Пример #1
def main():
    usage = """usage: python dedupe.py <graphdb_filename>"""
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 1:
    graphdb_filename = args[0]    
    gtfsdb = GTFSDatabase( graphdb_filename )

    query = """
    SELECT count(*), monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, start_date, end_date 
    FROM calendar
    GROUP BY monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, start_date, end_date"""

    duped_periods = gtfsdb.execute( query )

    equivilants = []

    for count, m,t,w,th,f,s,su,start_date,end_date in duped_periods:
        # no need to check for dupes if there's only one
        if count==1:
        #print count, m, t, w, th, f, s, su, start_date, end_date
        # get service_ids for this dow/start_date/end_date combination
        service_ids = [x[0] for x in list(  gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT service_id FROM calendar where monday=? and tuesday=? and wednesday=? and thursday=? and friday=? and saturday=? and sunday=? and start_date=? and end_date=?", (m,t,w,th,f,s,su,start_date,end_date) ) ) ]
        # group by service periods with the same set of exceptions
        exception_set_grouper = {}
        for service_id in service_ids:
            exception_set = list(gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT date, exception_type FROM calendar_dates WHERE service_id=?", (service_id,) ) )
            exception_set = tuple(exception_set)
            exception_set_grouper[exception_set] = exception_set_grouper.get(exception_set,[])
            exception_set_grouper[exception_set].append( service_id )
        # extend list of equivilants
        for i, exception_set_group in enumerate( exception_set_grouper.values() ):
            equivilants.append( ("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d-%s-%s-%d"%(m,t,w,th,f,s,su,start_date,end_date,i), exception_set_group) )
    for new_name, old_names in equivilants:
        for old_name in old_names:
            print old_name, new_name
            c = gtfsdb.conn.cursor()
            c.execute( "UPDATE calendar SET service_id=? WHERE service_id=?", (new_name, old_name) )
            c.execute( "UPDATE calendar_dates SET service_id=? WHERE service_id=?", (new_name, old_name) )
            c.execute( "UPDATE trips SET service_id=? WHERE service_id=?", (new_name, old_name) )

Пример #2
class HeadwayBoardEvent:
    def __init__(self, gtfsdb_filename, timezone_name="America/Los_Angeles"):
        self.gtfsdb = GTFSDatabase(gtfsdb_filename)
        self.timezone_name = timezone_name

    def applies_to(vertex1, edge, vertex2):
        return edge is not None and isinstance(edge.payload,

    def __call__(self, vertex1, edge, vertex2, context):
        event_time = vertex2.state.time
        trip_id = vertex2.state.trip_id
        stop_id = vertex1.label.split("-")[-1]

        route_desc = "-".join(
                    "SELECT routes.route_short_name, routes.route_long_name FROM routes, trips WHERE routes.route_id=trips.route_id AND trip_id=?",
                    (trip_id, )))[0])
        stop_desc = list(
                "SELECT stop_name FROM stops WHERE stop_id = ?",
                (stop_id, )))[0][0]
        lat, lon = list(
                "SELECT stop_lat, stop_lon FROM stops WHERE stop_id = ?",
                (stop_id, )))[0]

        what = "Board the %s" % route_desc
        where = stop_desc
        when = "about %s" % str(
            TimeHelpers.unix_to_localtime(event_time, self.timezone_name))
        geom = (lon, lat)
        return NarrativeEvent(what, where, when, geom)
Пример #3
class AlightEvent:
    def __init__(self, gtfsdb_filename, timezone_name="America/Los_Angeles"):
        self.gtfsdb = GTFSDatabase(gtfsdb_filename)
        self.timezone_name = timezone_name

    def applies_to(vertex1, edge, vertex2):
        return edge is not None and isinstance(edge.payload,

    def __call__(self, vertex1, edge, vertex2, context):
        event_time = vertex1.state.time
        stop_id = vertex2.label.split("-")[-1]

        stop_desc = list(
                "SELECT stop_name FROM stops WHERE stop_id = ?",
                (stop_id, )))[0][0]
        lat, lon = list(
                "SELECT stop_lat, stop_lon FROM stops WHERE stop_id = ?",
                (stop_id, )))[0]

        what = "Alight"
        where = stop_desc
        when = str(
            TimeHelpers.unix_to_localtime(event_time, self.timezone_name))
        geom = (lon, lat)
        return NarrativeEvent(what, where, when, geom)
Пример #4
def main():
    usage = """usage: python dedupe.py <graphdb_filename>"""
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 1:
    graphdb_filename = args[0]    
    gtfsdb = GTFSDatabase( graphdb_filename )

    query = """
    SELECT count(*), monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, start_date, end_date 
    FROM calendar
    GROUP BY monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, start_date, end_date"""

    duped_periods = gtfsdb.execute( query )

    equivilants = []

