Пример #1
def query_balance(parameters, test_instance):
    nodes = parameters["nodes"]
    variable = parameters["save_as"]
    for node_index in nodes:
        node_instance = test_instance._nodes[node_index]
        node_host = "localhost"
        node_port = node_instance._port_start

        api = LedgerApi(node_host, node_port)

        # create the entity from the node's private key
        entity = Entity(get_nodes_private_key(test_instance, node_index))
        b = api.tokens.balance(entity)
        address = Address(entity)
            f"Requested balance ({b}) {address.to_hex()}, saved as {variable}")
        if not hasattr(node_instance, "_variables"):
            setattr(node_instance, "_variables", {})
        node_instance._variables[variable] = b
Пример #2
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create funds so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    status = api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))[0]

    saved_address = contract.query(api, 'query_owner_address')

    assert str(Address(entity1)) == saved_address, \
        'Expected owner address {} but found {}'.format(
            Address(entity1), saved_address)
Пример #3
def setup(api):
    entity1 = Entity()

    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000))

    contract1 = Contract(TRANSFER_CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    master_contract = Contract(MASTER_CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    initial_owner_balance = api.tokens.balance(Address(entity1))
    assert initial_owner_balance == 100000, \
        'Expected initial directly-queried balance to be 0, found {}'.format(
            100000, initial_owner_balance)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract1, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, master_contract, 2000))

    return entity1, contract1, contract2, master_contract
Пример #4
def main():
    api = LedgerApi(HOST, PORT)
    # in our examples we use Addresses with funds, which we load from hex-encoded private keys.
    identity1 = Entity.from_hex('6e8339a0c6d51fc58b4365bf2ce18ff2698d2b8c40bb13fcef7e1ba05df18e4b')
    identity2 = Entity.from_hex('e833c747ee0aeae29e6823e7c825d3001638bc30ffe50363f8adf2693c3286f8')

    # we make a Transfer which returns a transaction id.
    tx = api.tokens.transfer(identity1, identity2, 2500, 20)

    # wait for the transaction to complete so that the information is 100% present

    # we Verify that the transaction is the submitted transaction is the sent transaction
    # TxContents object (below contents variable) contains all properties sent to ledger in transaction API call
    contents = api.tx.contents(tx)

    # below we access a subset of the properties of our TxContents object
    valid_until = contents.valid_until
    valid_from = contents.valid_from
    from_address = contents.from_address
    transfers = contents.transfers

    # iterate over the transfers in the transaction, which is singular in this instance
    for to_address, amount in transfers.items():
            "\nThe submitted transaction is from Address: {}\nto Address: {} \nof amount: {}\nand is valid from (block number): {} \nand valid until (block number): {}".format(
                str(from_address), to_address, amount, valid_from, valid_until))

    nonexistent_entity = Entity()

    # check the amount being transferred to a particular address; zero in the below instance
    amount = contents.transfers_to(nonexistent_entity)

    if amount == 0:
        print("\nAs expected, nothing is being transferred to Address: ", str(Address(nonexistent_entity)))
        print("\nExample failure: nothing should be transferred to Address: ", str(Address(nonexistent_entity)))

    # check the status of a transaction. This is an alternative to calling the LedgerApi's sync method, which itself polls the below status endpoint
    status = api.tx.status(tx)

    print('\nCurrent Status is :', status.status)
Пример #5
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 1000000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))

            contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 400, entity1,
        assert False, \
            'Expected transaction to fail'
    except RuntimeError:
Пример #6
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 1000000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT2, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 2000))

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 400,
                             entity1, str(contract2.address)))

    result = contract.query(api, 'query_eleven')
    assert result == 11, \
        'Expected 11, found {}'.format(result)
def main():
    print('Creating private key...')

    # create our first private key pair
    entity1 = Entity()

    # save the private key to disk
    with open('private.key', 'w') as private_key_file:

    print('Creating private key...complete')

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    print('Creating initial balance...')

