Пример #1
	def createAccount(self, sid, login, passwd, nick, email):
		log.message('Creating account', login, nick, email)
		# check limit
		if len(self.accounts.keys()) > 2:
			raise SecurityException("No room for another account")
		# check login, nick and uid
		for key in self.accounts.keys():
			account = self.accounts[key]
			if account.login == login:
				raise SecurityException('Login already used.')
			elif account.nick == nick:
				raise SecurityException('Nick already used.')
			elif account.email == email:
				raise SecurityException('E-mail already used.')
		# create account
		account = Account()
		# update
		account.login = login
		account.passwd = passwd
		account.nick = nick
		account.email = email
		account.confToken = md5.new('%s%s%d' % (login, email, time.time())).hexdigest()
		self.accounts[account.login] = account
		self.nick2login[account.nick] = account.login
		log.message('Account created, confirmation token:', account.confToken)
		# TODO send confirmation token to the email address
		return 1, None
Пример #2
	def login(self, sid, login, cpasswd, hostID):
		# use metaserver if possible
		if self.metaserver is not None and login != ADMIN_LOGIN:
			challenge = self.sessions[sid].challenge
			log.debug("ClientMngr", "Verifying login data on metaserver")
			valid = self.metaserver.metasrvr.verifyUser(self.metaserverSID, login, challenge, cpasswd, False)
			log.debug("ClientMngr", "RPC call finished, result =", valid)
			if not valid:
				raise SecurityException("Wrong login and/or password")
			# set local session
			nick = self.metaserver.metasrvr.getUserNick(self.metaserverSID, login)
			self.sessions[sid].setAttrs(login, nick)
			return 1, None
		# standard login procedure
		login = login.strip()
		if not login:
			raise SecurityException("Specify login, please.")
		if login in ():
			raise SecurityException("Account blocked")
		log.debug(sid, 'login', repr(login), 'hostid', hostID)
		login = str(login)
		if not self.accounts.has_key(login):
			raise SecurityException('Wrong login and/or password.')

		account = self.accounts[login]
		challenge = self.sessions[sid].challenge

		if hashlib.sha512(account.passwd + challenge).hexdigest() != cpasswd:
			raise SecurityException('Wrong login and/or password.')

		self.sessions[sid].setAttrs(account.login, account.nick)
		account.lastLogin = time.time()
		return 1, None
Пример #3
	def changePassword(self, sid, old, new):
		session = self.sessions[sid]
		if session:
			if self.accounts[session.login].passwd == old:
				self.accounts[session.login].passwd = new
				return 1, None
				raise SecurityException('Wrong password.')
			raise SecurityException('No such session id.')
Пример #4
	def login(self, sid, login, cpasswd, hostID):
		log.debug(sid, 'login', login, 'hostid', hostID)
		if not self.accounts.has_key(login):
			raise SecurityException('Wrong login and/or password.')

