Пример #1
    def __init__(self, key, text="", links=None, linktexts=None,
                 keywords=None, cols=1, helptext=None,
                 selectcmds=None, callback=None, code="", nodefaultcmds=False, separator=""):
        key       - the unique identifier of this node.
        text      - is the text that will be displayed at top when viewing this
        links     - a list of keys for unique menunodes this is connected to.
                    The actual keys will not printed - keywords will be used
                    (or a number)
        linktexts - an optional list of texts to describe the links. Must
                    match link list if defined. Entries can be None to not
                    generate any extra text for a particular link.
        keywords  - an optional list of unique keys for choosing links. Must
                    match links list. If not given, index numbers will be used.
                    Also individual list entries can be None and will be replaed
                    by indices. If CMD_NOMATCH or CMD_NOENTRY, no text will be
                    generated to indicate the option exists.
        cols      - how many columns to use for displaying options.
        helptext  - if defined, this is shown when using the help command
                    instead of the normal help index.
        selectcmds- a list of custom cmdclasses for handling each option.
                    Must match links list, but some entries may be set to None
                    to use default menu cmds. The given command's key will be
                    used for the menu list entry unless it's CMD_NOMATCH or
                    CMD_NOENTRY, in which case no text will be generated. These
                    commands have access to self.menutree and so can be used to
                    select nodes.
        code      - functional code. Deprecated. This will be executed just before this
                    node is loaded (i.e. as soon after it's been selected from
                    another node). self.caller is available to call from this
                    code block, as well as ev.
        callback  - function callback. This will be called as callback(currentnode) just
                    before this node is loaded (i.e. as soon as possible as it's
                    been selected from another node). currentnode.caller is available.
        nodefaultcmds - if true, don't offer the default help and look commands
                    in the node
        separator - this string will be put on the line between menu nodes.
        self.key = key
        self.cmdset = None
        self.links = links
        self.linktexts = linktexts
        self.keywords = keywords
        self.cols = cols
        self.selectcmds = selectcmds
        self.code = code
        self.callback = MethodType(callback, self, MenuNode) if callback else None
        self.nodefaultcmds = nodefaultcmds
        self.separator = separator
        Nlinks = len(self.links)

        if code:
            ev.logger.log_depmsg("menusystem.code is deprecated. Use menusystem.callback.")

        # validate the input
        if not self.links:
            self.links = []
        if not self.linktexts or (len(self.linktexts) != Nlinks):
            self.linktexts = [None for i in range(Nlinks)]
        if not self.keywords or (len(self.keywords) != Nlinks):
            self.keywords = [None for i in range(Nlinks)]
        if not selectcmds or (len(self.selectcmds) != Nlinks):
            self.selectcmds = [None for i in range(Nlinks)]

        # Format default text for the menu-help command
        if not helptext:
            helptext = "Select one of the valid options ("
            for i in range(Nlinks):
                if self.keywords[i]:
                    if self.keywords[i] not in (CMD_NOMATCH, CMD_NOINPUT):
                        helptext += "%s, " % self.keywords[i]
                    helptext += "%s, " % (i + 1)
            helptext = helptext.rstrip(", ") + ")"
        self.helptext = helptext

        # Format text display
        string = ""
        if text:
            string += "%s\n" % text

        # format the choices into as many collumns as specified
        choices = []
        for ilink, link in enumerate(self.links):
            choice = ""
            if self.keywords[ilink]:
                if self.keywords[ilink] not in (CMD_NOMATCH, CMD_NOINPUT):
                    choice += "{g{lc%s{lt%s{le{n" % (self.keywords[ilink], self.keywords[ilink])
                choice += "{g {lc%i{lt%i{le{n" % ((ilink + 1), (ilink + 1))
            if self.linktexts[ilink]:
                choice += " - %s" % self.linktexts[ilink]
        cols = [[] for i in range(min(len(choices), cols))]
        while True:
            for i in range(len(cols)):
                if not choices:
            if not choices:
        ftable = utils.format_table(cols)
        for row in ftable:
            string += "\n" + "".join(row)
        # store text
        self.text = self.separator + "\n" + string.rstrip()
Пример #2
    def func(self):
        "implements the functionality."
        caller = self.caller

        if not self.args:
            caller.msg("Usage: @code <obj>[/<type> [= <codestring>]]")
        codetype = None
        objname = self.lhs
        if '/' in self.lhs:
            objname, codetype = [part.strip() for part in self.lhs.rsplit("/", 1)]

        obj = self.caller.search(objname)
        if not obj:

        # get the dicts from db storage for easy referencing
        evlang_scripts = obj.db.evlang_scripts
        evlang_locks = obj.db.evlang_locks
        if not (evlang_scripts != None and evlang_locks and obj.ndb.evlang):
            caller.msg("Object %s can not be scripted." % obj.key)

        if 'delete' in self.switches:
            # clearing a code snippet
            if not codetype:
                caller.msg("You must specify a code type.")
            if not codetype in evlang_scripts:
                caller.msg("Code type '%s' not found on %s." % (codetype, obj.key))
            # this will also update the database
            caller.msg("Code for type '%s' cleared on %s." % (codetype, obj.key))

        if not self.rhs:
            if codetype:
                scripts = [(name, tup[1], utils.crop(tup[0])) for name, tup in evlang_scripts.items() if name==codetype]
                scripts.extend([(name, "--", "--") for name in evlang_locks if name not in evlang_scripts if name==codetype])
                # no type specified. List all scripts/slots on object
                print evlang_scripts
                scripts = [(name, tup[1], utils.crop(tup[0])) for name, tup in evlang_scripts.items()]
                scripts.extend([(name, "--", "--") for name in evlang_locks if name not in evlang_scripts])
                scripts = sorted(scripts, key=lambda p: p[0])

            table = [["type"] + [tup[0] for tup in scripts],
                     ["creator"] + [tup[1] for tup in scripts],
                     ["code"] + [tup[2] for tup in scripts]]
            ftable = utils.format_table(table, extra_space=5)
            string = "{wEvlang scripts on %s:{n" % obj.key
            for irow, row in enumerate(ftable):
                if irow == 0:
                    string += "\n" + "".join("{w%s{n" % col for col in row)
                    string += "\n" + "".join(col for col in row)


