Пример #1
    def handle_turn_service(service):
        """Method to handle calls to homeassistant.turn_on/off."""
        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)

        # Generic turn on/off method requires entity id
        if not entity_ids:
                "homeassistant/%s cannot be called without entity_id",

        # Group entity_ids by domain. groupby requires sorted data.
        by_domain = it.groupby(sorted(entity_ids),
                               lambda item: split_entity_id(item)[0])

        for domain, ent_ids in by_domain:
            # We want to block for all calls and only return when all calls
            # have been processed. If a service does not exist it causes a 10
            # second delay while we're blocking waiting for a response.
            # But services can be registered on other HA instances that are
            # listening to the bus too. So as a in between solution, we'll
            # block only if the service is defined in the current HA instance.
            blocking = hass.services.has_service(domain, service.service)

            # Create a new dict for this call
            data = dict(service.data)

            # ent_ids is a generator, convert it to a list.
            data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = list(ent_ids)

            hass.services.call(domain, service.service, data, blocking)
Пример #2
 def update_room_state(state, service):
     entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
     for entity_id in entity_ids:
         room = myhome.get_room(entity_id)
         if room is None:
             _LOGGER.warning('Room %s not found', entity_id)
         room.state = state
Пример #3
    def service_to_entities(self, service):
        """Return the known devices that a service call mentions."""
        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service)
        if entity_ids:
            entities = [entity for entity in self.entities.values()
                        if entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
            entities = list(self.entities.values())

        return entities
Пример #4
    def test_extract_entity_ids(self):
        """Test extract_entity_ids method."""
        self.hass.states.set('light.Bowl', STATE_ON)
        self.hass.states.set('light.Ceiling', STATE_OFF)
        self.hass.states.set('light.Kitchen', STATE_OFF)

            self.hass, 'test', ['light.Ceiling', 'light.Kitchen'])

        call = ha.ServiceCall('light', 'turn_on',
                              {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: 'light.Bowl'})

                         service.extract_entity_ids(self.hass, call))

        call = ha.ServiceCall('light', 'turn_on',
                              {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: 'group.test'})

        self.assertEqual(['light.ceiling', 'light.kitchen'],
                         service.extract_entity_ids(self.hass, call))
Пример #5
    def extract_from_service(self, service):
        Takes a service and extracts all known entities.
        Will return all if no entity IDs given in service.
        with self.lock:
            if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data:
                return list(self.entities.values())

            return [self.entities[entity_id] for entity_id
                    in extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service)
                    if entity_id in self.entities]
Пример #6
    def async_service_handle(service):
        """Apply a service."""
        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
        if entity_ids:
            devices = [entity for entity in lifx_manager.entities.values()
                       if entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
            devices = list(lifx_manager.entities.values())

        if devices:
            yield from start_effect(hass, devices,
                                    service.service, **service.data)
Пример #7
    def async_handle_alert_service(service_call):
        """Handle calls to alert services."""
        alert_ids = service.extract_entity_ids(hass, service_call)

        for alert_id in alert_ids:
            alert = all_alerts[alert_id]
            if service_call.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON:
                yield from alert.async_turn_on()
            elif service_call.service == SERVICE_TOGGLE:
                yield from alert.async_toggle()
                yield from alert.async_turn_off()
Пример #8
    async def async_handle_alert_service(service_call):
        """Handle calls to alert services."""
        alert_ids = service.extract_entity_ids(hass, service_call)

        for alert_id in alert_ids:
            alert = all_alerts[alert_id]
            if service_call.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON:
                await alert.async_turn_on()
            elif service_call.service == SERVICE_TOGGLE:
                await alert.async_toggle()
                await alert.async_turn_off()
Пример #9
 async def async_extract_from_service(service):
     entity_ids = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID)
     if entity_ids == ENTITY_MATCH_ALL:
         return [entity for entity in hass.data.get(DATA_AMCREST_CAMS, [])
                 if entity.available]
         # async_extract_entity_ids introduced in 0.90.0
         entity_ids = await async_extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
     except NameError:
         # Before 0.90.0 extract_entity_ids was async_friendly
         entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
     return [entity for entity in hass.data.get(DATA_AMCREST_CAMS, [])
             if entity.available and entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
Пример #10
    def extract_from_service(self, service):
        """Extract all known entities from a service call.

