Пример #1
def _process_offsets_section(segstart, next_offset):
    """Process all the offsets in a __got section."""
    for offset, ea in idau.ReadWords(segstart, idc.SegEnd(segstart), addresses=True):
        if not offset_name_target(idau.get_ea_name(ea)):
            # This is not a previously named offset.
            if idau.is_mapped(offset, value=False):
                _process_offset(offset, ea, next_offset)
                _log(-1, 'Offset {:#x} at address {:#x} is unmapped', offset, ea)
Пример #2
def initialize_data_offsets():
    """Convert offsets in data segments into offsets in IDA.

    Segment names must be initialized with segments.initialize_segments() first.
    # Normally, for user-space programs, this operation would be dangerous because there's a good
    # chance that a valid userspace address would happen to show up in regular program data that is
    # not actually an address. However, since kernel addresses are numerically much larger, the
    # chance of this happening is much less.
    for seg in idautils.Segments():
        name = idc.SegName(seg)
        if not (name.endswith('__DATA_CONST.__const') or name.endswith('__got')
                or name.endswith('__DATA.__data')):
        for word, ea in idau.ReadWords(seg, idc.SegEnd(seg), addresses=True):
            if idau.is_mapped(word, value=False):
                idc.OpOff(ea, 0, 0)
Пример #3
def _process_stub_template_1(stub):
    """A template to match the following stub pattern:

    ADRP X<reg>, #<offset>@PAGE
    LDR  X<reg>, [X<reg>, #<offset>@PAGEOFF]
    BR   X<reg>
    adrp, ldr, br = idau.Instructions(stub, count=3)
    if (adrp.itype == idaapi.ARM_adrp and adrp.Op1.type == idaapi.o_reg
            and adrp.Op2.type == idaapi.o_imm and ldr.itype == idaapi.ARM_ldr
            and ldr.Op1.type == idaapi.o_reg and ldr.Op2.type == idaapi.o_displ
            and ldr.auxpref == 0 and br.itype == idaapi.ARM_br
            and br.Op1.type == idaapi.o_reg
            and adrp.Op1.reg == ldr.Op1.reg == ldr.Op2.reg == br.Op1.reg):
        offset = adrp.Op2.value + ldr.Op2.addr
        target = idau.read_word(offset)
        if target and idau.is_mapped(target):
            return target
Пример #4
 def process_gap(segname, gapno, start, end):
     mapped = idau.is_mapped(start)
     log_gap(gapno, start, end, mapped)
     if mapped:
         name = 'HEADER' if start == mach_header else '__gap_' + str(gapno)
         process_region(segname, name, start, end)
def is_tagged_pointer(value):
    return is_tagged_pointer_format(value) and \
            idau.is_mapped(tagged_pointer_untag(value), value=False)