Пример #1
def compare(control_path, exp_path):
    Compares two wav files and returns a score. Uses mel frequency ceptrum coefficients as well as dynamic time warping.

    :param control_path: the 'correct' wav - what you are comparing to
    :param exp_path: the unknown wav
    (rate,sig) = wavread(control_path)
    (rate2,sig2) = wavread(exp_path)

    x = mfcc(sig,rate)
    y = mfcc(sig2,rate2)

    dist, cost, acc = dtw.dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: dtw.norm(x - y, ord=1))\

    return dist
def compare(control_path, exp_path):
    Compares two wav files and returns a score. Uses mel frequency ceptrum coefficients as well as dynamic time warping.

    :param control_path: the 'correct' wav - what you are comparing to
    :param exp_path: the unknown wav
    (rate, sig) = wavread(control_path)
    (rate2, sig2) = wavread(exp_path)

    x = mfcc(sig, rate)
    y = mfcc(sig2, rate2)

    dist, cost, acc = dtw.dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: dtw.norm(x - y, ord=1))\

    return dist
def compare_mfcc(*args):
    if len(args) < 2:
        print 'Invalid number of arguments'
        return -1
    input_paths = args[1:]
    processed_wav_data = []
    if check_file_paths(input_paths) == -1:
        return -1

    mfcc_data = []
    for path in input_paths:
        (rate, sig) = wavread(path)
        mfcc_data.append(mfcc(sig, rate))

    zipped_data = zip(*mfcc_data)
    mean_data = map(np.mean, zipped_data)

    user_path = args[0]
    (rate, sig) = wavread(user_path)
    user_data = mfcc(sig, rate)
    dist, cost, acc = dtw.dtw(mean_data,
                              dist=lambda x, y: dtw.norm(x - y, ord=1))
    return dist
Пример #4
    # # Images for debugging purposes
    # cv2.imwrite('nativethresh.png', native_thresh)
    # cv2.imwrite('userthresh.png', user_thresh)
    # # cv2.imwrite('diffthresh.png', diff_thresh)

    # non_zeros = np.count_nonzero(diff_thresh.flatten(0))
    # print non_zeros/len(diff_thresh.flatten(0))

    # # CLEANUP
    # try:
    #   # os.remove('native.png')
    #   # os.remove('user.png')
    #   os.remove('difference.png')
    # except OSError:
    #   pass

    (rate, sig) = wav.read(native_wav_path)
    mfcc_feat = mfcc(sig, rate)
    fbank_feat = logfbank(sig, rate)

    (rate2, sig2) = wav.read(user_wav_path)
    mfcc_feat2 = mfcc(sig2, rate2)
    fbank_feat2 = logfbank(sig2, rate2)
    x = mfcc(sig, rate)
    y = mfcc(sig2, rate2)

    dist, cost, acc = dtw.dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: dtw.norm(x - y, ord=1))

    print dist