Пример #1
class Ball(Sprite):
    ball = EllipseAsset(69, 69, whiteline, yellow)
    def __init__(self, position):
        super().__init__(Ball.ball, position)
        self.vx = 20
        self.vy = 0
        self.thrust = 0
        self.thrustframe = 1
        self.center = (0.5, 0.5)
        self.scale = 0.2
    def step(self):
        self.x += self.vx * 0.7
        self.y += self.vy * 0.7
        collisionleft = self.collidingWith(myapp.borderleft) 
        collisionright = self.collidingWith(myapp.borderright)
        hitspaddle2 = self.collidingWith(myapp.paddle2)
        hitspaddle1 = self.collidingWith(myapp.paddle1)
        hitsbordertop = self.collidingWith(myapp.bordertop)
        hitsborderbott = self.collidingWith(myapp.borderbottom)
        rand = random.randint(0, 3)
        if hitspaddle2:
            self.vx = -30
            if rand == 0:
                self.vy = 3
            elif rand == 1:
                self.vy = -3
            elif rand == 2:
                self.vy = 6
            elif rand == 3:
                self.vy = -6
        elif hitspaddle1:
            self.vx = 30
            if rand == 0:
                self.vy = 3
            elif rand == 1:
                self.vy = -3
            elif rand == 2:
                self.vy = 7
            elif rand == 3:
                self.vy = -7
        elif collisionright:
            self.vx = 0
            self.visible = False
        elif collisionleft:
            self.vx = 0
            self.visible = False
        elif hitsbordertop:
            self.vy = self.vy*-1
        elif hitsborderbott:
            self.vy = self.vy*-1
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, arg):
     self.image = ImageAsset("bunny.png")
     self.rocket = ImageAsset("ggimages/rocket.png")
     self.multiimage = ImageAsset("bunny.png", Frame(2, 2, 10, 14), 3,
                                  'horizontal', 2)
     color = 0x001122
     alpha = 0.5
     self.c = Color(color, alpha)
     pixels = 9
     self.l = LineStyle(pixels, color)
     self.rect = RectangleAsset(10, 20, LineStyle(3, Color(0x112233, 0.5)),
                                Color(0x223344, 0.6))
     self.circ = CircleAsset(30, LineStyle(3, Color(0x112233, 0.5)),
                             Color(0x223344, 0.6))
     self.ellipse = EllipseAsset(40, 50, LineStyle(4, Color(0x113355, 0.6)),
                                 Color(0x224466, 0.7))
     self.line = LineAsset(60, 70, LineStyle(5, Color(0x224466, 0.7)))
     self.poly = PolygonAsset([(10, 10), (20, 10), (15, 15), (10, 10)],
                              LineStyle(6, Color(0x665544, 0.9)),
                              Color(0x664422, 1.0))
     self.text = TextAsset("sample text",
                           style="20px Arial",
                           fill=Color(0x123456, 1.0),
Пример #3
 def test_ellipseasset(self):
     e = EllipseAsset(40, 50, LineStyle(4, Color(0x113355, 0.6)),
                      Color(0x224466, 0.7))
     self.assertEqual(e.gfx.visible, False)
     self.assertEqual(e.gfx.ehw, 40)
     self.assertEqual(e.gfx.ehh, 50)
     self.assertEqual(e.gfx.x, 0)
 def __init__(self, x, y, color, app):
         EllipseAsset(12, 12, LineStyle(0, Color(0, 1.0)), color), (x, y))
     self.xdirection = 0
     self.ydirection = 0
     self.go = True
     self.pacisalive = True
     self.stopscore = False
Пример #5
class dish(Sprite):
    asset = EllipseAsset(5, 50, thin1line, white)

    def __init__(self, position):
        super().__init__(dish.asset, position)
        self.fxcenter = 0.5
        self.fycenter = 0.5
        self.vx = 0
        self.vy = 0
        self.rotation = math.atan2(450 - cpy, cpx - 100)
Пример #6
class Arm(Sprite):
    asset = EllipseAsset(4, 8, gridline, black)

    def __init__(self, position):
        super().__init__(Arm.asset, position)
        self.vx = 0
        self.vy = 0
        self.vr = 0
        self.fxcenter = .5
        self.spin = False

