Пример #1
def get_sharedkey(a, B):
    # Alice Computes Shared Secret: s = B^a mod p

    x = pow(B, a, sharedPrime)
    aKDF = Hkdf(None, str(x).encode(), hash=hashlib.sha512)
    aKey = aKDF.expand(b"context1", 32)
    return x, aKey
Пример #2
 def test_vectors(self):
     for vector in HKDF_TEST_VECTORS:
         salt = unhexlify(vector["salt"].encode("ascii"))
         IKM = unhexlify(vector["IKM"].encode("ascii"))
         info = unhexlify(vector["info"].encode("ascii"))
         h = Hkdf(salt=salt, input_key_material=IKM, hash=sha256)
         digest = h.expand(info, vector["L"])
         self.assertEqual(digest, myHKDF(IKM, vector["L"], salt, info))
         expected = vector["OKM"].encode("ascii")
         self.assertEqual(hexlify(digest), expected, vector)
Пример #3
 def test_vectors(self):
     for vector in HKDF_TEST_VECTORS:
         salt = unhexlify(vector["salt"].encode("ascii"))
         IKM = unhexlify(vector["IKM"].encode("ascii"))
         info = unhexlify(vector["info"].encode("ascii"))
         h = Hkdf(salt=salt, input_key_material=IKM, hash=sha256)
         digest = h.expand(info, vector["L"])
         self.assertEqual(digest, myHKDF(IKM, vector["L"], salt, info))
         expected = vector["OKM"].encode("ascii")
         self.assertEqual(hexlify(digest), expected, vector)
Пример #4
    def deriveSecrets(self, inputKeyMaterial, salt, info):
        from hkdf import Hkdf

        if salt == None:
            salt = b"\x00" * self.HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE

        tshkdf = Hkdf(salt, inputKeyMaterial)
        okm = tshkdf.expand(info, self.KEY_MATERIAL_SIZE)

        cipherKey = okm[self.CIPHER_KEYS_OFFSET:self.HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE]
        macKey = okm[self.MAC_KEYS_OFFSET:self.MAC_KEYS_OFFSET + self.HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE]
        return ( cipherKey, macKey )
Пример #5
    def deriveSecrets(self, inputKeyMaterial, salt, info):
        from hkdf import Hkdf

        if salt == None:
            salt = b"\x00" * self.HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE

        tshkdf = Hkdf(salt, inputKeyMaterial)
        okm = tshkdf.expand(info, self.KEY_MATERIAL_SIZE)

        cipherKey = okm[self.CIPHER_KEYS_OFFSET:self.HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE]
        macKey = okm[self.MAC_KEYS_OFFSET:self.MAC_KEYS_OFFSET +
        return (cipherKey, macKey)
Пример #6
    def encrypt(self, public_key, plain_text):
        """Ecies encrypt plain text.

        First create a ephemeral ecdsa key pair, then serialize the public
        key for part of result.
        Then derived a shared key based ecdh, using the key based hkdf to
        generate aes key and hmac key,
        using aes-256-cfb to generate the part of result.
        Last using hmac-sha3 and the part of previous step to generate
        last part
        of result.

        :param public_key: public key
        :param plain_text: plain text
        :Returns: cipher text
        ephemeral_private_key = self.generate_private_key()
        rb = ephemeral_private_key.public_key().public_numbers().encode_point()

        z = ephemeral_private_key.exchange(ec.ECDH(), public_key)
        hkdf_output = Hkdf(salt=None, input_key_material=z, hash=self.hash) \
            .expand(length=AES_KEY_LENGTH + HMAC_KEY_LENGTH)
        aes_key = hkdf_output[:AES_KEY_LENGTH]
        hmac_key = hkdf_output[AES_KEY_LENGTH:AES_KEY_LENGTH + HMAC_KEY_LENGTH]

        aes_cipher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CFB)
        em = aes_cipher.iv + aes_cipher.encrypt(plain_text)
        mac = hmac.new(hmac_key, em, self.hash)
        d = mac.digest()

        return rb + em + d
Пример #7
 def test_kat(self):
     for (salt, context, skm, expected_hexout) in KAT:
         expected_out = unhexlify(expected_hexout)
         for outlen in range(0, len(expected_out)):
             out = Hkdf(salt.encode("ascii"), skm.encode("ascii")).expand(
                 context.encode("ascii"), outlen)
             self.assertEqual(out, expected_out[:outlen])
Пример #8
def _get_nacl_secret_box(secret, hmac_secret):
    if isinstance(secret, text_type):
        secret = secret.encode("utf-8")

    if isinstance(hmac_secret, text_type):
        hmac_secret = hmac_secret.encode("utf-8")

    secret_key = Hkdf(b"", hmac_secret).expand(secret)
    box = nacl.secret.SecretBox(secret_key)
    return box
Пример #9
    def decrypt(self, private_key, cipher_text):
        """Ecies decrypt cipher text.

