Пример #1
 def __init__(self, app, state=None):
     self.app = app
     self._current_editor = None
     self.wc = WindowController(self)
     self.state = state
     self.command = CommandBar(self, app.text_commander)
     self.projects = KVOList()
     self.recent = self._suspended_recent = RecentItemStack(100)
     self._recent_history = None
     self.window_settings_loaded = False
     self.no_document_undo_manager = UndoManager()
     self.menu = self.make_context_menu()
     self.dirty_editors = WeakSet()
Пример #2
class Window(object):

    supported_drag_types = [const.DOC_ID_LIST_PBOARD_TYPE, ak.NSFilenamesPboardType]
    app = WeakProperty()

    def __init__(self, app, state=None):
        self.app = app
        self._current_editor = None
        self.wc = WindowController(self)
        self.state = state
        self.command = CommandBar(self, app.text_commander)
        self.projects = KVOList()
        self.recent = self._suspended_recent = RecentItemStack(100)
        self._recent_history = None
        self.window_settings_loaded = False
        self.no_document_undo_manager = UndoManager()
        self.menu = self.make_context_menu()
        self.dirty_editors = WeakSet()

    def window_did_load(self):
        wc = self.wc
        wc.docsView.default_menu = self.menu

        self._state = None

        if not self.projects:

    def make_context_menu(self):
        def has_path(item):
            return item and item.file_path
        return Menu([
            MenuItem("Copy Path", self.copy_path, is_enabled=has_path),
            MenuItem("Close", self.close_item, "Command+w"),

    def _setstate(self, state):
        if state:
            projects = state.get("projects")
            if projects is None:
                projects = state.get("project_serials", []) # legacy
            for serial in projects:
                proj = Project(self, serial=serial)
            for proj_index, doc_index in state.get("recent_items", []):
                if proj_index < len(self.projects):
                    proj = self.projects[proj_index]
                    if doc_index == "<project>":
                    elif doc_index < len(proj.editors):
                        doc = proj.editors[doc_index]
            if 'window_settings' in state:
                self.window_settings = state['window_settings']
            with self.suspend_recent_updates():
                pass # focus recent

    def __getstate__(self):
        if self._state is not None:
            return self._state
        def iter_settings():
            indexes = {}
            serials = []
            for i, project in enumerate(self.projects):
                serial = project.serialize()
                if serial:
                indexes[project.id] = [i, "<project>"]
                for j, doc in enumerate(project.editors):
                    indexes[doc.id] = [i, j]
            yield "projects", serials
            rits = []
            for ident in self.recent:
                pair = indexes.get(ident)
                if pair is not None:
            yield "recent_items", rits
            yield "window_settings", self.window_settings
        return {key: val for key, val in iter_settings() if val}

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        assert not hasattr(self, '_state'), 'can only be called once'
        self._state = state

    state = property(__getstate__, __setstate__)

    def discard(self, item):
        ident = None if item is None else item.id
        recent = self.recent
        update_current = item in self.selected_items or not self.selected_items
        with self.suspend_recent_updates(update_current):
            for project in list(self.projects):
                pid = project.id
                for editor in list(project.editors):
                    did = editor.id
                    if ident in (pid, did):
                        assert editor.project is project, (editor.project, project)
                if ident == pid:

    def focus(self, value, offset=1):
        """Change the current document by navigating the tree or recent documents

        :param value: One of the direction constants in
        `editxt.constants` or an editor's file path. `NEXT` and
        `PREVIOUS` select items in the recent editors stack. `UP` and
        `DOWN` move up or down in the tree.
        :param offset: The number of positions to move in direction.
        :returns: True if a new editor was focused, otherwise false.
        def focus(ident):
            for project in self.projects:
                if project.id == ident:
                    self.current_editor = project
                    return True
                    for editor in project.editors:
                        if editor.id == ident:
                            self.current_editor = editor
                            return True
            return False
        def get_item_in_tree(current, offset):
            if current is not None:
                items = []
                index = 0
                stop = sys.maxsize
                for project in self.projects:
                    if current.id == project.id:
                        stop = index + offset
                        if stop <= index:
                    index += 1
                    if project.expanded:
                        for editor in project.editors:
                            if current.id == editor.id:
                                stop = index + offset
                                if stop <= index:
                            index += 1
                if 0 <= stop < len(items):
                    return items[stop]
            return None
        if isinstance(value, const.Constant):
            if value == const.PREVIOUS or value == const.NEXT:
                history = ((list(reversed(self.recent)) + [0])
                           if self._recent_history is None
                           else self._recent_history)
                if value == const.PREVIOUS:
                    offset = offset + history[-1]
                    offset = history[-1] - offset
                if 0 <= offset < len(history) - 1:
                    ok = focus(history[offset])
                    if ok:
                        history[-1] = offset
                        self._recent_history = history
                    return ok
                return False
            if value == const.UP:
                offset = -offset
            editor = get_item_in_tree(self.current_editor, offset)
            if editor is not None:
                self.current_editor = editor
                return True
        if isinstance(value, (Editor, Project)):
            return focus(value.id)
        return False