Пример #7
for detailed information on ggame.

from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite, RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# add your code here \/  \/  \/

face = Color(0xFFD39B, 1.0)
white = Color(0xF0F8FF, 1.0)
eyes = Color(0x458B74, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
pink = Color(0xFF1493, 1.0)
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
ellipse = EllipseAsset(64, 80, thinline, face)
Sprite(ellipse, (64, 80))

eye1 = CircleAsset(16, thinline, white)
Sprite(eye1, (90, 130))

eye2 = CircleAsset(16, thinline, white)
Sprite(eye2, (140, 130))

pupil1 = CircleAsset(8, thinline, eyes)
Sprite(pupil1, (148, 138))

pupil1 = CircleAsset(8, thinline, eyes)
Sprite(pupil1, (98, 138))

pupil2 = CircleAsset(3, thinline, black)
Пример #8
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite
from ggame import RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# Three primary colors with no transparency (alpha = 1.0)
red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle
rectangle = EllipseAsset(50, 20, thinline, blue)
rectangle1 = PolygonAsset([(100,50), (100,200), (346,47),(54,56)], thinline, red)
# Now display a rectangle

myapp = App()
Пример #9
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite, RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# add your code here \/  \/  \/
red = Color(0xFF4040, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x40FFFF, 1.0)
green = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
purple = Color(0xA040FF, 1.0)
dblue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)

thickline = LineStyle(5, purple)
thinline = LineStyle(2.5, black)
noline = LineStyle(1, dblue)
redline = LineStyle(2, red)
pline = LineStyle(2, purple)
ellipse1 = EllipseAsset(250, 300, thickline, dblue)
ellipse2 = EllipseAsset(50, 70, thinline, green)
circle1 = CircleAsset(50, thinline, red)
circle2 = CircleAsset(50, thinline, purple)
grin1 = CircleAsset(30, thinline, green)
grin2 = CircleAsset(30, noline, dblue)
smile = PolygonAsset([(0, 75), (125, 30), (0, 50), (-125, 30)], thickline,
eb = RectangleAsset(150, 30, thickline, red)
eb2 = RectangleAsset(140, 30, thickline, green)
prunelle = CircleAsset(25, pline, black)
pupil = CircleAsset(26, redline, black)

Sprite(ellipse1, (800, 400))
Sprite(ellipse2, (800, 400))
Sprite(circle1, (700, 350))
Пример #10
# Three primary colors with no transparency (alpha = 1.0)
red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(5, black)
thicc = LineStyle(20, red)
x = LineStyle(14, green)
# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle
rectangle = RectangleAsset(1000, 500, thinline, blue)
Circle2 = CircleAsset(300, thinline,black)
Circle = CircleAsset(100, thinline,red)
Ellipse = EllipseAsset(230,35, thinline, green)
Ellipse2 = EllipseAsset(230,35, thinline, black)
Polygon = PolygonAsset(((10,70,), (30,50),(60,60)), thicc, red)
rectangle2 = RectangleAsset(100, 300, thicc, red)
Polygon2 = PolygonAsset(((10,70,), (30,5),(90,60)), thicc, blue)
Polygon3 = PolygonAsset(((10,70,), (30,5),(90,60)), thinline, blue)
Circle3 = CircleAsset(30, thicc,blue)
# Now display a rectangle
Sprite(Ellipse2, (320,320))
Sprite(Ellipse, (300,300))
Sprite(rectangle2, (400,400))
Sprite(Polygon2, (100,400))
Пример #11
thinline6 = LineStyle(1, black2)
thinline7 = LineStyle(1, green1)

