Пример #1
def test_parser_edge_cases():
    # Our parser implementation is general enough that
    # some of its branches are not being exercised by our regular tests,
    # so I had to come up with these contrived examples to test them.

    p = many(rfc7230.tchar)                            > named(u'p')
    p1 = '1' * p                                       > named(u'p1')
    p2 = '11' * p * skip('\n')                         > named(u'p2')
    assert parse(p1 | p2, b'11abc') == (u'1', [u'1', u'a', u'b', u'c'])
    assert parse(p1 | p2, b'11abc\n') == (u'11', [u'a', u'b', u'c'])

    p = recursive()                                    > named(u'p')
    p.rec = (rfc7230.tchar * p | subst(None) << empty)
    assert parse(p, b'abc') == (u'a', (u'b', (u'c', None)))

    p = literal('ab')                                  > named(u'p')
    p0 = subst(u'') << empty | p                       > named(u'p0')
    p1 = 'xab' * p0                                    > named(u'p1')
    p2 = 'x' * string(p0) * '!'                        > named(u'p2')
    assert parse(p1 | p2, b'xabab') == (u'xab', u'ab')
    assert parse(p1 | p2, b'xabab!') == (u'x', u'abab', u'!')

    p = empty | literal('a')                           > named(u'p')
    p0 = p * 'x'                                       > named(u'x')
    assert parse(p0, b'x') == u'x'
Пример #2
def test_parser_edge_cases():
    # Our parser implementation is general enough that
    # some of its branches are not being exercised by our regular tests,
    # so I had to come up with these contrived examples to test them.

    p = many(rfc7230.tchar)                            > named(u'p')
    p1 = '1' * p                                       > named(u'p1')
    p2 = '11' * p * skip('\n')                         > named(u'p2')
    assert parse(p1 | p2, b'11abc') == (u'1', [u'1', u'a', u'b', u'c'])
    assert parse(p1 | p2, b'11abc\n') == (u'11', [u'a', u'b', u'c'])

    p = recursive()                                    > named(u'p')
    p.rec = (rfc7230.tchar * p | subst(None) << empty)
    assert parse(p, b'abc') == (u'a', (u'b', (u'c', None)))

    p = literal('ab')                                  > named(u'p')
    p0 = subst(u'') << empty | p                       > named(u'p0')
    p1 = 'xab' * p0                                    > named(u'p1')
    p2 = 'x' * string(p0) * '!'                        > named(u'p2')
    assert parse(p1 | p2, b'xabab') == (u'xab', u'ab')
    assert parse(p1 | p2, b'xabab!') == (u'x', u'abab', u'!')

    p = empty | literal('a')                           > named(u'p')
    p0 = p * 'x'                                       > named(u'x')
    assert parse(p0, b'x') == u'x'
Пример #3
from httpolice.structure import EntityTag
from httpolice.syntax.common import DQUOTE
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7230 import comma_list1, obs_text
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7231 import HTTP_date

weak = subst(True) << octet(0x57) * octet(0x2F)                         > auto
etagc = octet(0x21) | octet_range(0x23, 0x7E) | obs_text                > auto

def _no_backslashes(complain, s):
    if u'\\' in s:
    return s

opaque_tag = _no_backslashes << DQUOTE + string(etagc) + DQUOTE         > auto
entity_tag = EntityTag << maybe(weak, False) * opaque_tag               > pivot

ETag = entity_tag                                                       > pivot
Last_Modified = HTTP_date                                               > pivot

If_Match = '*' | comma_list1(entity_tag)                                > pivot
Пример #4
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

from httpolice.citation import RFC
from httpolice.parse import (auto, can_complain, fill_names, maybe, octet,
                             octet_range, pivot, string, subst)
from httpolice.structure import EntityTag
from httpolice.syntax.common import DQUOTE
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7230 import comma_list1, obs_text
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7231 import HTTP_date

weak = subst(True) << octet(0x57) * octet(0x2F) > auto
etagc = octet(0x21) | octet_range(0x23, 0x7E) | obs_text > auto

def _no_backslashes(complain, s):
    if u'\\' in s:
    return s

opaque_tag = _no_backslashes << DQUOTE + string(etagc) + DQUOTE > auto
entity_tag = EntityTag << maybe(weak, False) * opaque_tag > pivot