		account = self.accounts[login]
		challenge = self.sessions[sid].challenge
		if hashlib.sha512(account.passwd + challenge).hexdigest() != cpasswd:
			raise SecurityException('Wrong login and/or password (PLAIN).')
		self.sessions[sid].setAttrs(account.login, account.nick, account.email)
		account.lastLogin = time.time()
		return 1, None
Пример #5
 def changePassword(self, sid, safeOld, safeNew):
     session = self.sessions[sid]
     if not session:
         raise SecurityException('No such session id.')
     challenge = session.challenge
     account = self.accounts[session.login]
     oldPassword = Authentication.unwrapUserPassword(safeOld, challenge)
     newPassword = Authentication.unwrapUserPassword(safeNew, challenge)
     if not account.verifyPassword(oldPassword):
         raise SecurityException('Wrong login and/or password.')
     if len(newPassword) < ige.Const.ACCOUNT_PASSWD_MIN_LEN:
         raise SecurityException('Password is too short.')
     log.debug('Password of account {0} successfully changed.'.format(session.login))
     return None, None
Пример #6
	def createAccount(self, sid, login, passwd, nick, email):
		# use metaserver if possible
		if self.metaserver is not None:
				self.metaserver.account.create(login, passwd, nick, email)
			except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
				raise SecurityException(e.faultString)
			return 1, None
Пример #7
def unwrapUserPassword(password, challenge):
    """Decode password according to auth method (if possible)"""
    method = getMethod(challenge)
    if method == "sha256":
        return password
    elif method == "rsa":
        return rsa.decrypt(binascii.unhexlify(password), getPrivateKey())
    raise SecurityException("Unsupported authentication method %s" % str(method))
Пример #8
def getWelcomeString(method = "rsa"):
    """Return welcome string (typically a challenge)"""
    if method == "sha256":
        return "sha256:" + hashlib.sha256(str(time.time())).hexdigest()
    elif method == "rsa":
        publicKey = getPublicKey()
        return "rsa:%s:%s" % (publicKey.n, publicKey.e)
    raise SecurityException("Unsupported authentication method %s" % str(method))
Пример #9
 def serverShutdown(self, sid):
     # check admin
     session = self.getSession(sid)
     if session.login != ADMIN_LOGIN:
         raise SecurityException('You cannot issue this command.')
     log.message('Shutting down server')
     import ige.RPCServer
     ige.RPCServer.running = 0
     return 1, None
Пример #10
def encode(password, challenge):
    """Encode password using auth method specified in the challenge"""
    method = getMethod(challenge)
    if method == "sha256":
        return hashlib.sha256(password + challenge).hexdigest()
    elif method == "rsa":
        dummy, n, e = challenge.split(":")
        key = rsa.PublicKey(int(n), int(e))
        return binascii.hexlify(rsa.encrypt(password.encode('utf-8'), key))
    raise SecurityException("Unsupported authentication method %s" % str(method))
Пример #11
	def logout(self, sid):
		session = self.sessions.get(sid, None)
		if session:
				log.debug(sid, 'logout', self.sessions[sid].login)
			except AttributeError:
			del self.sessions[sid]
			return 1, None
			raise SecurityException('No such session id.')
Пример #12
 def login(self, sid, login, safePassword, hostID):
     login = login.strip()
     if not login:
         raise SecurityException("Specify login, please.")
     if login in ():
         raise SecurityException("Account blocked")
     log.debug(sid, 'login', repr(login), 'hostid', hostID)
     login = str(login)
     challenge = self.sessions[sid].challenge
     log.debug("Trying local login for user", login)
     if not self.accounts.has_key(login):
         raise SecurityException('Wrong login and/or password.')
     account = self.accounts[login]
     plainPassword = Authentication.unwrapUserPassword(safePassword, challenge)
     if not account.verifyPassword(plainPassword):
         raise SecurityException('Wrong login and/or password.')
     # setup session
     self.sessions[sid].setAttrs(account.login, account.nick, account.email)
     account.lastLogin = time.time()
     return 1, None
Пример #13
 def createAccount(self, sid, login, safePasswd, nick, email):
     log.message('Creating account', login, nick, email)
     session = self.getSession(sid)
     plainPassword = Authentication.unwrapUserPassword(
         safePasswd, session.challenge)
     login = login.strip()
     plainPassword = plainPassword.strip()
     nick = nick.strip()
     # check requirement
     if len(login) < ige.Const.ACCOUNT_LOGIN_MIN_LEN:
         raise SecurityException('Login is too short.')
     if len(plainPassword) < ige.Const.ACCOUNT_PASSWD_MIN_LEN:
         raise SecurityException('Password is too short.')
     if len(nick) < ige.Const.ACCOUNT_NICK_MIN_LEN:
         raise SecurityException('Nick is too short.')
     # check login, nick and uid
     for key in self.accounts.keys():
         account = self.accounts[key]
         if account.login == login:
             raise SecurityException('Login already used.')
         elif account.nick == nick:
             raise SecurityException('Nick already used.')
         elif account.email == email:
             raise SecurityException('E-mail already used.')
     # create account
     account = account.Account(login, nick, email, plainPassword)
     # update
     self.accounts.create(account, id=str(account.login))
     log.message('Account created, confirmation token:', account.confToken)
     # TODO send confirmation token to the email address
     return 1, None
Пример #14
 def exportAccounts(self, sid):
     # check admin
     session = self.getSession(sid)
     if session.login != ADMIN_LOGIN:
         raise SecurityException('You cannot issue this command.')
     # export accounts
     f = open(os.path.join(self.configDir, "accounts.txt"), "w")
     for account in self.accounts.keys():
         account = self.accounts[account]
         print >> f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
             account.nick.encode("utf-8"), account.login.encode("utf-8"),
             account.passwd.encode("utf-8"), account.email.encode("utf-8"))
     return None, None
Пример #15
	def cleanupSessions(self, sid):
		session = self.sessions.get(sid, None)
		if session:
			log.debug('cleaning up sessions')
			now = time.time()
			deleted = 0
			for id in self.sessions.keys():
				if self.sessions[id].timeout < now:
					del self.sessions[id]
					deleted += 1
			log.debug('cleanup finished (%d active, %d deleted)' % (len(self.sessions), deleted))
			return None, None
			raise SecurityException('No such session id.')
Пример #16
    def takeOverPirate(self, sid, playerID, vipPassword):
        # limit this now only to the qark
        session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
        player = self.db[playerID]
        if vipPassword != self.config.vip.password:
            raise SecurityException('Wrong VIP password.')
        if player.galaxy in self.accountGalaxies(session.login):
            raise GameException('Account already owns player in this galaxy.')
        if player.galaxy:
            galaxy = self.db[player.galaxy]
            if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE:
                raise GameException(
                    'AI in single scenario cannot be taken over.')