tank = RectangleAsset(900, 600, thinline2, lightblue)
pebbles = RectangleAsset(900, 45, thinline2, tan)
castle = RectangleAsset(350, 190, thinline, grey)
castletop = PolygonAsset([(40, 60), (80, -45), (120, 60)], thinline, red)
castletop1 = PolygonAsset([(40, 60), (62.5, -30), (85, 60)], thinline, red)
centertower = RectangleAsset(150, 140, thinline, grey)
centertower1 = RectangleAsset(45, 50, thinline, grey)
tower = RectangleAsset(80, 100, thinline, grey)
ridge = RectangleAsset(10, 25, thinline, lightblue)
ridge1 = RectangleAsset(8, 20, thinline, lightblue)
windows = RectangleAsset(130, 130, thinline, brown)
windows1 = RectangleAsset(40, 50, thinline, black)
windows2 = EllipseAsset(63, 80, thinline1, brown)
windows3 = RectangleAsset(20, 30, thinline1, black)
line = PolygonAsset([(40, 60), (40, -105), (40, 60)], thinline2, black)
doorknob = EllipseAsset(8, 8, thinline1, black)
plant = RectangleAsset(10, 250, thinline7, green)
plant1 = RectangleAsset(5, 110, thinline7, green)
leaves = EllipseAsset(8, 20, thinline7, green)
leaves1 = RectangleAsset(2, 30, thinline7, green)
fish = EllipseAsset(45, 27, thinline4, orange)
tail = EllipseAsset(20, 10, thinline4, darkorange)
fins = EllipseAsset(15, 7, thinline4, darkorange)
fish2 = RectangleAsset(80, 80, thinline5, blue)
tail2 = PolygonAsset([(40, 40), (70, 20), (70, 60)], thinline5, blue)
line1 = PolygonAsset([(40, 60), (40, 12), (40, 60)], thinline2, black)
eye = CircleAsset(3, thinline5, black)
eye1 = CircleAsset(7, thinline5, white)
Пример #12
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x82DA30, 1.0)
brown = Color(0x977200, 1.0)
orange = Color(0xE47B03, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x00B9FF, 1.0)
indigo = Color(0x0042FF, 1.0)
violet = Color(0x6400FF, 1.0)
white = Color(0xffffff, 1.0)

thinline = LineStyle(1, black)

circlecaverock = CircleAsset(150, thinline, gray)
rectanglesand = RectangleAsset(3000, 4000, thinline, yellow)
polygonhouse = PolygonAsset([(450, 450), (500, 450), (500, 400), (475, 375),
                             (450, 400)], thinline, red)
ellipsecaveentr = EllipseAsset(75, 125, thinline, black)
ellipsetrunk = EllipseAsset(10, 100, thinline, brown)
ellipseleaf = EllipseAsset(40, 12, thinline, green)
circleleaf = CircleAsset(8, thinline, brown)
rectangledoor = RectangleAsset(15, 30, thinline, black)
rectanglewindow = RectangleAsset(12, 12, thinline, black)
redrainbow = CircleAsset(460, thinline, red)
orangerainbow = CircleAsset(440, thinline, orange)
yellowrainbow = CircleAsset(420, thinline, yellow)
greenrainbow = CircleAsset(400, thinline, green)
bluerainbow = CircleAsset(380, thinline, blue)
indigorainbow = CircleAsset(360, thinline, indigo)
violetrainbow = CircleAsset(340, thinline, violet)
whiterainbow = CircleAsset(320, thinline, white)

Sprite(redrainbow, (775, 500))
Пример #13
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
white = Color(0xf8f8ff, 1.0)
yellow = Color(0xffd700, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
ylwln = LineStyle(1, yellow)
# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle
frnt = RectangleAsset(200, 100, thinline, black)
cntr = RectangleAsset(200, 100, thinline, white)
back = RectangleAsset(200, 100, thinline, black)
toprim = RectangleAsset(200, 100, thinline, white)
wndw = RectangleAsset(190, 90, thinline, blue)
alarm = EllipseAsset(35, 25, thinline, red)
crcle = CircleAsset(25, thinline, black)
star = PolygonAsset([(20, 0), (0, 34.641), (-20, 0)], ylwln, yellow)
star2 = PolygonAsset([(20, 0), (0, -34.641), (-20, 0)], ylwln, yellow)
handle = RectangleAsset(35, 10, thinline, black)
# Now display a rectangle
Sprite(crcle, (600, 580))
Sprite(crcle, (1000, 580))
Sprite(frnt, (500, 480))
Sprite(cntr, (700, 480))
Sprite(back, (900, 480))
Sprite(toprim, (700, 380))
Sprite(wndw, (705, 385))
Sprite(alarm, (800, 355))
Sprite(star, (800, 530))
Sprite(star2, (800, 548))
Пример #14
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite
from ggame import RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# Three primary colors with no transparency (alpha = 1.0)
red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)

ellipse = EllipseAsset(30, 20, thinline, blue)
polygon = PolygonAsset([(0, 0), (60, 0), (80, 50), (0, 40), (0, 0)], thinline,

