Пример #1
    def load_from_dynetml(self, mn_text, properties_to_include=None, properties_to_ignore=None,
                          nodeclasses_to_include=None, nodeclasses_to_ignore=None, networks_to_include=None,
        Parses XML containing a Meta-Network and loads the contents
        :param mn_text: XML containing a Meta-Network
        :param properties_to_include: a list of nodeclass properties that should be included
        :param properties_to_ignore: a list of nodeclass properties that should be ignored
        :param nodeclasses_to_include: a list of nodeclasses that should be included
        :param nodeclasses_to_ignore: a list of nodeclasses that should be ignored
        :param networks_to_include: a list of networks that should be included
        :param networks_to_ignore: a list of networks that should be ignored
        :param mn_text: str or unicode
        :param properties_to_include: lists
        :param properties_to_ignore: lists
        :param nodeclasses_to_include: lists
        :param nodeclasses_to_ignore: lists
        :param networks_to_include: lists
        :param networks_to_ignore: lists
        :raise TypeError: if mn_text isn't a str or unicode
        dmlpu.check_type(mn_text, 'mn_text', (unicode, str))
        mn_tag = etree.XML(mn_text)
        if mn_tag.tag != 'MetaNetwork':
        for attrib_key in mn_tag.attrib:
            self.attributes[attrib_key] = dmlpu.format_prop(mn_tag.attrib[attrib_key])

        self.load_from_tag(mn_tag, properties_to_include, properties_to_ignore, nodeclasses_to_include,
                           nodeclasses_to_ignore, networks_to_include, networks_to_ignore)
Пример #2
    def create_nodeset_property(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, property_name, type_str, singlevalued_bool):
        Create a new nodeset property
        :param nodeclass_name: the name of the parent of nodeset_name
        :param nodeset_name: the name of the nodeset that should get the new property
        :param property_name: the name of the property to be added
        :param type_str: the type of the parameter
        :param singlevalued_bool: whether or not the parameter should be single-valued
        :type nodeclass_name: str or unicode
        :type nodeset_name: str or unicode
        :type property_name: str or unicode
        :type type_str: str or unicode
        :type singlevalued_bool: bool
        :raise KeyError: If a property named property_name already exists.
        :raise TypeError: If type_str isn't a str or unicode
        :raise ValueError: If type_str isn't "number", "date", "text", "categoryText", or "URI"
        :raise TypeError: If singlevalued_bool isn't a bool
        self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name)
        dmlpu.check_key(property_name, self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name],
                        'property {0} already exists for nodeset {1}'.format(property_name, nodeset_name), False)
        dmlpu.check_type(type_str, 'type_str', (str, unicode))
        if type_str not in ['number', 'date', 'text', 'categoryText', 'URI']:
            raise ValueError('type_str must be "number", "date" "text", "categoryText", or "URI"; got {0}'.
        dmlpu.check_type(singlevalued_bool, 'singlevalued_bool', bool)

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0][property_name] = type_str, singlevalued_bool
Пример #3
    def union_nodesets(self, nodeclass_name, *args):
        Takes two nodesets and combines them in a new nodeset. Properties and entries from the first nodeset override
        those from the second nodeset.
        :param nodeclass_name: The name of the parent nodeclass of nodeset_one_name and nodeset_two_name
        :param nodeset_one_name: The name of the first nodeset in the union.
        :param nodset_two_name: The name of the second ndeset in the union.
        :param other_nodesets: union_nodesets takes a *args argument, so any number of nodesets is acceptable
        :param new_nodeset_name: The name of the new nodeset to be created
        :type nodeset_one_name: str or unicode
        :type nodeset_two_name: str or unicode
        :type new_nodeset_name: str or unicode
        if len(args) < 3:
            raise ValueError('Need at least 3 argumets; got {0}'.format(len(args)))

        for nodeset_name in args[:-1]:
            self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name)
        dmlpu.check_type(args[-1], 'new_nodeset_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_key(args[-1], 'union_nodeset', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name], nodeclass_name,

        merge_nodeset = self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][args[-2]]
        for i in range(len(args)-3, -1, -1):
            for entry in self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][args[i]][1]:
                merge_nodeset[1][entry] = self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][args[i]][1][entry]
            for entry in self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][args[i]][0]:
                merge_nodeset[0][entry] = self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][args[i]][0][entry]

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][args[-1]] = merge_nodeset
Пример #4
    def write_dynetml(self, out_file_path):
        """:param str|unicode out_file_path: Write the meta-network to this path."""
        dmlpu.check_type(out_file_path, 'out_file_path', (str, unicode))

        if os.path.exists(out_file_path) and os.path.isdir(out_file_path):
            raise IOError('out_file_path cannot be a directory')