        log.debug('Creating pirate in session {0} with CID {1}'.format(
            sid, session.cid))
        universe = self.db[Const.OID_UNIVERSE]
        log.debug('Creating transaction')
        tran = Transaction(self, session.cid, session)
        # create player
        #log.debug("Morphing Pirate player", playerID)
        log.debug("Player type", player.type)
        if player.type != Const.T_AIPIRPLAYER:
            raise GameException('No such starting position.')
        player.type = Const.T_PIRPLAYER
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_PIRPLAYER].upgrade(tran, player)
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_PIRPLAYER].update(tran, player)
        # reregister player
        player.fullName = "Pirate %s" % session.nick
        player.name = session.nick
        player.login = session.login
        self.registerPlayer(player.login, player, player.oid)
        # add player to the universe
        # initial scan
        scannerPwr = Rules.techs[9002].scannerPwr
        for planetID in player.planets:
            planet = self.db[planetID]
            system = self.db[planet.compOf]
            system.scannerPwrs[player.oid] = scannerPwr
        log.debug('Processing scan phase')
        galaxy = tran.db[player.galaxy]
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_GALAXY].processSCAN2Phase(tran, galaxy, True)
        # save game info
        return player.oid, None
Пример #17
	def exportAccounts(self, sid):
		# check admin
		session = self.getSession(sid)
		if session.login != "admin":
			raise SecurityException('You cannot issue this command.')
		# export accounts
		f = open("var/accounts.txt", "w")
		for account in self.accounts.keys():
			if account == "**nick2login**": continue
			account = self.accounts[account]
			print >>f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
		return None, None
Пример #18
	def takeOverPirate(self, sid, playerID, vipPassword):
		# limit this now only to the qark
		session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
		if vipPassword != self.config.vip.password:
			raise SecurityException('You cannot issue this command.')
		log.debug('Creating pirate in session', sid)
		session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
		log.debug('Creating pirate with CID', session.cid)
		universe = self.db[OID_UNIVERSE]
		log.debug('Creating transaction')
		tran = Transaction(self, session.cid, session)
		# create player
		#log.debug("Morphing Pirate player", playerID)
		player = self.db[playerID]
		log.debug("Player type", player.type)
		if player.type != T_AIPIRPLAYER:
			raise GameException('No such starting position.')
		player.type = T_PIRPLAYER
		self.cmdPool[T_PIRPLAYER].upgrade(tran, player)
		self.cmdPool[T_PIRPLAYER].update(tran, player)
		# reregister player
		player.fullName = "Pirate %s" % session.nick
		player.name = session.nick
		player.login = session.login
		self.registerPlayer(player.login, player, player.oid)
		# add player to the universe
		# initial scan
		scannerPwr = Rules.techs[9002].scannerPwr
		for planetID in player.planets:
			planet = self.db[planetID]
			system = self.db[planet.compOf]
			system.scannerPwrs[player.oid] = scannerPwr
		log.debug('Processing scan phase')
		galaxy = tran.db[player.galaxies[0]]
		self.cmdPool[T_GALAXY].processSCAN2Phase(tran, galaxy, None)
		# save game info
		return player.oid, None
Пример #19
 def sendMsg(self, tran, obj, message):
     if tran.session.cid != Const.OID_ADMIN:
         message["sender"] = tran.session.nick
         message["senderID"] = tran.session.cid
     # check attributes
     if "forum" not in message:
         raise GameException("Forum not specified.")
     if message["forum"] not in self.forums:
         raise GameException("No such forum.")
     if "topic" not in message:
         raise GameException("Topic not specified.")
     if "data" not in message and "text" not in message:
         raise GameException("Text or structured data not specified.")
     # check permissions
     if tran.session.cid != Const.OID_ADMIN and \
         not self.canSendMsg(tran, obj, message["senderID"], message["forum"]):
         raise SecurityException("You cannot send message to this entity.")
     message["recipient"] = obj.name
     message["recipientID"] = obj.oid
     # send message
     return tran.gameMngr.msgMngr.send(tran.gameMngr.gameID, obj.oid, message)
Пример #20
 def getMsgs(self, tran, obj, lastID = -1):
     if not self.canGetMsgs(tran, obj, tran.session.cid):
         raise SecurityException("You cannot read messages of this entity.")
     # get messages
     return tran.gameMngr.msgMngr.get(tran.gameMngr.gameID, obj.oid, lastID)
Пример #21
class ClientMngr:

	def __init__(self, database):
		self._filename = os.path.join('var', 'accounts')
		self.sessions = {}
		self.metaserver = None
		self.accounts = database
		# create nick to account mapping
		self.nick2login = database.get("**nick2login**", Mapping())
		# create special key
		if not self.accounts.has_key(ADMIN_LOGIN):
			log.message("No administator account found! (looking for '%s')" % ADMIN_LOGIN)
			log.message("Creating default account")
			self.createAccount(None, ADMIN_LOGIN, "tobechanged", "Administrator", "*****@*****.**")
		password = sha.new(str(random.randrange(0, 1e10))).hexdigest()
		open(os.path.join("var", "token"), "w").write(password)
		self.accounts[ADMIN_LOGIN].passwd = password

	def setMetaserver(self, server, sid):
		self.metaserver = server
		self.metaserverSID = sid

	def shutdown(self):

	def checkpoint(self):

	def backup(self, basename):

	def exists(self, login):
		return self.accounts.has_key(str(login))

	def getAccountByNick(self, nick, default = None):
		if not self.nick2login.has_key(nick):
			return default
		return self.accounts[self.nick2login[str(nick)]]

	def __getitem__(self, login):
		return self.accounts[str(login)]

	def createAccount(self, sid, login, passwd, nick, email):
		# use metaserver if possible
		if self.metaserver is not None:
				self.metaserver.account.create(login, passwd, nick, email)
			except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
				raise SecurityException(e.faultString)
			return 1, None
		# create local account
		log.message('Creating account', login, nick, email)
		login = login.strip()
		passwd = passwd.strip()
		nick = nick.strip()
		# check requirement
		if len(login) < 4:
			raise SecurityException('Login is too short.')
		if len(passwd) < 4:
			raise SecurityException('Password is too short.')
		if len(nick) < 4:
			raise SecurityException('Nick is too short.')
		# check login, nick and uid
		for key in self.accounts.keys():
			account = self.accounts[key]
			if account.login == login:
				raise SecurityException('Login already used.')
			elif account.nick == nick:
				raise SecurityException('Nick already used.')
			elif account.email == email:
				raise SecurityException('E-mail already used.')
		# create account
		account = Account()
		# update
		account.login = login
		account.passwd = passwd
		account.nick = nick
		account.email = email
		account.confToken = md5.new('%s%s%d' % (login, email, time.time())).hexdigest()
		self.accounts.create(account, id = str(account.login))
		self.nick2login[account.nick] = account.login
		log.message('Account created, confirmation token:', account.confToken)
		# TODO send confirmation token to the email address
		return 1, None
Пример #22
 def deleteMsgs(self, tran, obj, ids):
     if not self.canManageMsgs(tran, obj, tran.session.cid):
         raise SecurityException("You cannot manage messages of this entity.")
     # get messages
     return tran.gameMngr.msgMngr.delete(tran.gameMngr.gameID, obj.oid, ids)
Пример #23
	def getSession(self, sid):
		session = self.sessions.get(sid, None)
		if not session:
			raise SecurityException('No such session id.')
		return session