Пример #1
 def check( self ):
     errors = []
     if self.title.strip() == "":
         errors.append( _("Abstract title cannot be empty") )
     for f in self._afm.getFields():
         id = f.getId()
         caption = f.getCaption()
         ml = f.getMaxLength()
         limitation = f.getLimitation()
         if f.isActive() and f.isMandatory() and self._otherFields.get(id,"") == "":
             errors.append(_("The field '%s' is mandatory") % caption)
         if ml != 0:
             if limitation == "words" and textUtils.wordsCounter(self._otherFields.get(id,"")) > ml:
                 errors.append(_("The field '%s' cannot be more than %s words") % (caption,ml))
             elif limitation == "chars" and len(self._otherFields.get(id,"")) > ml:
                 errors.append(_("The field '%s' cannot be more than %s characters") % (caption,ml))
     if not self.origin == "management":
         if not self._prAuthorsListParam:
             errors.append( _("No primary author has been specified. You must define at least one primary author") )
         if not self._checkSpeaker() and self._absMgr.showSelectAsSpeaker() and self._absMgr.isSelectSpeakerMandatory():
             errors.append( _("At least one presenter must be specified") )
     if not self.tracks and self._absMgr.areTracksMandatory():
         # check if there are tracks, otherwise the user cannot select at least one
         if len(self._absMgr.getConference().getTrackList()) != 0:
             errors.append( _("At least one track must be seleted") )
     if self._hasExceededTotalSize():
         errors.append(_("The maximum size allowed for the attachments (%sMB) has been exceeded.") % Config.getInstance().getMaxUploadFilesTotalSize())
     return errors
Пример #2
 def check( self ):
     errors = []
     if self.title.strip() == "":
         errors.append( _("Abstract title cannot be empty") )
     for f in self._afm.getFields():
         id = f.getId()
         caption = f.getCaption()
         ml = f.getMaxLength()
         limitation = f.getLimitation()
         if f.isActive() and f.isMandatory() and self._otherFields.get(id,"") == "":
             errors.append(_("The field '%s' is mandatory") % caption)
         if ml != 0:
             if limitation == "words" and textUtils.wordsCounter(self._otherFields.get(id,"")) > ml:
                 errors.append(_("The field '%s' cannot be more than %s words") % (caption,ml))
             elif limitation == "chars" and len(self._otherFields.get(id,"")) > ml:
                 errors.append(_("The field '%s' cannot be more than %s characters") % (caption,ml))
     if not self.origin == "management":
         if not self._prAuthorsListParam:
             errors.append( _("No primary author has been specified. You must define at least one primary author") )
         if not self._checkSpeaker() and self._absMgr.showSelectAsSpeaker() and self._absMgr.isSelectSpeakerMandatory():
             errors.append( _("At least one presenter must be specified") )
     if not self.tracks and self._absMgr.areTracksMandatory():
         # check if there are tracks, otherwise the user cannot select at least one
         if len(self._absMgr.getConference().getTrackList()) != 0:
             errors.append( _("At least one track must be seleted") )
     if self._hasExceededTotalSize():
         errors.append(_("The maximum size allowed for the attachments (%sMB) has been exceeded.") % Config.getInstance().getMaxUploadFilesTotalSize())
     return errors
Пример #3
    def check(self, content):
        errors = super(AbstractTextFieldWrapper, self).check(content)

        if self.max_words and wordsCounter(str(content)) > self.max_words:
            errors.append(_("The field '{}' cannot be more than {} words long").format(
                self.field.title, self.max_words))
        elif self.max_length and len(content) > self.max_length:
            errors.append(_("The field '{}' cannot be more than {} characters long").format(
                self.field.title, self.max_length))

        return errors
Пример #4
    def check(self, content):
        errors = super(AbstractTextFieldWrapper, self).check(content)

        if self.max_words and wordsCounter(str(content)) > self.max_words:
            errors.append(_("The field '{}' cannot be more than {} words long").format(
                self.field.title, self.max_words))
        elif self.max_length and len(content) > self.max_length:
            errors.append(_("The field '{}' cannot be more than {} characters long").format(
                self.field.title, self.max_length))

        return errors