        Will return all entities if no entities specified in call.
        Will return an empty list if entities specified but unknown.
        with self.lock:
            if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data:
                return list(self.entities.values())

            return [self.entities[entity_id] for entity_id
                    in extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service)
                    if entity_id in self.entities]
Пример #11
    async def async_handle_alert_service(service_call):
        """Handle calls to alert services."""
        alert_ids = service.extract_entity_ids(hass, service_call)

        for alert_id in alert_ids:
            alert = all_alerts[alert_id]
            if service_call.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON:
                await alert.async_turn_on()
            elif service_call.service == SERVICE_TOGGLE:
                await alert.async_toggle()
                await alert.async_turn_off()
Пример #12
    def extract_from_service(self, service):
        """Extract all known entities from a service call.

        Will return all entities if no entities specified in call.
        Will return an empty list if entities specified but unknown.
        with self.lock:
            if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data:
                return list(self.entities.values())

            return [self.entities[entity_id] for entity_id
                    in extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service)
                    if entity_id in self.entities]
Пример #13
    def extract_from_service(self, service):
        Takes a service and extracts all known entities.
        Will return all if no entity IDs given in service.
        with self.lock:
            if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data:
                return list(self.entities.values())

            return [
                for entity_id in extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service)
                if entity_id in self.entities
Пример #14
    def test_extract_entity_ids(self):
        """Test extract_entity_ids method."""
        self.hass.states.set('light.Bowl', STATE_ON)
        self.hass.states.set('light.Ceiling', STATE_OFF)
        self.hass.states.set('light.Kitchen', STATE_OFF)

        loader.get_component(self.hass, 'group').Group.create_group(
            self.hass, 'test', ['light.Ceiling', 'light.Kitchen'])

        call = ha.ServiceCall('light', 'turn_on',
                              {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: 'light.Bowl'})

        assert ['light.bowl'] == \
            service.extract_entity_ids(self.hass, call)

        call = ha.ServiceCall('light', 'turn_on',
                              {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: 'group.test'})

        assert ['light.ceiling', 'light.kitchen'] == \
            service.extract_entity_ids(self.hass, call)

        assert ['group.test'] == service.extract_entity_ids(
            self.hass, call, expand_group=False)
Пример #15
    def async_extract_from_service(self, service):
        """Extract all known entities from a service call.

        Will return all entities if no entities specified in call.
        Will return an empty list if entities specified but unknown.

        This method must be run in the event loop.
        if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data:
            return list(self.entities.values())

        return [self.entities[entity_id] for entity_id
                in extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service)
                if entity_id in self.entities]
Пример #16
    def async_extract_from_service(self, service, expand_group=True):
        """Extract all known and available entities from a service call.

        Will return all entities if no entities specified in call.
        Will return an empty list if entities specified but unknown.

        This method must be run in the event loop.
        if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data:
            return [entity for entity in self.entities if entity.available]

        entity_ids = set(extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service, expand_group))
        return [entity for entity in self.entities
                if entity.available and entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
Пример #17
    def async_extract_from_service(self, service, expand_group=True):
        """Extract all known and available entities from a service call.

        Will return all entities if no entities specified in call.
        Will return an empty list if entities specified but unknown.

