Пример #1
def cg_finish_handler(sock, arg):
    # pop our input handler for finishing character generation

    # log that the character created
    mud.log_string("New player: " + sock.ch.name + " has entered the game.")

    # register and save him to disk and to an account

    # make him exist in the game for functions to look him up

    # run the init_player hook
    hooks.run("init_player", hooks.build_info("ch", (sock.ch, )))

    # attach him to his account and save the account

    # clear their screen

    # send them the motd

    # make him look at the room

    # run our enter hook
    hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (sock.ch, sock.ch.room)))
Пример #2
def acct_load_char(sock, name):
    '''loads a character attached to the account. Argument supplied must be a
       name of the corresponding character'''
    chars = sock.account.characters()

    if not name.lower() in [n.lower() for n in sock.account.characters()]:
        sock.send("A character by that name does not exist on your account.")
        # first, try a reconnect
        ch = find_reconnect(name)

        # no reconnect? Try loading our character
        if not ch == None:
            # swap the sockets
            old_sock = ch.sock

            # attach and detach put in mudsys to prevent scripts from
            # messing around with the connections between chars and sockets
            mudsys.attach_char_socket(ch, sock)

            if old_sock != None:
            mud.log_string(ch.name + " has reconnected.")
            # ch.act("clear")
            ch.send("You take over a body already in use.")
            hooks.run("reconnect", hooks.build_info("ch", (ch, )))
            sock.push_ih(mudsys.handle_cmd_input, mudsys.show_prompt,

            # load our character. Put in mudsys to prevent scripts from using it
            ch = mudsys.load_char(name)
            if ch == None:
                sock.send("The player file for " + name + " is missing.")
            elif (mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown") != ''
                  and not ch.isInGroup(mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown"))):
                sock.send("You are currently locked out of the mud.")
                # attach put in mudsys to prevent scripts from messing with
                # character and socket links
                mudsys.attach_char_socket(ch, sock)
                if mudsys.try_enter_game(ch):
                    mud.log_string(ch.name + " has entered the game.")
                    sock.push_ih(mudsys.handle_cmd_input, mudsys.show_prompt,
                    # ch.act("clear")
                              hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))
                    sock.send("There was a problem entering the game. " + \
                              "try again later.")
                    # detach put in mudsys t prevent scripts from messing with
                    # character and socket links
                    mudsys.detach_char_socket(ch, sock)
Пример #3
def cg_finish_handler(sock, arg):
    # pop our input handler for finishing character generation

    # log that the character created
    mud.log_string("New player: " + sock.ch.name + " has entered the game.")
    # register and save him to disk and to an account

    # make him exist in the game for functions to look him up

    # run the init_player hook
    hooks.run("init_player", hooks.build_info("ch", (sock.ch,)))
    # attach him to his account and save the account

    # clear their screen
    # send them the motd

    # make him look at the room

    # run our enter hook
    hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (sock.ch, sock.ch.room)))
Пример #4
def acct_load_char(sock, name):
    '''loads a character attached to the account. Argument supplied must be a
       name of the corresponding character'''
    chars = sock.account.characters()
    if not name.lower() in [n.lower() for n in sock.account.characters()]:
        sock.send("A character by that name does not exist on your account.")
        # first, try a reconnect
        ch = find_reconnect(name)

        # no reconnect? Try loading our character
        if not ch == None:
            # swap the sockets
            old_sock = ch.sock

            # attach and detach put in mudsys to prevent scripts from
            # messing around with the connections between chars and sockets
            mudsys.attach_char_socket(ch, sock)
            if old_sock != None:
            mud.log_string(ch.name + " has reconnected.")
            # ch.act("clear")
            ch.send("You take over a body already in use.")
            hooks.run("reconnect", hooks.build_info("ch", (ch,)))
            sock.push_ih(mudsys.handle_cmd_input, mudsys.show_prompt, "playing")