    def suspend_recent_updates(self, update_current=True):
        self.recent = RecentItemStack(1)
            self.recent = recent = self._suspended_recent
        if not update_current:
        lookup = {}
        for project in self.projects:
            lookup[project.id] = project
            lookup.update((e.id, e) for e in project.editors)
        current = self.current_editor
        current_id = None if current is None else current.id
        if current_id in lookup and recent and current_id == recent[-1]:
        while True:
            ident = recent.pop()
            if ident is None:
                if self.projects:
                    for project in self.projects:
                        if project.expanded and project.editors:
                            self.current_editor = project.editors[0]
                        self.current_editor = self.projects[0]
            item = lookup.get(ident)
            if item is not None:
                self.current_editor = item

    def do_menu_command(self, sender):
        self.app.text_commander.do_menu_command(self.current_editor, sender)

    def validate_menu_command(self, item):
        return self.app.text_commander.is_menu_command_enabled(self.current_editor, item)

    def current_editor(self):
        return self._current_editor
    def current_editor(self, editor):
        self._current_editor = editor
        self._recent_history = None
        if editor is None:
            self.selected_items = []
        if self.wc.is_current_view(editor.main_view):
            if self.wc.setup_current_editor(editor):
                if isinstance(editor, Editor) \
                        and self.find_project_with_editor(editor) is None:
        if not self.selected_items or editor is not self.selected_items[0]:
            self.selected_items = [editor]

    def selected_items(self):
        return self.wc.selected_items
    def selected_items(self, value):
        self.wc.selected_items = value

    def selected_editor_changed(self):
        selected = self.selected_items
        if selected and selected[0] is not self.current_editor:
            self.current_editor = selected[0]

    def on_dirty_status_changed(self, editor, dirty):
        if dirty:
        self.wc.on_dirty_status_changed(editor, self.is_dirty)

    def is_dirty(self):
        return bool(self.dirty_editors)

    def iter_editors_of_document(self, doc):
        for project in self.projects:
            for editor in project.iter_editors_of_document(doc):
                yield editor

    def should_select_item(self, outlineview, item):
        return True

    def open_documents(self):
        editor = self.current_editor
        if editor is not None and editor.dirname():
            directory = editor.dirname()
            directory = os.path.expanduser("~")
        self.wc.open_documents(directory, None, self.open_paths)

    def save_as(self):

    def save(self, prompt=False):
        editor = self.current_editor
        if isinstance(editor, Editor):

    def reload_current_document(self):
        editor = self.current_editor
        if isinstance(editor, Editor):

    def save_document_as(self, editor, save_with_path):
        """Prompt for path to save document

        :param editor: The editor of the document to be saved.
        :param save_with_path: A callback accepting a sinlge parameter (the
        chosen file path) that does the work of actually saving the file.
        Call with ``None`` to cancel the save operation.
        directory, filename = self._directory_and_filename(editor.file_path)
        self.wc.save_document_as(directory, filename, save_with_path)

    def prompt_to_overwrite(self, editor, save_with_path):
        """Prompt to overwrite the given editor's document's file path

        :param editor: The editor of the document to be saved.
        :param save_with_path: A callback accepting a sinlge parameter (the
        chosen file path) that does the work of actually saving the file.
        Call with ``None`` to cancel the save operation.
        def save_as():
            self.save_document_as(editor, save_with_path)
        if editor is None:
            diff_with_original = None
            def diff_with_original():
                from editxt.command.diff import diff
                from editxt.command.parser import Options
                diff(editor, Options(file=editor.file_path))
            editor.file_path, save_with_path, save_as, diff_with_original)

    def prompt_to_close(self, editor, save_discard_or_cancel, save_as=True):
        """Prompt to see if the document can be closed

