def test_pass_withcomplexpattern(self):
     path = "/tagger/V1.0/tag?text=" + quote("I am trying to test that this can be identifed by the regex")
     api_method_wrapper = MockBuilder({"url_pattern":"/tag\?text=[a-zA-Z0-9%]+$", "mapper":1})
     api_wrapper = MockBuilder({"url_identifier":"tagger/V1.0","api_methods":[api_method_wrapper]})
     element = get_api_method_wrapper_by_url_pattern(path, api_wrapper)
     self.assertEqual(1, element.mapper)
 def test_pass_withbasicpattern(self):
     path = "/tagger/V1.0/tag"
     api_method_wrapper = MockBuilder({"url_pattern":"/tag$", "mapper":1})
     api_wrapper = MockBuilder({"url_identifier":"tagger/V1.0","api_methods":[api_method_wrapper]})
     element = get_api_method_wrapper_by_url_pattern(path, api_wrapper)
     self.assertEqual(1, element.mapper)
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        local.application = self
        request = Request(environ)

        usage_statistics = APIUsageStatistics({
            "start_time": time.time()})

        #Check for XSS atacks that contain none word chars
        xss_atack_rule = re.compile("^[\w\d\=\%/.]+$", re.IGNORECASE)
        if not bool(xss_atack_rule.match(request.path)):
            usage_statistics['state'] = 'XSS'
            response = generic_error_handler(request, '400', 'Humm, it looks like you are trying a XSS attack? If not, make sure you are encoding your request url.')
            return ClosingIterator(response(environ, start_response), [local_manager.cleanup])

        #Check for malformed query strings in the request
        mal_formed_query_rule = re.compile(r'.+(=\?|=&).+')
        if bool(mal_formed_query_rule.match(request.query_string)):
            usage_statistics['state'] = 'QUERYERROR'
            response = generic_error_handler(request, '400', 'Humm, it looks like your request contains some illegal character sequances (something like "=&" or "=?").')
            return ClosingIterator(response(environ, start_response), [local_manager.cleanup])

        #extract the service identifier from the path
        service_identifier = map_path_to_api_wrapper_identifier(request.path)

        #Disallow access to the root
        if service_identifier is None:
            usage_statistics['state'] = 'NOSERVICE'
            response = generic_error_handler(request, '403', 'Access to the root is not permitted')
            return ClosingIterator(response(environ, start_response), [local_manager.cleanup])

        #Get the API Wrapper from the datastore
        api_wrapper = get_api_wrapper_by_identifier(service_identifier)

        #If the extracted service_identifier does not match
        if api_wrapper is None:
            usage_statistics['state'] = 'SERVICEUNKNOWN'
            response = generic_error_handler(request, '404', 'Sorry, we could not find a service that matches "%s". Please check our documentation.' % (service_identifier))
            return ClosingIterator(response(environ, start_response), [local_manager.cleanup])

        #Now we know the service they are trying to hit, update the usage_stats
        usage_statistics['service_id'] = unicode(api_wrapper._id)
        usage_statistics['service_name'] = api_wrapper.display_name

        #use the util function to extract the correct APIMethodWrapper for the request path
        api_method_wrapper = get_api_method_wrapper_by_url_pattern(request.path, api_wrapper)

        #if no element found then retutn bad request
        if api_method_wrapper is None:
            usage_statistics['state'] = 'METHODUNKNOWN'
            response = generic_error_handler(request, "400", 'Sorry, we could not find the method you wanted on the service "%s". Please check our documentation.' % (service_identifier))
            return ClosingIterator(response(environ, start_response), [local_manager.cleanup])

        #check that the request method is supported by this api_method
        if not bool(re.match(r'^[\w|]*%s[\w|]*$' % (request.method), api_method_wrapper.accepted_http_methods)):
            usage_statistics['state'] = 'METHODTYPENOTACCEPTED'
            response = generic_error_handler(request, "405", 'Sorry, the service you are trying to access doesn not support the request type "%s".' % (request.method))
            response.headers.add("Allow", re.sub(r'\|', ', ', api_method_wrapper.accepted_http_methods))
            return ClosingIterator(response(environ, start_response), [local_manager.cleanup])

        #Now we know the method they are trying to hit, update the usage_stats
        usage_statistics['method_id'] = api_method_wrapper.method_identifier

        #build a new request user object
        user = RequestUser(request, api_wrapper)

        #assert that api access is ok and record it
        access_data = user.record_api_access(api_method_wrapper, usage_statistics)

        #if the request user can not be granted access then return a 401
        if access_data.access_status is 'denied':
            usage_statistics['state'] = 'DENIED'
            response = generic_error_handler(request, '401', access_data.access_message)
            return ClosingIterator(response(environ, start_response), [local_manager.cleanup])

        #Try to match build the mapper
        handler = getattr(handlers, api_wrapper.request_handler)

        #Save the usage statatistcs inces there is an error from the remote call

            response = handler(request, api_method_wrapper)
        except URLError, e:
            #TODO this needs to be handled as this means there is an error in our endpoint mapping or a service is down!
            response = generic_error_handler(request, '503', 'The service you request is temporarily unavailable.')
            baselogger.error('SERVICE URL ERROR - URL:%s | ERROR: %s' % (request.url, e))
            usage_statistics['state'] = 'ERROR'