Пример #1
def compile_assign(self):
    code = []
    local_syms = []
    with ExprContext(code, local_syms):
        if isinstance(self.args[0], ivy_ast.Tuple):
            args = [sortify_with_inference(a) for a in self.args]
            if not isinstance(args[1], ivy_ast.Tuple) or len(
                    args[0].args) != len(args[1].args):
                raise IvyError(self, "wrong number of values in assignment")
            for lhs, rhs in zip(args[0].args, args[1].args):
                code.append(AssignAction(lhs, rhs))
            with top_sort_as_default():
                args = [a.compile() for a in self.args]
            if isinstance(args[1], ivy_ast.Tuple):
                raise IvyError(self, "wrong number of values in assignment")
            with ASTContext(self):
                teq = sort_infer(Equals(*args))
            args = list(teq.args)
        for c in code:
            c.lineno = self.lineno
        if len(code) == 1:
            return code[0]
        res = LocalAction(*(local_syms + [Sequence(*code)]))
        res.lineno = self.lineno
        return res
Пример #2
 def extract(self):
     for c in self.code:
         c.lineno = self.lineno
     if len(self.code) == 1:
         return self.code[0]
     res = LocalAction(*(self.local_syms + [Sequence(*self.code)]))
     res.lineno = self.lineno
     return res
Пример #3
def p_action_action_semi_action(p):
    'action : action SEMI action'
    if isinstance(p[1], Sequence):
        p[0] = p[1]
        p[0] = Sequence(p[1], p[3])
        p[0].lineno = p[1].lineno
Пример #4
def p_sequence_lcb_actseq_rcb(p):
    'sequence : LCB actseq RCB'
    stmts = lower_var_stmts(p[2])
    if len(stmts) == 1:
        p[0] = stmts[0]
        p[0] = Sequence(*lower_var_stmts(stmts))
        p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p, 1)
Пример #5
def compile_local(self):
    sig = ivy_logic.sig.copy()
    with sig:
        ls = self.args[0:-1]
        if len(ls) == 1 and isinstance(ls[0], AssignAction):
            v = ls[0]
            lhs = v.args[0]
            rhs = v.args[1]
            # temporarily rename lhs symbol in case it clashes with an existing symbol
            #            tmp_lhs = lhs.prefix('__var_tmp:')
            tmp_lhs = lhs
            code = []
            local_syms = []
            with ExprContext(code, local_syms):
                with alpha_sort_as_default():
                    sym = compile_const(tmp_lhs, sig)
                    ctmp_lhs = tmp_lhs.compile()
                    crhs = rhs.compile()
            with ASTContext(self):
                teq = sort_infer(Equals(ctmp_lhs, crhs))
            clhs, crhs = list(teq.args)
            #            clhs = clhs.drop_prefix('__var_tmp:')
            asgn = v.clone([clhs, crhs])
            if clhs.rep.name in sig.symbols:
                del sig.symbols[clhs.rep.name]  # shadow the existing symbol
            ivy_logic.add_symbol(clhs.rep.name, clhs.rep.sort)
            body = sortify(self.args[-1])
            lines = body.args if isinstance(body, Sequence) else [body]
            body = Sequence(*([asgn] + lines))
            code.append(LocalAction(clhs.rep, body))
            for c in code:
                c.lineno = self.lineno
            if len(code) == 1:
                return code[0]
            res = LocalAction(*(local_syms + [Sequence(*code)]))
            res.lineno = self.lineno
            return res
        cls = [compile_const(v, sig) for v in ls]
        body = sortify(self.args[-1])
        res = LocalAction(*(cls + [body]))
        res.lineno = self.lineno
        return res
Пример #6
def compile_assign(self):
    code = []
    local_syms = []
    with ExprContext(code,local_syms):
        args = [sortify_with_inference(a) for a in self.args]
        if isinstance(args[0],ivy_ast.Tuple):
            if not isinstance(args[1],ivy_ast.Tuple) or len(args[0].args) != len(args[1].args):
                raise IvyError(self,"wrong number of values in assignment");
            for lhs,rhs in zip(args[0].args,args[1].args):
        elif isinstance(args[1],ivy_ast.Tuple):
            raise IvyError(self,"wrong number of values in assignment");
        if len(code) == 1:
            return code[0]
        return LocalAction(*(local_syms + [Sequence(*code)]))
Пример #7
def lower_var_stmts(stmts):
    for idx, stmt in enumerate(stmts):
        if isinstance(stmt, VarAction):
            lhs = stmt.args[0]
            rhs = stmt.args[1] if len(stmt.args) > 1 else None
            lsym = lhs.prefix('loc:')
            subst = {lhs.rep: lsym.rep}
            lines = lower_var_stmts(stmts[idx + 1:])
            lines = [
                subst_prefix_atoms_ast(s, subst, None, None) for s in lines
            if rhs is not None:
                asgn = AssignAction(lsym, rhs)
                asgn.lineno = stmt.lineno
                asgn = lsym
            body = Sequence(*lines)
            body.lineno = stmt.lineno
            res = LocalAction(*[asgn, body])
            res.lineno = body.lineno
            return stmts[:idx] + [res]
    return stmts
Пример #8
 def p_optactiondef(p):
     'optactiondef : '
     p[0] = Sequence()
Пример #9
def p_optaction(p):
    'optaction :'
    p[0] = Sequence()
Пример #10
def p_action_lcb_rcb(p):
    'action : LCB RCB'
    p[0] = Sequence()
    p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p, 1)
Пример #11
def l2s_tactic(prover, goals, proof):
    mod = im.module
    goal = goals[0]  # pick up the first proof goal
    lineno = goal.lineno
    conc = ipr.goal_conc(goal)  # get its conclusion
    if not isinstance(conc, itm.TemporalModels):
        raise iu.IvyError(proof, 'proof goal is not temporal')
    model = conc.model.clone([])
    fmla = conc.fmla