        # bs = self.convert_to_dynetml(True)
        # with codecs.open(out_file_path, 'w', 'utf8') as outfile:
        #     outfile.write(bs.prettify())
        xml_root = self.convert_to_dynetml()

        with codecs.open(out_file_path, 'w', 'utf8') as outfile:
            outfile.write('<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>\n\n')
            outfile.write(etree.tostring(xml_root, pretty_print=True))
Пример #5
    def set_node_property(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name, property_name, value):
        Set the value of a node property

        :param str|unicode nodeclass_name: the name of the parent of nodeset_name
        :param str|unicode nodeset_name: the name of the parent of node_name
        :param str|unicode node_name: the name of the node whose property is being set
        :param str|unicode property_name: the name of the property to be set
        :param str|unicode|bool|float|datetime.datetime value: the value of the parameter
        self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name)
        dmlpu.check_type(property_name, 'property_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_key(property_name, 'property_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0], nodeset_name)

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1][node_name][property_name] = \
            dmlpu.format_prop(value, self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0][property_name][0])
Пример #6
    def convert_to_dynetml(self, is_entire_file=False):
        Converts the graph to dynetml and returns a BeautifulSoup tag
        :param is_entire_file: if True, wraps value as a soup. If False, returns the top tag
        :type is_entire_file: bool
        :return: bs4.element.Tag
        :raise TypeError: if is_entire_file isn't a bool
        dmlpu.check_type(is_entire_file, 'is_entire_file', bool)

        bs = BeautifulSoup(features='xml')

        for attr in self.attributes:
            bs.MetaNetwork[attr] = dmlpu.unformat_prop(self.attributes[attr])


        for key in self.properties:
            prop_tag = bs.new_tag('property')
            prop_tag['id'] = key
            prop_tag['value'] = dmlpu.unformat_prop(self.properties[key])

        for class_type in self.__node_tree:
            for class_id in self.__node_tree[class_type]:
                nodeclass_tag = bs.new_tag('nodeclass', type=class_type, id=class_id)

                for key in self.__node_tree[class_type][class_id][1]:
                    node_tag = bs.new_tag('node', id=key)
                    for attr in self.__node_tree[class_type][class_id][1][key][0]:
                        node_tag[attr] = dmlpu.unformat_prop(self.__node_tree[class_type][class_id][1][key][0][attr])


        networks_tag = self._get_networks_tag()

        if not is_entire_file:
            bs = bs.MetaNetwork

        return bs
Пример #7
    def create_node(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name, property_dict=None):
        Create a node in a give nodeset in a give nodeclass. If a set of properties are specified, add the properties.

        :param str|unicode nodeclass_name: name of the parent of nodeset_name
        :param str|unicode nodeset_name: name of the parent of node_name
        :param str|unicode node_name: name of the node to be created
        :param dict|None property_dict: A dictionary of properties to assign the new node.
        self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name)
        dmlpu.check_type(node_name, 'node_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_key(node_name, 'node_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1], nodeset_name, False)
        dmlpu.check_type(property_dict, 'property_dict', (dict, None))
        for property_name in property_dict.keys():
                property_name, 'property_name',
                self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0], '{0} properties'.format(nodeset_name))

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1][node_name] = property_dict
Пример #8
    def create_nodeset_property(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, property_name, type_str, singlevalued_bool):
        Create a new nodeset property

        :param str|unicode nodeclass_name: the name of the parent of nodeset_name
        :param str|unicode nodeset_name: the name of the nodeset that should get the new property
        :param str|unicode property_name: the name of the property to be added
        :param str|unicode type_str: the type of the parameter
        :param bool singlevalued_bool: whether or not the parameter should be single-valued
        self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name)
        dmlpu.check_key(property_name, 'property_name',
                        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0], nodeset_name, False)
        dmlpu.check_type(type_str, 'type_str', (str, unicode))
        if type_str not in ['number', 'date', 'text', 'categoryText', 'URI']:
            raise ValueError('type_str must be "number", "date" "text", "categoryText", or "URI"; got {0}'.
        dmlpu.check_type(singlevalued_bool, 'singlevalued_bool', bool)

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0][property_name] = type_str, singlevalued_bool
Пример #9
    def add_node(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name, property_dict=None):
        Add a node to a give nodeset in a give nodeclass. If a set of properties are specified, add the properties.
        :param nodeclass_name: name of the parent of nodeset_name
        :param nodeset_name: name of the parent of node_name
        :param node_name: name of the node to be created
        :param property_dict: A dictionary of properties to assign the new node.
        :type nodeclass_name: str or unicode
        :type nodeset_name: str or unicode
        :type node_name: str or unicode
        :type property_dict: dict or None
        self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name)
        dmlpu.check_type(node_name, 'node_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_key(node_name, 'node_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1], nodeset_name, False)
        dmlpu.check_type(property_dict, 'property_dict', (dict, None))
        for property_name in property_dict.keys():
            dmlpu.check_key(property_name, 'property_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0],
             '{0} properties'.format(nodeset_name))