            # load our character. Put in mudsys to prevent scripts from using it
            ch = mudsys.load_char(name)
            if ch == None:
                sock.send("The player file for " + name + " is missing.")
            elif (mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown") != '' and
                  not ch.isInGroup(mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown"))):
                sock.send("You are currently locked out of the mud.")
                # attach put in mudsys to prevent scripts from messing with
                # character and socket links
                mudsys.attach_char_socket(ch, sock)
                if mudsys.try_enter_game(ch):
                    mud.log_string(ch.name + " has entered the game.")
                    sock.push_ih(mudsys.handle_cmd_input, mudsys.show_prompt,
                    # ch.act("clear")
                    hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))
                    sock.send("There was a problem entering the game. " + \
                              "try again later.")
                    # detach put in mudsys t prevent scripts from messing with
                    # character and socket links
                    mudsys.detach_char_socket(ch, sock)
Пример #5
def cmd_open(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: open [the] <direction | door | container>

       Attempts to open the speficied door, direction, or container.'''
        found, type = mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg,
                                     "[the] {obj.room.inv exit }")

    # is it an exit?
    if type == "exit":
        ex = found
        name = ex.name
        if name == "":
            name = "the exit"

        if not ex.is_closed:
            ch.send(name + " is already open.")
        elif ex.is_locked:
            ch.send(name + " must be unlocked first.")
        elif not ex.is_closable:
            ch.send(name + " cannot be opened.")
            mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_char",
                        "You open " + name + ".")
            mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                        "$n opens " + name + ".")
            # hooks.run("room_change", hooks.build_info("rm", (ch.room, )))
            try_manip_other_exit(ch.room, ex, False, ex.is_locked)
            hooks.run("open_door", hooks.build_info("ch ex", (ch, ex)))

    # must be an object
        obj = found
        if not obj.istype("container"):
            ch.send(ch.see_as(obj) + " is not a container.")
        elif not obj.container_is_closed:
            ch.send(ch.see_as(obj) + " is already open.")
        elif obj.container_is_locked:
            ch.send(ch.see_as(obj) + " must be unlocked first.")
        elif not obj.container_is_closable:
            ch.send(ch.see_as(obj) + " cannot be opened.")
            mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You open $o.")
            mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n opens $o.")
            obj.container_is_closed = False
            hooks.run("open_obj", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #6
def login_method_handler(sock, arg):
    args = arg.split()
    if len(args) == 0:
    args[0] = args[0].lower()

    if "create".startswith(args[0]):
        if len(args) != 3:
        elif mudsys.account_exists(args[1]):
            sock.send("{cAn account by that name already exists.{n\r\n")
        elif not check_acct_name(args[1]):
            txt = "{cThat is an invalid account name. Your account name must "\
                  "only consist of characters and numbers, and it must be " \
                  "4 and 12 characters in length. The first character MUST be "\
                  "a letter. Please pick another.{n"
            sock.send(mud.format_string(txt, False))

        elif not try_create_account(sock, args[1], args[2]):
            sock.send("Your account was unable to be created.")

    elif "load".startswith(args[0]):
        if len(args) != 3:
        elif not try_load_account(sock, args[1], args[2]):
            sock.send("{cInvalid account name or password.{n\r\n")
    elif "guest".startswith(args[0]):
        if (mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown") != '' and
            not utils.is_keyword(mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown"), "player")):
            sock.send("{cThe mud is currently locked out to new players.{n\r\n")
            hooks.run("create_guest", hooks.build_info("sk", (sock,)))
Пример #7
def cmd_greet(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: greet <person>

       NPCs with dialogs will often have something to say when you greet or
       approach then. Greeting an NPC is a way to get them talking.'''
        tgt, = mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg, "ch.room.noself")
    except: return

    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_char", "You greet $N.")
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_vict", "$n greets you.")
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_room", "$n greets $N.")

    # run greet hooks
    hooks.run("greet",      hooks.build_info("ch ch", (ch, tgt)))
    hooks.run("post_greet", hooks.build_info("ch ch", (ch, tgt)))
Пример #8
def cmd_goto(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: goto <person | place | thing>

       Transfer yourself to a specified room, object, or person in game. Rooms
       are referenced by their zone key.
        found, type = mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg,
                                     "{ room ch.world.noself }")