        This method must be run in the event loop.
        if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data:
            return [entity for entity in self.entities if entity.available]

        entity_ids = set(extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service, expand_group))
        return [entity for entity in self.entities
                if entity.available and entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
Пример #18
    def async_service_handle(service):
        """Internal func for applying a service."""
        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
        if entity_ids:
            devices = [
                entity for entity in lifx_manager.entities.values()
                if entity.entity_id in entity_ids
            devices = list(lifx_manager.entities.values())

        if devices:
            yield from start_effect(hass, devices, service.service,
Пример #19
    def test_extract_entity_ids(self):
        """Test extract_entity_ids method."""
        self.hass.states.set('light.Bowl', STATE_ON)
        self.hass.states.set('light.Ceiling', STATE_OFF)
        self.hass.states.set('light.Kitchen', STATE_OFF)

            self.hass, 'test', ['light.Ceiling', 'light.Kitchen'])

        call = ha.ServiceCall('light', 'turn_on',
                              {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: 'light.Bowl'})

                         service.extract_entity_ids(self.hass, call))

        call = ha.ServiceCall('light', 'turn_on',
                              {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: 'group.test'})

        self.assertEqual(['light.ceiling', 'light.kitchen'],
                         service.extract_entity_ids(self.hass, call))

        self.assertEqual(['group.test'], service.extract_entity_ids(
            self.hass, call, expand_group=False))
Пример #20
    def async_extract_from_service(self, service, expand_group=True):
        """Extract all known entities from a service call.

        Will return all entities if no entities specified in call.
        Will return an empty list if entities specified but unknown.

        This method must be run in the event loop.
        if ATTR_ENTITY_ID not in service.data:
            return list(self.entities.values())

        return [
            self.entities[entity_id] for entity_id in extract_entity_ids(
                self.hass, service, expand_group) if entity_id in self.entities
Пример #21
 def handle_ptz(service):
     """Handle PTZ service call."""
     pan = service.data.get(ATTR_PAN, None)
     tilt = service.data.get(ATTR_TILT, None)
     zoom = service.data.get(ATTR_ZOOM, None)
     all_cameras = hass.data[ONVIF_DATA][ENTITIES]
     entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
     target_cameras = []
     if not entity_ids:
         target_cameras = all_cameras
         target_cameras = [camera for camera in all_cameras
                           if camera.entity_id in entity_ids]
     for camera in target_cameras:
         camera.perform_ptz(pan, tilt, zoom)
Пример #22
    def service_handler(service):
        """Dispatch service calls to target entities."""
        params = {key: value for key, value in service.data.items()
                  if key != ATTR_ENTITY_ID}

        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
        target_devices = [light for light in hass.data[data_key]
                          if light.entity_id in entity_ids]

        for target_device in target_devices:
            if service.service == SERVICE_SET_MODE:
            elif service.service == SERVICE_START_FLOW:
                params[ATTR_TRANSITIONS] = \
Пример #23
    def service_handler(service):
        """Dispatch service calls to target entities."""
        params = {key: value for key, value in service.data.items()
                  if key != ATTR_ENTITY_ID}

        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
        target_devices = [light for light in hass.data[data_key]
                          if light.entity_id in entity_ids]

        for target_device in target_devices:
            if service.service == SERVICE_SET_MODE:
            elif service.service == SERVICE_START_FLOW:
                params[ATTR_TRANSITIONS] = \
Пример #24
    def reload_images_service(service):
        """Handle reload images service call."""
        _LOGGER.debug("Reloading images with service call.")

