Пример #1
def test_StreamCollection():

    # read usc data
    dpath = os.path.join('data', 'testdata', 'usc', 'ci3144585')
    directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename('gmprocess', dpath)
    usc_streams, unprocessed_files, unprocessed_file_errors = \
    assert len(usc_streams) == 7

    usc_sc = StreamCollection(usc_streams)

    # Use print method

    # Use len method
    assert len(usc_sc) == 3

    # Use nonzero method
    assert bool(usc_sc)

    # Slice
    lengths = [len(usc_sc[0]), len(usc_sc[1]), len(usc_sc[2])]
    sort_lengths = np.sort(lengths)
    assert sort_lengths[0] == 1
    assert sort_lengths[1] == 3
    assert sort_lengths[2] == 3

    # read dmg data
    dpath = os.path.join('data', 'testdata', 'dmg', 'ci3144585')
    directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename('gmprocess', dpath)
    dmg_streams, unprocessed_files, unprocessed_file_errors = \
    assert len(dmg_streams) == 1

    dmg_sc = StreamCollection(dmg_streams)

    # Has one station
    assert len(dmg_sc) == 1
    # With 3 channels
    assert len(dmg_sc[0]) == 3

    # So this should have 4 stations
    test1 = dmg_sc + usc_sc
    assert len(test1) == 4

    test_copy = dmg_sc.copy()
    assert test_copy[0][0].stats['standard']['process_level'] == \
        'uncorrected physical units'

    stream1 = test_copy[0]
    test_append = usc_sc.append(stream1)
    assert len(test_append) == 4

    # Change back to unique values for station/network
    for tr in dmg_sc[0]:
        tr.stats['network'] = 'LALALA'
        tr.stats['station'] = '575757'
    stream2 = dmg_sc[0]
    test_append = usc_sc.append(stream2)
    assert len(test_append) == 4

    # Check the from_directory method
    sc_test = StreamCollection.from_directory(directory)
    assert len(sc_test) == 1

    # Test to_dataframe
    jsonfile = os.path.join(directory, 'event.json')
    with open(jsonfile, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        origin = json.load(f)
    dmg_df = sc_test.to_dataframe(origin)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(dmg_df['H1']['PGA'], 0.145615, atol=1e5)

    # Check the from_traces method
    traces = []
    for st in sc_test:
        for tr in st:
    sc_test = StreamCollection.from_traces(traces)
    assert len(sc_test) == 1
def test_StreamCollection():

    # read usc data
    dpath = os.path.join("data", "testdata", "usc", "ci3144585")
    directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gmprocess", dpath)
    usc_streams, unprocessed_files, unprocessed_file_errors = directory_to_streams(
    assert len(usc_streams) == 7

    usc_sc = StreamCollection(usc_streams)

    # Use print method

    # Use len method
    assert len(usc_sc) == 3

    # Use nonzero method
    assert bool(usc_sc)

    # Slice
    lengths = [len(usc_sc[0]), len(usc_sc[1]), len(usc_sc[2])]
    sort_lengths = np.sort(lengths)
    assert sort_lengths[0] == 1
    assert sort_lengths[1] == 3
    assert sort_lengths[2] == 3

    # read dmg data
    dpath = os.path.join("data", "testdata", "dmg", "ci3144585")
    directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gmprocess", dpath)
    dmg_streams, unprocessed_files, unprocessed_file_errors = directory_to_streams(
    assert len(dmg_streams) == 1

    dmg_sc = StreamCollection(dmg_streams)

    # Has one station
    assert len(dmg_sc) == 1
    # With 3 channels
    assert len(dmg_sc[0]) == 3

    # So this should have 4 stations
    test1 = dmg_sc + usc_sc
    assert len(test1) == 4

    test_copy = dmg_sc.copy()
    assert (test_copy[0][0].stats["standard"]["process_level"] ==
            "uncorrected physical units")

    stream1 = test_copy[0]
    test_append = usc_sc.append(stream1)
    assert len(test_append) == 4

    # Change back to unique values for station/network
    for tr in dmg_sc[0]:
        tr.stats["network"] = "LALALA"
        tr.stats["station"] = "575757"
    stream2 = dmg_sc[0]
    test_append = usc_sc.append(stream2)
    assert len(test_append) == 4

    # Check the from_directory method
    sc_test = StreamCollection.from_directory(directory)
    assert len(sc_test) == 1

    # Test to_dataframe
    jsonfile = os.path.join(directory, "event.json")
    with open(jsonfile, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        origin = json.load(f)
    dmg_df = sc_test.to_dataframe(origin)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(dmg_df["H1"]["PGA"], 0.145615, atol=1e5)

    # Check the from_traces method
    traces = []
    for st in sc_test:
        for tr in st:
    sc_test = StreamCollection.from_traces(traces)
    assert len(sc_test) == 1