Пример #1
def evaluateWhile(queue, variables):

    # Get the first element of the queue
    Line = queue.popleft()

    # Get the string from the tuple
    whileLine = Line.line
    whileLineNumber = Line.number

    # Throw an error if line doesn't have '(' followed by ')'
    # Check for '('
    check = '('
    if check not in whileLine:
        print("Error in line " + str(whileLineNumber) + ": " + whileLine)
            "Description: Opening bracket missing for the while condition expression"
        index1 = whileLine.index(check)
    # Check for ')'
    check = ')'
    if check not in whileLine:
        print("Error in line " + str(whileLineNumber) + ": " + whileLine)
            "Description: Closing bracket missing for the while condition expression"
        index2 = whileLine.index(check)
    # Check the order
    if index2 < index1:
        print("Error in line " + str(whileLineNumber) + ": " + whileLine)
            "Description: Brackets incorrect for the while condition expression"

    # Get the expression between '(' and ')'
    whileExpression = whileLine[index1 + 1:index2]

    # Send to expression parser to evaluate
    verdict = evaluateBooleanExpression(whileExpression, Line, variables)


    # Check for '['
    # Get next line of the queue
    Line = queue.popleft()
    expression = Line.line
    check = '['
    if expression != check:
        print("Error in line " + str(Line.number) + ": " + Line.line)
            "Description: Opening bracket missing for the while condition block"
        qIndex1 = 0

    # Search queue for ']'. Till it is found, dequeue every line and add it to whileBlockQ
    check = ']'
    Line = queue.popleft()
    whileBlockQ = deque()

    bracketCount = 0  # To keep track of nested loops
    while (bracketCount <= 0):
        # If ']' is not found till the end, throw an error

        if ((Line.line).upper() == 'END'):
            print("Error in line " + str(whileLineNumber) + ": " + whileLine)
                "Description: Closing bracket missing for or within the while condition block"
            return (queue, variables)

        # Keep track of number of opening and closing brackets. Since else block's opening bracket was already checked outside the loop,
        # the number of closing brackets will be 1 greater than the opening brackets. So when the count becomes 1, else block's closing
        # bracket has been found
        if (Line.line) == '[':
            bracketCount = bracketCount - 1

        elif (Line.line) == ']':
            bracketCount = bracketCount + 1

        # once the closing bracket is found, do not add it to the else block queue and do not pop the program queue
        if bracketCount <= 0:
            Line = queue.popleft()

    # Evaluate the verdict and run the while loop while it evaluates to true
    verdict = evaluateBooleanExpression(whileExpression, Line, variables)
    while verdict == True:
         variables) = programParser.evaluateLineByLine(whileBlockQ, variables)

        # Update verdict
        verdict = evaluateBooleanExpression(whileExpression, Line, variables)

    return (queue, variables)
def evaluateWhile(queue, variables):

    # Get the first element of the queue
    Line = queue.popleft()

    # Get the string from the tuple
    whileLine = Line.line
    whileLineNumber = Line.number

    # Throw an error if line doesn't have '(' followed by ')'
    # Check for '('
    check = "("
    if check not in whileLine:
        print("Error in line " + str(whileLineNumber) + ": " + whileLine)
        print("Description: Opening bracket missing for the while condition expression")
        index1 = whileLine.index(check)
        # Check for ')'
    check = ")"
    if check not in whileLine:
        print("Error in line " + str(whileLineNumber) + ": " + whileLine)
        print("Description: Closing bracket missing for the while condition expression")
        index2 = whileLine.index(check)
        # Check the order
    if index2 < index1:
        print("Error in line " + str(whileLineNumber) + ": " + whileLine)
        print("Description: Brackets incorrect for the while condition expression")

        # Get the expression between '(' and ')'
    whileExpression = whileLine[index1 + 1 : index2]

    # Send to expression parser to evaluate
    verdict = evaluateBooleanExpression(whileExpression, Line, variables)


    # Check for '['
    # Get next line of the queue
    Line = queue.popleft()
    expression = Line.line
    check = "["
    if expression != check:
        print("Error in line " + str(Line.number) + ": " + Line.line)
        print("Description: Opening bracket missing for the while condition block")
        qIndex1 = 0

        # Search queue for ']'. Till it is found, dequeue every line and add it to whileBlockQ
    check = "]"
    Line = queue.popleft()
    whileBlockQ = deque()

    bracketCount = 0  # To keep track of nested loops
    while bracketCount <= 0:
        # If ']' is not found till the end, throw an error

        if (Line.line).upper() == "END":
            print("Error in line " + str(whileLineNumber) + ": " + whileLine)
            print("Description: Closing bracket missing for or within the while condition block")
            return (queue, variables)

