def testRetrieveChangedVerkey(looper, tconf, nodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_trustee, nym_empty_vk):
    _, did = nym_empty_vk
    trw, trd = sdk_wallet_trustee
    new_vk = sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, trw, trd, did)
    resp_data = nym_get(looper, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_trustee, did)
    assert did == resp_data[0]
    assert new_vk == resp_data[1]
Пример #2
def testRetrieveChangedVerkey(looper, tconf, nodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_trustee, nym_full_vk):
    wh, did, vk = nym_full_vk
    new_vk = sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, wh, did, did)
    resp_data = nym_get(looper, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_trustee, did)
    assert did == resp_data[0]
    assert vk != resp_data[1]
    assert new_vk == resp_data[1]
Пример #3
def testVerifySigWithChangedVerkey(looper, tconf, nodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, nym_full_vk):
    wh, did, vk = nym_full_vk
    new_vk = sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, wh, did, did)
    # check sign by getting nym from ledger - if succ then sign is ok
    resp_data = nym_get(looper, sdk_pool_handle, (wh, did), did)
    assert did == resp_data[0]
    assert vk != resp_data[1]
    assert new_vk == resp_data[1]
def testVerifySigWithChangedVerkey(looper, tconf, nodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_trustee, nym_empty_vk):
    wh, did = nym_empty_vk
    trw, trd = sdk_wallet_trustee
    new_vk = sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, trw, trd, did)
    # check sign by getting nym from ledger - if succ then sign is ok
    resp_data = nym_get(looper, sdk_pool_handle, (wh, did), did)
    assert did == resp_data[0]
    assert new_vk == resp_data[1]
Пример #5
    def run(self):
        wh, client_did = self.test_nym
        _, trustee_did = self.creator_wallet

        # Step 1. Check default auth rule
        sdk_rotate_verkey(self.looper, self.sdk_pool_handle, wh, client_did,
        verkey = self.sdk_modified_verkey_rotate_failed(
            self.sdk_pool_handle, wh, trustee_did, client_did)

        # Step 2. Change auth rule
        self.send_and_check(self.changed_auth_rule, wallet=self.trustee_wallet)

        # Step 3. Check, that we cannot add new steward by old way
        sdk_rotate_verkey(self.looper, self.sdk_pool_handle, wh, trustee_did,
                          client_did, verkey)
        verkey = self.sdk_modified_verkey_rotate_failed(
            self.sdk_pool_handle, wh, client_did, client_did)

        # Step 4. Return default auth rule
        self.send_and_check(self.default_auth_rule, wallet=self.trustee_wallet)

        # Step 5. Check, that default auth rule works
        sdk_rotate_verkey(self.looper, self.sdk_pool_handle, wh, client_did,
                          client_did, verkey)
        self.sdk_modified_verkey_rotate_failed(self.sdk_pool_handle, wh,
                                               trustee_did, client_did)
Пример #6
def testChangeVerkeyToNewVerkey(looper, tconf, nodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, nym_full_vk):
    wh, did, nvk = nym_full_vk
    new_verkey = sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, wh, did, did)
    assert nvk != new_verkey
Пример #7
def test_successive_batch_do_no_change_state(looper, tconf, nodeSet,
                                             sdk_wallet_trustee, monkeypatch):
    Send 2 NYM txns in different batches such that the second batch does not
    change state so that state root remains same, but keep the identifier
    and reqId different. Make sure the first request is not ordered by the
    primary before PRE-PREPARE for the second is sent.
    Also check reject and commit

    # Disable view change during this test
    for n in nodeSet:

    # Delay only first PRE-PREPARE
    delay_cm_duration = 10

    def delay_commits(wrappedMsg):
        msg, sender = wrappedMsg
        if isinstance(msg, Commit) and msg.instId == 0:
            return delay_cm_duration

    def check_verkey(i, vk):
        for node in nodeSet:
            data = node.idrCache.getNym(i, isCommitted=True)
            assert data[VERKEY] == vk

    def check_uncommitted(count):
        for node in nodeSet:
            assert len(node.idrCache.un_committed) == count

    for node in nodeSet:
        for rpl in node.replicas:
            monkeypatch.setattr(rpl, '_request_missing_three_phase_messages',
                                lambda *x, **y: None)

    wh, did = sdk_wallet_trustee
    seed = randomString(32)
    (new_did, verkey) = looper.loop.run_until_complete(
        create_and_store_my_did(wh, json.dumps({'seed': seed})))


    for node in nodeSet:

