Пример #1
def to_geojson(regions):  # pragma: no cover
    features = []
    for code, region in regions.items():
        # calculate the maximum radius of each polygon
        boundary = region.boundary
        if isinstance(boundary, shapely.geometry.base.BaseMultipartGeometry):
            boundaries = list(boundary.geoms)
            boundaries = [boundary]

        radii = []
        for boundary in boundaries:
            # flip x/y aka lon/lat to lat/lon
            boundary = numpy.fliplr(numpy.array(boundary))
            ctr_lat, ctr_lon = geocalc.centroid(boundary)
            radii.append(geocalc.max_distance(ctr_lat, ctr_lon, boundary))
        radius = round(max(radii) / 1000.0) * 1000.0

            'type': 'Feature',
            'properties': {
                'alpha2': code,
                'radius': radius,
            'geometry': shapely.geometry.mapping(region),

    def _sort(value):
        return value['properties']['alpha2']

    features = sorted(features, key=_sort)
    lines = ',\n'.join([json.dumps(f, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))
                        for f in features])
    return '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [\n' + lines + '\n]}\n'
Пример #2
def to_geojson(regions):  # pragma: no cover
    features = []
    for code, region in regions.items():
        # calculate the maximum radius of each polygon
        boundary = region.boundary
        if isinstance(boundary, shapely.geometry.base.BaseMultipartGeometry):
            boundaries = list(boundary.geoms)
            boundaries = [boundary]

        radii = []
        for boundary in boundaries:
            # flip x/y aka lon/lat to lat/lon
            boundary = numpy.fliplr(numpy.array(boundary))
            ctr_lat, ctr_lon = geocalc.centroid(boundary)
            radii.append(geocalc.max_distance(ctr_lat, ctr_lon, boundary))
        radius = round(max(radii) / 1000.0) * 1000.0

            'type': 'Feature',
            'properties': {
                'alpha2': code,
                'radius': radius,
            'geometry': shapely.geometry.mapping(region),

    def _sort(value):
        return value['properties']['alpha2']

    features = sorted(features, key=_sort)
    lines = ',\n'.join([
        json.dumps(f, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) for f in features
    return '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [\n' + lines + '\n]}\n'
Пример #3
def to_geojson(regions):  # pragma: no cover
    features = []
    features_buffered = []

    for code, region in regions.items():
        # calculate the maximum radius of each polygon
        boundary = region.boundary
        if isinstance(boundary, shapely.geometry.base.BaseMultipartGeometry):
            boundaries = list(boundary.geoms)
            boundaries = [boundary]

        radii = []
        for boundary in boundaries:
            # flip x/y aka lon/lat to lat/lon
            boundary = numpy.fliplr(numpy.array(boundary))
            # calculate centroid
            ctr_lat, ctr_lon = boundary.mean(axis=0)
            ctr_lat = float(ctr_lat)
            ctr_lon = float(ctr_lon)
            radii.append(geocalc.max_distance(ctr_lat, ctr_lon, boundary))
        radius = round(max(radii) / 1000.0) * 1000.0

            'type': 'Feature',
            'properties': {
                'alpha2': code,
                'radius': radius,
            'geometry': shapely.geometry.mapping(region),

        # Build up region buffers, to create shapes that include all of
        # the coastal areas and boundaries of the regions and anywhere
        # a cell signal could still be recorded. The value is in decimal
        # degrees (1.0 == ~100km) but calculations don't take projection
        # / WSG84 into account.
        # After buffering remove any parts that crosses the -180.0/+180.0
        # longitude boundary to the east or west.
        buffered = (region.buffer(0.5).simplify(0.02).difference(

            'properties': {
                'alpha2': code,

    def _sort(value):
        return value['properties']['alpha2']

    def _to_collection(features):
        # put each region on a single line to get a diffable output
        lines = ',\n'.join([
            json.dumps(feature, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))
            for feature in sorted(features, key=_sort)

        return ('{"type": "FeatureCollection", '
                '"features": [\n' + lines + '\n]}\n')

    return (_to_collection(features), _to_collection(features_buffered))
Пример #4
def to_geojson(regions):  # pragma: no cover
    features = []
    features_buffered = []

    for code, region in regions.items():
        # calculate the maximum radius of each polygon
        boundary = region.boundary
        if isinstance(boundary, shapely.geometry.base.BaseMultipartGeometry):
            boundaries = list(boundary.geoms)
            boundaries = [boundary]

        radii = []
        for boundary in boundaries:
            # flip x/y aka lon/lat to lat/lon
            boundary = numpy.fliplr(numpy.array(boundary))
            ctr_lat, ctr_lon = geocalc.centroid(boundary)
            radii.append(geocalc.max_distance(ctr_lat, ctr_lon, boundary))
        radius = round(max(radii) / 1000.0) * 1000.0

            'type': 'Feature',
            'properties': {
                'alpha2': code,
                'radius': radius,
            'geometry': shapely.geometry.mapping(region),

        # Build up region buffers, to create shapes that include all of
        # the coastal areas and boundaries of the regions and anywhere
        # a cell signal could still be recorded. The value is in decimal
        # degrees (1.0 == ~100km) but calculations don't take projection
        # / WSG84 into account.
        # After buffering remove any parts that crosses the -180.0/+180.0
        # longitude boundary to the east or west.
        buffered = (region.buffer(0.5)

            'type': 'Feature',
            'properties': {
                'alpha2': code,
            'geometry': shapely.geometry.mapping(buffered),

    def _sort(value):
        return value['properties']['alpha2']

    def _to_collection(features):
        # put each region on a single line to get a diffable output
        lines = ',\n'.join([json.dumps(feature,
                                       separators=(',', ':'))
                            for feature in sorted(features, key=_sort)])

        return ('{"type": "FeatureCollection", '
                '"features": [\n' + lines + '\n]}\n')

    return (_to_collection(features), _to_collection(features_buffered))