        First restore the ephemeral public key from bytes(97 bytes for 384,
         65 bytes for 256).
        Then derived a shared key based ecdh, using the key based hkdf to
        generate aes key and hmac key,
        using hmac-sha3 to verify the hmac bytes.
        Last using aes-256-cfb to decrypt the bytes.

        :param private_key: private key
        :param cipher_text: cipher text
        :Returns: plain text
        key_len = private_key.curve.key_size
        if key_len != self.curve.key_size:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid key. Input security level {} does not "
                "match the current security level {}".format(

        d_len = key_len >> 3
        rb_len = ((key_len + 7) // 8) * 2 + 1
        ct_len = len(cipher_text)
        if ct_len <= rb_len + d_len:
            raise ValueError(
                "Illegal cipherText length: cipher text length {} "
                "must be > rb length plus d_len {}".format(ct_len,
                                                           rb_len + d_len)

        rb = cipher_text[:rb_len]
        em = cipher_text[rb_len:ct_len - d_len]
        d = cipher_text[ct_len - d_len:ct_len]

        ephemeral_public_key = EllipticCurvePublicNumbers \
            .from_encoded_point(self.curve(), rb) \
        z = private_key.exchange(ec.ECDH(), ephemeral_public_key)
        hkdf_output = Hkdf(salt=None, input_key_material=z, hash=self._hash) \
            .expand(length=AES_KEY_LENGTH + HMAC_KEY_LENGTH)
        aes_key = hkdf_output[:AES_KEY_LENGTH]
        hmac_key = hkdf_output[AES_KEY_LENGTH:AES_KEY_LENGTH +

        mac = hmac.new(hmac_key, em, self._hash)
        recovered_d = mac.digest()
        if not constant_time.bytes_eq(recovered_d, d):
            raise ValueError("Hmac verify failed.")

        iv = em[:IV_LENGTH]
        aes_cipher = AES.new(key=aes_key, mode=AES.MODE_CFB, iv=iv)
        return aes_cipher.decrypt(em[IV_LENGTH:len(em)])
Пример #10
def kdf(
    ecpoint: Point,
    key_length: int,
    salt: Optional[bytes] = None,
    info: Optional[bytes] = None,
) -> bytes:

    data = ecpoint.to_bytes(is_compressed=True)

    salt = salt or b''
    info = info or b''
    return Hkdf(
    ).expand(info=info, length=key_length)
Пример #11
    def derive_privkey_by_label(
            label: bytes,
            salt: Optional[bytes] = None,
            params: Optional[UmbralParameters] = None) -> UmbralPrivateKey:
        Derives an UmbralPrivateKey using a KDF from this instance of
        UmbralKeyingMaterial, a label, and an optional salt.
        params = params if params is not None else default_params()

        key_material = Hkdf(
        ).expand(info=b"NuCypher/KeyDerivation/" + label, length=64)

        bn_key = hash_to_curvebn(key_material, params=params)
        return UmbralPrivateKey(bn_key, params)
Пример #12
def get_priv_key(address):
    # read master secret from hsm_secret
    hsm_secret = open(expanduser('~/.lightning/bitcoin/hsm_secret'),
    # derive the bip32_seed
    salt = bytes([0]) or b'\x00'
    bip32_seed = Hkdf(salt, hsm_secret,
                      hash=hashlib.sha256).expand(b'bip32 seed')
    master = network.keys.bip32_seed(bip32_seed)
    index = 0
    while True:
        # derive an index
        subkey = master.subkey_for_path('0/0/' + str(index))
        # create segwit address
        segwit = PrivateKey.from_wif(
        # wrap in P2SH address
        wrapped_p2sh = P2shAddress.from_script(segwit.to_script_pub_key())
        if wrapped_p2sh.to_string() == address:
        index += 1
    plugin.log('found the address at index {}'.format(index), level="info")
    return master.subkey_for_path('0/0/' + str(index))
Пример #13
def expand_password(data, num_bytes):
    h = Hkdf(salt=b"", input_key_material=data, hash=hashlib.sha256)
    info = b"SPAKE2 pw"
    return h.expand(info, num_bytes)
Пример #14
def expand_password(data, num_bytes):
    h = Hkdf(salt=b"", input_key_material=data, hash=hashlib.sha256)
    info = b"SPAKE2 pw"
    return h.expand(info, num_bytes)
Пример #15
def expand_arbitrary_element_seed(data, num_bytes):
    h = Hkdf(salt=b"", input_key_material=data, hash=hashlib.sha256)
    info = b"SPAKE2 arbitrary element"
    return h.expand(info, num_bytes)
Пример #16
def HKDF(skm, outlen, salt=None, CTXinfo=b""):
    return Hkdf(salt, skm).expand(CTXinfo, outlen)
Пример #17
def expand_arbitrary_element_seed(data, num_bytes):
    h = Hkdf(salt=b"", input_key_material=data, hash=hashlib.sha256)
    info = b"SPAKE2 arbitrary element"
    return h.expand(info, num_bytes)