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 10000))

    print('Creating initial balance...complete')
Пример #8
def add_parking():
    global contract
    global wallet_owner
    global contract_user
    global wallet_address
    global user_address
    if requests.method == 'POST':
        lat = request.form['lat']
        lon = request.form['long']
    contract.action(api, 'addParkingProvider', 2456766,
                    [contract_user, wallet_owner], user_address,
    contract.action(api, 'addParking', 2456766, [contract_user, wallet_owner],
                    user_address, wallet_address, lat, long)
    print("Wait for parking txs to be mined ...")
    parking = Entity()
    parking_address = Address(parking)
    # Printing balance of the creating address1
    print(contract.query(api, 'getParkingFleetSize'), " parking in fleet")
    return json.dumps({"address", str(parking_address)})
Пример #9
def main():
    key_path = '/Users/nhutton/repos/ledger/build_debug/node1/p2p.key'

    with open(key_path, 'rb') as key_file:
        key_bytes = key_file.read()

    # create the entity from this private key
    entity = Entity(key_bytes)
    address = Address(entity)
    print('Address:', address)

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(HOST, PORT)

    # create the balance
    print('Submitting wealth creation...')
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity, 10000))

    print('Balance:', api.tokens.balance(entity))

    print('Stake..:', api.tokens.stake(entity))

    # submit and wait for the transfer to be complete
    print('Submitting stake request...')
    api.sync(api.tokens.add_stake(entity, 1000, 50))

    while True:

        print('Balance............:', api.tokens.balance(entity))
        print('Stake..............:', api.tokens.stake(entity))
        print('Stake on cooldown..:', api.tokens.stake_cooldown(entity))

        # De-stake half of the staked balance
        to_destake = int(api.tokens.stake(entity)/2)
        api.sync(api.tokens.de_stake(entity, to_destake, 500))

        # Collect cooled down stakes
        api.sync(api.tokens.collect_stake(entity, 500))
Пример #10
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000000, 1000))
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, 1000, 500))

    assert contract.query(api, 'query_init_test') == 0

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 200, [entity1]))
    v = contract.query(api, 'query_action_test')
    assert 800 <= v <= 1000, \
        'Expected query_action_test result to be between 800 and 1000, found {}'.format(

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)
    v = contract.query(api, 'query_clear_test')
    assert 800 <= v <= 1000, \
        'Expected query_clear_test result to be between 800 and 1000, found {}'.format(

    # Provide the contract with funds
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, 1234, 200))

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 200, [entity1]))
    v = contract.query(api, 'query_action_test')
    assert 2000 < v < 2234, \
        'Expected query_action_test result to be between 2000 and 2234, found {}'.format(

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)
    v = contract.query(api, 'query_clear_test')
    assert 2000 < v < 2234, \
        'Expected query_clear_test result to be between 2000 and 2234, found {}'.format(
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TripAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self._entity = Entity()
        self._address = Address(self._entity)

        self.data = {
            "account_id": data['account_id'],
            "can_be_driver": data['can_be_driver'],
            "trip_id": data['trip_id'],
            "from_location_latitude": float(data['from_location'].latitude),
            "from_location_longitude": float(data['from_location'].longitude),
            "to_location_latitude": float(data['to_location'].latitude),
            "to_location_longitude": float(data['to_location'].longitude),
            "distance_area": data['distance_area'],
        self.trip_description = Description(self.data, TRIP_DATAMODEL())
        self.data['state'] = 'free'
        self.data['position'] = Location(self.data['from_location_latitude'],
        self.data['transp_location'] = None
        self.possible_trips = []
Пример #12
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    status = api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))[0]

    block_number = status.exit_code

    assert block_number > 0
    assert block_number == contract.query(api, 'get_init_block_number_state')

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_block_number_state', 400, [entity1]))

    assert block_number <= contract.query(api, 'query_block_number_state')
Пример #13
def create_synergetic_contract(parameters, test_instance):
    nodes = parameters["nodes"]
    name = parameters["name"]
    fee_limit = parameters["fee_limit"]
    transfer_amount = parameters.get("transfer_amount", -1)
    for node_index in nodes:
        node_host = "localhost"
        node_port = test_instance._nodes[node_index]._port_start

        api = LedgerApi(node_host, node_port)