        :param editor: The editor of the document to be closed.
        :param save_discard_or_cancel: A callback to be called with the outcome
        of the prompt: save (True), discard (False), or cancel (None).
        :param save_as: Boolean, if true prompt to "save as" (with dialog),
        otherwise prompt to save (without dialog).
        self.current_editor = editor
        self.wc.prompt_to_close(editor.file_path, save_discard_or_cancel, save_as)

    def _directory_and_filename(path):
        if isabs(path):
            directory, filename = split(path)
            while directory and directory != sep and not isdir(directory):
                directory = dirname(directory)
            directory = None
            filename = basename(path)
        assert filename, path
        if not directory:
            # TODO editor.project.path or path of most recent document
            # None -> directory used in the previous invocation of the panel
            directory = None
        return directory, filename

    def new_project(self):
        project = Project(self)
        editor = project.create_editor()
        self.current_editor = editor
        return project

    def toggle_properties_pane(self):
        tree_rect = self.wc.docsScrollview.frame()
        prop_rect = self.wc.propsView.frame()
        if self.wc.propsViewButton.state() == ak.NSOnState:
            # hide properties view
            tree_rect.size.height += prop_rect.size.height - 1.0
            tree_rect.origin.y = prop_rect.origin.y
            prop_rect.size.height = 0.0
            # show properties view
            tree_rect.size.height -= 115.0
            if prop_rect.size.height > 0:
                tree_rect.size.height += (prop_rect.size.height - 1.0)
            tree_rect.origin.y = prop_rect.origin.y + 115.0
            prop_rect.size.height = 116.0
        resize_tree = fn.NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys_(
            self.wc.docsScrollview, ak.NSViewAnimationTargetKey,
            fn.NSValue.valueWithRect_(tree_rect), ak.NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey,
        resize_props = fn.NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys_(
            self.wc.propsView, ak.NSViewAnimationTargetKey,
            fn.NSValue.valueWithRect_(prop_rect), ak.NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey,
        anims = fn.NSArray.arrayWithObjects_(resize_tree, resize_props, None)
        animation = ak.NSViewAnimation.alloc().initWithViewAnimations_(anims)

    def find_project_with_editor(self, editor):
        for proj in self.projects:
            for e in proj.editors:
                if editor is e:
                    return proj
        return None

    def find_project_with_path(self, path):
        for proj in self.projects:
            p = proj.file_path
            if p and os.path.exists(p) and os.path.samefile(p, path):
                return proj
        return None

    def get_current_project(self, create=False):
        item = self.current_editor
        if item is not None:
            return item if isinstance(item, Project) else item.project
        if self.projects:
            for project in self.projects:
                if project.expanded:
                    return project
            return self.projects[0]
        if create:
            proj = Project(self)
            return proj
        return None

    def tooltip_for_item(self, view, item):
        it = view.realItemForOpaqueItem_(item)
        null = it is None or it.file_path is None
        return None if null else user_path(it.file_path)

    def should_edit_item(self, col, item):
        if col.isEditable():
            obj = representedObject(item)
            return isinstance(obj, Project) and obj.can_rename()
        return False

    def copy_path(self, item):
        """Copy item path to pasteboard

        Put newline-delimited paths on pasteboard if there are multiple
        items selected and the given item is one of them.
        selected = self.selected_items
        if item not in selected:
            selected = [item]
        Pasteboard().text = "\n".join(item.file_path for item in selected)

    def close_item(self, item):
        """Close editor or project

        Close all selected items if there are multiple items selected
        and the given item is one of them.
        def do_close(should_close):
            if should_close:
                for item in selected:
        selected = self.selected_items
        if item not in selected:
            selected = [item]
        self.app.async_interactive_close(selected, do_close)

    def window_did_become_key(self, window):
        editor = self.current_editor
        if isinstance(editor, Editor):
            # TODO refactor Editor to support check_for_external_changes()

    def should_close(self, do_close):
        """Determine if the window should be closed