    # Setting the same verkey thrice but in different batches with different
    # request ids
    for _ in range(3):
        verkey = sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, wh, new_did,
                                   new_did, seed)
        logger.debug('{} rotates his key to {}'.format(new_did, verkey))

    # Number of uncommitted entries is 0, 0))

    check_verkey(new_did, verkey)

    # Setting the verkey to `x`, then `y` and then back to `x` but in different
    # batches with different request ids. The idea is to change
    # state root to `t` then `t'` and then back to `t` and observe that no
    # errors are encountered

    seed = randomString(32)
    (new_client_did, verkey) = looper.loop.run_until_complete(
        create_and_store_my_did(wh, json.dumps({'seed': seed})))

    x_seed = randomString(32)
    verkey = sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, wh, new_client_did,
                               new_client_did, x_seed)
    logger.debug('{} rotates his key to {}'.format(new_client_did, verkey))

    y_seed = randomString(32)
    sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, wh, new_client_did,
                      new_client_did, y_seed)
    logger.debug('{} rotates his key to {}'.format(new_client_did, verkey))

    sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, wh, new_client_did,
                      new_client_did, x_seed)
    logger.debug('{} rotates his key to {}'.format(new_client_did, verkey))

    # Number of uncommitted entries is 0, 0))

    check_verkey(new_client_did, verkey)

    # Delay COMMITs so that IdrCache can be checked for correct
    # number of entries

    uncommitteds = {}
    methods = {}
    for node in nodeSet:
        cache = node.idrCache  # type: IdrCache
        uncommitteds[cache._name] = []
        # Since the post batch creation handler is registered (added to a list),
        # find it and patch it
        dh = node.get_req_handler(DOMAIN_LEDGER_ID)
        for i, handler in enumerate(dh.post_batch_creation_handlers):
            # Find the cache's post create handler, not hardcoding names of
            # class or functions as they can change with refactoring.
            if handler.__func__.__qualname__ == '{}.{}'.format(
                cre = dh.post_batch_creation_handlers[i]
        com = cache.onBatchCommitted
        methods[cache._name] = (cre, com)

        # Patch methods to record and check roots after commit

        def patched_cre(self, stateRoot):
            return methods[self._name][0](stateRoot)

        def patched_com(self, stateRoot):
            assert uncommitteds[self._name][0] == stateRoot
            rv = methods[self._name][1](stateRoot)
            uncommitteds[self._name] = uncommitteds[self._name][1:]
            return rv

        dh.post_batch_creation_handlers[i] = types.MethodType(
            patched_cre, cache)
        cache.onBatchCommitted = types.MethodType(patched_com, cache)

    # Set verkey of multiple identities
    more = 5
    keys = {}
    reqs = []
    for _ in range(more):
        seed = randomString(32)
        nym_request, new_did = looper.loop.run_until_complete(
            prepare_nym_request(sdk_wallet_trustee, seed, None, None))
        keys[new_did] = json.loads(nym_request)['operation']['verkey']
            sdk_sign_and_send_prepared_request(looper, sdk_wallet_trustee,
                                               sdk_pool_handle, nym_request))

    # Correct number of uncommitted entries, more, retryWait=1))

    sdk_get_and_check_replies(looper, reqs)

    # Number of uncommitted entries is 0, 0))

    # The verkeys are correct
    for i, v in keys.items():
        check_verkey(i, v)

    waitNodeDataEquality(looper, nodeSet[0], *nodeSet[1:])

    for _ in range(3):
        seed = randomString(32)
        nym_request, new_did = looper.loop.run_until_complete(
            prepare_nym_request(sdk_wallet_trustee, seed, None, None))
            sdk_sign_and_send_prepared_request(looper, sdk_wallet_trustee,
                                               sdk_pool_handle, nym_request))

    # Correct number of uncommitted entries, 3, retryWait=1))

    # Check batch reject
    for node in nodeSet:
        cache = node.idrCache
        initial = cache.un_committed
        # After reject, last entry is removed
        assert cache.un_committed == initial[:-1]
        root = cache.un_committed[0][0]
        # Calling commit with same root results in Assertion error
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
def testChangeEmptyVerkeyToNewVerkey(looper, tconf, nodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_trustee, nym_empty_vk):
    _, did = nym_empty_vk
    trw, trd = sdk_wallet_trustee
    new_vk = sdk_rotate_verkey(looper, sdk_pool_handle, trw, trd, did)
    assert new_vk