def find_current(self, rs): if isinstance(rs, MergeHistoryNode): source_node = rs else: source_node = self.rsids.get(rs) if source_node is None: return None target = source_node chain = [target] # Walk forward from source to sink node while 1: next_t = target.child if next_t is not None: target = next_t chain.append(target) else: break # Now walk backward to find first node that isn't deleted for i in range(len(chain) - 1, 0, -1): if not chain[i].deleted: return chain[i].rsid
def load(cls, path_to_cluster): """Load from disk. Args: path_to_cluster (str): Folder where `ClusterChain` was saved to using ``. Returns: ClusterChain: The loaded object. """ if os.path.isfile(path_to_cluster): C = smat_util.load_matrix(path_to_cluster) return cls.from_partial_chain(C) config_path = os.path.join(path_to_cluster, "config.json") if not os.path.exists(config_path): raise ValueError( f"Cluster config file, {config_path}, does not exist") with open(config_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fin: config = json.loads( length = config.get("len", None) if length is None: raise ValueError( f'Cluster config file, {config_path}, does not have "len" parameter' ) chain = [] for i in range(length): chain.append( smat_util.load_matrix( os.path.join(path_to_cluster, f"C{i}.npz")).tocsc().astype(np.float32)) return cls(chain)
def create_chain(elem): global errors bldg_name, ways = elem if len(ways) < 3: return (bldg_name, []) curr = (ways[0][0], ways[0][1]) start = (ways[0][0], ways[0][1]) d = defaultdict(list) loop = False for way in ways: d[(way[0], way[1])].append((way[2], way[3])) if (way[2], way[3]) == start: loop = True if not loop: return (bldg_name, []) chain = [] visited = set() count = 0 while curr != start or count == 0: chain.append(curr) next_nodes = d[curr] curr = None for next_node in next_nodes: if next_node not in visited: curr = next_node visited.add(next_node) break count += 1 if count > len(ways) or curr is None: return (bldg_name, []) return (bldg_name, chain)
def find_current(self,rs): if isinstance(rs,MergeHistoryNode): source_node = rs else: source_node = self.rsids.get(rs) if source_node is None: return None target = source_node chain = [target] # Walk forward from source to sink node while 1: next_t = target.child if next_t is not None: target = next_t chain.append(target) else: break # Now walk backward to find first node that isn't deleted for i in range(len(chain)-1,0,-1): if not chain[i].deleted: return chain[i].rsid
def getChainsFromConnections(connections,checkConnections=True): '''Take a list of connections and return a list of connection chains connections is a dictionary of connections between elements (which must be hashable) and can be generated using getElementConnections The checkConnections option tests that there is only one one path through each point (aka 2 or fewer connections, no branching) Returns a list of chains (lists of elements) ''' connections = deepcopy(connections) # Protect the input from modification if checkConnections: # Check that there is no branching assert all( len(v)<3 for k,v in viewitems(connections) ), 'Aborting; this network has branching' chains = [] while len(connections): # loop over possible chains # Pick a starting point (an end point if possible) currPt = _firstOrOther([pt for pt,conn in viewitems(connections) if len(conn)==1], next(iter(connections))) # was connections.keys()[0] # Form a chain and move the current point forward chain = [currPt] currPt = connections.pop(currPt)[0] while currPt: # loop to fill a chain, stop on an invalid chain.append(currPt) if len(connections)==0: break connections[currPt] = deletecases(connections[currPt], [chain[-2]]) currPt = _firstOrOther(connections.pop(currPt,[])) chains.append(chain) return chains