Sprite(polygon, (80, 30))
Sprite(ellipse, (80, 30))

# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle
rectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 20, thinline, blue)

# Now display a rectangle

myapp = App()
Пример #15
rectangle2 = RectangleAsset(1000, 1000, thinline, blue)
rectangle3 = RectangleAsset(1000, 500, thinline, green)
Sprite(rectangle3, (0, 300))
rectangle = RectangleAsset(500, 200, thinline, red)
Sprite(rectangle, (100, 200))
triangle = PolygonAsset([(300, 50), (550, 200), (50, 200)], thinline, green)
Sprite(triangle, (100, 50))
circle = CircleAsset(30, thinline, black)
Sprite(circle, (200, 280))
ellipse = EllipseAsset(30, 30, thinline, black)
Sprite(ellipse, (450, 280))
rectangle4 = RectangleAsset(50, 100, thinline, black)
Sprite(rectangle4, (330, 300))
wall = PolygonAsset([(200, 500), (550, 400), (550, 200), (200, 300)], thinline,
Sprite(wall, (600, 100))
roof2 = PolygonAsset([(0, 50), (250, 200), (600, 100), (400, 0), (230, 0)],
                     thinline, green)
Sprite(roof2, (350, 0))
#window top
windowtop = EllipseAsset(50, 30, thinline, black)
Sprite(windowtop, (300, 120))
Пример #16
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite
from ggame import RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# color variabls
red = Color(0xff0000, 0.7)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
white = Color(0xffffff, 1.0)

# 1 Pixel wide line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
# rectangle
rectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 50, thinline, blue)
ellipse = EllipseAsset(25, 25, thinline, blue)
polygon = PolygonAsset([(15, 60), (75, 60), (90, 0), (45, -30), (0, 0)],
                       thinline, red)

# display the shapes
Sprite(rectangle, (0, 0))
Sprite(rectangle, (25, 25))
Sprite(ellipse, (100, 100))
Sprite(polygon, (80, 80))

myapp = App()
Пример #17
# add your code here \/  \/  \/

red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
#yellow = Color(0Xffff00, 1.0)

#line style
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)

rectangle = RectangleAsset(500, 600, thinline, blue)
circle = CircleAsset(50, thinline, red)
ellipse = EllipseAsset(60, 100, thinline, red)
triangle = PolygonAsset([(50, 50), (100, 200), (0, 80)], thinline, green)
rectangle2 = RectangleAsset(100, 100, thinline, blue)
circle2 = CircleAsset(250, thinline, black)
rectangle3 = RectangleAsset(50, 600, thinline, red)
ellipse2 = EllipseAsset(300, 100, thinline, green)
triangle2 = PolygonAsset([(50, 50), (100, 200), (500, 80)], thinline, red)
triangle3 = PolygonAsset([(89, 500), (300, 200), (0, 80)], thinline, blue)
triangle4 = PolygonAsset([(300, 100), (100, 260), (0, 80)], thinline, green)

#display the shapes
Sprite(rectangle, (600, 50))
Sprite(circle2, (900, 150))
Sprite(circle, (900, 150))
Sprite(ellipse, (400, 400))
Sprite(triangle, (500, 600))
Пример #18
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite, RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# add your code here \/  \/  \/
#from tutorial
red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
yellow = Color(0xffff00, 1.0)

line = LineStyle(1, black)

trunk = RectangleAsset(10, 40, line, black)
orn1 = CircleAsset(5, line, red)
orn2 = CircleAsset(5, line, blue)
base = EllipseAsset(40, 10, line, black)
third = PolygonAsset([(25, 0), (0, 90), (50, 90), (25, 0)], line, green)
second = PolygonAsset([(25, 0), (0, 70), (50, 70), (25, 0)], line, green)
first = PolygonAsset([(25, 0), (0, 50), (50, 50), (25, 0)], line, green)
star = PolygonAsset([(25, 0), (15, 25), (40, 10), (10, 10), (35, 25), (25, 0)],
                    line, yellow)
pres = RectangleAsset(30, 30, line, red)
rib = RectangleAsset(10, 30, line, blue)
rib2 = RectangleAsset(30, 10, line, blue)

