Пример #1
    def form_valid(self, form):
        name = self.repo_full_name = form.cleaned_data['name']

        # create the waiting subscription if not exists
        subscription, created = WaitingSubscription.objects.get_or_create(

        if not created:
            # the subscription already exists, force the state and updated_at
            subscription.state = WAITING_SUBSCRIPTION_STATES.WAITING

        message = 'Your subscription to <strong>%s</strong> will be added shortly'
        # if the repository exists (and fetched), convert into a real subscription
            repository = subscription.repository
            if not repository.first_fetch_done:
                raise Repository.DoesNotExist()
        except Repository.DoesNotExist:
            # add a job to fetch the repository
            FirstFetch.add_job(name, gh=self.request.user.get_connection())
            # If a FirstFetch is still running, do nothing more, but else...
            if repository.first_fetch_done:
                message = 'Your subscription to <strong>%s</strong> was just added'
                # start fetching events (it'll be ignored if there is already a queued job)

        messages.success(self.request, message % name)

        return super(AddRepositoryView, self).form_valid(form)
    def run(self, queue):
        Fetch the repository and once done, convert waiting subscriptions into
        real ones, and save the cout of converted subscriptions in the job.
        super(FirstFetch, self).run(queue)

        gh = self.gh
        if not gh:
            return  # it's delayed !

        # the identifier of this job is not the repository's id, but its full name
        repository_name = self.identifier.hget()

        # mark waiting subscriptions as in fetching status

        # get the user who asked to add this repo, and check its rights
        user = GithubUser.objects.get(username=self.gh_args.hget('username'))
        rights = user.can_use_repository(repository_name)

        # TODO: in these two case, we must not retry the job without getting
        #       an other user with fetch rights
        if rights is None:
            raise Exception('An error occured while fetching rights for the user')
        elif rights is False:
            raise Exception('The user has not rights to fetch this repository')

        # try to get a GithubUser which is the owner of the repository
        user_part, repo_name_part = repository_name.split('/')

        if user_part == user.username:
            owner = user
                owner = GithubUser.objects.get(username=user_part)
            except GithubUser.DoesNotExist:
                # no user, we will create it during the fetch
                owner = GithubUser(username=user_part)

        # Check if the repository already exists in the DB
        repository = None
        if owner.id:
                repository = owner.owned_repositories.get(name=repo_name_part)
            except Repository.DoesNotExist:

        if not repository:
            # create a temporary repository to fetch if none exists
            repository = Repository(name=repo_name_part, owner=owner)

        # fetch the repository if never fetched
        if not repository.first_fetch_done:
            repository.fetch_all(gh=self.gh, force_fetch=True, two_steps=True)

        # and convert waiting subscriptions to real ones
        count = 0
        for subscription in WaitingSubscription.objects.filter(repository_name=repository_name):
                rights = subscription.user.can_use_repository(repository)
            except Exception:
            if rights:
                count += 1
                message = u'Your subscription to <strong>%s</strong> is now ready' % repository.full_name
                messages.success(subscription.user, message)
                subscription.state = WAITING_SUBSCRIPTION_STATES.FAILED
                subscription.save(update_fields=('state', ))

        # save count in the job

        # add check-hook/events jobs
        # TODO: should not be in core but for now...
        from hooks.tasks import CheckRepositoryHook, CheckRepositoryEvents
        CheckRepositoryHook.add_job(repository.id, delayed_for=30)

        # return the number of converted subscriptions
        return count