    # Get all the temporal properties from the prover environment as assumptions

    # Add all the assumed invariants to the model

    assumed_gprops = [
        x for x in prover.axioms if not x.explicit and x.temporal
        [p.clone([p.label, p.formula.args[0]]) for p in assumed_gprops])

    # TRICKY: We postpone compiling formulas in the tactic until now, so
    # that tactics can introduce their own symbols. But, this means that the
    # tactic has to be given an appropriate environment label for any temporal
    # operators. Here, we compile the invariants in the tactic, using the given
    # label.

    assert hasattr(proof, 'labels') and len(proof.labels) == 1
    proof_label = proof.labels[0]
    #    print 'proof label: {}'.format(proof_label)
    invars = [
        ilg.label_temporal(inv.compile(), proof_label)
        for inv in proof.tactic_decls

    l2s_waiting = lg.Const('l2s_waiting', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_frozen = lg.Const('l2s_frozen', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_saved = lg.Const('l2s_saved', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_d = lambda sort: lg.Const('l2s_d', lg.FunctionSort(sort, lg.Boolean))
    l2s_a = lambda sort: lg.Const('l2s_a', lg.FunctionSort(sort, lg.Boolean))
    l2s_w = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_w', vs, proof_label, t)
    l2s_s = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_s', vs, proof_label, t)
    l2s_g = lambda vs, t, environ: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_g', vs, environ, t)
    old_l2s_g = lambda vs, t, environ: lg.NamedBinder('_old_l2s_g', vs,
                                                      environ, t)

    # Desugar the invariants.
    # $was. phi(V)  -->   l2s_saved & ($l2s_s V.phi(V))(V)
    # $happened. phi --> l2s_saved & ~($l2s_w V.phi(V))(V)
    # We push $l2s_s inside propositional connectives, so that the saved
    # values correspond to atoms. Otherwise, we would have redundant
    # saved values, for example p(X) and ~p(X).

    def desugar(expr):
        def apply_was(expr):
            if isinstance(expr, (lg.And, lg.Or, lg.Not, lg.Implies, lg.Iff)):
                return expr.clone([apply_was(a) for a in expr.args])
            vs = list(iu.unique(ilu.variables_ast(expr)))
            return l2s_s(vs, expr)(*vs)

        def apply_happened(expr):
            vs = list(iu.unique(ilu.variables_ast(expr)))
            return lg.Not(l2s_w(vs, expr)(*vs))

        if ilg.is_named_binder(expr):
            if expr.name == 'was':
                if len(expr.variables) > 0:
                    raise iu.IvyError(
                        expr, "operator 'was' does not take parameters")
                return lg.And(l2s_saved, apply_was(expr.body))
            elif expr.name == 'happened':
                if len(expr.variables) > 0:
                    raise iu.IvyError(
                        expr, "operator 'happened' does not take parameters")
                return lg.And(l2s_saved, apply_happened(expr.body))
        return expr.clone([desugar(a) for a in expr.args])

    invars = map(desugar, invars)

    # Add the invariant phi to the list. TODO: maybe, if it is a G prop
    # invars.append(ipr.clone_goal(goal,[],invar))

    # Add the invariant list to the model
    model.invars = model.invars + invars

    # for inv in invars:
    #     print inv
    #     for b in ilu.named_binders_ast(inv):
    #         print 'orig binder: {} {} {}'.format(b.name,b.environ,b.body)