ETag = entity_tag > pivot
Last_Modified = HTTP_date > pivot

If_Match = '*' | comma_list1(entity_tag) > pivot
If_None_Match = '*' | comma_list1(entity_tag) > pivot
If_Modified_Since = HTTP_date > pivot
If_Unmodified_Since = HTTP_date > pivot
Пример #5
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

from httpolice.parse import (fill_names, literal, maybe, pivot, skip, string1,
from httpolice.syntax.common import DIGIT
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7230 import RWS, comma_list

notice_id = int << string1(DIGIT) > pivot
resp = subst(True) << literal('resp') > pivot
HTTPolice_Silence = comma_list(notice_id * maybe(skip(RWS) * resp)) > pivot

fill_names(globals(), citation=None)
Пример #6
    (lambda x: (None, x)) << skip('-') * suffix_length                  > pivot

byte_range_set = comma_list1(byte_range_spec | suffix_byte_range_spec) > auto
byte_ranges_specifier = RangeSpecifier << (bytes_unit * skip('=') *
                                           byte_range_set) > pivot

other_range_set = string1(VCHAR) > auto
other_ranges_specifier = RangeSpecifier << (other_range_unit * skip('=') *
                                            other_range_set) > pivot

Range = byte_ranges_specifier | other_ranges_specifier > pivot

byte_range = first_byte_pos * skip('-') * last_byte_pos > auto
complete_length = int << string1(DIGIT) > auto
byte_range_resp = (byte_range * skip('/') *
                   (complete_length | subst(None) << literal('*'))) > pivot

unsatisfied_range = ((subst(None) << literal('*/')) * complete_length) > pivot

def _well_formed2(complain, r):
    bounds, complete = r.range
    if bounds is not None:
        first, last = bounds
        if (last < first) or ((complete is not None) and (complete <= last)):
    return r

byte_content_range = _well_formed2 << (
Пример #7
subtype = token > pivot
media_type = Parametrized << (
    (_check_media_type << (MediaType << type_ + '/' + subtype)) *
    (MultiDict << many(skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * parameter()))) > pivot

content_coding = ContentCoding << token > pivot

product_version = token > pivot
product = Versioned << (
    (ProductName << token) * maybe(skip('/') * product_version)) > pivot
User_Agent = product % many(
    skip(RWS) * (product | comment(include_parens=False))) > pivot
Server = product % many(skip(RWS) *
                        (product | comment(include_parens=False))) > pivot

day_name = (subst(0) << octet(0x4D) * octet(0x6F) * octet(0x6E)
            | subst(1) << octet(0x54) * octet(0x75) * octet(0x65)
            | subst(2) << octet(0x57) * octet(0x65) * octet(0x64)
            | subst(3) << octet(0x54) * octet(0x68) * octet(0x75)
            | subst(4) << octet(0x46) * octet(0x72) * octet(0x69)
            | subst(5) << octet(0x53) * octet(0x61) * octet(0x74)
            | subst(6) << octet(0x53) * octet(0x75) * octet(0x6E)) > pivot

def _to_date(complain, d, m, y):
        return date(y, m, d)
    except ValueError:
        complain(1222, date=u'%d-%02d-%02d' % (y, m, d))
        return Unavailable
Пример #8
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

from httpolice.citation import RFC
from httpolice.parse import (auto, can_complain, fill_names, literal, maybe,
                             pivot, skip, string, string1, subst)
from httpolice.structure import ContentRange, RangeSpecifier, RangeUnit
from httpolice.syntax.common import CHAR, DIGIT, SP, VCHAR
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7230 import comma_list1, token__excluding
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7231 import HTTP_date
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7232 import entity_tag

bytes_unit = RangeUnit << literal('bytes') > auto
other_range_unit = RangeUnit << token__excluding(['bytes']) > auto
range_unit = bytes_unit | other_range_unit > pivot
acceptable_ranges = (subst([]) << literal('none')
                     | comma_list1(range_unit)) > pivot
Accept_Ranges = acceptable_ranges > pivot

def _well_formed1(complain, first, last):
    if (last is not None) and (first > last):
    return (first, last)

