Пример #1
    def test_update_hostnames(self):
        Test the update_hostnames task.

        zoomdb = StubZoomDB()
        test_fixture_cfg = self.get_fixture_path("app", "zoombuild.cfg")
        zoombuild_cfg_content = file(test_fixture_cfg).read()

        expected_site_file = os.path.join(taskconfig.NGINX_SITES_ENABLED_DIR, self.app_id)


        # first test that when we have no deployments, nothing happens.
        nginx.update_hostnames(zoomdb, self.app_id, zoombuild_cfg_content, use_subtasks=False)

        self.assertTrue(any("has not yet been deployed" in x[0] for x in zoomdb.logs))

        # but that's certainly not the goal when we DO have deployments.
        zoomdb = StubZoomDB()
        zoomdb.add_worker(1, 1, "", 12345)

        # and add a vhost
        zoomdb.test_vhosts = ["mycompany.com", "www.mycompany.com"]
        nginx.update_hostnames(zoomdb, self.app_id, zoombuild_cfg_content, use_subtasks=False)

        self.assertFalse(any("has not yet been deployed" in x[0] for x in zoomdb.logs))
        self.assertTrue(any("project will be accessible via" in x[0] for x in zoomdb.logs))

        file_content = file(expected_site_file).read()
        linesplit_contents = [" ".join(x.strip().split()) for x in file_content.split("\n")]

        vhost_line = "server_name test-p00000001.djangozoom.net %s ;" % (" ".join(zoomdb.test_vhosts))

        self.assertTrue(vhost_line in linesplit_contents)
    def test_build_and_deploy(self):
        """Invoke the build and deploy task."""
        zoomdb = StubZoomDB()

        src_repo_type = "git"
        src_url = "git://github.com/shimon/djangotutorial.git"

        here = path.abspath(path.split(__file__)[0])
        app_fixture = path.join(here, "../fixtures", "app")
        zcfg_fixture = path.join(app_fixture, "zoombuild.cfg")

        zoombuild_cfg_content = file(zcfg_fixture).read()

        self.assertEqual(len(zoomdb.get_all_bundles()), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(zoomdb.get_project_workers()), 0)

        self.assertEqual(len(zoomdb.get_project_virtual_hosts()), 1)
        zoomdb.test_vhosts = ["awesomesite.com", "foo.co.br"]
        self.assertEqual(len(zoomdb.get_project_virtual_hosts()), 3)

        deployed_addresses = build_and_deploy.build_and_deploy(

        print "build_and_deploy returned: %r" % deployed_addresses

        # # call the tasks module directly instead, so we get that tested too.
        # # actually this doesn't work because of the decorator; doh!
        # deployed_addresses = builder.build_and_deploy(zoomdb._job_id, zoomdb,
        #         {
        #         "app_id": self.app_id,
        #         "src_url": src_url,
        #         "zoombuild_cfg_content": zoombuild_cfg_content,
        #         })

        zoombuild_cfg_output_filename = path.join(self.dir, self.app_id, "zoombuild.cfg")
        self.assertEqual(file(zoombuild_cfg_output_filename).read(), zoombuild_cfg_content)

        p = zoomdb.get_project()

        for attr in ("db_host", "db_name", "db_username", "db_password"):
            print "project.%s = %s" % (attr, getattr(p, attr))
            self.assertTrue(getattr(p, attr))

        self.assertEqual(len(zoomdb.get_all_bundles()), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(zoomdb.get_project_workers()), 1)
        site_nginx_conf_file = os.path.join(taskconfig.NGINX_SITES_ENABLED_DIR, self.app_id)
            "expected to find a config file in nginx's " "sites-enabled directory, but didn't",

        # check the deployed app!
        self.assertEqual(len(deployed_addresses), 1)

        for (instance_id, node_name, host_ip, host_port) in deployed_addresses:
            polls_url = "http://%s:%d/polls/" % (host_ip, host_port)
            print "Testing Polls URL: %s" % polls_url
            polls_src = urllib.urlopen(polls_url).read()
            self.assertTrue("No polls are available." in polls_src)

        # now check the nginx service
        hosts = zoomdb.get_project_virtual_hosts()

        # ensure each hostname works!
        for host in hosts:
            # GZIP DEBUG# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

            self.check_can_eventually_load_custom("", "/polls/", host, "No polls are available.")

        # for nginx to serve static files, the cust dir has to be
        # world-read/executable. This should be the default on the
        # proxy server ONLY.
        os.chmod(self.dir, 0755)

        image_src = self.check_can_eventually_load_custom("", "/static/img/polls.jpg", hosts[0])
        local_image_file = os.path.join(app_fixture, "src", "static", "polls.jpg")
        self.assertEqual(image_src, open(local_image_file).read())

        # try a collectstatic-handled file
        collectstatic_src = self.check_can_eventually_load_custom(
            "", "/staticfiles/polls/Lineup.jpg", hosts[0]
        local_collectstatic_file = os.path.join(app_fixture, "src", "polls", "static", "polls", "Lineup.jpg")
        self.assertEqual(collectstatic_src, open(local_collectstatic_file).read())

        # OK, now undeploy.
        deploy.undeploy(zoomdb, self.app_id, bundle_ids=None, use_subtasks=False)

        # check that URLs are no longer accessible
        for (instance_id, node_name, host_ip, host_port) in deployed_addresses:
            polls_url = "http://%s:%d/polls/" % (host_ip, host_port)
            with self.assertRaises(IOError):

        # check that Nginx conf file is gone
        self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(site_nginx_conf_file), "expected nginx config file gone")

        # check that supervisor files are gone
        for fname in os.listdir(taskconfig.SUPERVISOR_APP_CONF_DIR):
                fname.startswith("%s." % self.app_id), "There is a lingering supervisor config " "file: %s" % fname

        # check that DB still exists though
        dblist = utils.local("psql -l -U nrweb | awk '{print $1}'")
        self.assertTrue(self.app_id in dblist.splitlines())