Пример #1
    def delete_blob(self, blob_name, client=None):
        """Deletes a blob from the current bucket.

        If the blob isn't found (backend 404), raises a

        For example:

        .. literalinclude:: snippets.py
          :start-after: [START delete_blob]
          :end-before: [END delete_blob]

        If :attr:`user_project` is set, bills the API request to that project.

        :type blob_name: str
        :param blob_name: A blob name to delete.

        :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.storage.client.Client` or
        :param client: Optional. The client to use.  If not passed, falls back
                       to the ``client`` stored on the current bucket.

        :raises: :class:`google.cloud.exceptions.NotFound` (to suppress
                 the exception, call ``delete_blobs``, passing a no-op
                 ``on_error`` callback, e.g.:

        .. literalinclude:: snippets.py
            :start-after: [START delete_blobs]
            :end-before: [END delete_blobs]

        client = self._require_client(client)
        query_params = {}

        if self.user_project is not None:
            query_params['userProject'] = self.user_project

        blob_path = Blob.path_helper(self.path, blob_name)
        # We intentionally pass `_target_object=None` since a DELETE
        # request has no response value (whether in a standard request or
        # in a batch request).
    def delete_blob(self, blob_name, client=None):
        """Deletes a blob from the current bucket.

        If the blob isn't found (backend 404), raises a

        For example:

        .. literalinclude:: snippets.py
          :start-after: [START delete_blob]
          :end-before: [END delete_blob]

        If :attr:`user_project` is set, bills the API request to that project.

        :type blob_name: str
        :param blob_name: A blob name to delete.

        :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.storage.client.Client` or
        :param client: Optional. The client to use.  If not passed, falls back
                       to the ``client`` stored on the current bucket.

        :raises: :class:`google.cloud.exceptions.NotFound` (to suppress
                 the exception, call ``delete_blobs``, passing a no-op
                 ``on_error`` callback, e.g.:

        .. literalinclude:: snippets.py
            :start-after: [START delete_blobs]
            :end-before: [END delete_blobs]

        client = self._require_client(client)
        query_params = {}

        if self.user_project is not None:
            query_params['userProject'] = self.user_project

        blob_path = Blob.path_helper(self.path, blob_name)
        # We intentionally pass `_target_object=None` since a DELETE
        # request has no response value (whether in a standard request or
        # in a batch request).
Пример #3
    def delete_blob(self, blob_name, client=None):
        """Deletes a blob from the current bucket.

        If the blob isn't found (backend 404), raises a

        For example::

          >>> from google.cloud.exceptions import NotFound
          >>> from google.cloud import storage
          >>> client = storage.Client()
          >>> bucket = client.get_bucket('my-bucket')
          >>> print(bucket.list_blobs())
          [<Blob: my-bucket, my-file.txt>]
          >>> bucket.delete_blob('my-file.txt')
          >>> try:
          ...   bucket.delete_blob('doesnt-exist')
          ... except NotFound:
          ...   pass

        :type blob_name: str
        :param blob_name: A blob name to delete.

        :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.storage.client.Client` or
        :param client: Optional. The client to use.  If not passed, falls back
                       to the ``client`` stored on the current bucket.

        :raises: :class:`google.cloud.exceptions.NotFound` (to suppress
                 the exception, call ``delete_blobs``, passing a no-op
                 ``on_error`` callback, e.g.::

                 >>> bucket.delete_blobs([blob], on_error=lambda blob: None)
        client = self._require_client(client)
        blob_path = Blob.path_helper(self.path, blob_name)
        # We intentionally pass `_target_object=None` since a DELETE
        # request has no response value (whether in a standard request or
        # in a batch request).
Пример #4
    def delete_blob(self, blob_name, client=None):
        """Deletes a blob from the current bucket.

        If the blob isn't found (backend 404), raises a

        For example::

          >>> from google.cloud.exceptions import NotFound
          >>> from google.cloud import storage
          >>> client = storage.Client()
          >>> bucket = client.get_bucket('my-bucket')
          >>> print bucket.list_blobs()
          [<Blob: my-bucket, my-file.txt>]
          >>> bucket.delete_blob('my-file.txt')
          >>> try:
          ...   bucket.delete_blob('doesnt-exist')
          ... except NotFound:
          ...   pass

        :type blob_name: string
        :param blob_name: A blob name to delete.

        :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.storage.client.Client` or
        :param client: Optional. The client to use.  If not passed, falls back
                       to the ``client`` stored on the current bucket.

        :raises: :class:`google.cloud.exceptions.NotFound` (to suppress
                 the exception, call ``delete_blobs``, passing a no-op
                 ``on_error`` callback, e.g.::

                 >>> bucket.delete_blobs([blob], on_error=lambda blob: None)
        client = self._require_client(client)
        blob_path = Blob.path_helper(self.path, blob_name)
        # We intentionally pass `_target_object=None` since a DELETE
        # request has no response value (whether in a standard request or
        # in a batch request).
        client.connection.api_request(method='DELETE', path=blob_path,