        # we have rhs
        codestring = self.rhs
        if not codetype in evlang_locks:
            caller.msg("Code type '%s' cannot be coded on %s." % (codetype, obj.key))
        # check access with the locktype "code"
        if not obj.ndb.evlang.lockhandler.check(caller, "code"):
            caller.msg("You are not permitted to add code of type %s." % codetype)
        # we have code access to this type.
        oldcode = None
        if codetype in evlang_scripts:
           oldcode = str(evlang_scripts[codetype][0])
        # this updates the database right away too
        obj.ndb.evlang.add(codetype, codestring, scripter=caller)
        if oldcode:
            caller.msg("{wReplaced{n\n %s\n{wWith{n\n %s" % (oldcode, codestring))
            caller.msg("Code added in '%s':\n %s" % (codetype, codestring))
        if "debug" in self.switches:
            # debug mode
            caller.msg("{wDebug: running script (look out for errors below) ...{n\n" + "-"*68)
            obj.ndb.evlang.run_by_name(codetype, caller, quiet=False)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,
        key       - the unique identifier of this node.
        text      - is the text that will be displayed at top when viewing this
        links     - a list of keys for unique menunodes this is connected to.
                    The actual keys will not printed - keywords will be used
                    (or a number)
        linktexts - an optional list of texts to describe the links. Must
                    match link list if defined. Entries can be None to not
                    generate any extra text for a particular link.
        keywords  - an optional list of unique keys for choosing links. Must
                    match links list. If not given, index numbers will be used.
                    Also individual list entries can be None and will be replaed
                    by indices. If CMD_NOMATCH or CMD_NOENTRY, no text will be
                    generated to indicate the option exists.
        cols      - how many columns to use for displaying options.
        helptext  - if defined, this is shown when using the help command
                    instead of the normal help index.
        selectcmds- a list of custom cmdclasses for handling each option.
                    Must match links list, but some entries may be set to None
                    to use default menu cmds. The given command's key will be
                    used for the menu list entry unless it's CMD_NOMATCH or
                    CMD_NOENTRY, in which case no text will be generated. These
                    commands have access to self.menutree and so can be used to
                    select nodes.
        code      - functional code. Deprecated. This will be executed just before this
                    node is loaded (i.e. as soon after it's been selected from
                    another node). self.caller is available to call from this
                    code block, as well as ev.
        callback  - function callback. This will be called as callback(currentnode) just
                    before this node is loaded (i.e. as soon as possible as it's
                    been selected from another node). currentnode.caller is available.
        nodefaultcmds - if true, don't offer the default help and look commands
                    in the node
        separator - this string will be put on the line between menu nodes.
        self.key = key
        self.cmdset = None
        self.links = links
        self.linktexts = linktexts
        self.keywords = keywords
        self.cols = cols
        self.selectcmds = selectcmds
        self.code = code
        self.callback = MethodType(callback, self,
                                   MenuNode) if callback else None
        self.nodefaultcmds = nodefaultcmds
        self.separator = separator
        Nlinks = len(self.links)

        if code:
                "menusystem.code is deprecated. Use menusystem.callback.")

        # validate the input
        if not self.links:
            self.links = []
        if not self.linktexts or (len(self.linktexts) != Nlinks):
            self.linktexts = [None for i in range(Nlinks)]
        if not self.keywords or (len(self.keywords) != Nlinks):
            self.keywords = [None for i in range(Nlinks)]
        if not selectcmds or (len(self.selectcmds) != Nlinks):
            self.selectcmds = [None for i in range(Nlinks)]

        # Format default text for the menu-help command
        if not helptext:
            helptext = "Select one of the valid options ("
            for i in range(Nlinks):
                if self.keywords[i]:
                    if self.keywords[i] not in (CMD_NOMATCH, CMD_NOINPUT):
                        helptext += "%s, " % self.keywords[i]
                    helptext += "%s, " % (i + 1)
            helptext = helptext.rstrip(", ") + ")"
        self.helptext = helptext

        # Format text display
        string = ""
        if text:
            string += "%s\n" % text

        # format the choices into as many collumns as specified
        choices = []
        for ilink, link in enumerate(self.links):
            choice = ""
            if self.keywords[ilink]:
                if self.keywords[ilink] not in (CMD_NOMATCH, CMD_NOINPUT):
                    choice += "{g{lc%s{lt%s{le{n" % (self.keywords[ilink],
                choice += "{g {lc%i{lt%i{le{n" % ((ilink + 1), (ilink + 1))
            if self.linktexts[ilink]:
                choice += " - %s" % self.linktexts[ilink]
        cols = [[] for i in range(min(len(choices), cols))]
        while True:
            for i in range(len(cols)):
                if not choices:
            if not choices:
        ftable = utils.format_table(cols)
        for row in ftable:
            string += "\n" + "".join(row)
        # store text
        self.text = self.separator + "\n" + string.rstrip()