        # create the entity from the node's private key
        entity = Entity(get_nodes_private_key(test_instance, node_index))
        output('Create contract, available balance: ',
        helper = SynergeticContractTestHelper(
            name, api, entity, test_instance._workspace)
        test_instance._nodes[node_index]._contract = helper
        if transfer_amount > 0:
                entity, helper.contract.address, transfer_amount, 1000))
Пример #14
def generateEntity():
    print('Creating private key...')

    # create our first private key pair
    entity1 = Entity()

    # save the private key to disk
#    with open('private.key', 'w') as private_key_file:
#         entity1.dump(private_key_file)

    print('Creating private key...complete')

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(HOST, 8100)

    print('Creating initial balance...')

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000))

    print('Creating initial balance...complete')
    return entity1
Пример #15
    def test_action(self, mock_shard_mask):
        # create contract
        owner = Entity()
        contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, owner)

        # Mock api for providing number of lanes and receiving create call
        api = mock.Mock(spec=LedgerApi)
        api.server = mock.Mock()
        lane_number = 2
        api.server.num_lanes.side_effect = [lane_number]
        api.contracts = mock.Mock(spec=ContractsApi)

        # Mock shard mask static method
        dummy_shard_mask = mock.Mock()
        mock_shard_mask.side_effect = [dummy_shard_mask]

        contract.action(api, 'action1', 1000, owner, 'arg1', 'arg2')

        # Check shard mask gen called with contract digest address
        base_contract_address = 'fetch.contract.state.{}'.format(
        expected_resources = [

        # TODO: Due to parser errors the contract can not correctly distinguish the bit vectors. This means a wild card
        #       bit vector is used.
        #mock_shard_mask.assert_called_once_with(expected_resources, lane_number)

        # Check api create method called
Пример #16
def add_charge():
    global contract
    global wallet_owner
    global contract_user
    global wallet_address
    global user_address
    if requests.method == 'POST':
        lat = request.form['lat']
        lon = request.form['long']
    contract.action(api, 'addChargeProvider', 2456766,
                    [contract_user, wallet_owner], user_address,
    contract.action(api, 'addCharge', 2456766, [contract_user, wallet_owner],
                    user_address, wallet_address, lat, lon)
    print("Wait for charge txs to be mined ...")

    charge = Entity()
    charge_address = Address(charge)
    # Printing balance of the creating address1
    print(contract.query(api, 'getChargeFleetSize'), " charge in fleet")
    return json.dumps({"address", str(charge_address)})
Пример #17
def main():
    # create the API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # create an entity and provide it some wealth
    entity = Entity()
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity, 100000000))

    # create the contract on the ledger
    synergy_contract = SynergeticContract(CONTRACT_TEXT)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, synergy_contract, 4096))

    # create a whole series of random data to submit to the DAG
    random_ints = [random.randint(0, 200) for _ in range(4000)]
                                   value=value) for value in random_ints
Пример #18
def run_contract(parameters, test_instance):
    nodes = parameters["nodes"]
    contract_name = parameters["contract_name"]
    wait_for_blocks_num = parameters["wait_for_blocks"]
    for node_index in nodes:
        node_host = "localhost"
        node_port = test_instance._nodes[node_index]._port_start

        api = LedgerApi(node_host, node_port)

        # create the entity from the node's private key
        entity = Entity(get_nodes_private_key(test_instance, node_index))

            contract_helper = test_instance._nodes[node_index]._contract
        except AttributeError:
                f"No contract stored in test_instance (node_index={node_index})! Loading from file..."
            contract_helper = SynergeticContractTestHelper(
                contract_name, api, entity, test_instance._workspace)

        contract_helper.submit_random_data(10, (0, 200))
        valid = contract_helper.validate_execution()
        if not valid:
                f"Synergetic contract ({contract_name}) execution failed on node {node_index}!"
            raise Exception(
                f"Synergetic contract ({contract_name}) execution failed on node {node_index}!"
                f"Synergetic contract ({contract_name}) executed on node {node_index} "
Пример #19
def send_txs(parameters, test_instance):
    name = parameters["name"]
    amount = parameters["amount"]
    nodes = parameters["nodes"]

    if len(nodes) != 1:
        output("Only one node supported for sending TXs to at this time!")

