Пример #1
This 3D histogram class allows efficient updating of histograms, plotting and
saving as HDF5.


import geobipy
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import Histogram
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh3D
import numpy as np

# Create some histogram bins in x and y
x = StatArray(np.linspace(-4.0, 4.0, 11), 'Variable 1')
y = StatArray(np.linspace(-4.0, 4.0, 21), 'Variable 2')
z = StatArray(np.linspace(-4.0, 4.0, 31), 'Variable 3')

mesh = RectilinearMesh3D(xEdges=x, yEdges=y, zEdges=z)

# Instantiate
H = Histogram(mesh=mesh)

# Generate some random numbers
a = np.random.randn(100000)
b = np.random.randn(100000)
c = np.random.randn(100000)
x = np.asarray([a, b, c])
Пример #2
This 3D rectilinear mesh defines a grid with straight cell boundaries.


from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import h5py

# Specify some cell centres in x and y
x = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), 'Easting', 'm')
y = StatArray(np.arange(11.0), 'Northing', 'm')
z = StatArray(np.arange(12.0), 'Depth', 'm')

rm = RectilinearMesh3D(xEdges=x, yEdges=y, zEdges=z)

rm1 = rm[:5, :5, :5]
rm2 = rm[:, :, 5]
rm3 = rm[:, 5, :]
rm4 = rm[5, :, :]

Пример #3
# Send and Recv Left
myMPI.IsendToLeft(x, world)
z = myMPI.IrecvFromRight(world)

tst = [[1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3, 3], [0]]
assert np.all(z == tst[rank]), Exception("d) Could not Isend/Irecv Right to Left. Rank {}".format(rank))

myMPI.IsendToRight(x, world)
z = myMPI.IrecvFromLeft(world)

tst = [[3, 3, 3, 3], 0, [1, 1], [2, 2, 2]]
assert np.all(z == tst[rank]), Exception("e) Could not Isend/Irecv Left to Right. Rank {}".format(rank))

## Test the StatArray routines
x = StatArray((rank+1) * np.arange(N, dtype=np.float64), "name", "units")

# Bcast
y = x.Bcast(world)
assert np.all(y == [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), Exception("Could not use StatArray.Bcast. Rank {}".format(rank))

# Scatterv
y = x.Scatterv(starts, chunks, world)

tst = [[0.0, 1.0], 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ]
assert np.all(y == tst[rank]), Exception("Could not use StatArray.Scatterv. Rank {}".format(rank))

# Send and Recv
z = None
if master:
    x.Isend(1, world)
Пример #4
Topo Rectilinear Mesh 2D
The Topo version of the rectilinear mesh has the same functionality as the
:ref:`Rectilinear Mesh 2D` but the top surface of the mesh can undulate.


from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh2D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Specify some cell centres in x and y
x = StatArray(np.arange(11.0), 'Easting', 'm')
y = StatArray(np.arange(11.0), 'Depth', 'm')
# Create a height profile for the mesh
height = StatArray(
    np.asarray([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) * 3.0, 'Height', 'm')
# Instantiate the mesh
rm = RectilinearMesh2D(xEdges=x, yEdges=y, heightEdges=height)

# Plot only the grid lines of the mesh
_ = rm.plotGrid(linewidth=0.5)

# Create some cell values
values = StatArray(np.random.random(rm.shape), 'Name', 'Units')
Пример #5

import h5py
from geobipy import hdfRead
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import Histogram1D
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Histogram with regular bins
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# Create regularly spaced bins
bins = StatArray(np.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 101), 'Regular bins')


# Set the histogram using the bins, and update
H = Histogram1D(bins=bins)


# We can update the histogram with some new values
x = np.random.randn(1000)
H.update(x, clip=True, trim=True)

# Plot the histogram
_ = H.plot()
Пример #6

from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import Model1D
from geobipy import Distribution
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import h5py
from geobipy import hdfRead

# Make a test model with 10 layers, and increasing parameter values

par = StatArray(np.linspace(0.001, 0.02, 10), "Conductivity", "$\\frac{S}{m}$")
thk = StatArray(np.arange(1, 11))
mod = Model1D(parameters=par, thickness=thk, hasHalfspace=False)

# Randomness and Model Perturbations
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# We can set the priors on the 1D model by assigning minimum and maximum layer
# depths and a maximum number of layers.  These are used to create priors on
# the number of cells in the model, a new depth interface, new parameter values
# and the vertical gradient of those parameters.
# The halfSpaceValue is used as a reference value for the parameter prior.
prng = np.random.RandomState()
# Set the priors
Пример #7
A common bottleneck with large parallel algorithms is the input output of information to disk.
We use HDF5 to read and write data in order to leverage the parallel capabililties of the HDF5 API.

