ASCII file and create the FITS file
            ref = ascii.read(refcattemp, data_start=3, delimiter='|')
            #ref = importascii(refcattemp,/header,delim='|',skipline=2,/silent)
            dln.remove(refcattemp, allow=True)

            # Fix 0.0 mags/errs in ATLAS
            if refname == 'ATLAS':
                magcols = [
                    'gaia', 'bp', 'rp', 'gmag', 'rmag', 'imag', 'zmag', 'jmag',
                    'hmag', 'kmag'
                errcols = [
                    'gaiaerr', 'bperr', 'rperr', 'gerr', 'rerr', 'ierr',
                    'zerr', 'jerr', 'herr', 'kerr'
                cols = ref.colnames
                # Set mags with 0.0 to 99.99
                for j in range(len(magcols)):
                    if magcols[j] in ref.colnames:
                        bdmag = (ref[magcols[j]] <= 0.0)
                        if np.sum(bdmag) > 0:
                            ref[magcols[j]][bdmag] = 99.99
                # Set errors with 0.0 to 9.99
                for j in range(len(errcols)):
                    if errcols[j] in ref.colnames:
                        bderr = (ref[errcols[j]] <= 0.0)
                        if np.sum(bderr) > 0:
                            ref[errcols[j]][bderr] = 9.99

        # Use astroquery vizier
        #   for low density with 2MASS/GAIA and always for GALEX and APASS

            # Use QUERYVIZIER for GALEX (python code has problems)
            #if refname == 'II/312/ais' or refname == 'GALEX':
            # if refcat eq 'APASS' then cfa=0 else cfa=1  ; cfa doesn't have APASS
            #cfa = 1   # problems with CDS VizieR and cfa has APASS now
            #if refcat == 'SAGE':
            #    cfa = 0

            if refname.upper() == 'GALEX':
                cols = [
                    'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'FUVmag', 'e_FUVmag', 'NUVmag',
                catname = 'II/335/galex_ais'
            elif refname.upper() == 'GLIMPSE':
                # Only includes GLIMPSE I,II,3D
                cols = [
                    'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', '_2MASS', '_3.6mag', 'e_3.6mag',
                    '_4.5mag', 'e_4.5mag'
                catname = 'II/293/glimpse'
            elif refname.upper() == 'SAGE':
                cols = [
                    'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', '__3.6_', 'e__3.6_', '__4.5_',
                catname = 'II/305/catalog'

            Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1
            Vizier.TIMEOUT = 1000000
            Vizier.columns = cols
            result = Vizier.query_constraints(catalog=catname,
                                              RA='>=' + str(ra0) + ' & <' +

            # Check for failure
            if len(result) == 0:
                if silent == False:
                    logger.info('Failure or No Results')
                return []
            ref = result[0]
            ref.meta['description'] = ref.meta['description'][0:50]
            #ref = QUERYVIZIER(refname,[cenra,cendec],radius*60,cfa=cfa,timeout=600,/silent)

            # Fix/homogenize the GAIA tags
            if refname == 'GAIA':
                nref = len(ref)
                orig = ref.copy()
                dt = [('source', int), ('ra_icrs', float),
                      ('e_ra_icrs', float), ('de_icrs', float),
                      ('e_de_icrs', float), ('fg', float), ('e_fg', float),
                      ('gmag', float)]
                ref = np.zeros(nref, dtype=np.dtype(dt))
                ref = Table(ref)
                for n in orig.colnames:
                    ref[n] = orig[n]
                ref['fg'] = orig['_fg_']
                ref['e_fg'] = orig['e__fg_']
                ref['gmag'] = orig['_gmag_']
                del orig
            # Fix/homogenize the 2MASS tags
            elif refname == 'TMASS':
                nref = len(ref)
                orig = ref.copy()
                dt = [('designation', (np.str, 50)), ('raj2000', float),
                      ('dej2000', float), ('jmag', float), ('e_jmag', float),
                      ('hmag', float), ('e_hmag', float), ('kmag', float),
                      ('e_kmag', float), ('qflg', (np.str, 20))]
                ref = np.zeros(nref, dtype=np.dtype(dt))
                for n in orig.colnames:
                    ref[n] = orig[n]
                ref['designation'] = orig['_2mass']
                del orig
            # Fix NANs in ALLWISE
            elif refname == 'ALLWISE':
                bd, = np.where(np.isfinite(ref['_3_6_']) == False)
                if len(bd) > 0:
                    ref['_3_6_'][bd] = 99.99
                    ref['e__3_6_'][bd] = 9.99
                bd, = np.where(np.isfinite(ref['_4_5_']) == False)
                if len(bd) > 0:
                    ref['_4_5_'][bd] = 99.99
                    ref['e__4_5_'][bd] = 9.99