    # Create or load the identities up front
    identities = [Entity() for i in range(amount)]

    for node_index in nodes:
        node_host = "localhost"
        node_port = test_instance._nodes[node_index]._port_start

        # create the API objects we use to interface with the nodes
        api = LedgerApi(node_host, node_port)

        tx_and_identity = []

        for index in range(amount):
            # get next identity
            identity = identities[index]
            amount = index + 1

            # create and send the transaction to the ledger, capturing the tx
            # hash
            tx = api.tokens.transfer(test_instance._benefactor_entity,
                                     identity, amount, BASE_TX_FEE)

            tx_and_identity.append((tx, identity, amount))

            output(f"Sent balance {amount} to node")

        # Attach this to the test instance so it can be used for verification
        test_instance._metadata = tx_and_identity
Пример #20
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000000))
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))

    assert contract.query(api, 'query_init_test') == 0

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 10000, [entity1]))
    assert contract.query(api, 'query_action_test') == 0

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)
    assert contract.query(api, 'query_clear_test') == 0

    # Provide the contract with funds
    api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, 1234, 200)

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 10000, [entity1]))
    assert contract.query(api, 'query_action_test') == 1234

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)
    assert contract.query(api, 'query_clear_test') == 1234
Пример #21
def main(source):
    # Create keypair for the contract owner
    entity = Entity()
    address = Address(entity)

    # Setting API up
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # Need funds to deploy contract
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity, 100000))

    # Create contract
    contract = SmartContract(source)

    # Deploy contract
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, contract, 10000))

    # Printing message
Пример #22
def main(source):
    # Create keypair for the contract owner
    entity = Entity()

    address = Address(entity)

    # Setting API up
    api = LedgerApi('localhost', 8000)

    # Need funds to deploy contract
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity, 100000))

    # Create contract
    contract = SmartContract(source)

    # Deploy contract
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, contract, 100000))

    # Printing message
    contract.action(api, 'add', 100, [entity], "first")


    print(contract.query(api, 'getSize'))
Пример #23
def makeClient(number: int):

    #check if entity has already been created

        #locate the agent account entity for interacting with the ledger.
        with open ('./workdir/Agent3/client/client'+str(number)+'_private.key', 'r') as private_key_file:
                client_agentID = Entity.load(private_key_file)

        #create new entity for the agent
        client_agentID = Entity()
        #store private key of newly formed entity
        with open('./workdir/Agent3/client/client'+str(number)+'_private.key', 'w') as private_key_file:
        #give the account starting tokens
        api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(client_agentID, 2000))

    startBalance = api.tokens.balance(client_agentID)

    highest_price = random.randint(500, 1000)

    # define an OEF Agent
    client= ClientAgent(str(Address(client_agentID)), highest_price, client_agentID, oef_addr="", oef_port=10000)

    print('Balance Before:', startBalance)

    # connect it to the OEF Node

    # query OEF for DataService providers
    echo_query1 = Query([Constraint("timezone", Eq(3)), Constraint("twentyfour", Eq(False))],TIME_AGENT())

    client.search_services(0, echo_query1)
Пример #24
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 1000000, 1000))

    contracts = []
    for i in range(5):
        contracts += [Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)]
    contract_terminal = Contract(TERMINAL_CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    for contract in contracts:
        api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract_terminal, 2000))

    for i in range(len(contracts) - 1):
        api.sync(contracts[i].action(api, 'set_callee', 400, entity1,
                                     str(contracts[i + 1].address)))
    api.sync(contracts[-1].action(api, 'set_callee', 400, entity1,

    api.sync(contracts[0].action(api, 'c2c_call', 400, entity1))
Пример #25
def create_wealth(parameters, test_instance):
    nodes = parameters["nodes"]
    amount = parameters["amount"]

    for node_index in nodes:
        node_host = "localhost"
        node_port = test_instance._nodes[node_index]._port_start

        api = LedgerApi(node_host, node_port)