Each object within GeoBIPy has a create_hdf, write_hdf, and read_hdf routine.

import numpy as np
import h5py
from geobipy import StatArray

# StatArray
# +++++++++

# Instantiate a StatArray
x = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), name = 'an Array', units = 'some units')

# Write the StatArray to a HDF file.
with h5py.File("x.h5", 'w') as f:
    x.toHdf(f, "x")

# Read the StatArray back in.
with h5py.File("x.h5", 'r') as f:
    y = StatArray.fromHdf(f, 'x')

print('x', x)
print('y', y)

# There are actually steps within the "toHdf" function.
# First, space is created within the HDF file and second, the data is written to that space
Пример #8
This 2D histogram class allows efficient updating of histograms, plotting and
saving as HDF5.


import geobipy
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import Histogram2D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Create some histogram bins in x and y
x = StatArray(np.linspace(-4.0, 4.0, 101), 'Variable 1')
y = StatArray(np.linspace(-4.0, 4.0, 101), 'Variable 2')

# Instantiate
H = Histogram2D(xBins=x, yBins=y)

# Generate some random numbers
a = np.random.randn(1000000)
b = np.random.randn(1000000)
x = np.asarray([a, b])

# Update the histogram counts
Пример #9
This 2D rectilinear model defines a grid with straight cell boundaries.


from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh2D
from geobipy import Model
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Specify some cell centres in x and y
x = StatArray(np.arange(11.0), 'Easting', 'm')
y = StatArray(np.arange(11.0), 'Northing', 'm')
mesh = RectilinearMesh2D(xEdges=x, yEdges=y)

xx, yy = np.meshgrid(mesh.x.centres, mesh.y.centres)
values = StatArray(np.sin(np.sqrt(xx ** 2.0 + yy ** 2.0)), "Values")

mod = Model(mesh=mesh, values = values)


mod2 = mod.resample(0.5, 0.5)
mod3 = mod.resample(1.5, 1.5)
Пример #10
1D Rectilinear Mesh
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh1D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Instantiate a new 1D rectilinear mesh by specifying cell centres or edges.
# Here we use edges
x = StatArray(np.cumsum(np.arange(0.0, 10.0)), 'Depth', 'm')

rm = RectilinearMesh1D(cellEdges=x)





The Topo version of the rectilinear mesh has the same functionality as the
:ref:`Rectilinear Mesh 2D` but the top surface of the mesh can undulate.


from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import TopoRectilinearMesh2D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Specify some cell centres in x and y
x = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), 'Easting', 'm')
y = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), 'Height', 'm')
# Create a height profile for the mesh
height = StatArray(np.asarray([5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5])*3.0, 'Height', 'm')
# Instantiate the mesh
rm = TopoRectilinearMesh2D(xCentres=x, yCentres=y, heightCentres=height)

# Plot only the grid lines of the mesh
_ = rm.plotGrid(linewidth=0.5)

# Create some cell values
values = StatArray(np.random.random(rm.shape), 'Name', 'Units')
Пример #12
The second embeds the 2D mesh in 3D by providing the cell centres or edges in three dimensions.  
The first two dimensions specify the mesh coordinates in the horiztontal cartesian plane
while the third discretizes in depth. This allows us to characterize a mesh whose horizontal coordinates
do not follow a line that is parallel to either the "x" or "y" axis.


from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh2D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Specify some cell centres in x and y
x = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), 'Easting', 'm')
y = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), 'Northing', 'm')
rm = RectilinearMesh2D(xCentres=x, yCentres=y)