        # Convert all mags and errmags to float32
        for n in ref.colnames:
            if n.find('mag') > -1:
                ref[n] = ref[n].astype(np.float32)
            if n.find('e_') > -1 and n.find('mag') > -1:
                ref[n] = ref[n].astype(np.float32)
        # Lowercase column names
        for n in ref.colnames:
            ref[n].name = n.lower()
        # Convert raj2000/dej2000 to ra/dec
        if 'raj2000' in ref.colnames:
            ref['raj2000'].name = 'ra'
        if 'dej2000' in ref.colnames:
            ref['dej2000'].name = 'dec'

        # Save the file
        logger.info('Saving catalog to file ' + savefile)
        ref.write(savefile, overwrite=True)

    if silent == False:
        logger.info('%d sources found   dt=%.1f sec.' %
                    (len(ref), time.time() - t0))

    return ref
Пример #6
def image_reproject(im, head, outhead, wtim=None, tmproot='.', verbose=False):
    """ Reproject image onto new projection with interpolation."""

    if isinstance(head, WCS):
        wcs = head
        wcs = WCS(head)
    if isinstance(outhead, WCS):
        outwcs = outhead
        outwcs = WCS(outhead)

    # Make temporary directory and CD to it
    tmpdir = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="swrp", dir=tmproot))
    origdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

    # Write image to temporary file
    imfile = 'image.fits'
    fits.PrimaryHDU(im, head).writeto(imfile, overwrite=True)
    if wtim is not None:
        wtfile = 'wt.fits'
        fits.PrimaryHDU(wtim, head).writeto(wtfile, overwrite=True)

    # Use swarp to do the resampling

    # Create configuration file
    fil = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    codedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(fil))
    paramdir = codedir + '/params/'
    shutil.copyfile(paramdir + "swarp.config", tmpdir + "/swarp.config")
    configfile = "swarp.config"
    clines = dln.readlines(configfile)

    imoutfile = 'image.out.fits'
    if wtim is not None:
        wtoutfile = 'wt.out.fits'

    ind = dln.grep(clines, '^IMAGEOUT_NAME ', index=True)[0]
        ind] = 'IMAGEOUT_NAME        ' + imoutfile + '     # Output filename'
    # Weight parameteres
    if wtim is not None:
        ind = dln.grep(clines, '^WEIGHTOUT_NAME ', index=True)[0]
            ind] = 'WEIGHTOUT_NAME    ' + wtoutfile + ' # Output weight-map filename'
        # WEIGHT_TYPE
        ind = dln.grep(clines, '^WEIGHT_TYPE ', index=True)[0]
            ind] = 'WEIGHT_TYPE         MAP_WEIGHT            # BACKGROUND,MAP_RMS,MAP_VARIANCE'
        # WEIGHT_IMAGE
        ind = dln.grep(clines, '^WEIGHT_IMAGE ', index=True)[0]
            ind] = 'WEIGHT_IMAGE      ' + wtfile + '    # Weightmap filename if suffix not used'
        # Remove WEIGHT keywords
        ind = dln.grep(clines, '^WEIGHT_TYPE ', index=True)[0]
            ind] = 'WEIGHT_TYPE            NONE            # BACKGROUND,MAP_RMS,MAP_VARIANCE'
        #ind = dln.grep(clines,'^WEIGHT',index=True)
        #clines = dln.remove_indices(clines,ind)
    # CENTER
    ind = dln.grep(clines, '^CENTER ', index=True)[0]
        ind] = 'CENTER         %9.6f, %9.6f  # Coordinates of the image center' % (
            outwcs.wcs.crval[0], outwcs.wcs.crval[1])
    onx, ony = outwcs.array_shape
    r, d = outwcs.all_pix2world([onx // 2, onx // 2], [ony // 2, ony // 2 + 1],
    pixscale = (d[1] - d[0]) * 3600
    ind = dln.grep(clines, '^PIXEL_SCALE ', index=True)[0]
        ind] = 'PIXEL_SCALE           %6.3f             # Pixel scale' % pixscale
    ind = dln.grep(clines, '^IMAGE_SIZE ', index=True)[0]
        ind] = 'IMAGE_SIZE             %d,%d               # Image size (0 = AUTOMATIC)' % outwcs.array_shape
    # GAIN??
    #ind = dln.grep(clines,'^GAIN_KEYWORD ',index=True)[0]
    #clines[ind] = 'GAIN_KEYWORD           GAIN            # FITS keyword for effect. gain (e-/ADU)'

