Пример #1
def getAverageMagnitude(m, me, idx):
    if len(idx) > 1:
        m_good = m[idx]
        m_weight = 1.0 / me[idx]**2

        flux_tmp = 10**(m_good/-2.5)
        flux_avg = statsWeighted.mean_wgt(flux_tmp, m_weight)
        flux_std = statsWeighted.std_wgt(flux_tmp, m_weight)

        m_avg = -2.5 * math.log10(flux_avg)
        me_avg = 2.5 * math.log10(math.e) * flux_std / flux_avg

        # Use the input magnitude errors if they are larger than
        # the spread in the magnitude measurements. This is because
        # we have so few measurements for some stars, there is a 
        # reasonable change that the photometric errors are underestimated.
        # This is the conservative thing to do I think.
        magerr_avg = me[idx].mean()
        if magerr_avg > me_avg:
            me_avg = magerr_avg
    if len(idx) == 1:
        m_avg = m[idx[0]]
        me_avg = me[idx[0]]

    if len(idx) == 0:
        m_avg = 0.0
        me_avg = 0.0

    return m_avg, me_avg
Пример #2
def getAveragePosition(p, pe, idx):
    if (len(idx) > 1):
        p_good = p[idx]
        p_weight = 1.0 / pe[idx]**2

        # Handle a rare case where pe == 0 due to not enough decimals in
        # our files.
        zeros = np.where(pe[idx] == 0)[0]
        non_zeros = np.where(pe[idx] != 0)[0]
        if len(zeros) > 0:
            min_err = pe[idx[non_zeros]].min()
            p_weight[zeros] = 1.0 / (min_err * 0.5)

        # for positions, get the weighted average
        # for errors, get the straight average
        p_avg = statsWeighted.mean_wgt(p_good, p_weight)
        #pe_avg = statsWeighted.std_wgt(p_good, p_weight)
        pe_avg = pe[idx].mean()
        #  -------------------
        # JLu had this next part originally, but we are already using
        # the average error, so not needed...for now

        ## Use the input magnitude errors if they are larger than
        ## the spread in the magnitude measurements. This is because
        ## we have so few measurements for some stars, there is a 
        ## reasonable chance that the photometric errors are underestimated.
        ## This is the conservative thing to do I think.
        #poserr_avg = pe[idx].mean()
        #if poserr_avg > pe_avg:
        #    pe_avg = poserr_avg
        #  -------------------

    if len(idx) == 1:
        p_avg = p[idx[0]]
        pe_avg = pe[idx[0]]

    if len(idx) == 0:
        p_avg = 0.0
        pe_avg = 0.0

    return p_avg, pe_avg
Пример #3
def makeNewRefList(alignRoot, refList, starPrefix='ep0'):
    print 'Making new reference list', refList
    s = starset.StarSet(alignRoot)

    # Get the zeropoint offset to convert to 
    magRef = s.getArrayFromEpoch(0, 'mag')
    magLis = s.getArrayFromEpoch(1, 'mag')

    idx = np.where((magRef != 0) & (magLis != 0))[0]
    # Only use the first 10 stars
    if len(idx) > 10:
        idx = idx[0:10]

    zp = (magRef[idx] - magLis[idx]).mean()
    print 'Zeropoint for %s is %.2f' % (starPrefix, zp)

    _out = open(refList, 'w')

    for star in s.stars:
        inRef = False
        inLis = False
        if star.e[0].x > -999: 
            inRef = True
        if star.e[1].x > -999: 
            inLis = True

        if inRef and inLis:

            name = star.e[0].name

            # Rename new stars from the mosaiced images.
            # Don't rename reference list sources, so we can reject 
            # them later on.
            if name.startswith('star') and starPrefix != None:
                name = star.e[1].name.replace('star', starPrefix)

            # get errors and combine them
            # centroid, distortion, and residual distortion
            xe0 = star.e[0].xpixerr_p 
            ye0 = star.e[0].ypixerr_p
            # centroid, distortion, and residual distortion
            xe1 = star.e[1].xpixerr_p 
            ye1 = star.e[1].ypixerr_p
            # align error
            xea = star.e[1].xpixerr_a 
            yea = star.e[1].ypixerr_a

            # add the alignment error in quadrature to the frame's other errors
            xe1_tot = np.hypot(xe1, xea)
            ye1_tot = np.hypot(ye1, yea)

            m = star.e[1].mag + zp

            # get original and aligned positions, then take weighted ave
            # weight by each field's errors (which contain centroid,
            # distortion, and residual distortion errors already)
            x0 = star.e[0].xpix
            y0 = star.e[0].ypix
            x1 = star.e[1].xpix
            y1 = star.e[1].ypix
            xwt0 = 1. / xe0**2
            ywt0 = 1. / ye0**2
            xwt1 = 1. / xe1_tot**2
            ywt1 = 1. / ye1_tot**2

            x = statsWeighted.mean_wgt(np.array([x0,x1]), np.array([xwt0,xwt1]))
            y = statsWeighted.mean_wgt(np.array([y0,y1]), np.array([ywt0,ywt1]))

            # For the next reference list's new positional error, we'll
            # take the average error of the ref and lis errors
            xerr = (xe0 + xe1_tot) / 2.0
            yerr = (ye0 + ye1_tot) / 2.0
            if inRef:
                name = star.e[0].name
                x = star.e[0].xpix
                y = star.e[0].ypix
                xe = star.e[0].xpixerr_p
                ye = star.e[0].ypixerr_p
                m = star.e[0].mag
                # just maintain the frame's (centroid+distortion+residual) 
                # errors
                xerr = xe 
                yerr = ye

            if inLis:
                name = star.e[1].name

                # Rename new stars from the narrow camera stuff.
                # Don't rename wide camera sources, so we can reject 
                # them later on.
                if name.startswith('star') and starPrefix != None:
                    name = name.replace('star', starPrefix)

                x = star.e[1].xpix
                y = star.e[1].ypix
                xe = star.e[1].xpixerr_p
                ye = star.e[1].ypixerr_p
                xea = star.e[1].xpixerr_a
                yea = star.e[1].ypixerr_a
                m = star.e[1].mag + zp
                # just maintain the frame's (centroid+distortion+residual) 
                # errors.
                xerr = xe 
                yerr = ye

        date = star.years[0]
        _out.write('%-13s %6.3f  %9.4f  %11.5f %11.5f  %8.5f %8.5f  1 1 1 1\n' %
                      (name, m, date, x, y, xerr, yerr))