    # what did we find?
    if type == "char":
        dest = found.room
        dest = found

    mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                "$n disappears in a puff of smoke.")
    ch.room = dest
    mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                "$n appears in a puff of smoke.")
    hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))
Пример #9
def acct_menu_handler(sock, arg):
    '''parses account commands (new character, enter game, quit, etc)'''
    if len(arg) == 0:

    args = arg.split()
    args[0] = args[0].upper()
    if args[0].isdigit():
        opts = sock.account.characters()
        arg  = int(args[0])
        if arg < 0 or arg >= len(opts):
            sock.send("Invalid choice!")
            acct_load_char(sock, opts[arg])
    elif args[0] == 'L':
        if len(args) == 1:
            sock.send("Which character would you like to load?")
            acct_load_char(sock, args[1])
    elif args[0] == 'Q' or "QUIT".startswith(args[0]):
        sock.send("Come back soon!")
    elif args[0] == 'P':
        # sock.push_ih(acct_confirm_password_handler,acct_confirm_password_prompt)
        sock.push_ih(acct_new_password_handler, acct_new_password_prompt)
        sock.push_ih(acct_password_handler, acct_password_prompt)
    elif args[0] == 'N':
        if "player" in [x.strip() for x in mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown").split(",")]:
            sock.send("New characters are not allowed to be created at this time.")
            hooks.run("create_character", hooks.build_info("sk", (sock,)))
        sock.send("Invalid choice!")
Пример #10
def cmd_greet(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: greet <person>

       NPCs with dialogs will often have something to say when you greet or
       approach then. Greeting an NPC is a way to get them talking.'''
        tgt, = mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg, "ch.room.noself")
    except: return

    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_char", "You greet $N.")
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_vict", "$n greets you.")
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_room", "$n greets $N.")

    # run greet hooks
    hooks.run("greet",      hooks.build_info("ch ch", (ch, tgt)))
    hooks.run("post_greet", hooks.build_info("ch ch", (ch, tgt)))
Пример #11
def cmd_open(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: open [the] <direction | door | container>

       Attempts to open the speficied door, direction, or container.'''
        found,type=mud.parse_args(ch,True,cmd,arg, "[the] {obj.room.inv exit }")
    except: return

    # is it an exit?
    if type == "exit":
        ex = found
        name = ex.name
        if name == "":
            name = "the exit"
        if not ex.is_closed:
            ch.send(name + " is already open.")
        elif ex.is_locked:
            ch.send(name + " must be unlocked first.")
        elif not ex.is_closable:
            ch.send(name + " cannot be opened.")
            mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_char",
                        "You open " + name + ".")
            mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                        "$n opens " + name + ".")
            # hooks.run("room_change", hooks.build_info("rm", (ch.room, )))
            try_manip_other_exit(ch.room, ex, False, ex.is_locked)
            hooks.run("open_door", hooks.build_info("ch ex", (ch, ex)))

    # must be an object
        obj = found
        if not obj.istype("container"):
            ch.send(ch.see_as(obj) + " is not a container.")
        elif not obj.container_is_closed:
            ch.send(ch.see_as(obj) + " is already open.")
        elif obj.container_is_locked:
            ch.send(ch.see_as(obj) + " must be unlocked first.")
        elif not obj.container_is_closable:
            ch.send(ch.see_as(obj) + " cannot be opened.")
            mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You open $o.")
            mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n opens $o.")
            obj.container_is_closed = False
            hooks.run("open_obj", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #12
def do_drop(ch, obj):
    '''handles object dropping'''
    obj.room = ch.room

    mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You drop $o.")
    mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n drops $o.")

    # run our drop hook
    hooks.run("drop", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #13
def do_give(ch, recv, obj):
    '''does the handling of the give command'''
    mud.message(ch, recv, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n gives $o to $N.")
    mud.message(ch, recv, obj, None, True, "to_vict", "$n gives $o to you.")
    mud.message(ch, recv, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You give $o to $N.")
    obj.carrier = recv

    # run our give hook
    hooks.run("give", hooks.build_info("ch ch obj", (ch, recv, obj)))
Пример #14
def do_drop(ch, obj):
    '''handles object dropping'''
    obj.room = ch.room

    mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You drop $o.")
    mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n drops $o.")

    # run our drop hook
    hooks.run("drop", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #15
def do_wear(ch, obj, where):
    '''handles object wearing'''
    if not obj.istype("worn"):
        ch.send("But " + ch.see_as(obj) + " is not equippable.")

    elif ch.equip(obj, where):
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You wear $o.")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n wears $o.")