Sprite(trunk, (220, 130))
Sprite(third, (200, 50))
Sprite(second, (200, 50))
Sprite(first, (200, 50))
Sprite(orn1, (215, 75))
Sprite(orn2, (220, 100))
Пример #19
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite
from ggame import RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# Three primary colors with no transparency (alpha = 1.0)
red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle
ellipse = EllipseAsset(100, 200, thinline, blue)
# Now display a rectangle
myapp = App()
Пример #20
ground_snow = RectangleAsset(1500, 275, thinline, blue)

#the snowman body
base = CircleAsset(80, thinline, light_blue)
middle = CircleAsset(50, thinline, light_blue)
head = CircleAsset(40, thinline, light_blue)
nose = PolygonAsset([(0, 0), (0, 15), (30, 12)], thinline, orange)
eyes = CircleAsset(5, thinline, black)
arm_left = PolygonAsset([(0, 0), (15, 5), (100, 90), (100, 100)], thinline,
arm_right = PolygonAsset([(210, 0), (195, 5), (100, 90), (100, 100)], thinline,

hat_base = RectangleAsset(80, 20, thinline, black)
hat_top = EllipseAsset(25, 28, thinline, black)
buttons = CircleAsset(5, thinline, black)

# display
Sprite(ground_snow, (0, 400))
Sprite(base, (350, 240))
Sprite(middle, (380, 140))
Sprite(head, (390, 60))
Sprite(nose, (430, 100))
Sprite(eyes, (410, 80))
Sprite(eyes, (440, 80))
Sprite(arm_left, (280, 100))
Sprite(arm_right, (480, 100))
Sprite(hat_base, (390, 40))
Sprite(hat_top, (405, 4))
Sprite(buttons, (425, 200))
Пример #21
Sprite(rectangle, (350, 150))

#grass day
rectangle2 = RectangleAsset(475, 300, thinline, green)
Sprite(rectangle2, (0, 400))

#grass night
rectangle5 = RectangleAsset(460, 350, thinline, darkgreen)
Sprite(rectangle5, (475, 400))

rectangle3 = RectangleAsset(100, 100, thinline, red)
Sprite(rectangle3, (400, 300))

ellipse = EllipseAsset(5, 10, thinline, blue)
Sprite(ellipse, (425, 350))

triangle = PolygonAsset([(1, 100), (200, 1), (400, 100)], thinline, black)
Sprite(triangle, (275, 75))

circle = CircleAsset(50, thinline, yellow)
Sprite(circle, (0, 0))

circle2 = CircleAsset(50, thinline, white)
Sprite(circle2, (800, 0))

Пример #22
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite, RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# add your code here \/  \/  \/
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite
from ggame import RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

lightblue= Color(0x00bfff, 1.0)
brown=Color(0x8b4513, .8)
purple=Color(0x9370db, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)


Petal=EllipseAsset(50,20,line, lightblue)
petal2=EllipseAsset(20,50,line, lightblue)
Circle=CircleAsset(30, line, purple)
pot=PolygonAsset([(300,500), (500,500), (450,600), (350,600), (300,500)], line, brown)