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1][node_name] = property_dict
Пример #10
    def set_node_property(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name, property_name, value):
        Set the value of a node property
        :param nodeclass_name: the name of the parent of nodeset_name
        :param nodeset_name: the name of the parent of node_name
        :param node_name: the name of the node whose property is being set
        :param property_name: the name of the property to be set
        :param value: the value of the parameter
        :type nodeclass_name: str or unicode
        :type nodeset_name: str or unicode
        :type node_name: str or unicode
        :type property_name: str or unicode
        :type value: str, unicode, or the appropriate type specified in dmlpu.format_prop
        :raise TypeError: if property_name isn't a str or unicode
        self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name)
        dmlpu.check_type(property_name, 'property_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_key(property_name, 'property_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0], nodeset_name)

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1][node_name][property_name] = \
            dmlpu.format_prop(value, self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][0][property_name][0])
Пример #11
    def rename_node(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name, new_node_name):
        Rename a particular node, both in the node tree and in the networks containing it.

        :param str|unicode nodeclass_name: name of the parent of nodeset_name
        :param str|unicode nodeset_name: name of the parent of node_name
        :param str|unicode node_name: current node name
        :param str|unicode new_node_name: new name for the node
        self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name)
        dmlpu.check_type(new_node_name, 'new_node_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_key(new_node_name, 'new_node_name',
                        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1], nodeset_name, False)

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1][new_node_name] = \
        del self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1][node_name]

        # We assume 'id' exists. If it doesn't, the data has bigger problems.
        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][new_node_name]['id'] = new_node_name

        self._rename_network_nodes(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name, new_node_name)
Пример #12
    def rename_node(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name, new_node_name):
        Rename a particular node, both in the node tree and in the networks containing it.
        :param nodeclass_name: name of the parent of nodeset_name
        :param nodeset_name: name of the parent of node_name
        :param node_name: current node name
        :param new_node_name: new name for the node
        :type nodeclass_name: str or unicode
        :type nodeset_name: str or unicode
        :type node_name: str or unicode
        :type new_node_name: str or unicode
        :raise TypeError: if new_node_name is not a str or unicode
        :raise KeyError: if new_node_name is already a node in the node class
        self.__validate_tree_branch(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name)
        dmlpu.check_type(new_node_name, 'new_node_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_key(new_node_name, self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name],
                        '{0} is already a key in nodeset {1}'.format(new_node_name, nodeset_name), False)

        self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][new_node_name] = \
        del self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][node_name]
        self._rename_network_nodes(nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, node_name, new_node_name)
Пример #13
    def __validate_tree_branch(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name=None, node_name=None):
        Verify that a particular nodeclass, nodeset, or node exists in __node_tree

        :param unicde|str nodeclass_name: The name of a nodeclass
        :param unicode|str|None nodeset_name: The name of a nodeset
        :param unicode|str|None node_name: The name of a node
        dmlpu.check_type(nodeclass_name, 'nodeclass_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_type(nodeset_name, 'nodeset_name', (str, unicode, None))
        dmlpu.check_type(node_name, 'node_name', (str, unicode, None))

        dmlpu.check_key(nodeclass_name, 'nodeclass_name', self.__node_tree, 'self.__node_tree')
        if nodeset_name is not None:
            dmlpu.check_key(nodeset_name, 'nodeset_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name], nodeclass_name)
        if node_name is not None:
            dmlpu.check_key(node_name, 'node_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1], 'nodeset_name')
Пример #14
    def __validate_tree_branch(self, nodeclass_name, nodeset_name=None, node_name=None):
        Verify that a particular nodeclass, nodeset, or node exists in the node tree
        :param nodeclass_name: The name of a nodeclass
        :param nodeset_name: The name of a nodeset
        :param node_name: The name of a node
        :type nodeclass_name: unicode or str
        :type nodeset_name: unicode, str, or None
        :type node_name: unicode, str, or None
        :raise TypeError: if nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, or node_name is not a str, unicode or None
        :raise KeyError: if nodeclass_name, nodeset_name, or node_name cannot be found in self.__node_tree
        dmlpu.check_type(nodeclass_name, 'nodeclass_name', (str, unicode))
        dmlpu.check_type(nodeset_name, 'nodeset_name', (str, unicode, None))
        dmlpu.check_type(node_name, 'node_name', (str, unicode, None))

        dmlpu.check_key(nodeclass_name, 'nodeclass_name', self.__node_tree, 'self.__node_tree')
        if nodeset_name is not None:
            dmlpu.check_key(nodeset_name, 'nodeset_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name], nodeclass_name)
        if node_name is not None:
            dmlpu.check_key(node_name, 'node_name', self.__node_tree[nodeclass_name][nodeset_name][1], 'nodeset_name')