def getChainsFromConnections(connections, checkConnections=True): '''Take a list of connections and return a list of connection chains connections is a dictionary of connections between elements (which must be hashable) and can be generated using getElementConnections The checkConnections option tests that there is only one one path through each point (aka 2 or fewer connections, no branching) Returns a list of chains (lists of elements) ''' connections = deepcopy(connections) # Protect the input from modification if checkConnections: # Check that there is no branching assert all(len(v) < 3 for k, v in viewitems( connections)), 'Aborting; this network has branching' chains = [] while len(connections): # loop over possible chains # Pick a starting point (an end point if possible) currPt = _firstOrOther( [pt for pt, conn in viewitems(connections) if len(conn) == 1], next(iter(connections))) # was connections.keys()[0] # Form a chain and move the current point forward chain = [currPt] currPt = connections.pop(currPt)[0] while currPt: # loop to fill a chain, stop on an invalid chain.append(currPt) if len(connections) == 0: break connections[currPt] = deletecases(connections[currPt], [chain[-2]]) currPt = _firstOrOther(connections.pop(currPt, [])) chains.append(chain) return chains
def walk(self, callback, chain): res = callback(self, chain) assert res in (True, False), "Walk function must return boolean, not %r" % (res, ) if not res: return False chain.append(self) self._walk(callback, chain) chain.pop()
def _is_reg_free(self, addr, reg, ignore_current_bb, level, total_steps, debug=False, prev=None): if level >= self.cfg_exploration_depth: raise RegUsed("Max depth %#x %s" % (addr, map(hex, prev))) if not ignore_current_bb: if not addr in self.reg_free_map: # we reached some weird bb raise RegUsed("Weird block %#x %s" % (addr, map(hex, prev))) if reg in self.reg_free_map[addr]: return [addr] if reg in self.reg_not_free_map[addr]: raise RegUsed("Not free in bb %#x %s" % (addr, map(hex, prev))) if prev is None: prev = [] try: succ, is_terminate = self.get_all_succ(addr) # if addr==0x0804B390: # import IPython; IPython.embed() if is_terminate: return [addr] if len(succ) == 0: # no successors is weird, the cfg may be incomplete (e.g., NRFIN_00026 original 0x0897F4D5) raise RegUsed("No successors %#x %s" % (addr, map(hex, prev))) total_steps[0] += 1 if total_steps[0] >= self.max_cfg_steps: raise RegUsed("Too many steps %#x %s" % (addr, map(hex, prev))) except CfgError: # something weird is happening in the cfg, let's assume no reg is free raise RegUsed("CFG error %#x %s" % (addr, map(hex, prev))) free_regs_in_succ_list = [] chain = [] for s in succ: if s in prev: continue # avoid exploring already explored nodes (except the first one). new_prev = list(prev) new_prev.append(s) pchain = self._is_reg_free(s, reg, False, level=level + 1, total_steps=total_steps, prev=new_prev, debug=debug) chain.append(pchain) chain.append(addr) return chain
def chain(self, length=-1, reverse=False, stop_ds=None): if stop_ds: # resolve all formats to the same format stop_ds = Dataset(stop_ds) chain = [] current = self while length != len(chain) and current != stop_ds: chain.append(current) if not current.previous: break current = Dataset(current.previous) if not reverse: chain.reverse() return chain
def aux(node, indent=2, chain=None): if chain is None: chain = [] result = ["%s%s" % (" " * indent, node.render())] children = sorted(self.get_children(node)) children = [aux(c, indent=indent + 2, chain=chain + [c.key]) for c in children if c.key not in chain] chain.append(node.key) p = self.packages.get(node.key) if p: seen.add(p) result += list(flatten(children)) return result
def chain(self, length=-1, reverse=False, stop_jobid=None): if stop_jobid: # resolve whatever format to the bare jobid stop_jobid = Dataset(stop_jobid) if stop_jobid: stop_jobid = stop_jobid.jobid chain = [] current = self while length != len(chain) and current.jobid != stop_jobid: chain.append(current) if not current.previous: break current = Dataset(current.previous) if not reverse: chain.reverse() return chain
def chain_starting_with(self, ci: CommonInterval) -> List[CommonInterval]: lvl = self.reverse_index[ci] chain = [] ci_index = self.nesting_levels[lvl].index(ci) items_after_ci = self.nesting_levels[lvl][ci_index + 1:] cur = ci for other in items_after_ci: if CommonInterval.intersect(cur, other): chain.append(other) cur = other else: break return [ci] + chain if chain else []