    # Write the updated configuration file
    dln.writelines(configfile, clines, overwrite=True)

    # Run swarp
    if verbose is False:
        slogfile = "swarp.log"
        sf = open(slogfile, 'w')
        retcode = subprocess.call(["swarp", imfile, "-c", configfile],
        slines = dln.readlines(slogfile)
        retcode = subprocess.call(["swarp", imfile, "-c", configfile],

    # Load the output file
    oim, ohead = fits.getdata(imoutfile, header=True)
    out = (oim, ohead)
    if wtim is not None:
        owtim, owthead = fits.getdata(wtoutfile, header=True)
        out = (oim, ohead, owtim, owthead)

    # Delete temporary directory and files??
    tmpfiles = glob.glob('*')
    for f in tmpfiles:

    # Go back to the original direcotry

    return out
Пример #7
                        help='Output directory')
                        help='Overwrite existing files')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    objid = args.objid
    nobj = len(args.objid)
    fov = float(dln.first_el(args.fov))
    outdir = dln.first_el(args.outdir)
    clobber = args.clobber
    if outdir == '':
        outdir = '/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/v3/hpm2/cutouts2/'

    if len(args.objid) == 1:
        if os.path.exists(objid[0]):
            objid = dln.readlines(objid)
            nobj = dln.size(objid)
        nobj = len(args.objid)

    if type(objid) is not list: objid = [objid]

    for i in range(nobj):
        print(str(i + 1) + ' ' + objid[i])

        animfile = outdir + str(objid) + '_cutouts.gif'
        if os.path.exists(animfile) and ~clobber:
            print(animfile + ' already exists and clobber is not set')

                outfile = outdir+instcode+'/'+night+'/'+eindex['value'][k]+'/'+eindex['value'][k]+'__'+dbbase1+'.npy'
            print('  dt = %6.1f sec. ' % (time.time()-t0))
            print('  '+dbfile1+' NOT FOUND')

    print('dt = %6.1f sec.' % (time.time()-t00))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Break up idstr into separate lists per exposure.')
    parser.add_argument('dbfile', type=str, nargs=1, help='Database filename')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    host = hostname.split('.')[0]
    dbfile = args.dbfile[0]

    # Input is a list
    if dbfile[0]=='@':
        listfile = dbfile[1:]
        if os.path.exists(listfile): 
            dbfile = dln.readlines(listfile)
            print(listfile+' NOT FOUND')

Пример #9
    return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Update measid in exposure.')
    parser.add_argument('measfiles', type=str, nargs=1, help='meas filenames')
    parser.add_argument('outfile', type=str, nargs=1, help='output file')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    host = hostname.split('.')[0]
    measfiles = args.measfiles[0]
    outfile = args.outfile[0]

    # Input is a list
    if measfiles[0] == '@':
        listfile = measfiles[1:]
        if os.path.exists(listfile):
            measfiles = dln.readlines(listfile)
            print(listfile + ' NOT FOUND')

    # Check the measurement files
    out = check_meas_objectid(measfiles)

    # Write to output file
    print('Writing to ' + outfile)
    if os.path.exists(outfile): os.remove(outfile)
    Table(out).write(outfile, overwrite=True)
Пример #10
def readcal(calfile):
    This reads all of the information from a master calibration index and returns
    it in a dictionary where each calibration type has a structured arrays that
    can be accessed by the calibration name (e.g. 'dark').

    if os.path.exists(calfile) == False:
        raise ValueError(calfile+' NOT FOUND')
    lines = dln.readlines(calfile)
    lines = np.char.array(lines)
    # Get rid of comment and blank lines
    gd,ngd = dln.where(( lines.find('#') != 0) & (lines=='')==False )
    if ngd==0:
        raise ValueError('No good calibration lines')
    lines = lines[gd]