        # run our wear hook
        hooks.run("wear", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #16
def do_wear(ch, obj, where):
    '''handles object wearing'''
    if not obj.istype("worn"):
        ch.send("But " + ch.see_as(obj) + " is not equippable.")
    elif ch.equip(obj, where):
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You wear $o.")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n wears $o.")

        # run our wear hook
        hooks.run("wear", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #17
def do_give(ch, recv, obj):
    '''does the handling of the give command'''
    mud.message(ch, recv, obj, None, True, "to_room",
                "$n gives $o to $N.")
    mud.message(ch, recv, obj, None, True, "to_vict",
                "$n gives $o to you.")
    mud.message(ch, recv, obj, None, True, "to_char",
                "You give $o to $N.")
    obj.carrier = recv

    # run our give hook
    hooks.run("give", hooks.build_info("ch ch obj", (ch, recv, obj)))
Пример #18
def do_remove(ch, obj):
    '''handles equipment removing'''
    # try to put it to our inventory
    obj.carrier = ch

    # make sure it succeeded
    if obj.carrier != ch:
        ch.send("You were unable to remove " + ch.see_as(obj) + ".")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You remove $o.")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n removes $o.")

        # run our hooks
        hooks.run("remove", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #19
def do_remove(ch, obj):
    '''handles equipment removing'''
    # try to put it to our inventory
    obj.carrier = ch

    # make sure it succeeded
    if obj.carrier != ch:
        ch.send("You were unable to remove " + ch.see_as(obj) + ".")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You remove $o.")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n removes $o.")

        # run our hooks
        hooks.run("remove", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #20
def guest_gen_hook(info):
    sock, = hooks.parse_info(info)
    sock.push_ih(mudsys.handle_cmd_input, mudsys.show_prompt, "playing")

    # make the guest character
    ch = mudsys.create_player("Guest")

    # oops...
    if ch == None:
        sock.send("Sorry, there were issues creating a guest account.")

    mudsys.attach_char_socket(ch, sock)
    ch.rdesc = "a guest player is here, exploring the world."
    ch.name  = ch.name + str(ch.uid)
    ch.race  = "human"

    # log that the character created
    mud.log_string("Guest character created (id %d)." % ch.uid)

    # make him exist in the game for functions to look him up

    # run the init_player hook
    hooks.run("init_player", hooks.build_info("ch", (ch,)))

    # clear our screen

    # send them the motd
    # make him look at the room

    # run our enter hook
    hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))
Пример #21
def guest_gen_hook(info):
    sock, = hooks.parse_info(info)
    sock.push_ih(mudsys.handle_cmd_input, mudsys.show_prompt, "playing")

    # make the guest character
    ch = mudsys.create_player("Guest")

    # oops...
    if ch == None:
        sock.send("Sorry, there were issues creating a guest account.")

    mudsys.attach_char_socket(ch, sock)
    ch.rdesc = "a guest player is here, exploring the world."
    ch.name = ch.name + str(ch.uid)
    ch.race = "human"

    # log that the character created
    mud.log_string("Guest character created (id %d)." % ch.uid)

    # make him exist in the game for functions to look him up

    # run the init_player hook
    hooks.run("init_player", hooks.build_info("ch", (ch, )))

    # clear our screen

    # send them the motd

    # make him look at the room

    # run our enter hook
    hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))
Пример #22
def do_get(ch, obj, cont):
    '''transfers an item from the ground to the character'''
    if utils.is_keyword(obj.bits, "notake"):
        ch.send("You cannot take " + ch.see_as(obj) + ".")
    elif cont != None:
        obj.carrier = ch
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, cont, True, "to_char", "You get $o from $O.")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, cont, True, "to_room", "$n gets $o from $O.")
        obj.carrier = ch
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You get $o.")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n gets $o.")