def reconstruct_exons(self, path): # reverse negative stranded data so that all paths go from # small -> large genomic coords if self.strand == Strand.NEG: path.reverse() # convert from integer node labels to genome (start, end) tuples path = [self.get_node_interval(nid) for nid in path] # collapse contiguous nodes along path newpath = [] chain = [path[0]] for v in path[1:]: if chain[-1].end != v.start: # update path with merge chain node newpath.append(Exon(chain[0].start, chain[-1].end)) # reset chain chain = [] chain.append(v) # add last chain newpath.append(Exon(chain[0].start, chain[-1].end)) return newpath
def noun_string(data_org): """Finds strings of three nouns or more. Returns DataFrame""" chains = [] tokens = word_tokenize(data_org) #tokenize to prepare for tagging w_tag = dict(nltk.pos_tag(tokens)) chain = [] for w, tag in w_tag.items(): #find all nouns based on treebank format if tag.startswith('N'): chain.append(w) else: if len(chain) >= 3: chains.append(" ".join(chain)) chain = [] #move information to dataframe for printing to excel df_noun_string = pd.DataFrame({'Noun Strings (3+ Nouns in a row)': chains}, columns=['Noun Strings (3+ Nouns in a row)']) return df_noun_string
def get_path_from_parent(self, parent): """ Return a list of PathInfos containing the path from the parent model to the current model, or an empty list if parent is not a parent of the current model. """ if self.model is parent: return [] model = self.concrete_model # Get a reversed base chain including both the current and parent # models. chain = model._meta.get_base_chain(parent) chain.reverse() chain.append(model) # Construct a list of the PathInfos between models in chain. path = [] for i, ancestor in enumerate(chain[:-1]): child = chain[i + 1] link = child._meta.get_ancestor_link(ancestor) path.extend(link.get_reverse_path_info()) return path
def coref(xml, start_id=1): soup = _soup(xml) token_by_ids = _token_by_ids(soup) docs_e = soup.findall('document') assert len(docs_e) == 1 docs_e = docs_e[0] # Despite the name, this element contains conferences (note the "s") corefs_e = docs_e.findall('coreference') if not corefs_e: # No coreferences to process raise StopIteration assert len(corefs_e) == 1 corefs_e = corefs_e[0] curr_id = start_id for coref_e in corefs_e: if corefs_e.tag != 'coreference': # To be on the safe side continue # This tag is now a full corference chain chain = [] for mention_e in coref_e.getiterator('mention'): # Note: There is a "representative" attribute signalling the most # "suitable" mention, we are currently not using this # Note: We don't use the head information for each mention sentence_id = int(mention_e.find('sentence').text) start_tok_id = int(mention_e.find('start').text) end_tok_id = int(mention_e.find('end').text) - 1 mention_id = 'T%s' % (curr_id, ) chain.append(mention_id) curr_id += 1 yield TextBoundAnnotation( ((token_by_ids[sentence_id][start_tok_id].start, token_by_ids[sentence_id][end_tok_id].end), ), mention_id, 'Mention', '') yield EquivAnnotation('Coreference', chain, '')
def calculate(self): chain = [] path = [] path_cluster = [] cluster = [] dfs = DFS(self.mol) for bonds in Chem.FindAllSubgraphsOfLengthN(self.mol, self._order): dfs.reset(bonds) typ = dfs() nodes = dfs.nodes if typ == ChiType.chain: chain.append(nodes) elif typ == ChiType.path: path.append(nodes) elif typ == ChiType.path_cluster: path_cluster.append(nodes) else: cluster.append(nodes) return ChiBonds(chain, path, path_cluster, cluster)
CHANGE_I = [-1, -1, -1, # y or rows 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] # the border, later drawn around the image border = [] # saving chain_code as array chain = [] # iterator for edges curr_point = start_point for direction in DIRECTIONS: idx = DIR_2_IDX[direction] new_point = (start_point[0]+CHANGE_I[idx], start_point[1]+CHANGE_J[idx]) if img[new_point] != 0: # if is ROI border.append(new_point) chain.append(direction) curr_point = new_point break count = 0 while curr_point != start_point: #figure direction to start search b_direction = (direction + 5) % 8 dirs_1 = range(b_direction, 8) dirs_2 = range(0, b_direction) dirs = [] dirs.extend(dirs_1) dirs.extend(dirs_2) for direction in dirs: idx = DIR_2_IDX[direction] new_point = (curr_point[0]+CHANGE_I[idx], curr_point[1]+CHANGE_J[idx])