        If this returns false an interactive close loop will be started, which
        may eventually result in the window being closed.
        def iter_dirty_editors():
            app = self.app
            for proj in self.projects:
                wins = app.find_windows_with_project(proj)
                if wins == [self]:
                    for editor in proj.dirty_editors():
                        doc_windows = app.iter_windows_with_editor_of_document(
                        if all(win is self for win in doc_windows):
                            yield editor
        if next(iter_dirty_editors(), None) is None:
            return True
        def callback(should_close):
            if should_close:
        self.app.async_interactive_close(iter_dirty_editors(), callback)
        return False

    def window_will_close(self):

    def _get_window_settings(self):
        return dict(
    def _set_window_settings(self, settings):
        fs = settings.get("frame_string")
        if fs is not None:
            self.wc.frame_string = fs
        sp = settings.get("splitter_pos")
        if sp is not None:
            self.wc.splitter_pos = sp
        self.wc.properties_hidden = settings.get("properties_hidden", False)
        self.window_settings_loaded = True
    window_settings = property(_get_window_settings, _set_window_settings)

    def close(self):
        wc = self.wc
        if wc is not None:
            self.window_settings_loaded = False
            while self.projects:
            #self.wc = None

    # drag/drop logic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    def is_project_drag(self, info):
        """Return True if only projects are being dropped else False"""
        pb = info.draggingPasteboard()
        t = pb.availableTypeFromArray_(self.supported_drag_types)
        if t == const.DOC_ID_LIST_PBOARD_TYPE:
            id_list = pb.propertyListForType_(const.DOC_ID_LIST_PBOARD_TYPE)
            items = self.iter_dropped_id_list(id_list)
            return all(isinstance(item, Project) for item in items)
        elif t == ak.NSFilenamesPboardType:
            paths = pb.propertyListForType_(ak.NSFilenamesPboardType)
            return all(Project.is_project_path(path) for path in paths)
        return False

    def get_id_path_pairs(self, items):
        """Get a list of (<item id>, <item path>) pairs for given items

        :param items: A list of editors and/or projects.
        :returns: A list of two-tuples (<item id>, <item path>). <item id> is
        an opaque internal identifier for the document, and <item path> is
        the file system path of the item or ``None`` if the item does not have
        a path.
        def pair(item):
            path = item.file_path
            return (item.id, path if path and os.path.exists(path) else None)
        return [pair(item) for item in items]

    def validate_drop(self, outline_view, info, item, index):
        if self.is_project_drag(info):
            if item is not None:
                obj = representedObject(item)
                path = self.wc.docsController.indexPathForObject_(obj)
                if path is not None:
                    index = path.indexAtPosition_(0)
                    outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, index)
                    return ak.NSDragOperationNone
            elif index < 0:
                outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, len(self.projects))
            return ak.NSDragOperationMove
            # text document drag
            if item is not None:
                obj = representedObject(item)
                if isinstance(obj, Project):
                    if index < 0:
                        #outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(item, 0)
                        # the following might be more correct, but is too confusing
                        outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(item, len(obj.editors))
                    return ak.NSDragOperationNone # document view cannot have children
                if index < 0:
                    # drop on listview background
                    last_proj_index = len(self.projects) - 1
                    if last_proj_index > -1:
                        # we have at least one project
                        path = fn.NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndex_(last_proj_index)
                        node = self.wc.docsController.nodeAtArrangedIndexPath_(path)
                        proj = representedObject(node)
                        outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(node, len(proj.editors))
                        outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, -1)
                elif index == 0:
                    return ak.NSDragOperationNone # prevent drop above top project
        op = info.draggingSourceOperationMask()
        if op not in [ak.NSDragOperationCopy, ak.NSDragOperationGeneric]:
            op = ak.NSDragOperationMove
        return op

    def accept_drop(self, view, pasteboard, parent=const.CURRENT, index=-1, action=const.MOVE):
        """Accept drop operation

        :param view: The view on which the drop occurred.
        :param pasteboard: NSPasteboard object.
        :param parent: The parent item in the outline view.
        :param index: The index in the outline view or parent item at which the
            drop occurred.
        :param action: The action to perform when dragging (see
        ``insert_items(..., action)``). Ignored if the items being dropped are
        :returns: True if the drop was accepted, otherwise False.
        pb = pasteboard
        t = pb.availableTypeFromArray_(self.supported_drag_types)
        if t == const.DOC_ID_LIST_PBOARD_TYPE:
            id_list = pb.propertyListForType_(const.DOC_ID_LIST_PBOARD_TYPE)
            items = self.iter_dropped_id_list(id_list)
        elif t == ak.NSFilenamesPboardType:
            paths = pb.propertyListForType_(ak.NSFilenamesPboardType)
            items = self.iter_dropped_paths(paths)
            action = None
            assert t is None, t
            return False
        return bool(self.insert_items(items, parent, index, action))