    for count, m,t,w,th,f,s,su,start_date,end_date in duped_periods:
        # no need to check for dupes if there's only one
        if count==1:
        #print count, m, t, w, th, f, s, su, start_date, end_date
        # get service_ids for this dow/start_date/end_date combination
        service_ids = [x[0] for x in list(  gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT service_id FROM calendar where monday=? and tuesday=? and wednesday=? and thursday=? and friday=? and saturday=? and sunday=? and start_date=? and end_date=?", (m,t,w,th,f,s,su,start_date,end_date) ) ) ]
        # group by service periods with the same set of exceptions
        exception_set_grouper = {}
        for service_id in service_ids:
            exception_set = list(gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT date, exception_type FROM calendar_dates WHERE service_id=?", (service_id,) ) )
            exception_set = tuple(exception_set)
            exception_set_grouper[exception_set] = exception_set_grouper.get(exception_set,[])
            exception_set_grouper[exception_set].append( service_id )
        # extend list of equivilants
        for i, exception_set_group in enumerate( exception_set_grouper.values() ):
            equivilants.append( ("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d-%s-%s-%d"%(m,t,w,th,f,s,su,start_date,end_date,i), exception_set_group) )
    for new_name, old_names in equivilants:
        for old_name in old_names:
            print old_name, new_name
            c = gtfsdb.conn.cursor()
            c.execute( "UPDATE calendar SET service_id=? WHERE service_id=?", (new_name, old_name) )
            c.execute( "UPDATE calendar_dates SET service_id=? WHERE service_id=?", (new_name, old_name) )
            c.execute( "UPDATE trips SET service_id=? WHERE service_id=?", (new_name, old_name) )

Пример #5
class AlightEvent:
    def __init__(self, gtfsdb_filename, timezone_name="America/Los_Angeles"):
        self.gtfsdb = GTFSDatabase( gtfsdb_filename )
        self.timezone_name = timezone_name
    def applies_to(vertex1, edge, vertex2):
        return edge is not None and isinstance(edge.payload, graphserver.core.TripAlight)
    def __call__(self, vertex1, edge, vertex2, context):
        event_time = vertex1.state.time
        stop_id = vertex2.label.split("-")[-1]
        stop_desc = list( self.gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT stop_name FROM stops WHERE stop_id = ?", (stop_id,) ) )[0][0]
        lat, lon = list( self.gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT stop_lat, stop_lon FROM stops WHERE stop_id = ?", (stop_id,) ) )[0]
        what = "Alight"
        where = stop_desc
        when = str(TimeHelpers.unix_to_localtime( event_time, self.timezone_name ))
        geom = (lon,lat)
        return NarrativeEvent(what, where, when, geom)
Пример #6
class HeadwayBoardEvent:
    def __init__(self, gtfsdb_filename, timezone_name="America/Los_Angeles"):
        self.gtfsdb = GTFSDatabase( gtfsdb_filename )
        self.timezone_name = timezone_name
    def applies_to(vertex1, edge, vertex2):
        return edge is not None and isinstance(edge.payload, graphserver.core.HeadwayBoard)
    def __call__(self, vertex1, edge, vertex2, context):
        event_time = vertex2.state.time
        trip_id = vertex2.state.trip_id
        stop_id = vertex1.label.split("-")[-1]
        route_desc = "-".join(list( self.gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT routes.route_short_name, routes.route_long_name FROM routes, trips WHERE routes.route_id=trips.route_id AND trip_id=?", (trip_id,) ) )[0])
        stop_desc = list( self.gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT stop_name FROM stops WHERE stop_id = ?", (stop_id,) ) )[0][0]
        lat, lon = list( self.gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT stop_lat, stop_lon FROM stops WHERE stop_id = ?", (stop_id,) ) )[0]
        what = "Board the %s"%route_desc
        where = stop_desc
        when = "about %s"%str(TimeHelpers.unix_to_localtime( event_time, self.timezone_name ))
        geom = (lon,lat)
        return NarrativeEvent(what, where, when, geom)
Пример #7
def main():

    gtfsdb = GTFSDatabase( "data/washingtondc.gtfsdb" )
    osmdb = OSMDB( "data/washingtondc.osmdb" )
    ll,bb,rr,tt = list(gtfsdb.execute( "SELECT min(stop_lon), min(stop_lat), max(stop_lon), max(stop_lat) FROM stops" ))[0]

    from prender import processing
    mr = processing.MapRenderer()
    mr.start(ll,bb,rr,tt,4000) #left,bottom,right,top,width

    render_osmdb(osmdb, mr)

    render_gtfsdb(gtfsdb, mr)
Пример #8
# requires graphserver to be installed
from graphserver.ext.gtfs.gtfsdb import GTFSDatabase