first_byte_pos = int << string1(DIGIT) > auto
last_byte_pos = int << string1(DIGIT) > auto
byte_range_spec = _well_formed1 << (first_byte_pos * skip('-') *
                                    maybe(last_byte_pos)) > pivot
Пример #9
def comma_list1(element):
    return _collect_elements << (many(subst(None) << ',' * OWS) + (
        (lambda x: [x]) << group(element)) + many(
            skip(OWS * ',') * maybe(skip(OWS) * element))) > named(
                u'1#rule', RFC(7230, section=u'7'))
Пример #10
# As updated by RFC 6874
ZoneID = string1(unreserved | pct_encoded) > pivot
IPv6addrz = IPv6address + '%25' + ZoneID > pivot
IP_literal = '[' + (IPv6address | IPv6addrz | IPvFuture) + ']' > pivot

reg_name = string(unreserved | sub_delims | pct_encoded) > pivot
host = IP_literal | IPv4address | reg_name > pivot
port = string(DIGIT) > pivot
authority = maybe_str(userinfo + '@') + host + maybe_str(':' + port) > pivot

path_abempty = string('/' + segment) > auto
path_absolute = '/' + maybe_str(segment_nz + string('/' + segment)) > auto
path_noscheme = segment_nz_nc + string('/' + segment) > auto
path_rootless = segment_nz + string('/' + segment) > auto
path_empty = subst(u'') << empty > auto

hier_part = ('//' + authority + path_abempty | path_absolute | path_rootless
             | path_empty) > pivot

query = string(pchar | '/' | '?') > pivot
fragment = string(pchar | '/' | '?') > pivot

absolute_URI = scheme + ':' + hier_part + maybe_str('?' + query) > pivot

relative_part = ('//' + authority + path_abempty | path_absolute
                 | path_noscheme | path_empty) > pivot

URI = (scheme + ':' + hier_part + maybe_str('?' + query) +
       maybe_str('#' + fragment)) > pivot
Пример #11
from httpolice.citation import RFC
from httpolice.parse import (auto, can_complain, fill_names, literal, maybe,
                             pivot, skip, string, string1, subst)
from httpolice.structure import ContentRange, RangeSpecifier, RangeUnit
from httpolice.syntax.common import CHAR, DIGIT, SP, VCHAR
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7230 import comma_list1, token__excluding
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7231 import HTTP_date
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7232 import entity_tag

bytes_unit = RangeUnit << literal('bytes')                              > auto
other_range_unit = RangeUnit << token__excluding(['bytes'])             > auto
range_unit = bytes_unit | other_range_unit                              > pivot
acceptable_ranges = (
    subst([]) << literal('none') |
    comma_list1(range_unit))                                            > pivot
Accept_Ranges = acceptable_ranges                                       > pivot

def _well_formed1(complain, first, last):
    if (last is not None) and (first > last):
    return (first, last)

first_byte_pos = int << string1(DIGIT)                                  > auto
last_byte_pos = int << string1(DIGIT)                                   > auto
byte_range_spec = _well_formed1 << (first_byte_pos * skip('-') *
                                    maybe(last_byte_pos))               > pivot

suffix_length = int << string1(DIGIT)                                   > auto
Пример #12
def comma_list(element):
    return _collect_elements << maybe(
        (subst([None, None]) << literal(',') |
         (lambda x: [x]) << group(element)) +
        many(skip(OWS * ',') * maybe(skip(OWS) * element))) > named(
            u'#rule', RFC(7230, section=(7, )))
Пример #13
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

from httpolice.parse import (
from httpolice.syntax.common import DIGIT
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7230 import RWS, comma_list

notice_id = int << string1(DIGIT)                                       > pivot
resp = subst(True) << literal('resp')                                   > pivot
HTTPolice_Silence = comma_list(notice_id * maybe(skip(RWS) * resp))     > pivot

fill_names(globals(), citation=None)
Пример #14
def comma_list(element):
    return _collect_elements << maybe(
        (subst([None, None]) << literal(',') |
         (lambda x: [x]) << group(element)) +
        many(skip(OWS * ',') * maybe(skip(OWS) * element))
    ) > named(u'#rule', RFC(7230, section=(7,)))
Пример #15
            correct_encoded_id += pct_encode(c, safe='').upper()
    if encoded_id != correct_encoded_id:
        complain(1256, actual=encoded_id, correct=correct_encoded_id)
    return decoded_id

protocol_id = _check_protocol_id << token                               > pivot

def _check_alt_authority(complain, value):
    return parse(value, maybe_str(uri_host) + ':' + port, complain, 1257,

alt_authority = _check_alt_authority << quoted_string                   > pivot

alternative = protocol_id * skip('=') * alt_authority                   > pivot
parameter = ((AltSvcParam << token) *
             skip('=') * (token | quoted_string))                       > pivot
alt_value = Parametrized << (
    alternative *
    (MultiDict << many(skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * parameter)))             > pivot