        # create the entity from the node's private key
        entity = Entity(get_nodes_private_key(test_instance, node_index))
        tx = api.tokens.wealth(entity, amount)
        for i in range(10):
            output('Create balance of: ', amount)
            api.sync(tx, timeout=120, hold_state_sec=20)
            for j in range(5):
                b = api.tokens.balance(entity)
                output('Current balance: ', b)
                if b >= amount:
        raise Exception("Failed to create wealth")
Пример #26
 def _generate_private_key(cls) -> Entity:
     entity = Entity()
     return entity
Пример #27
if __name__ == '__main__':

    #define the ledger parameters
    api = LedgerApi('', 8100)

    #check if entity has already been created

        #locate the agent account entity for interacting with the ledger.
        with open ('./workdir/Agent4/client/client_private.key', 'r') as private_key_file:
                client_agentID = Entity.load(private_key_file)

        #create new entity for the agent
        client_agentID = Entity()
        #store private key of newly formed entity
        with open('./workdir/Agent4/client/client_private.key', 'w') as private_key_file:
        #give the account starting tokens
        api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(client_agentID, 2000))

    startBalance = api.tokens.balance(client_agentID)

    # define an OEF Agent
    client_agent = ClientAgent(str(Address(client_agentID)), oef_addr="", oef_port=10000)

    print('Balance Before:', startBalance)

    highest_price = 1700
    if highest_price > api.tokens.balance(client_agentID):
Пример #28
if __name__ == '__main__':

    #define the ledger parameters
    api = LedgerApi('', 8100)

    #checl if entity has already been generated

        #locate the agent account entity for interacting with the ledger.
        with open ('./workdir/Agent_Auction/agent/server_private.key', 'r') as private_key_file:
                server_agentID = Entity.load(private_key_file)

        #create the enity for the agent
        server_agentID = Entity()
        #store the private key of the newly created entity
        with open('./workdir/Agent_Auction/agent/server_private.key', 'w') as private_key_file:

    startBalance = api.tokens.balance(server_agentID)

    #set trading values
    price = 20
    fet_tx_fee = 40

    print('Price:', price)
    print('Balance Before:', startBalance)

    # create agent and connect it to OEF
    server_agent = Demo_Agent(str(Address(server_agentID)), oef_addr="", oef_port=10000)
Пример #29
import json
from flask import Flask, jsonify

from fetchai.ledger.api import LedgerApi
from fetchai.ledger.contract import SmartContract
from fetchai.ledger.crypto import Entity, Address

import time

app = Flask(__name__)

amount = 10000
HOST = '' 
PORT = 8100
# create our first private key pair
entity1 = Entity()
address1 = Address(entity1)

# create a second private key pair
entity2 = Entity()
address2 = Address(entity2)

function setup(owner: Address)
  var ttal : UInt64 = {amount}u64;
  var balance_first = State<UInt64>(Address("{address1}"));
  var balance_second = State<UInt64>(Address("{address2}"));

Пример #30
from flask import Flask
from fetchai.ledger.api import LedgerApi
from fetchai.ledger.contract import SmartContract
from fetchai.ledger.crypto import Entity, Address
import sys
import time
import json

app = Flask(__name__)
wallet_owner = Entity()
wallet_address = Address(wallet_owner)
api = LedgerApi('', 8100)
contracts = {}

def balance():
    balance = api.tokens.balance(wallet_address)
    return json.dumps({"address": str(wallet_address), "balance": balance})

def address():
    return json.dumps({"address", str(wallet_address)})

def create_tokens():
    """Creates 10k tokens """
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(wallet_owner, 100000))
    return json.dumps({"status": "done"})