    # Initialize calibration dictionary
    caldict = OrderedDict()
    dtdict = OrderedDict()

    # -- Darks --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, frames
    #  dark       55600 56860 12910009 12910009-12910037
    #  dark       56861 99999 15640003 15640003-15640021
    dtdict['dark'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('frames',np.str,100)])
    # -- Flats --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, frames, nrep, dithered
    #  flat       99999 55761 01380106 1380106-1380134 1 1
    #  flat       99999 99999 02410013 2410013-2410022 1 0
    dtdict['flat'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('frames',np.str,100),
    # -- Sparse --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, frames, darkframes, dmax, maxread
    #  sparse     55600 55761 01590015 1590015-1590024  0                   21  30,30,20
    #  sparse     55797 99999 02410059 2410059-2410068  2410058,2410069     21  30,30,20
    dtdict['sparse'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('frames',np.str,100),
    # -- Fiber --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name
    #  fiber      55600 55761 01970078
    #  fiber      55797 56860 02410024
    dtdict['fiber'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50)])
    # -- Badfiber --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, frames
    #  badfiber   55600 57008   0
    #  badfiber   57009 57177   195
    dtdict['badfiber'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('frames',np.str,100)])
    # -- Fixfiber --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name
    #  fixfiber   56764 56773   1
    #  fixfiber   58038 58046   2
    dtdict['fixfiber'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50)])
    # -- Wave --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, frames, psfid
    #  wave       55699 55699 01370096 1370096,1370099  1370098
    #  wave       55700 55700 01380079 1380079          1380081
    dtdict['wave'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('frames',np.str,100),
    # -- Multiwave --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, frames
    #  multiwave 55800 56130 2380000  02390007,02390008,02500007
    #  multiwave 56130 56512 5680000  05870007,05870008,05870018,05870019
    dtdict['multiwave'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('frames',np.str,500)])
    # -- LSF --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, frames, psfid
    #  lsf 55800 56130 03430016 03430016 03430020
    #  lsf 56130 56512 07510018 07510018 07510022
    dtdict['lsf'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('frames',np.str,100),
    # -- Det --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, linid
    #  det        99999 99999 55640     0
    #  det        55600 56860 11870003 11870003
    dtdict['det'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('linid',int)])
    # -- BPM --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, darkid, flatid
    #  bpm        99999 99999 05560001 5560001  4750009
    #  bpm        55600 56860 12910009 12910009 4750009
    dtdict['bpm'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('darkid',int),
    # -- Littrow --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, psfid
    #  littrow    55600 56860 06670109 6670109
    #  littrow    56861 99999 13400052 13400052
    dtdict['littrow'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('psfid',int)])
    # -- Persist --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, darkid, flatid, thresh
    #  persist    55600 56860 04680019 4680019 4680018 0.03
    #  persist    56861 99999 13400061 13400061 13400060 0.03
    dtdict['persist'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('darkid',int),
    # -- Persistmodel --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name
    #  persistmodel    55600 56860 57184
    #  persistmodel    56861 99999 0
    dtdict['persistmodel'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50)])
    # -- Response --
    #  mjd1, mjd2, name, fluxid, psfid, temp
    #  response   55600 99999  0  0   0 0
    dtdict['response'] = np.dtype([('mjd1',int),('mjd2',int),('name',np.str,50),('fluxid',int),
    # Readnoise
    #  frame1, frame2
    #  rn 1380094 1380095
    #  rn 1380102 1380103
    #dtdict['rn'] = np.dtype([('frame1',int),('frame2',int)])
    # Gain
    #  frame1, frame2
    #dtdict['gain'] = np.dtype([('frame1',int),('frame2',int)])
    # READNOISE and GAIN lines are NOT used

    # Load the data
    for caltype in dtdict.keys():
       cat = loadcaltype(lines,caltype,dtdict[caltype])
       caldict[caltype.strip()] = cat

    return caldict
Пример #11
    print('dt = %6.1f sec.' % (time.time()-t00))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Fix pms in healpix object catalogs.')
    parser.add_argument('pix', type=str, nargs=1, help='HEALPix')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    host = hostname.split('.')[0]
    pix = args.pix[0]

    # Input is a list
    if pix[0]=='@':
        listfile = pix[1:]
        if os.path.exists(listfile): 
            pix = dln.readlines(listfile)
            print(listfile+' NOT FOUND')

    # Fix the pms in healpix object catalogs
    if type(pix) is not list: pix=[pix]
    npix = len(pix)
    print('Correcting PMs for '+str(npix)+' HEALPix')
    for i in range(len(pix)):

Пример #12
def get_missingids(exposure):
    """ Get the number of missing IDs from the log files."""

    t00 = time.time()
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    host = hostname.split('.')[0]

    iddir = '/data0/dnidever/nsc/instcal/v3/idstr/'
    version = 'v3'

    # Load the exposures table
    print('Loading exposure table')
    expcat = fits.getdata(
        '/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/' + version +
        '/lists/nsc_v3_exposure_table.fits.gz', 1)

