Пример #1
    def test_exec_function_normal(self):
        Tests creating and executing a function in normal mode, ensuring that
        no messages are sent outside of the system and that the serialized
        result is as expected.

        # Create the function and put it into the KVS.
        def func(_, x):
            return x * x

        fname = 'square'
        arg = 2

        # Put the function into the KVS and create a function call.
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)
        call = self._create_function_call(fname, [arg], NORMAL)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a LWWPairLattice, then deserialize
        # it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg))
Пример #2
    def test_exec_function_causal(self):
        Tests creating and executing a function in causal mode, ensuring that
        no messages are sent outside of the system and that the serialized
        result is as expected.

        # Create the function and serialize it into a lattice.
        def func(_, x):
            return x * x

        fname = 'square'
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname, SingleKeyCausalLattice)
        arg = 2

        # Put the function into the KVS and create a function call.
        call = self._create_function_call(fname, [arg], MULTI)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a MultiKeyCausalLattice, then
        # deserialize it. Also check to make sure we have an empty vector clock
        # because this request populated no dependencies.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), MultiKeyCausalLattice)
        self.assertEqual(result.vector_clock, DEFAULT_VC)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)[0]

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg))
Пример #3
    def test_exec_with_ordered_set(self):
        Tests a single function execution with an ordered set input as an
        argument to validate that ordered sets are correctly handled.
        def func(_, x):
            return len(x) >= 2 and x[0] < x[1]

        fname = 'set_order'
        arg_value = [2, 3]
        arg_name = 'set'

        self.kvs_client.put(arg_name, serializer.dump_lattice(arg_value))

        # Put the function into the KVS and create a function call.
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)
        call = self._create_function_call(fname,
                                          [DropletReference(arg_name, True)],

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a LWWPairLattice, then deserialize
        # it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg_value))
Пример #4
    def test_exec_function_with_error(self):
        Attempts to executet a function that raises an error during its
        execution. Ensures that an error is returned to the user.
        e_msg = 'This is a broken_function!'

        def func(_, x):
            raise ValueError(e_msg)

        fname = 'func'
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)

        # Put the functin into the KVS and create a function call.
        call = self._create_function_call(fname, [''], NORMAL)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Retrieve the result from the KVS and ensure that it is the correct
        # lattice type.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check the type and values of the error.
        self.assertEqual(type(result), tuple)
        self.assertTrue(e_msg in result[0])

        # Unpack the GenericResponse and check its values.
        response = GenericResponse()
        self.assertEqual(response.success, False)
        self.assertEqual(response.error, EXECUTION_ERROR)
Пример #5
    def test_exec_function_nonexistent(self):
        Attempts to execute a non-existent function and ensures that an error
        is thrown and returned to the user.
        # Create a call to a function that does not exist.
        call = self._create_function_call('bad_func', [1], NORMAL)

        # Attempt to execute the nonexistent function.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result from the KVS and ensure that it is a lattice as
        # we expect. Deserialize it and check for an error.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check the type and values of the error.
        self.assertEqual(type(result), tuple)
        self.assertEqual(result[0], 'ERROR')

        # Unpack the GenericResponse and check its values.
        response = GenericResponse()
        self.assertEqual(response.success, False)
        self.assertEqual(response.error, FUNC_NOT_FOUND)
Пример #6
    def test_exec_func_with_causal_ref(self):
        Tests a function execution where the argument is a reference to the
        KVS in causal mode. Ensures that the result has the correct causal
        dependencies and metadata.

        # Create the function and serialize it into a lattice.
        def func(_, x):
            return x * x

        fname = 'square'
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname, SingleKeyCausalLattice)

        # Put an argument value into the KVS.
        arg_value = 2
        arg_name = 'key'
            arg_name, serializer.dump_lattice(arg_value,

        # Create and serialize the function call.
        call = self._create_function_call(fname,
                                          [DropletReference(arg_name, True)],

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a MultiKeyCausalLattice, then
        # deserialize it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), MultiKeyCausalLattice)
        self.assertEqual(result.vector_clock, DEFAULT_VC)
        self.assertEqual(len(result.dependencies.reveal()), 1)
        self.assertTrue(arg_name in result.dependencies.reveal())
        self.assertEqual(result.dependencies.reveal()[arg_name], DEFAULT_VC)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)[0]

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg_value))
Пример #7
    def test_exec_class_function(self):
        Tests creating and executing a class method in normal mode, ensuring
        that no messages are sent outside of the system and that the serialized
        result is as expected.

        # Create the function and put it into the KVS.
        class Test:
            def __init__(self, num):
                self.num = num

            def run(self, droplet, inp):
                return inp + self.num

        fname = 'class'
        init_arg = 3
        arg = 2

        # Put the function into the KVS and create a function call.
        create_function((Test, (init_arg, )), self.kvs_client, fname)
        call = self._create_function_call(fname, [arg], NORMAL)

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a LWWPairLattice, then deserialize
        # it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, Test(init_arg).run('', arg))
Пример #8
    def test_exec_func_with_ref(self):
        Tests a function execution where the argument is a reference to the
        KVS in normal mode.