Alt_Svc = clear | comma_list1(alt_value)                                > pivot

ma = delta_seconds                                                      > pivot
persist = subst(True) << literal('1')                                   > pivot

Alt_Used = uri_host + maybe_str(':' + port)                             > pivot

fill_names(globals(), RFC(7838))
Пример #16
def comma_list1(element):
    return _collect_elements << (
        many(subst(None) << ',' * OWS) +
        ((lambda x: [x]) << group(element)) +
        many(skip(OWS * ',') * maybe(skip(OWS) * element))
    ) > named(u'1#rule', RFC(7230, section=(7,)))
Пример #17
protocol_id = _check_protocol_id << token > pivot

def _check_alt_authority(complain, value):
    return parse(value,
                 maybe_str(uri_host) + ':' + port,

alt_authority = _check_alt_authority << quoted_string > pivot

alternative = protocol_id * skip('=') * alt_authority > pivot
parameter = ((AltSvcParam << token) * skip('=') *
             (token | quoted_string)) > pivot
alt_value = Parametrized << (
    alternative *
    (MultiDict << many(skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * parameter))) > pivot

Alt_Svc = clear | comma_list1(alt_value) > pivot

ma = delta_seconds > pivot
persist = subst(True) << literal('1') > pivot

Alt_Used = uri_host + maybe_str(':' + port) > pivot

fill_names(globals(), RFC(7838))
Пример #18
subtype = token                                                         > pivot
media_type = Parametrized << (
    (MediaType << type_ + '/' + subtype) *
    (MultiDict << many(skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * parameter())))           > pivot

content_coding = ContentCoding << token                                 > pivot

product_version = token                                                 > pivot
product = Versioned << ((ProductName << token) *
                        maybe(skip('/') * product_version))             > pivot
User_Agent = product % many(skip(RWS) *
                            (product | comment(include_parens=False)))  > pivot
Server = product % many(skip(RWS) *
                        (product | comment(include_parens=False)))      > pivot

day_name = (subst(0) << octet(0x4D) * octet(0x6F) * octet(0x6E) |
            subst(1) << octet(0x54) * octet(0x75) * octet(0x65) |
            subst(2) << octet(0x57) * octet(0x65) * octet(0x64) |
            subst(3) << octet(0x54) * octet(0x68) * octet(0x75) |
            subst(4) << octet(0x46) * octet(0x72) * octet(0x69) |
            subst(5) << octet(0x53) * octet(0x61) * octet(0x74) |
            subst(6) << octet(0x53) * octet(0x75) * octet(0x6E))        > pivot

def _to_date(complain, d, m, y):
        return date(y, m, d)
    except ValueError:
        complain(1222, date=u'%d-%02d-%02d' % (y, m, d))
        return Unavailable
Пример #19
# As updated by RFC 6874
ZoneID = string1(unreserved | pct_encoded)                              > pivot
IPv6addrz = IPv6address + '%25' + ZoneID                                > pivot
IP_literal = '[' + (IPv6address | IPv6addrz | IPvFuture) + ']'          > pivot

reg_name = string(unreserved | sub_delims | pct_encoded)                > pivot
host = IP_literal | IPv4address | reg_name                              > pivot
port = string(DIGIT)                                                    > pivot
authority = maybe_str(userinfo + '@') + host + maybe_str(':' + port)    > pivot

path_abempty = string('/' + segment)                                    > auto
path_absolute = '/' + maybe_str(segment_nz + string('/' + segment))     > auto
path_noscheme = segment_nz_nc + string('/' + segment)                   > auto
path_rootless = segment_nz + string('/' + segment)                      > auto
path_empty = subst(u'') << empty                                        > auto

hier_part = ('//' + authority + path_abempty |
             path_absolute | path_rootless | path_empty)                > pivot

query = string(pchar | '/' | '?')                                       > pivot
fragment = string(pchar | '/' | '?')                                    > pivot

absolute_URI = scheme + ':' + hier_part + maybe_str('?' + query)        > pivot

relative_part = ('//' + authority + path_abempty |
                 path_absolute | path_noscheme | path_empty)            > pivot

URI = (scheme + ':' + hier_part +
       maybe_str('?' + query) + maybe_str('#' + fragment))              > pivot