    # Make sure it's a list
    if type(exposure) is str: exposure = [exposure]

    # Match exposures to exposure catalog
    eind1, eind2 = dln.match(expcat['EXPOSURE'], exposure)

    nexp = len(exposure)
    outstr = np.zeros(
        np.dtype([('exposure', (np.str, 100)), ('mtime', np.float64),
                  ('nmeas', int), ('nids', int), ('nmatches', int),
                  ('nduplicates', int), ('nmissing', int)]))
    #outstr['exposure'] = exposure
    outstr['mtime'] = -1
    outstr['nmeas'] = -1
    outstr['nmatches'] = -1
    outstr['nids'] = -1
    outstr['nduplicates'] = -1
    outstr['nmissing'] = -1

    # Loop over files
    for i in range(nexp):
        t0 = time.time()
        exp = expcat['EXPOSURE'][eind1[i]]
        print(str(i + 1) + ' ' + exp)
        outstr['exposure'][i] = exp

        instcode = expcat['INSTRUMENT'][eind1[i]]
        dateobs = expcat['DATEOBS'][eind1[i]]
        night = dateobs[0:4] + dateobs[5:7] + dateobs[8:10]
        expdir = '/net/dl2/dnidever/nsc/instcal/' + version + '/' + instcode + '/' + night + '/' + exp
        logfile = glob(expdir + '/' + exp + '_measure_update.????????????.log')
        nlogfile = len(logfile)
        # No logfile
        if nlogfile == 0:
            print('No logfile')
        # more than 1 logfile, get the latest one
        if nlogfile > 1:
            mtime = [os.path.getmtime(f) for f in logfile]
            si = np.argsort(mtime)[::-1]
            logfile = logfile[si[0]]
            logfile = logfile[0]
        outstr['mtime'][i] = os.path.getmtime(logfile)
        # Read in logfile
        lines = dln.readlines(logfile)
        # Number of measurements
        measind = dln.grep(lines, 'measurements', index=True)
        if len(measind) > 0:
            line1 = lines[measind[0]]
            lo = line1.find(']')
            hi = line1.find('measurements')
            nmeas = int(line1[lo + 3:hi - 1])
            outstr['nmeas'][i] = nmeas
            nmeas = -1
        # Number in idcat, "IDs for XX measurements"
        idsind = dln.grep(lines, 'IDs for', index=True)
        if len(idsind) > 0:
            line1 = lines[idsind[0]]
            lo = line1.find('for')
            hi = line1.find('measurements')
            nids = int(line1[lo + 4:hi - 1])
            outstr['nids'][i] = nids
            nids = -1
        # Number of matches
        matchind = dln.grep(lines, 'Matches for', index=True)
        if len(matchind) > 0:
            line1 = lines[matchind[0]]
            lo = line1.find('for')
            hi = line1.find('measurements')
            nmatches = int(line1[lo + 4:hi - 1])
            outstr['nmatches'][i] = nmatches
            nmatches = -1
        # Check for duplicates
        #if (len(measind)>0) & (len(matchind)>0):
        #    ndup = np.maximum(nmatches-nmeas,0)
        if (len(measind) > 0) & (len(idsind) > 0):
            ndup = np.maximum(nids - nmeas, 0)
            outstr['nduplicates'][i] = ndup
            ndup = -1
        # Number of missing IDs
        badind = dln.grep(lines, 'WARNING:', index=True)
        nbadind = len(badind)
        # Some missing objectids
        if nbadind > 0:
            badline = lines[badind[0]]
            lo = badline.find('WARNING:')
            hi = badline.find('measurements')
            nmissing = int(badline[lo + 9:hi - 1])
            outstr['nmissing'][i] = nmissing
            nmissing = 0
            outstr['nmissing'][i] = nmissing

        print('  Nmeas=' + str(nmeas) + ' Nids=' + str(nids) + ' Nmatches=' +
              str(nmatches) + ' Nduplicates=' + str(ndup) + ' Nmissing=' +

    return outstr
Пример #13
    if inplistfile is None:
        if not os.path.exists(listfile):
                listfile +
                ' NOT FOUND.  Run nsc_instcal_combine_qacuts.pro/py')

        rootLogger.info("Reading list from " + listfile)

        healstr = fits.getdata(listfile, 1)
        index = fits.getdata(listfile, 2)
        upix = index['pix']
        npix = len(index)
        rootLogger.info("Reading list from " + inplistfile)
        upix = dln.readlines(inplistfile)
        upix = np.array(upix, int)
        npix = len(upix)

    # Copy to local directory for faster reading speed
    if os.path.exists(localdir + 'dnidever/nsc/instcal/' + version + '/' +
        os.remove(localdir + 'dnidever/nsc/instcal/' + version + '/' +
        listfile, localdir + 'dnidever/nsc/instcal/' + version + '/' +

    # Create the commands
    allpix = upix.copy()