        # Create the function and serialize it into a lattice.
        def func(_, x):
            return x * x

        fname = 'square'
        create_function(func, self.kvs_client, fname)

        # Put an argument value into the KVS.
        arg_value = 2
        arg_name = 'key'
        self.kvs_client.put(arg_name, serializer.dump_lattice(arg_value))

        # Create and serialize the function call.
        call = self._create_function_call(fname,
                                          [DropletReference(arg_name, True)],

        # Execute the function call.
        exec_function(self.socket, self.kvs_client, self.user_library, {})

        # Assert that there have been 0 messages sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 0)

        # Retrieve the result, ensure it is a LWWPairLattice, then deserialize
        # it.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(self.response_key)[self.response_key]
        self.assertEqual(type(result), LWWPairLattice)
        result = serializer.load_lattice(result)

        # Check that the output is equal to a local function execution.
        self.assertEqual(result, func('', arg_value))
Пример #9
def executor(ip, mgmt_ip, schedulers, thread_id):
    logging.basicConfig(filename='log_executor.txt', level=logging.INFO,
                        format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')

    context = zmq.Context(1)
    poller = zmq.Poller()

    pin_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    pin_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.PIN_PORT + thread_id))

    unpin_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    unpin_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.UNPIN_PORT +

    exec_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    exec_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.FUNC_EXEC_PORT +

    dag_queue_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    dag_queue_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.DAG_QUEUE_PORT
                                                       + thread_id))

    dag_exec_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    dag_exec_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.DAG_EXEC_PORT
                                                      + thread_id))

    self_depart_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    self_depart_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE %
                            (sutils.SELF_DEPART_PORT + thread_id))

    pusher_cache = SocketCache(context, zmq.PUSH)

    poller = zmq.Poller()
    poller.register(pin_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(unpin_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(exec_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(dag_queue_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(dag_exec_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(self_depart_socket, zmq.POLLIN)

    # If the management IP is set to None, that means that we are running in
    # local mode, so we use a regular AnnaTcpClient rather than an IPC client.
    if mgmt_ip:
        client = AnnaIpcClient(thread_id, context)
        client = AnnaTcpClient('', '', local=True, offset=1)

    user_library = DropletUserLibrary(context, pusher_cache, ip, thread_id,

    status = ThreadStatus()
    status.ip = ip
    status.tid = thread_id
    status.running = True
    utils.push_status(schedulers, pusher_cache, status)

    departing = False

    # Maintains a request queue for each function pinned on this executor. Each
    # function will have a set of request IDs mapped to it, and this map stores
    # a schedule for each request ID.
    queue = {}

    # Tracks the actual function objects that are pinned to this executor.
    pinned_functions = {}

    # Tracks runtime cost of excuting a DAG function.
    runtimes = {}

    # If multiple triggers are necessary for a function, track the triggers as
    # we receive them. This is also used if a trigger arrives before its
    # corresponding schedule.
    received_triggers = {}

    # Tracks when we received a function request, so we can report end-to-end
    # latency for the whole executio.
    receive_times = {}

    # Tracks the number of requests we are finishing for each function pinned
    # here.
    exec_counts = {}

    # Tracks the end-to-end runtime of each DAG request for which we are the
    # sink function.
    dag_runtimes = {}

    # A map with KVS keys and their corresponding deserialized payloads.
    cache = {}

    # Internal metadata to track thread utilization.
    report_start = time.time()
    event_occupancy = {'pin': 0.0,
                       'unpin': 0.0,
                       'func_exec': 0.0,
                       'dag_queue': 0.0,
                       'dag_exec': 0.0}
    total_occupancy = 0.0

    while True:
        socks = dict(poller.poll(timeout=1000))

        if pin_socket in socks and socks[pin_socket] == zmq.POLLIN:
            work_start = time.time()
            pin(pin_socket, pusher_cache, client, status, pinned_functions,
                runtimes, exec_counts)
            utils.push_status(schedulers, pusher_cache, status)

            elapsed = time.time() - work_start
            event_occupancy['pin'] += elapsed
            total_occupancy += elapsed

        if unpin_socket in socks and socks[unpin_socket] == zmq.POLLIN:
            work_start = time.time()
            unpin(unpin_socket, status, pinned_functions, runtimes,
            utils.push_status(schedulers, pusher_cache, status)

            elapsed = time.time() - work_start
            event_occupancy['unpin'] += elapsed
            total_occupancy += elapsed

        if exec_socket in socks and socks[exec_socket] == zmq.POLLIN:
            work_start = time.time()
            exec_function(exec_socket, client, user_library, cache)

            utils.push_status(schedulers, pusher_cache, status)

            elapsed = time.time() - work_start
            event_occupancy['func_exec'] += elapsed
            total_occupancy += elapsed

        if dag_queue_socket in socks and socks[dag_queue_socket] == zmq.POLLIN:
            work_start = time.time()

            schedule = DagSchedule()
            fname = schedule.target_function

            logging.info('Received a schedule for DAG %s (%s), function %s.' %
                         (schedule.dag.name, schedule.id, fname))

            if fname not in queue:
                queue[fname] = {}

            queue[fname][schedule.id] = schedule

            if (schedule.id, fname) not in receive_times:
                receive_times[(schedule.id, fname)] = time.time()