# We can plot the grid lines of the mesh.
_ = rm.plotGrid(linewidth=0.5)

# 2D Mesh embedded in 3D
# ++++++++++++++++++++++
z = StatArray(np.cumsum(np.arange(15.0)), 'Depth', 'm')
rm = RectilinearMesh2D(xCentres=x, yCentres=y, zCentres=z)

Пример #13
# D = FdemData.read_csv(dataFile,systemFile)

# ################################################################################
# # Get a data point from the dataset
# fdp = D.datapoint(0)
# plt.figure()
# _ = fdp.plot()

# Using a datapoint
# +++++++++++++++++

# We can define a 1D layered earth model, and use it to predict some data
nCells = 19
par = StatArray(np.linspace(0.01, 0.1, nCells), "Conductivity",
depth = StatArray(np.arange(nCells + 1) * 10.0, "Depth", 'm')
depth[-1] = np.inf
mod = Model(mesh=RectilinearMesh1D(edges=depth), values=par)

# Forward model the data

_ = mod.pcolor(transpose=True)
_ = fdp.plotPredicted()
Пример #14
from copy import deepcopy
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh1D, RectilinearMesh2D, RectilinearMesh2D_stitched
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import h5py

# The basics
# ++++++++++
# Instantiate a new 1D rectilinear mesh by specifying cell centres, edges, or widths.
x = StatArray(np.cumsum(np.arange(0.0, 10.0)), 'Depth', 'm')

# Cell edges
rm = RectilinearMesh1D(edges=x, centres=None, widths=None)

# We can plot the grid of the mesh
# Or Pcolor the mesh showing. An array of cell values is used as the colour.
arr = StatArray(np.random.randn(*rm.shape), "Name", "Units")
p = 0
_ = rm.plotGrid(transpose=True, flip=True)
_ = rm.pcolor(arr, grid=True, transpose=True, flip=True)
Пример #15
1D Rectilinear Mesh
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh1D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# The basics
# ++++++++++
# Instantiate a new 1D rectilinear mesh by specifying cell centres, edges, or widths.
x = StatArray(np.cumsum(np.arange(0.0, 10.0)), 'Depth', 'm')

# Cell widths
rm = RectilinearMesh1D(widths=np.full(10, fill_value=50.0))

# Cell centres
rm = RectilinearMesh1D(centres=x)

# Cell edges
rm = RectilinearMesh1D(edges=x)

# Cell centres
Пример #16
The second embeds the 2D mesh in 3D by providing the cell centres or edges in three dimensions.
The first two dimensions specify the mesh coordinates in the horiztontal cartesian plane
while the third discretizes in depth. This allows us to characterize a mesh whose horizontal coordinates
do not follow a line that is parallel to either the "x" or "y" axis.


from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh2D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Specify some cell centres in x and y
x = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), 'Easting', 'm')
y = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), 'Northing', 'm')
rm = RectilinearMesh2D(xCentres=x, yCentres=y)

# We can plot the grid lines of the mesh.
_ = rm.plotGrid(linewidth=0.5)

# Intersecting lines with a mesh
arr = np.zeros(rm.shape)

# Intersecting multisegment lines with a mesh
# arr = np.zeros(rm.shape)
Пример #17
This 3D rectilinear model defines a grid with straight cell boundaries.


from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import RectilinearMesh3D
from geobipy import Model
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import h5py

# Specify some cell centres in x and y
x = StatArray(np.arange(10.0), 'Easting', 'm')
y = StatArray(np.arange(11.0), 'Northing', 'm')
z = StatArray(np.arange(12.0), 'Depth', 'm')

xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x.internalEdges(), y.internalEdges())
height = StatArray(np.sin(np.sqrt(xx**2.0 + yy**2.0)), "Height")

rm = RectilinearMesh3D(xEdges=x, yEdges=y, zEdges=z, height=height)

values = StatArray(np.repeat(height[None, :, :], rm.z.nCells, 0), "Values")

mod = Model(mesh=rm, values=values)

# We can plot the mesh in 3D!
pv = mod.pyvista_mesh()
Пример #18
# Get a datapoint from the file.
tdp = Dataset._read_record(0)