            # Keep track of number of opening and closing brackets. Since else block's opening bracket was already checked outside the loop,
            # the number of closing brackets will be 1 greater than the opening brackets. So when the count becomes 1, else block's closing
            # bracket has been found
        if (Line.line) == "[":
            bracketCount = bracketCount - 1

        elif (Line.line) == "]":
            bracketCount = bracketCount + 1

            # once the closing bracket is found, do not add it to the else block queue and do not pop the program queue
        if bracketCount <= 0:
            Line = queue.popleft()

            # Evaluate the verdict and run the while loop while it evaluates to true
    verdict = evaluateBooleanExpression(whileExpression, Line, variables)
    while verdict == True:
        (_, variables) = programParser.evaluateLineByLine(whileBlockQ, variables)

        # Update verdict
        verdict = evaluateBooleanExpression(whileExpression, Line, variables)

    return (queue, variables)
Пример #3
def evaluateIf(queue, variables):
    # Get the first element of the queue
    Line = queue.popleft()

    # Get the string from the tuple
    ifLine = Line.line
    ifLineNumber = Line.number

    # Convert to upper case for case insensitivity
    ifLineUp = ifLine.upper()

    # Throw an error if line doesn't have 'then'
    check = "THEN"
    if check not in ifLineUp:

        print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
        print("Description: Keyword 'then' is missing")

    # Throw an error if line doesn't have '(' followed by ')'
    # Check for '('
    check = '('
    if check not in ifLine:
        print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
            "Description: Opening bracket missing for the if condition expression"
        index1 = ifLine.index(check)
    # Check for ')'
    check = ')'
    if check not in ifLine:
        print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
            "Description: Closing bracket missing for the if condition expression"

        index2 = ifLine.index(check)
    # Check the order
    if index2 < index1:
        print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
            "Description: Brackets incorrect for the if condition expression")

    # Get the expression between '(' and ')'
    ifExpression = ifLine[index1 + 1:index2]

    # Send the expression to the boolean expression evaluator
    verdict = evaluateBooleanExpression(ifExpression, Line, variables)

    # Check for any other garbage
    # <TODO> string.replace

    # TRack brackets within the if/while expressions

    # Check for '['
    Line = queue.popleft()
    expression = Line.line
    check = '['
    if expression != check:
        print("Error in line " + str(Line.number) + ": " + Line.line)
            "Description: Opening bracket missing for the if condition block")
        qIndex1 = 0

    # Search queue for ']'. Till the closing bracket of if block is found, dequeue every line and add it to ifBlockQ
    check = ']'
    Line = queue.popleft()
    ifBlockQ = deque()

    bracketCount = 0  # To keep track of nested loops

    while (bracketCount <= 0):
        # If ']' is not found till the end, throw an error
        if ((Line.line).upper() == 'END'):
            print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
                "Description: Closing bracket missing for or within the if condition block"
            return (queue, variables)

        # Keep track of number of opening and closing brackets. Since if block's opening bracket was already checked outside the loop,
        # the number of closing brackets will be 1 greater than the opening brackets. So when the count becomes 1, if block's closing
        # bracket has been found
        if (Line.line) == '[':
            bracketCount = bracketCount - 1

        elif (Line.line) == ']':
            bracketCount = bracketCount + 1

        # once the closing bracket is found, do not add it to the if block queue and do not pop the program queue
        if bracketCount <= 0:
            Line = queue.popleft()

    # Evaluate the if block if verdict is true
    if verdict:
        (_, variables) = programParser.evaluateLineByLine(ifBlockQ, variables)

    Line = queue.popleft()
    elseLine = Line.line
    elseLineUp = elseLine.upper()

    # Check if the next line is an 'end' and return if so
    check = 'END'
    if check in elseLineUp:
        return (queue, variables)

    # Check if the next line is an 'else'
    check = 'ELSE'
    elseFlag = 0
    if (elseLineUp == check):
        elseFlag = 1
        elseLineNumber = Line.number

        # Check for '['
        # Get next line of the queue
        Line = queue.popleft()
        expression = Line.line
        check = '['
        if expression != check:
            print("Error in line " + str(Line.number) + ": " + expression)
                "Description: Opening bracket missing for the else condition block"
            qIndex1 = 0

        # Search queue for ']'. Till it is found, dequeue every line and add it to elseBlockQ
        check = ']'
        elseBlockQ = deque()
        Line = queue.popleft()

        bracketCount = 0  # To keep track of nested loops
        while (bracketCount <= 0):
            # If ']' is not found till the end, throw an error
            if ((Line.line).upper() == 'END'):
                print("Error in line " + str(elseLineNumber) + ": " + elseLine)
                    "Description: Closing bracket missing for or within the else condition block"
                return (queue, variables)

            # Keep track of number of opening and closing brackets. Since else block's opening bracket was already checked outside the loop,
            # the number of closing brackets will be 1 greater than the opening brackets. So when the count becomes 1, else block's closing
            # bracket has been found
            if (Line.line) == '[':
                bracketCount = bracketCount - 1

            elif (Line.line) == ']':
                bracketCount = bracketCount + 1

            # once the closing bracket is found, do not add it to the else block queue and do not pop the program queue
            if bracketCount <= 0:
                Line = queue.popleft()

