def test_welcome():
    prints = [
        "Welcome to Game of Greed!",
        "Wanna play? ",
        "OK. Maybe another time",
        "Great! Check back tomorrow!",

    def print_for_testing(message):
        assert message == prints.pop(0)

    game = Game(print_for_testing, print_for_testing)
Пример #2
    def play(cls, num_games=1):

        mega_total = 0

        for i in range(num_games):
            player = cls()

            game = Game()
            mega_total += player.total_score

            f"{num_games} games (maybe) played with average score of {mega_total // num_games}"
Пример #3
def test_def_validate_roll_fail(roll, expected_keepers):

    prints = ['No way pal', roll, 'No way pal',roll]

    inputs = ['0','0', str(expected_keepers[0])]

    def my_print(msg, *args):
        assert msg == prints.pop(0)

    def my_input(msg, *args):
        assert msg == 'Enter dice to keep: '
        return inputs.pop(0)

    game = Game(my_print, my_input)

    keepers = game.validate_roll(roll)

    assert keepers == expected_keepers
Пример #4
def test_def_validate_roll_success(roll, expected_keepers):

    def my_print(msg, *args):
        assert msg == roll

    def my_input(msg, *args):
        assert msg == 'Enter dice to keep: '
        keeper_string = ''
        for val in expected_keepers:
            keeper_string += str(val)

        return keeper_string

    game = Game(my_print, my_input)

    keepers = game.validate_roll(roll)

    assert keepers == expected_keepers
def test_flow_no():

    prints = ['Welcome to Game of Greed', 'OK. Maybe another time']
    prompts = ['Wanna play? Please type y to start game Type: ']
    responses = ['n']

    def mock_print(*args):
        if len(prints):
            current_print = prints.pop(0)
            assert args[0] == current_print

    def mock_input(*args):
        if len(prompts):
            current_prompt = prompts.pop(0)
            assert args[0] == current_prompt

        if len(responses):
            current_response = responses.pop(0)
            return current_response

    game = Game(mock_print, mock_input)
def test_1_and_5():
    test_game = Game()
    actual = test_game.calculate_score((6, 5, 4, 1, 4, 2))
    assert 150 == actual
def test_straigt():
    test_game = Game()
    actual = test_game.calculate_score((6, 5, 4, 1, 3, 2))
    assert 1500 == actual
def test_3_pairs():
    test_game = Game()
    actual = test_game.calculate_score((6, 4, 4, 2, 6, 2))
    assert 1500 == actual