            # In case we receive the trigger before we receive the schedule, we
            # can trigger from this operation as well.
            trkey = (schedule.id, fname)
            if (trkey in received_triggers and (len(received_triggers[trkey])
                                                == len(schedule.triggers))):

                exec_dag_function(pusher_cache, client,
                                  pinned_functions[fname], schedule,
                                  user_library, dag_runtimes, cache)

                del received_triggers[trkey]
                del queue[fname][schedule.id]

                fend = time.time()
                fstart = receive_times[(schedule.id, fname)]
                runtimes[fname].append(fend - fstart)
                exec_counts[fname] += 1

            elapsed = time.time() - work_start
            event_occupancy['dag_queue'] += elapsed
            total_occupancy += elapsed

        if dag_exec_socket in socks and socks[dag_exec_socket] == zmq.POLLIN:
            work_start = time.time()
            trigger = DagTrigger()

            fname = trigger.target_function
            logging.info('Received a trigger for schedule %s, function %s.' %
                         (trigger.id, fname))

            key = (trigger.id, fname)
            if key not in received_triggers:
                received_triggers[key] = {}

            if (trigger.id, fname) not in receive_times:
                receive_times[(trigger.id, fname)] = time.time()

            received_triggers[key][trigger.source] = trigger
            if fname in queue and trigger.id in queue[fname]:
                schedule = queue[fname][trigger.id]
                if len(received_triggers[key]) == len(schedule.triggers):
                    exec_dag_function(pusher_cache, client,
                                      pinned_functions[fname], schedule,
                                      user_library, dag_runtimes, cache)

                    del received_triggers[key]
                    del queue[fname][trigger.id]

                    fend = time.time()
                    fstart = receive_times[(trigger.id, fname)]
                    runtimes[fname].append(fend - fstart)
                    exec_counts[fname] += 1

            elapsed = time.time() - work_start
            event_occupancy['dag_exec'] += elapsed
            total_occupancy += elapsed

        if self_depart_socket in socks and socks[self_depart_socket] == \
            # This message does not matter.

            logging.info('Preparing to depart. No longer accepting requests ' +
                         'and clearing all queues.')

            status.running = False
            utils.push_status(schedulers, pusher_cache, status)

            departing = True

        # periodically report function occupancy
        report_end = time.time()
        if report_end - report_start > REPORT_THRESH:

            utilization = total_occupancy / (report_end - report_start)
            status.utilization = utilization

            # Periodically report my status to schedulers with the utilization
            # set.
            utils.push_status(schedulers, pusher_cache, status)

            logging.info('Total thread occupancy: %.6f' % (utilization))

            for event in event_occupancy:
                occ = event_occupancy[event] / (report_end - report_start)
                logging.info('\tEvent %s occupancy: %.6f' % (event, occ))
                event_occupancy[event] = 0.0

            stats = ExecutorStatistics()
            for fname in runtimes:
                if exec_counts[fname] > 0:
                    fstats = stats.functions.add()
                    fstats.name = fname
                    fstats.call_count = exec_counts[fname]

                exec_counts[fname] = 0

            for dname in dag_runtimes:
                dstats = stats.dags.add()
                dstats.name = dname



            # If we are running in cluster mode, mgmt_ip will be set, and we
            # will report our status and statistics to it. Otherwise, we will
            # write to the local conf file
            if mgmt_ip:
                sckt = pusher_cache.get(sutils.get_statistics_report_address

                sckt = pusher_cache.get(utils.get_util_report_address(mgmt_ip))

            report_start = time.time()
            total_occupancy = 0.0

            # Periodically clear any old functions we have cached that we are
            # no longer accepting requests for.
            for fname in queue:
                if len(queue[fname]) == 0 and fname not in status.functions:
                    del queue[fname]
                    del pinned_functions[fname]
                    del runtimes[fname]
                    del exec_counts[fname]

            # If we are departing and have cleared our queues, let the
            # management server know, and exit the process.
            if departing and len(queue) == 0:
                sckt = pusher_cache.get(utils.get_depart_done_addr(mgmt_ip))

                # We specifically pass 1 as the exit code when ending our
                # process so that the wrapper script does not restart us.