Пример #1
    def __init__(self, client, topic, settings, autocommit=True):
        self._client = client
        self._topic = topic
        self._settings = settings

        self._state_lock = threading.Lock()
        # These members are all communicated between threads; ensure that
        # any writes to them use the "state lock" to remain atomic.
        # _futures list should remain unchanged after batch
        # status changed from ACCEPTING_MESSAGES to any other
        # in order to avoid race conditions
        self._futures = []
        self._messages = []
        self._status = base.BatchStatus.ACCEPTING_MESSAGES

        # The initial size is not zero, we need to account for the size overhead
        # of the PublishRequest message itself.
        self._base_request_size = types.PublishRequest(topic=topic).ByteSize()
        self._size = self._base_request_size

        # If max latency is specified, start a thread to monitor the batch and
        # commit when the max latency is reached.
        self._thread = None
        if autocommit and self.settings.max_latency < float("inf"):
            self._thread = threading.Thread(
                name="Thread-MonitorBatchPublisher", target=self.monitor)
    def __init__(self,
        self._client = client
        self._topic = topic
        self._settings = settings
        self._batch_done_callback = batch_done_callback
        self._commit_when_full = commit_when_full

        self._state_lock = threading.Lock()
        # These members are all communicated between threads; ensure that
        # any writes to them use the "state lock" to remain atomic.
        # _futures list should remain unchanged after batch
        # status changed from ACCEPTING_MESSAGES to any other
        # in order to avoid race conditions
        self._futures = []
        self._messages = []
        self._status = base.BatchStatus.ACCEPTING_MESSAGES

        # The initial size is not zero, we need to account for the size overhead
        # of the PublishRequest message itself.
        self._base_request_size = types.PublishRequest(topic=topic).ByteSize()
        self._size = self._base_request_size
Пример #3
def test_publish_not_will_accept():
    batch = create_batch(topic="topic_foo", max_messages=0)
    base_request_size = types.PublishRequest(topic="topic_foo").ByteSize()

    # Publish the message.
    message = types.PubsubMessage(data=b"foobarbaz")
    future = batch.publish(message)

    assert future is None
    assert batch.size == base_request_size
    assert batch.messages == []
    assert batch._futures == []
Пример #4
def test_publish_updating_batch_size():
    batch = create_batch(topic="topic_foo")
    messages = (

    # Publish each of the messages, which should save them to the batch.
    futures = [batch.publish(message) for message in messages]

    # There should be three messages on the batch, and three futures.
    assert len(batch.messages) == 3
    assert batch._futures == futures

    # The size should have been incremented by the sum of the size
    # contributions of each message to the PublishRequest.
    base_request_size = types.PublishRequest(topic="topic_foo").ByteSize()
    expected_request_size = base_request_size + sum(
        types.PublishRequest(messages=[msg]).ByteSize() for msg in messages)

    assert batch.size == expected_request_size
    assert batch.size > 0  # I do not always trust protobuf.
Пример #5
def test_publish_single_message_size_exceeds_server_size_limit():
    batch = create_batch(
        max_bytes=1000 * 1000,  # way larger than (mocked) server side limit

    big_message = types.PubsubMessage(data=b"x" * 984)

    request_size = types.PublishRequest(topic="topic_foo",
    assert request_size == 1001  # sanity check, just above the (mocked) server limit

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.MessageTooLargeError):
Пример #6
def test_publish_total_messages_size_exceeds_server_size_limit():
    batch = create_batch(topic="topic_foo", max_messages=10, max_bytes=1500)

    messages = (
        types.PubsubMessage(data=b"x" * 500),
        types.PubsubMessage(data=b"x" * 600),

    # Sanity check - request size is still below BatchSettings.max_bytes,
    # but it exceeds the server-side size limit.
    request_size = types.PublishRequest(topic="topic_foo",
    assert 1000 < request_size < 1500

    with mock.patch.object(batch, "commit") as fake_commit:

    # The server side limit should kick in and cause a commit.
    def publish(self, message):
        """Publish a single message.

        Add the given message to this object; this will cause it to be
        published once the batch either has enough messages or a sufficient
        period of time has elapsed. If the batch is full or the commit is
        already in progress, the method does not do anything.

        This method is called by :meth:`~.PublisherClient.publish`.

            message (~.pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage): The Pub/Sub message.

            Optional[~google.api_core.future.Future]: An object conforming to
            the :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future` interface or :data:`None`.
            If :data:`None` is returned, that signals that the batch cannot
            accept a message.

            pubsub_v1.publisher.exceptions.MessageTooLargeError: If publishing
                the ``message`` would exceed the max size limit on the backend.

        # Coerce the type, just in case.
        if not isinstance(message, types.PubsubMessage):
            message = types.PubsubMessage(**message)

        future = None

        with self._state_lock:
            assert (self._status != base.BatchStatus.ERROR
                    ), "Publish after stop() or publish error."

            if self.status != base.BatchStatus.ACCEPTING_MESSAGES:

            size_increase = types.PublishRequest(messages=[message]).ByteSize()

            if (self._base_request_size +
                    size_increase) > _SERVER_PUBLISH_MAX_BYTES:
                err_msg = (
                    "The message being published would produce too large a publish "
                    "request that would exceed the maximum allowed size on the "
                    "backend ({} bytes).".format(_SERVER_PUBLISH_MAX_BYTES))
                raise exceptions.MessageTooLargeError(err_msg)

            new_size = self._size + size_increase
            new_count = len(self._messages) + 1

            size_limit = min(self.settings.max_bytes,
            overflow = new_size > size_limit or new_count >= self.settings.max_messages

            if not self._messages or not overflow:

                # Store the actual message in the batch's message queue.
                self._size = new_size

                # Track the future on this batch (so that the result of the
                # future can be set).
                future = futures.Future(completed=threading.Event())

        # Try to commit, but it must be **without** the lock held, since
        # ``commit()`` will try to obtain the lock.
        if self._commit_when_full and overflow:

        return future