Пример #1
    def visualize_spatial_extent(self, extent_type, spat_extent):
        """Default visualization of spatial extent"""

        world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres"))
        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 6))
        world.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="lightgray", edgecolor="gray")
        geospatial.geodataframe(extent_type, spat_extent).plot(ax=ax,
Пример #2
    def visualize_spatial_extent(
    ):  # additional args, basemap, zoom level, cmap, export
        Creates a map displaying the input spatial extent

        >>> reg_a = ipx.Query('ATL06','path/spatialfile.shp',['2019-02-22','2019-02-28']) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> reg_a.visualize_spatial_extent # doctest: +SKIP
        [visual map output]
        gdf = geospatial.geodataframe(self.extent_type, self._spat_extent)

            from shapely.geometry import Polygon
            import geoviews as gv


            line_geoms = Polygon(gdf["geometry"][0]).boundary
            bbox_poly = gv.Path(line_geoms).opts(color="red", line_color="red")
            tile = gv.tile_sources.EsriImagery.opts(width=500, height=500)
            return tile * bbox_poly

        except ImportError:
            world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres"))
            f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 6))
            world.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="lightgray", edgecolor="gray")
            gdf.plot(ax=ax, color="#FF8C00", alpha=0.7)
Пример #3
def test_gdf_from_bbox():
    obs = geospatial.geodataframe('bounding_box', [-55, 68, -48, 71])
    geom = [
        Polygon(list(zip([-55, -55, -48, -48, -55], [68, 71, 71, 68, 68])))
    exp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=geom)
    #DevNote: this feels like a questionable test to me, since it specifies the first entry (though there should only be one)
    assert obs.geometry[0] == exp.geometry[0]
Пример #4
    def visualize_spatial_extent(
            self):  #additional args, basemap, zoom level, cmap, export
        Creates a map displaying the input spatial extent

        >>> icepyx.icesat2data.Icesat2Data('ATL06','path/spatialfile.shp',['2019-02-22','2019-02-28'])
        >>> reg_a.visualize_spatial_extent
        [visual map output]

        world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 6))
        world.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='lightgray', edgecolor='gray')
Пример #5
def spatial(spatial_extent):
    Validate the input spatial extent and return the needed parameters to the query object.
    if isinstance(spatial_extent, list):
        # bounding box
        if len(spatial_extent) == 4 and all(
                type(i) in [int, float] for i in spatial_extent):
            assert -90 <= spatial_extent[1] <= 90, "Invalid latitude value"
            assert -90 <= spatial_extent[3] <= 90, "Invalid latitude value"
            assert (
                -180 <= spatial_extent[0] <= 180
            ), "Invalid longitude value"  # tighten these ranges depending on actual allowed inputs
            assert -180 <= spatial_extent[2] <= 180, "Invalid longitude value"
            if np.sign(spatial_extent[0]) != np.sign(spatial_extent[2]):
                assert (spatial_extent[0] >=
                        spatial_extent[2]), "Invalid bounding box longitudes"
                assert (spatial_extent[0] <=
                        spatial_extent[2]), "Invalid bounding box longitudes"
            assert (spatial_extent[1] <=
                    spatial_extent[3]), "Invalid bounding box latitudes"
            _spat_extent = spatial_extent
            extent_type = "bounding_box"

        # user-entered polygon as list of lon, lat coordinate pairs
        elif all(type(i) in [list, tuple] for i in spatial_extent):
            assert (len(spatial_extent) >=
                    4), "Your spatial extent polygon has too few vertices"
            assert (spatial_extent[0][0] == spatial_extent[-1][0]
                    ), "Starting longitude doesn't match ending longitude"
            assert (spatial_extent[0][1] == spatial_extent[-1][1]
                    ), "Starting latitude doesn't match ending latitude"
            polygon = (",".join([str(c) for xy in spatial_extent
                                 for c in xy])).split(",")

            extent_type = "polygon"
            polygon = [float(i) for i in polygon]

            gdf = geospatial.geodataframe(extent_type, polygon, file=False)
            _spat_extent = gdf.iloc[0].geometry

            # _spat_extent = polygon
            # extent_type = 'polygon'
            # #DevGoal: properly format this input type (and any polygon type) so that it is clockwise (and only contains 1 pole)!!
            # warnings.warn("this type of input is not yet well handled and you may not be able to find data")

        # user-entered polygon as a single list of lon and lat coordinates
        elif all(type(i) in [int, float] for i in spatial_extent):
            assert (len(spatial_extent) >=
                    8), "Your spatial extent polygon has too few vertices"
            assert (
                len(spatial_extent) % 2 == 0
            ), "Your spatial extent polygon list should have an even number of entries"
            assert (spatial_extent[0] == spatial_extent[-2]
                    ), "Starting longitude doesn't match ending longitude"
            assert (spatial_extent[1] == spatial_extent[-1]
                    ), "Starting latitude doesn't match ending latitude"
            extent_type = "polygon"
            polygon = [float(i) for i in spatial_extent]

            gdf = geospatial.geodataframe(extent_type, polygon, file=False)
            _spat_extent = gdf.iloc[0].geometry

            # _spat_extent = polygon

            raise ValueError(
                "Your spatial extent does not meet minimum input criteria")

        # DevGoal: write a test for this?
        # make sure there is nothing set to _geom_filepath since its existence determines later steps
            del _geom_filepath

    # DevGoal: revisit this section + geospatial.geodataframe. There might be some good ways to combine the functionality in these checks with that
    elif isinstance(spatial_extent, str):
        assert os.path.exists(
        ), "Check that the path and filename of your geometry file are correct"
        # DevGoal: more robust polygon inputting (see Bruce's code): correct for clockwise/counterclockwise coordinates, deal with simplification, etc.
        if spatial_extent.split(".")[-1] in ["kml", "shp", "gpkg"]:
            extent_type = "polygon"
            gdf = geospatial.geodataframe(extent_type,
            # print(gdf.iloc[0].geometry)
            # DevGoal: does the below line mandate that only the first polygon will be read? Perhaps we should require files containing only one polygon?
            # RAPHAEL - It only selects the first polygon if there are multiple. Unless we can supply the CMR params with muliple polygon inputs we should probably req a single polygon.
            _spat_extent = gdf.iloc[0].geometry
            # _spat_extent = apifmt._fmt_polygon(spatial_extent)
            _geom_filepath = spatial_extent

            raise TypeError(
                "Input spatial extent file must be a kml, shp, or gpkg")

    # DevGoal: currently no specific test for this if statement...
    if "_geom_filepath" not in locals():
        _geom_filepath = None
    return extent_type, _spat_extent, _geom_filepath
Пример #6
def test_bad_extent_input():
    ermsg = "Your spatial extent type is not an accepted input and a geodataframe cannot be constructed"
    #DevNote: can't get the test to pass if the extent_type is included. Not sure why the strings "don't match"
    # ermsg = "Your spatial extent type (polybox) is not an accepted input and a geodataframe cannot be constructed"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=ermsg):
        geospatial.geodataframe('polybox', [1, 2, 3, 4])