Пример #1
        def check_user_stmt(user_stmt):
            if user_stmt is None \
                        or not isinstance(user_stmt, parsing.Statement):
                return None, 0
            ass = helpers.fast_parent_copy(user_stmt.get_assignment_calls())

            call, index, stop = helpers.scan_array_for_pos(ass, self.pos)
            return call, index
Пример #2
        def check_user_stmt(user_stmt):
            if user_stmt is None \
                        or not isinstance(user_stmt, parsing.Statement):
                return None, 0
            ass = helpers.fast_parent_copy(user_stmt.get_assignment_calls())

            call, index, stop = helpers.scan_array_for_pos(ass, self.pos)
            return call, index
Пример #3
    def get_in_function_call(self):
        Return the function, that the cursor is in, e.g.:
        >>> isinstance(| # | <-- cursor is here

        This would return the `isinstance` function. In contrary:
        >>> isinstance()| # | <-- cursor is here

        This would return `None`.
        def scan_array_for_pos(arr, pos):
            Returns the function Call that match search_name in an Array.
            index = 0
            call = None
            stop = False
            for index, sub in enumerate(arr.values):
                call = None
                for s in sub:
                    if isinstance(s, parsing.Array):
                        new = scan_array_for_pos(s, pos)
                        if new[0] is not None:
                            call, index, stop = new
                            if stop:
                                return call, index, stop
                    elif isinstance(s, parsing.Call):
                        start_s = s
                        while s is not None:
                            if s.start_pos >= pos:
                                return call, index, stop
                            elif s.execution is not None:
                                end = s.execution.end_pos
                                if s.execution.start_pos < pos and \
                                        (end is None or pos < end):
                                    c, index, stop = scan_array_for_pos(
                                                            s.execution, pos)
                                    if stop:
                                        return c, index, stop

                                    # call should return without execution and
                                    # next
                                    reset = c or s
                                    if reset.execution.type not in \
                                        return start_s, index, False

                                    reset.execution = None
                                    reset.next = None
                                    return c or start_s, index, True
                            s = s.next

            # The third return is just necessary for recursion inside, because
            # it needs to know when to stop iterating.
            return call, index, stop

        user_stmt = self.parser.user_stmt
        if user_stmt is None or not isinstance(user_stmt, parsing.Statement):
            return None
        ass = helpers.fast_parent_copy(user_stmt.get_assignment_calls())

        call, index, stop = scan_array_for_pos(ass, self.pos)
        if call is None:
            return None

        origins = evaluate.follow_call(call)

        if len(origins) == 0:
            return None
        # just take entry zero, because we need just one.
        executable = origins[0]

        after = self.module.get_line(self.pos[0])[self.pos[1]:]
        index -= re.search('^[ ,]*', after).group(0).count(',')
        return CallDef(executable, index, call)