Sprite(Circle, (375,300))
Sprite(Petal, (300,300))
Sprite(Petal, (450,300))
Sprite(petal2, (380,225))
Sprite(stem, (380,400))
Sprite(petal2, (380,375))
Пример #23
Sprite(windowsky, (420, 250))

window = RectangleAsset(80, 80, line1, blue)
Sprite(window, (420, 250))

roof = PolygonAsset([(0, 0), (100, -150), (200, 0)], line1, green)
Sprite(roof, (400, 50))

circlesky = CircleAsset(20, line1, white)
Sprite(circlesky, (480, 150))

circle = CircleAsset(20, line1, blue)
Sprite(circle, (480, 150))

trunk = RectangleAsset(30, 80, line1, red)
Sprite(trunk, (835, 350))

tree = EllipseAsset(50, 100, line1, green)
Sprite(tree, (800, 200))

trunk2 = RectangleAsset(30, 80, line1, red)
Sprite(trunk2, (135, 350))

tree2 = EllipseAsset(50, 100, line1, green)
Sprite(tree2, (100, 200))

# add your code here /\  /\  /\

myapp = App()
Пример #24
rectangle37 = RectangleAsset(25, 140, thinline, yellow)
rectangle38 = RectangleAsset(100, 25, thinline, yellow)
rectangle39 = RectangleAsset(25, 115, thinline, yellow)
rectangle40 = RectangleAsset(25, 140, thinline, green)
rectangle41 = RectangleAsset(100, 50, thinline, green)
rectangle42 = RectangleAsset(50, 25, thinline, white)
rectangle43 = RectangleAsset(140, 140, thinline, blue)
rectangle44 = RectangleAsset(90, 90, thinline, white)
rectangle45 = RectangleAsset(25, 140, thinline, red)
rectangle46 = RectangleAsset(100, 50, thinline, red)
rectangle47 = RectangleAsset(50, 25, thinline, white)
rectangle48 = RectangleAsset(35, 35, thinline, red)
rectangle49 = RectangleAsset(35, 35, thinline, yellow)
rectangle50 = RectangleAsset(35, 35, thinline, green)
rectangle51 = RectangleAsset(35, 35, thinline, blue)
ellipse = EllipseAsset(12, 30, Thinline, black)
ellipse2 = EllipseAsset(50, 7, Thinline, black)
circle = CircleAsset(30, Thinline, blue)
circle1 = CircleAsset(40, Thinline, blue)
circle2 = CircleAsset(40, Thinline, blue)
circle3 = CircleAsset(35, thinline, yellow)
circle4 = CircleAsset(25, thinline, white)
circle5 = CircleAsset(30, thinline, black)
circle6 = CircleAsset(22, thinline, white)
circle7 = CircleAsset(30, thinline, blue)
circle8 = CircleAsset(22, thinline, white)
circle9 = CircleAsset(35, thinline, green)
circle10 = CircleAsset(35, thinline, green)
circle11 = CircleAsset(20, thinline, white)
circle12 = CircleAsset(20, thinline, white)
circle13 = CircleAsset(10, thinline, blue)
Пример #25
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite
from ggame import RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

red = Color(0xff0000, 0.5)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)

thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
rectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 20, thinline, blue)
ellipse = EllipseAsset(50, 30, thinline, blue)
polygon = PolygonAsset([(250, 70), (250, 130), (350, 130), (350, 70)],
                       thinline, red)

Sprite(rectangle, (200, 50))
Sprite(rectangle, (225, 50))
Sprite(ellipse, (300, 100))

myapp = App()
Пример #26
from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite, RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# add your code here \/  \/  \/
red = Color(0xff0000, 0.7)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
brown = Color(0xB45F04, 1.0)
tree = Color(0x04B404, 1.0)
sky = Color(0x2EFEF7, 1.0)
yellow = Color(0xF7FE2E, 1.0)

thinline = LineStyle(1, black)

background = RectangleAsset(1700, 600, thinline, sky)
hill = EllipseAsset(600, 100, thinline, tree)
treeleaves = CircleAsset(50, thinline, tree)
treetrunk = RectangleAsset(30, 100, thinline, brown)
sun = PolygonAsset([(0, 30), (0, 60), (30, 90), (60, 90), (90, 60), (90, 30),
                    (60, 0), (30, 0)], thinline, yellow)