    def iter_dropped_id_list(self, id_list):
        """Iterate TextDocument objects referenced by pasteboard (if any)"""
        if not id_list:
        for ident in id_list:
            item = self.app.find_item_with_id(ident)
            if item is not None:
                yield item

    def open_url(self, url, link, focus=True):
        """Open file specified by URL

        The URL must have two attributes:
        - path : The path to the file. The first leading slash is
          stripped, so absolute paths must have an extra slash.
        - query : A query string from which an optional "goto" parameter
          may be parsed. The goto parameter specifies a line or line +
          selection (`line.sel_start.sel_length`) to goto/select after
          opening the file.

        :param url: Parsed URL. See `urllib.parse.urlparse` for structure.
        :param link: The original URL string.
        :param focus: Focus newly opened editor.
        path = unquote(url.path)
        if path.startswith("/"):
            path = path[1:]
        editors = self.open_paths([path], focus=focus)
        if editors:
            assert len(editors) == 1, (link, editors)
            query = parse_qs(url.query)
            if "goto" in query:
                goto = query["goto"][0]
                    if "." in goto:
                        line, start, end = goto.split(".")
                        num = (int(line), int(start), int(end))
                        num = int(goto)
                except ValueError:
                    log.debug("invalid goto: %r (link: %s)", goto, link)

    def open_paths(self, paths, focus=True):
        return self.insert_items(self.iter_dropped_paths(paths), focus=focus)

    def iter_dropped_paths(self, paths):
        if not paths:
        for path in paths:
            if path is None or os.path.isfile(path) or not os.path.exists(path):
                yield self.app.document_with_path(path)
#            elif os.path.isdir(path):
#                yield Project(self, name=os.path.dirname(path))
                log.info("cannot open path: %s", path)

    def insert_items(self, items, project=const.CURRENT, index=-1, action=None,
        """Insert items into the document tree

        :param items: An iterable of projects, editors, and/or documents.
        :param project: The parent project into which items are being inserted.
            Documents will be inserted in the current project if unspecified.
        :param index: The index in the outline view or parent project at which
            the item(s) should be inserted. Add after current if < 0 (default).
        :param action: What to do with items that are already open in
            this window:

            - None : insert new item(s), but do not change existing item(s).
            - MOVE : move existing item(s) to index.
            - COPY : copy item(s) to index.

            A file is considered to be "existing" if there is an editor
            with the same path in the project where it is being
            inserted. A project is considered to be "existing" if there
            is a project with the same path in the window where it is
            being inserted.
        :param focus: Focus most recent newly opened editor if true (the
        :returns: A list of editors and projects that were inserted.
        if (project is not None and
            project != const.CURRENT and
            project.window is not self):
            raise ValueError("project does not belong to this window")
        inserted = []
        focus_editor = None
        with self.suspend_recent_updates(update_current=False):
            pindex = index
            if pindex < 0:
                pindex = len(self.projects)
            for is_project_group, group in groupby(items, self.is_project):
                if is_project_group:
                    for item in group:
                        project, pindex = self._insert_project(item, pindex, action)
                        if project is not None:
                            focus_editor = project
                    # Reset index since the project into which non-project
                    # items will be inserted has changed.
                    index = -1
                    if project == const.CURRENT or project is None:
                        if index >= 0:
                            raise NotImplementedError
                        project = self.get_current_project(create=True)
                    inserts, focus_editor = project.insert_items(group, index, action)
        if focus and focus_editor is not None:
            self.current_editor = focus_editor
        return inserted

    def is_project(self, item):
        """Return true if item can be inserted as a project"""
        # TODO return true if item is a directory path
        return isinstance(item, Project)

    def _insert_project(self, item, index, action):
        if action != const.MOVE:
            raise NotImplementedError('cannot copy project yet')
        if item.window is self:
            window = self
            pindex = self.projects.index(item)
            if pindex == index:
                return None, index
            if pindex - index <= 0:
                index -= 1
            window = item.window

        # BEGIN HACK crash on remove project with editors
        editors = item.editors
        tmp, editors[:] = list(editors), []
        window.projects.remove(item) # this line should be all that's necessary
        # END HACK

        item.window = self
        self.projects.insert(index, item)
        return item, index + 1

    def show(self, sender):

    def undo_manager(self):
        editor = self.current_editor
        if editor is None:
            return self.no_document_undo_manager
        return editor.undo_manager