    # if 'else' not present append line back to queue and return
        return (queue, variables)

    if elseFlag == 1 and verdict == False:
         variables) = programParser.evaluateLineByLine(elseBlockQ, variables)

    return (queue, variables)
def evaluateIf(queue, variables):
    # Get the first element of the queue
    Line = queue.popleft()

    # Get the string from the tuple
    ifLine = Line.line
    ifLineNumber = Line.number

    # Convert to upper case for case insensitivity
    ifLineUp = ifLine.upper()

    # Throw an error if line doesn't have 'then'
    check = "THEN"
    if check not in ifLineUp:

        print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
        print("Description: Keyword 'then' is missing")

        # Throw an error if line doesn't have '(' followed by ')'
        # Check for '('
    check = "("
    if check not in ifLine:
        print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
        print("Description: Opening bracket missing for the if condition expression")
        index1 = ifLine.index(check)
        # Check for ')'
    check = ")"
    if check not in ifLine:
        print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
        print("Description: Closing bracket missing for the if condition expression")

        index2 = ifLine.index(check)
        # Check the order
    if index2 < index1:
        print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
        print("Description: Brackets incorrect for the if condition expression")

        # Get the expression between '(' and ')'
    ifExpression = ifLine[index1 + 1 : index2]

    # Send the expression to the boolean expression evaluator
    verdict = evaluateBooleanExpression(ifExpression, Line, variables)

    # Check for any other garbage
    # <TODO> string.replace

    # TRack brackets within the if/while expressions

    # Check for '['
    Line = queue.popleft()
    expression = Line.line
    check = "["
    if expression != check:
        print("Error in line " + str(Line.number) + ": " + Line.line)
        print("Description: Opening bracket missing for the if condition block")
        qIndex1 = 0

        # Search queue for ']'. Till the closing bracket of if block is found, dequeue every line and add it to ifBlockQ
    check = "]"
    Line = queue.popleft()
    ifBlockQ = deque()

    bracketCount = 0  # To keep track of nested loops

    while bracketCount <= 0:
        # If ']' is not found till the end, throw an error
        if (Line.line).upper() == "END":
            print("Error in line " + str(ifLineNumber) + ": " + ifLine)
            print("Description: Closing bracket missing for or within the if condition block")
            return (queue, variables)

            # Keep track of number of opening and closing brackets. Since if block's opening bracket was already checked outside the loop,
            # the number of closing brackets will be 1 greater than the opening brackets. So when the count becomes 1, if block's closing
            # bracket has been found
        if (Line.line) == "[":
            bracketCount = bracketCount - 1

        elif (Line.line) == "]":
            bracketCount = bracketCount + 1

            # once the closing bracket is found, do not add it to the if block queue and do not pop the program queue
        if bracketCount <= 0:
            Line = queue.popleft()

            # Evaluate the if block if verdict is true
    if verdict:
        (_, variables) = programParser.evaluateLineByLine(ifBlockQ, variables)

    Line = queue.popleft()
    elseLine = Line.line
    elseLineUp = elseLine.upper()

    # Check if the next line is an 'end' and return if so
    check = "END"
    if check in elseLineUp:
        return (queue, variables)

        # Check if the next line is an 'else'
    check = "ELSE"
    elseFlag = 0
    if elseLineUp == check:
        elseFlag = 1
        elseLineNumber = Line.number

        # Check for '['
        # Get next line of the queue
        Line = queue.popleft()
        expression = Line.line
        check = "["
        if expression != check:
            print("Error in line " + str(Line.number) + ": " + expression)
            print("Description: Opening bracket missing for the else condition block")
            qIndex1 = 0

            # Search queue for ']'. Till it is found, dequeue every line and add it to elseBlockQ
        check = "]"
        elseBlockQ = deque()
        Line = queue.popleft()

        bracketCount = 0  # To keep track of nested loops
        while bracketCount <= 0:
            # If ']' is not found till the end, throw an error
            if (Line.line).upper() == "END":
                print("Error in line " + str(elseLineNumber) + ": " + elseLine)
                print("Description: Closing bracket missing for or within the else condition block")
                return (queue, variables)

                # Keep track of number of opening and closing brackets. Since else block's opening bracket was already checked outside the loop,
                # the number of closing brackets will be 1 greater than the opening brackets. So when the count becomes 1, else block's closing
                # bracket has been found
            if (Line.line) == "[":
                bracketCount = bracketCount - 1

            elif (Line.line) == "]":
                bracketCount = bracketCount + 1

                # once the closing bracket is found, do not add it to the else block queue and do not pop the program queue
            if bracketCount <= 0:
                Line = queue.popleft()

                # if 'else' not present append line back to queue and return
        return (queue, variables)

    if elseFlag == 1 and verdict == False:
        (_, variables) = programParser.evaluateLineByLine(elseBlockQ, variables)

    return (queue, variables)