Sprite(background, (-1, -1))
Sprite(hill, (90, 350))
Sprite(hill, (-300, 380))
Sprite(hill, (-100, 430))
Sprite(treetrunk, (200, 350))
Sprite(treeleaves, (165, 300))
Sprite(treetrunk, (500, 300))
Sprite(treeleaves, (465, 250))
Sprite(sun, (100, 100))
# add your code here /\  /\  /\
Пример #27
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
gray = Color(0x000000, 0.3)
white = Color(0xffffff, 1.0)
yellow = Color(192 - 275 - 170, 1.0)
orange = Color(0xffbc53, 1.0)

thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
door = RectangleAsset(90, 170, thinline, yellow)
walls = RectangleAsset(300, 300, thinline, blue)
roof = PolygonAsset([(370, 200), (730, 200), (550, 50)], thinline, black)
bottom = CircleAsset(110, thinline, white)
mid = CircleAsset(90, thinline, white)
top = CircleAsset(70, thinline, white)
nose = PolygonAsset([(1000, 240), (1010, 210), (990, 210)], thinline, orange)
eye = CircleAsset(10, thinline, black)
shad = EllipseAsset(100, 50, thinline, gray)

Sprite(walls, (400, 200))
Sprite(door, (500, 330))
Sprite(bottom, (1000, 530))
Sprite(mid, (1000, 350))
Sprite(top, (1000, 200))
Sprite(eye, (980, 190))
Sprite(eye, (1020, 190))
Sprite(shad, (1190, 600))

myapp = App()
Пример #28
red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
purple = Color(0xA642C9, 1.0)
white = Color(0xFFFFFF, 1.0)
yellowish = Color(0xF1F2D5, 1.0)
brown = Color(0x915643, 1.0)

thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
thinlinered = LineStyle(1, red)

sky = RectangleAsset(800, 400, thinline, black)
moon = CircleAsset(40, thinline, yellowish)
water = RectangleAsset(800, 400, thinline, blue)
fish = EllipseAsset(50, 20, thinlinered, red)
fin = PolygonAsset([(40, 470), (50, 440), (60, 470)], thinlinered, red)
eye = CircleAsset(2, thinline, black)
star = CircleAsset(2, thinline, white)
boat = EllipseAsset(60, 20, thinline, brown)
mast = RectangleAsset(4, 60, thinline, brown)
sail = PolygonAsset([(0, 0), (0, 40), (30, 40)], thinline, white)

Sprite(sky, (0, 0))
Sprite(water, (0, 400))
Sprite(moon, (200, 50))
Sprite(fish, (50, 480))
Sprite(fin, (0, 0))
Sprite(eye, (80, 480))
Sprite(star, (400, 40))
Sprite(star, (100, 80))
Пример #29
# Three primary colors with no transparency (alpha = 1.0)
red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
yellow = Color(0x999900, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle

#Main square of the house
house = RectangleAsset(300, 300, thinline, blue)

roof = PolygonAsset([(0, 100), (200, 0), (400, 100), (0, 100)], thinline, red)

sun = EllipseAsset(70, 70, thinline, yellow)

#ellipse = EllipseAsset (50, 20, thinline, blue)
#hexagon = PolygonAsset ([(0, 0), (200, 0), (250, 250), (0, 0)], thinline, red)

Sprite(house, (250, 250))
Sprite(roof, (200, 150))

myapp = App()
Пример #30
orange = Color(0xffa500, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle
rectangle = RectangleAsset(300, 200, thinline, green)

# Now display a rectangle
Sprite(rectangle, (100, 150))

poly = PolygonAsset([(100, 150), (400, 150), (245, 50), (100, 150)], thinline,
rectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 100, thinline, blue)
Sprite(rectangle, (300, 250))
Circle = CircleAsset(5, thinline, green)
Sprite(Circle, (340, 310))
Ellipse = EllipseAsset(20, 20, thinline, black)
Sprite(Ellipse, (170, 200))
Sprite(Ellipse, (325, 200))
Circle2 = CircleAsset(50, thinline, orange)
Sprite(Circle2, (550, 100))
rectangle2 = RectangleAsset(100, 50, thinline, blue)
Sprite(rectangle2, (600, 300))
rectangle3 = RectangleAsset(150, 35, thinline, blue)
Sprite(rectangle3, (575, 330))
Circle3 = CircleAsset(13, thinline, black)
Sprite(Circle3, (600, 370))
Sprite(Circle3, (700, 370))
myapp = App()