        all_cameras = hass.data[MULTISOURCE_DATA][ENTITIES]
        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
        target_cameras = []
        if not entity_ids:
            target_cameras = all_cameras
            target_cameras = [
                camera for camera in all_cameras
                if camera.entity_id in entity_ids
        for camera in target_cameras:
Пример #25
 def service_handler(service):
     """Service handler for nuki services."""
     entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
     all_locks = hass.data[NUKI_DATA][DOMAIN]
     target_locks = []
     if not entity_ids:
         target_locks = all_locks
         for lock in all_locks:
             if lock.entity_id in entity_ids:
     for lock in target_locks:
         if service.service == SERVICE_LOCK_N_GO:
             unlatch = service.data[ATTR_UNLATCH]
         elif service.service == SERVICE_UNLATCH:
Пример #26
 def service_handler(service):
     """Service handler for nuki services."""
     entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)
     all_locks = hass.data[NUKI_DATA][DOMAIN]
     target_locks = []
     if not entity_ids:
         target_locks = all_locks
         for lock in all_locks:
             if lock.entity_id in entity_ids:
     for lock in target_locks:
         if service.service == SERVICE_LOCK_N_GO:
             unlatch = service.data[ATTR_UNLATCH]
         elif service.service == SERVICE_CHECK_CONNECTION:
Пример #27
    def service_to_entities(call):
        """Return the known devices that a service call mentions."""
        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, call)
        if entity_ids:
            devices = []
            for account, account_dict in (hass.data[DATA_ALEXAMEDIA]
                devices = devices + list(account_dict
                _LOGGER.debug("Account: %s Devices: %s",
            entities = [entity for entity in devices
                        if entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
            entities = None

        return entities
Пример #28
    def async_extract_from_service(self, service, expand_group=True):
        """Extract all known and available entities from a service call.

        Will return all entities if no entities specified in call.
        Will return an empty list if entities specified but unknown.

        This method must be run in the event loop.
        data_ent_id = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID)

        if data_ent_id in (None, MATCH_ALL):
            if data_ent_id is None:
                    'Not passing an entity ID to a service to target all '
                    'entities is deprecated. Update your call to %s.%s to be '
                    'instead: entity_id: "*"', service.domain, service.service)

            return [entity for entity in self.entities if entity.available]

        entity_ids = set(extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service, expand_group))
        return [entity for entity in self.entities
                if entity.available and entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
Пример #29
    def async_extract_from_service(self, service, expand_group=True):
        """Extract all known and available entities from a service call.

        Will return all entities if no entities specified in call.
        Will return an empty list if entities specified but unknown.

        This method must be run in the event loop.
        data_ent_id = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID)

        if data_ent_id in (None, ENTITY_MATCH_ALL):
            if data_ent_id is None:
                    'Not passing an entity ID to a service to target all '
                    'entities is deprecated. Update your call to %s.%s to be '
                    'instead: entity_id: %s', service.domain, service.service,

            return [entity for entity in self.entities if entity.available]

        entity_ids = set(extract_entity_ids(self.hass, service, expand_group))
        return [entity for entity in self.entities
                if entity.available and entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
Пример #30
    def async_handle_turn_service(service):
        """Handle calls to homeassistant.turn_on/off."""
        entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, service)

        # Generic turn on/off method requires entity id
        if not entity_ids:
                "homeassistant/%s cannot be called without entity_id",

        # Group entity_ids by domain. groupby requires sorted data.
        by_domain = it.groupby(sorted(entity_ids),
                               lambda item: ha.split_entity_id(item)[0])

        tasks = []

        for domain, ent_ids in by_domain:
            # We want to block for all calls and only return when all calls
            # have been processed. If a service does not exist it causes a 10
            # second delay while we're blocking waiting for a response.
            # But services can be registered on other HA instances that are
            # listening to the bus too. So as an in between solution, we'll
            # block only if the service is defined in the current HA instance.
            blocking = hass.services.has_service(domain, service.service)

            # Create a new dict for this call
            data = dict(service.data)

            # ent_ids is a generator, convert it to a list.
            data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = list(ent_ids)

                hass.services.async_call(domain, service.service, data,

        yield from asyncio.wait(tasks, loop=hass.loop)
Пример #31
 def service_to_entities(call):
     """Return the known devices that a service call mentions."""
     entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, call)
     entities = [entity for entity in dev if entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
     return entities
Пример #32
 def service_to_entities(call):
     """Return the known devices that a service call mentions."""
     entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, call)
     entities = [entity for entity in dev
                 if entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
     return entities