Пример #1
def bootstrap_system(dedupv1_root, monitor, options, config):
    """ bootstraps the SCST system
    if not check_root():
        log_error(options, "Permission denied")

    if is_running(config):
        if options.force:
            log_info(options, "Lock file exists. Forcing start")
            lock_filename = config.get("daemon.lockfile")
            if os.path.exists(lock_filename):
            raise Exception("dedupv1d running")

    daemon_user = config.get("daemon.user")
    daemon_group = config.get("daemon.group")
    daemon_port = config.get("iscsi.port", None)
    daemon_host = config.get("iscsi.host", None)

    check_iscsi = True
    no_iscsi = config.get("daemon.no-iscsi", "False")
    if no_iscsi == "True" or no_iscsi == "true":
        check_iscsi = False

    validate_dedupv1(dedupv1_root, daemon_user, daemon_group)
    scst.check_scst(group_name = daemon_group)
    scst.validate_scst(group_name = daemon_group)
    if check_iscsi:
        # In root mode, use the root group
        if not daemon_group:
            daemon_group = "root"
        iscsi_scst.start_iscsi(group_name = daemon_group,
                port = daemon_port,
                host = daemon_host)
Пример #2
def start_device(dedupv1_root, monitor, options, config, bypass = False):
    """ starts the dedupv1 daemon
    def get_logging_output_file(logging_config_file):
        data = minidom.parse(logging_config_file)
        for ref in data.getElementsByTagName("param"):
                param_name = ref.getAttribute("name")
                if param_name == "filename":
                    return ref.getAttribute("value")
        return None

    def uses_log4cxx():
        return "LOGGING_LOG4CXX" in dir(cfg) and cfg.LOGGING_LOG4CXX

    if is_running(config):
        if options.force:
            log_info(options, "Lock file exists. Forcing start")
            lock_filename = config.get("daemon.lockfile")
            if os.path.exists(lock_filename):
            raise Exception("dedupv1d running")

    check_group = False
    daemon_user = config.get("daemon.user")
    daemon_group = config.get("daemon.group")
    check_iscsi = True
    no_iscsi = config.get("daemon.no-iscsi", "False")
    if no_iscsi == "True" or no_iscsi == "true":
        check_iscsi = False

    if check_root() and not daemon_user and not daemon_group:
        bootstrap_system(dedupv1_root, monitor, options, config)

    # check and start scst
    validate_dedupv1(dedupv1_root, daemon_user, daemon_group)
    scst.validate_scst(group_name = daemon_group)
    if check_iscsi:

    logging_config_file = None
    if uses_log4cxx():
        logging_config_file = config.get("logging")
        if logging_config_file:
            if not os.path.exists(logging_config_file):
                raise Exception("Logging configuration file %s doesn't exists" % logging_config_file)
            if not os.path.isabs(logging_config_file):
                raise Exception("Logging configuration file %s must be absolute" % logging_config_file)

            # We are trying to create to logging output file with the correct user/group data if possible
            logging_output_file = get_logging_output_file(logging_config_file)
            if logging_output_file and uses_log4cxx():
                if not os.path.exists(logging_output_file):
                    execute_cmd("touch %s" % logging_output_file)
                    if daemon_group:
                        execute_cmd("chgrp %s %s" % (daemon_group, logging_output_file))
                        execute_cmd("chmod g+w %s" % (logging_output_file))

    if not bypass:
        command = " ".join([os.path.join(dedupv1_root, "bin/dedupv1_starter"), sh_escape(options.configfile)])
        # bypassing dedupv1_starter. Must run as root
        command = " ".join([os.path.join(dedupv1_root, "bin/dedupv1d"), sh_escape(options.configfile)])

    if options.create:
        command = command + " --create"
    if options.force:
        command = command + " --force"
    if logging_config_file:
        command = command + " --logging \"" + logging_config_file + "\""
    execute_cmd(command, direct_output = True)

    # Here we are doing tricks with starting dots
    if not options.raw:
        print "dedupv1d starting",

        found_running = False
        i = 0
        while True:
            if not options.raw:

            run_state = is_running(config, result_if_lockfile_missing = None)
            if run_state != None:
                if run_state and not found_running:
                    found_running = True
                    # Now we have seen the system running
                elif not run_state and found_running:
                    raise Exception("Failed to start dedupv1")
                elif run_state and found_running:
                    if check_connection(monitor):
                elif not run_state and not found_running:
                    if i > 4:
                        raise Exception("Failed to start dedupv1")
                # If the system has not written a valid pid for so long, something bad as happened
                if i > 4:
                    raise Exception("Failed to start dedupv1: Failed to check run state")
            time.sleep(2 * i) # backoff
            i = i + 1

        # Cleanup SCST state, e.g. after a crash
        unregister_users_direct(options, config)
        unregister_targets_direct(options, config)
        unregister_groups_direct(options, config)

        register_groups(monitor, options, config)
        register_targets(monitor, options, config)
        register_volumes(monitor, options, config)
        register_users(monitor, options)
        if not options.raw:
            print "dedupv1d started"
    except Exception as e:
        print "dedupv1 start (partly) failed. Shutting down remaining components."

        monitor_exception_raised = False;
            monitor.read("status", [("change-state", "fast-stop")])
            monitor_exception_raised = True

        # Normally we use raise, but in this situation
        # We really want raise e, because we want that the original exception
        # is propagated and not any exception from monitor.read() that is here
        # only used as a kind of cleanup
        if monitor_exception_raised:
            raise e
            # no one destroyed the re-raise exception