Пример #1
    IoTAClient, \

# ## Parameters
# ToDo: Enter your context broker url and port, e.g. http://localhost:1026
CB_URL = "http://localhost:1026"
# ToDo: Enter your IoT-Agent url and port, e.g. http://localhost:4041
IOTA_URL = "http://localhost:4041"
# ToDo: Enter your QuantumLeap url and port, e.g. http://localhost:8668
QL_URL = "http://localhost:8668"

# ## Main script
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a single client for each service and check the service for
    #  its version
    cbc = ContextBrokerClient(url=CB_URL)

    iotac = ...

    qlc = ...

    # ToDo: Create a configuration object for a multi client
    config = HttpClientConfig(...)

    # ToDo: Create a multi client check again all services for their version
    multic = HttpClient(config=config)

Пример #2
SERVICE_PATH = '/example'

# Setting up logging
                    format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # # 1 Setup Client
    # create the client, for more details view the example: e01_http_clients.py
    fiware_header = FiwareHeader(service=SERVICE, service_path=SERVICE_PATH)
    cb_client = ContextBrokerClient(url=CB_URL, fiware_header=fiware_header)
    # View version
    for key, value in cb_client.get_version().items():
        logger.info("Context broker version" + value["version"] + " at url " +

    # # 2 Create Entities
    # ## 2.1 Build Models
    # Entities can be created by:
    # ### 2.1.1 Passing a dict:
    room1 = {
        "id": "Room1",
        "type": "Room",
        "temperature": {
Пример #3
    # FIWARE in the space given by the FiwareHeader. For more information see:
    # e01_http_clients.py

    fiware_header = FiwareHeader(service=SERVICE, service_path=SERVICE_PATH)

    # clear all existing data
    clear_all(fiware_header=fiware_header, cb_url=CB_URL, ql_url=QL_URL)

    ql_client = QuantumLeapClient(url=QL_URL, fiware_header=fiware_header)
    print("Quantum Leap " + ql_client.get_version()["version"] + " at url " +

    cb_client = ContextBrokerClient(url=CB_URL, fiware_header=fiware_header)

    print("Context broker version " +
          cb_client.get_version()["orion"]["version"] + " at url " +

    # ## 2 Interact with QL
    # ### 2.1 Create a ContextEntity to work with
    # for more details see: e01_ngsi_v2_context_basics.py
    hall = {
        "id": "Hall_1",
        "type": "Room",
        "temperature": {
            "value": random.randint(0, 100),
            "type": "Integer"
Пример #4
# Example to show we can make use of python's logging when using filip.
# The configuration is totally up to the user because FiLiP should not
# interfere with the user's final application and preferences.
# Each module has its own logger but does not configure any streams and
# therefore reuses the streams of the root logger.

# import python's build in logging implementation
import logging
# import an api client from filip as example
from filip.clients.ngsi_v2 import ContextBrokerClient
# setting up the basic configuration of the logging system. Please check the
# official documentation and the functions docstrings for more details.
# Handling for 'handlers' in the logging system is not trivial.
# It is also import to know that this function should only be called once in
# your application. Since FiLiP is an SDK that should help to implement other
# services we do not call this function anywhere in our code.
# Hence, it is up to the user to configure the logging system.

# In this example we will simply change the log level and the log format.
                    format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')

# You need to change the output
ocb = ContextBrokerClient(url='http://<PleaseChange.Me>')