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print 'usage: datecheck.py inputfile.gtfsdb'
    gtfsdb_file = sys.argv[1]

    with open(gtfsdb_file) as f:
        db = GTFSDatabase(gtfsdb_file)
except IOError as e:
    print 'gtfsdb file %s cannot be opened' % gtfsdb_file

# check that all routes gs reports running are actually running on each day
for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
    trip_id, fromid, fromtime, toid, totime = line.split()
    if trip_id == 'walk':
    service_id = list(
        db.execute('select service_id from trips where trip_id = ?',
                   (trip_id, )))[0][0]
    print trip_id, '___', service_id
    # and date > 20130415 and date < 20130420
    for line in db.execute(
            'select date from calendar_dates where service_id = ? and date = 20130417 order by date',
        (service_id, )):
        print line[0]
Пример #9
wo = WalkOptions() 
wo.max_walk = 2000 
wo.walking_overage = 0.0
wo.walking_speed = 1.0 # trimet uses 0.03 miles / 1 minute - but it uses straight line distance as well
wo.transfer_penalty = 60 * 10
wo.walking_reluctance = 1.5
wo.max_transfers = 5
wo.transfer_slack = 60 * 4
wo_transit = wo

print "Fetching grid from OSMDB..."
grid = list(osmdb.execute("SELECT x, y, vertex FROM grid"))
max_x, max_y = osmdb.execute("SELECT max(x), max(y) FROM grid").next()

print "Finding unique GTFS station linking points..."
stop_vertices = [e[0] for e in gtfsdb.execute("SELECT DISTINCT osm_vertex FROM osm_links")]

#stop_vertices = stop_vertices[:10]

def save_image(spt, fname) :
    print "saving grid image..."
    im = Image.new("L", (max_x, max_y))
    for (x, y, vertex) in grid :
        v = spt.get_vertex('osm-%s'%vertex)
        if v != None : 
            c = ((v.best_state.time - t0) / (120. * 60)) * 255
            im.putpixel((x, max_y - y - 1), 255 - c)   
    # be careful that img dir exists
    im.save('img/%s.png' % (fname))
Пример #10
# equirectangular / sinusoidal projection
def distance (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) :
    avg_lat = (lat1 + lat2) / 2
    xscale = math.cos(math.radians(avg_lat))    
    return distance (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, xscale)
def distance (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, xscale) :
    dlon = lon2 - lon1
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    dlon *= xscale
    d2 = dlon * dlon + dlat * dlat
    return math.sqrt(d2) * 111111.111

stops = {}

for sid, sname, lat, lon, routes in db.execute(all_query) :
    stops[sid] = {'name': sname, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'routes': set(routes.split(','))}

# can also compare squared distances in scaled meters
transfers = []
n_processed = 0
for sid, param in stops.items():
    if verbose :
        print sid, sname
    xscale = math.cos(math.radians(param['lat']))
    range_lon = range_lat * xscale
    routes = copy(param['routes'])
    # print xscale, range_lat, range_lon
    for sid2, sname2, lat2, lon2 in db.execute(near_query, {'range_lat': range_lat, 'range_lon': range_lon, 'lat': param['lat'], 'lon': param['lon']}):
        if sid == sid2:
Пример #11
    avg_lat = (lat1 + lat2) / 2
    xscale = math.cos(math.radians(avg_lat))
    return distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, xscale)

def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, xscale):
    dlon = lon2 - lon1
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    dlon *= xscale
    d2 = dlon * dlon + dlat * dlat
    return math.sqrt(d2) * 111111.111

stops = {}

for sid, sname, lat, lon, routes in db.execute(all_query):
    stops[sid] = {
        'name': sname,
        'lat': lat,
        'lon': lon,
        'routes': set(routes.split(','))

# can also compare squared distances in scaled meters
transfers = []
n_processed = 0
for sid, param in stops.items():
    if verbose:
        print sid, sname
    xscale = math.cos(math.radians(param['lat']))
    range_lon = range_lat * xscale
Пример #12
import sys, struct

# requires graphserver to be installed
from graphserver.ext.gtfs.gtfsdb import GTFSDatabase

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print "usage: datecheck.py inputfile.gtfsdb"
    gtfsdb_file = sys.argv[1]

    with open(gtfsdb_file) as f:
        db = GTFSDatabase(gtfsdb_file)
except IOError as e:
    print "gtfsdb file %s cannot be opened" % gtfsdb_file

# check that all routes gs reports running are actually running on each day
for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
    trip_id, fromid, fromtime, toid, totime = line.split()
    if trip_id == "walk":
    service_id = list(db.execute("select service_id from trips where trip_id = ?", (trip_id,)))[0][0]
    print trip_id, "___", service_id
    # and date > 20130415 and date < 20130420
    for line in db.execute(
        "select date from calendar_dates where service_id = ? and date = 20130417 order by date", (service_id,)
        print line[0]