        # run get hooks
        hooks.run("get", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #23
def cmd_say(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: say <message>

      This command will send a message to everyone in the same room as you. Say,
      like ask, can trigger NPC dialogs.'''
    if arg == '':
        ch.send("Say what?")
        arg = arg.replace("$", "$$")
        mud.message(ch, None, None, None, False, "to_room",
                    "{y$n says, '" + arg + "'{n")
        mud.message(ch, None, None, None, False, "to_char",
                    "{yyou say, '" + arg + "'{n")        

        # run say hooks
        hooks.run("say", hooks.build_info("ch str", (ch, arg)))
Пример #24
def cmd_say(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: say <message>

      This command will send a message to everyone in the same room as you. Say,
      like ask, can trigger NPC dialogs.'''
    if arg == '':
        ch.send("Say what?")
        arg = arg.replace("$", "$$")
        mud.message(ch, None, None, None, False, "to_room",
                    "{y$n says, '" + arg + "'{n")
        mud.message(ch, None, None, None, False, "to_char",
                    "{yyou say, '" + arg + "'{n")        

        # run say hooks
        hooks.run("say", hooks.build_info("ch str", (ch, arg)))
Пример #25
def do_get(ch, obj, cont):
    '''transfers an item from the ground to the character'''
    if utils.is_keyword(obj.bits, "notake"):
        ch.send("You cannot take " + ch.see_as(obj) + ".")
    elif cont != None:
        obj.carrier = ch
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, cont, True, "to_char",
                    "You get $o from $O.")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, cont, True, "to_room",
                    "$n gets $o from $O.")
        obj.carrier = ch
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_char", "You get $o.")
        mud.message(ch, None, obj, None, True, "to_room", "$n gets $o.")

        # run get hooks
        hooks.run("get", hooks.build_info("ch obj", (ch, obj)))
Пример #26
def cmd_tell(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: tell <person> <message>

       This command sends a message to another character. Primarily intended
       for player-to-player communication. Players can tell other players
       things even if they are not in the same room.

       see also: reply'''
        tgt, mssg = mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg,
                                   "ch.world.noself string(message)")
    except: return

    mssg   = mssg.replace("$", "$$")
    tovict = "{r$n tells you, '" + mssg + "'{n"
    toch   = "{rYou tell $N, '" + mssg + "'{n"
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_vict", tovict)
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_char", toch)
    history.add_history(ch,   "tell", "{r%-10s: %s{n" % (ch.name, mssg))
    history.add_history(tgt,  "tell", "{r%-10s: %s{n" % (ch.name, mssg))
    hooks.run("tell", hooks.build_info("ch ch str", (ch, tgt, mssg)))
Пример #27
def cmd_ask(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: ask <person> [about] <question>

       This command is used to pose a question to another character. Mostly,
       this is intended to be used to carry on dialogs with NPCs. Ask has a
       local range (i.e. you can only ask questions to people in the same room
       as you.
        tgt, question =mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg,
                                      "ch.room.noself [about] string(question)")
    except: return

    question = question.replace("$", "$$")
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_vict",
                "{w$n asks you, '" + question + "'{n")
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_char",
                "{wYou ask $N, '" + question + "'{n")

    # run our ask hooks
    hooks.run("ask", hooks.build_info("ch ch str", (ch, tgt, question)))
Пример #28
def cmd_ask(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: ask <person> [about] <question>

       This command is used to pose a question to another character. Mostly,
       this is intended to be used to carry on dialogs with NPCs. Ask has a
       local range (i.e. you can only ask questions to people in the same room
       as you.
        tgt, question =mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg,
                                      "ch.room.noself [about] string(question)")
    except: return

    question = question.replace("$", "$$")
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_vict",
                "{w$n asks you, '" + question + "'{n")
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_char",
                "{wYou ask $N, '" + question + "'{n")

    # run our ask hooks
    hooks.run("ask", hooks.build_info("ch ch str", (ch, tgt, question)))
Пример #29
def cmd_tell(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: tell <person> <message>

       This command sends a message to another character. Primarily intended
       for player-to-player communication. Players can tell other players
       things even if they are not in the same room.

       see also: reply'''
        tgt, mssg = mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg,
                                   "ch.world.noself string(message)")
    except: return

    mssg   = mssg.replace("$", "$$")
    tovict = "{r$n tells you, '" + mssg + "'{n"
    toch   = "{rYou tell $N, '" + mssg + "'{n"
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_vict", tovict)
    mud.message(ch, tgt, None, None, False, "to_char", toch)
    history.add_history(ch,   "tell", "{r%-10s: %s{n" % (ch.name, mssg))
    history.add_history(tgt,  "tell", "{r%-10s: %s{n" % (ch.name, mssg))
    hooks.run("tell", hooks.build_info("ch ch str", (ch, tgt, mssg)))
Пример #30
def cmd_goto(ch, cmd, arg):
    '''Usage: goto <person | place | thing>