# Using a time domain datapoint
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# We can define a 1D layered earth model, and use it to predict some data
par = StatArray(
    np.r_[1 / 50.0, 1 / 100.0, 1 / 1000.0, 1 / 5.0, 1 / 1000.0, 1 / 800.0],
    "Conductivity", "$\frac{S}{m}$")
mod = Model(mesh=RectilinearMesh1D(edges=np.r_[0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0,
                                               250.0, np.inf]),

# Forward model the data

_ = mod.pcolor(transpose=True)
_ = tdp.plot()
Пример #19
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import Model1D
from geobipy import Distribution
from geobipy import FdemData
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import h5py
from geobipy import hdfRead

# %%
# Instantiate the 1D Model with a Half Space
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# Make a test model with 10 layers, and increasing parameter values
nLayers = 2
par = StatArray(np.linspace(0.001, 0.02, nLayers), "Conductivity",
thk = StatArray(np.full(nLayers, fill_value=10.0))
thk[-1] = np.inf
mod = Model1D(parameters=par, widths=thk)

# plt.figure()
# mod.plotGrid(transpose=True, flip=True)

# Randomness and Model Perturbations
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# We can set the priors on the 1D model by assigning minimum and maximum layer
# depths and a maximum number of layers.  These are used to create priors on
# the number of cells in the model, a new depth interface, new parameter values
# and the vertical gradient of those parameters.
# The halfSpaceValue is used as a reference value for the parameter prior.
Пример #20
# Prepare the dataset so that we can read a point at a time.
Dataset = TdemData._initialize_sequential_reading(dataFile, systemFile)
# Get a datapoint from the file.
tdp = Dataset._read_record()

# plt.figure()
# tdp.plot()

# Using a time domain datapoint
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# We can define a 1D layered earth model, and use it to predict some data
par = StatArray(np.r_[500.0, 20.0], "Conductivity", "$\frac{S}{m}$")
mod = Model1D(edges=np.r_[0, 75.0, np.inf], parameters=par)

# Forward model the data

# plt.figure()
# plt.subplot(121)
# _ = mod.pcolor()
# plt.subplot(122)
# _ = tdp.plot()
# _ = tdp.plotPredicted()
# plt.tight_layout()
Пример #21
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import Histogram1D
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
from geobipy import hdfRead

# Instantiating a new StatArray class
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# The StatArray can take any numpy function that returns an array as an input.
# The name and units of the variable can be assigned to the StatArray.

Density = StatArray(np.random.randn(1), name="Density", units="$\frac{g}{cc}$")

# Attaching Prior and Proposal Distributions to a StatArray
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# The StatArray class has been built so that we may easily
# attach not only names and units, but statistical distributions too.
# We won't go into too much detail about the different distribution
# classes here so check out the :ref:`Distribution Class` for a better description.
# Two types of distributions can be attached to the StatArray.
# * Prior Distribution
#     The prior represents how the user believes the variable should
Пример #22
D = FdemData.read_csv(dataFile, systemFile)

# Get a data point from the dataset
fdp = D.datapoint(0)
_ = fdp.plot()

# Using a datapoint
# +++++++++++++++++

# We can define a 1D layered earth model, and use it to predict some data
nCells = 19
par = StatArray(np.linspace(0.01, 0.1, nCells), "Conductivity",
thk = StatArray(np.ones(nCells) * 10.0)
thk[-1] = np.inf
mod = Model1D(nCells=nCells, parameters=par, widths=thk)

# Forward model the data

_ = mod.pcolor()
_ = fdp.plotPredicted()
Пример #23
from geobipy.src.classes.mesh.RectilinearMesh1D import RectilinearMesh1D
import h5py
from geobipy import hdfRead
from geobipy import StatArray
from geobipy import Histogram
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Histogram with regular bins
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# Create regularly spaced bins
mesh = RectilinearMesh1D(
    edges=StatArray(np.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 101), 'bins', 'm'))

# Set the histogram using the bins, and update
H = Histogram(mesh=mesh)

# We can update the histogram with some new values
H.update(np.random.randn(1000), trim=True)

# Plot the histogram
_ = H.plot()
_ = H.pdf.bar()