       Transfer yourself to a specified room, object, or person in game. Rooms
       are referenced by their zone key.
        found, type = mud.parse_args(ch, True, cmd, arg, "{ room ch.world.noself }")
    except: return

    # what did we find?
    if type == "char":
        dest = found.room
        dest = found

    mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                "$n disappears in a puff of smoke.")
    ch.room = dest
    mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                "$n appears in a puff of smoke.")
    hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))
Пример #31
def try_move(ch, dir, mssg = False):
    '''Handles all moving of characters from one room to another, through
       commands. Attempts a move. If successful, returns the exit left
    ex      = ch.room.exit(dir)
    success = False

    exname = "it"
    if ex != None and ex.name != "":
        exname = ex.name
    # did we find an exit?
    if ex == None or not ch.cansee(ex):
        if not ch.isInGroup("builder"):
            ch.send("Alas, there is no exit in that direction.")
        elif ex != None and not ch.cansee(ex):
            ch.send("There is an exit, but you can't see it.")
            ch.send("Turn on your wizard lense!")
            hooks.run("try_buildwalk", hooks.build_info("ch str", (ch, dir)))
    elif ex.is_closed:
        ch.send("You will have to open " + exname + " first.")
    elif ex.dest == None:
        ch.send("It doesn't look like " + exname + " leads anywhere!")
        old_room = ch.room
        dirnum   = dir_index(dir)

        # send out our leave mud.messages as needed. Is anyone in the old room?
        if mssg == True:
            if ex.leave_mssg != '':
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",ex.leave_mssg)
            elif dirnum == -1:
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room", "$n leaves.")
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                            "$n leaves " + dir_name[dirnum] + ".")

        # run our leave hooks
        hooks.run("exit", hooks.build_info("ch rm ex", (ch, ch.room, ex)))

        # if a hook hasn't moved us, go through with going through the exit
        if ch.room == old_room:
            ch.room = ex.dest

        # stuff that happens before we 'look'
        hooks.run("pre_enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))

        # send out our enter mud.messages as needed
        if mssg == True:
            if ex.enter_mssg != '':
            elif dirnum == -1:
                mud.message(ch,None,None,None,True,"to_room","$n has arrived.")
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                            "$n arrives from the "+dir_name[dir_opp[dirnum]]+".")

        # run our enter hooks
        hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))
        success = True

    # return the exit we found (if we found any)
    return ex, success
Пример #32
def try_move(ch, dir, mssg=False):
    '''Handles all moving of characters from one room to another, through
       commands. Attempts a move. If successful, returns the exit left
    ex = ch.room.exit(dir)
    success = False

    exname = "it"
    if ex != None and ex.name != "":
        exname = ex.name

    # did we find an exit?
    if ex == None or not ch.cansee(ex):
        ch.send("Alas, there is no exit in that direction.")
    elif ex.is_closed:
        ch.send("You will have to open " + exname + " first.")
    elif ex.dest == None:
        ch.send("It doesn't look like " + exname + " leads anywhere!")
        old_room = ch.room
        dirnum = dir_index(dir)

        # send out our leave mud.messages as needed. Is anyone in the old room?
        if mssg == True:
            if ex.leave_mssg != '':
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
            elif dirnum == -1:
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                            "$n leaves.")
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                            "$n leaves " + dir_name[dirnum] + ".")

        # run our leave hooks
        hooks.run("exit", hooks.build_info("ch rm ex", (ch, ch.room, ex)))

        # if a hook hasn't moved us, go through with going through the exit
        if ch.room == old_room:
            ch.room = ex.dest

        # stuff that happens before we 'look'
        hooks.run("pre_enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))


        # send out our enter mud.messages as needed
        if mssg == True:
            if ex.enter_mssg != '':
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
            elif dirnum == -1:
                mud.message(ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                            "$n has arrived.")
                    ch, None, None, None, True, "to_room",
                    "$n arrives from the " + dir_name[dir_opp[dirnum]] + ".")

        # run our enter hooks
        hooks.run("enter", hooks.build_info("ch rm", (ch, ch.room)))
        success = True

    # return the exit we found (if we found any)
    return ex, success