    # model pass helper funciton
    def mod_pass(transform):
        model.invars = [transform(x) for x in model.invars]
        model.asms = [transform(x) for x in model.asms]
        # TODO: what about axioms and properties?
        newb = []
        model.bindings = [
            b.clone([transform(b.action)]) for b in model.bindings
        model.init = transform(model.init)

    # We first convert all temporal operators to named binders, so
    # it's possible to normalize them. Otherwise we won't have the
    # connection betweel (globally p(X)) and (globally p(Y)). Note
    # that we replace them even inside named binders.
    l2s_gs = set()

    def _l2s_g(vs, t, env):
        vs = tuple(vs)
        res = l2s_g(vs, t, env)
        #        print 'l2s_gs: {} {} {}'.format(vs,t,env)
        l2s_gs.add((vs, t, env))
        return res

    replace_temporals_by_l2s_g = lambda ast: ilu.replace_temporals_by_named_binder_g_ast(
        ast, _l2s_g)

    not_lf = replace_temporals_by_l2s_g(lg.Not(fmla))
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter replace_temporals_by_named_binder_g_ast" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\nl2s_gs:"
        for vs, t, env in sorted(l2s_gs):
            print vs, t, env
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
        print model
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # now we normalize all named binders
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter normalize_named_binders" + "\n" * 3
        print model
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # construct the monitor related building blocks

    uninterpreted_sorts = [
        s for s in ilg.sig.sorts.values()
        if type(s) is lg.UninterpretedSort and s.name not in mod.finite_sorts
    reset_a = [
        for s in uninterpreted_sorts for v in [lg.Var('X', s)]
    add_consts_to_d = [
        AssignAction(l2s_d(s)(c), lg.true).set_lineno(lineno)
        for s in uninterpreted_sorts for c in ilg.sig.symbols.values()
        if c.sort == s
    # TODO: maybe add all ground terms, not just consts (if stratified)
    # TODO: add conjectures that constants are in d and a

    # figure out which l2s_w and l2s_s are used in conjectures
    named_binders_conjs = defaultdict(
        list)  # dict mapping names to lists of (vars, body)
    for b in ilu.named_binders_asts(model.invars):
        #        print 'binder: {} {} {}'.format(b.name,b.environ,b.body)
        named_binders_conjs[b.name].append((b.variables, b.body))
    named_binders_conjs = defaultdict(
        list, ((k, list(set(v))) for k, v in named_binders_conjs.iteritems()))
    to_wait = [
    ]  # list of (variables, term) corresponding to l2s_w in conjectures
    to_wait += named_binders_conjs['l2s_w']
    to_save = [
    ]  # list of (variables, term) corresponding to l2s_s in conjectures
    to_save += named_binders_conjs['l2s_s']

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nto_wait:\n"
        for vs, t in to_wait:
            print vs, t
            print list(ilu.variables_ast(t)) == list(vs)
        print "=" * 40

    save_state = [
        AssignAction(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t).set_lineno(lineno)
        for vs, t in to_save
    done_waiting = [forall(vs, lg.Not(l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs))) for vs, t in to_wait]
    reset_w = [
            l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs),
                for v in vs if v.sort.name not in mod.finite_sorts
            ] + [
                    lg.Not(lg.Globally(proof_label, ilu.negate(t))))
            ]))).set_lineno(lineno) for vs, t in to_wait

    fair_cycle = [l2s_saved]
    fair_cycle += done_waiting
    # projection of relations
    fair_cycle += [
                lg.And(*(l2s_a(v.sort)(v) for v in vs
                         if v.sort.name not in mod.finite_sorts)),
                lg.Iff(l2s_s(vs, t)(
                    *vs), t))) if len(vs) > 0 else lg.Iff(l2s_s(vs, t), t)
        for vs, t in to_save
        if (t.sort == lg.Boolean or isinstance(t.sort, lg.FunctionSort)
            and t.sort.range == lg.Boolean)
    # projection of functions and constants
    fair_cycle += [
                    for v in vs if v.sort.name not in mod.finite_sorts
                ] + ([
                    lg.Or(l2s_a(t.sort)(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs)),
                ] if t.sort.name not in mod.finite_sorts else []))),
                lg.Eq(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t))) for vs, t in to_save
        if (isinstance(t.sort, lg.UninterpretedSort)
            or isinstance(t.sort, lg.FunctionSort)
            and isinstance(t.sort.range, lg.UninterpretedSort))
    assert_no_fair_cycle = AssertAction(lg.Not(
    assert_no_fair_cycle.lineno = goal.lineno

    monitor_edge = lambda s1, s2: [
        AssignAction(s1, lg.false).set_lineno(lineno),
        AssignAction(s2, lg.true).set_lineno(lineno),
    change_monitor_state = [
            # waiting -> frozen
                *(monitor_edge(l2s_waiting, l2s_frozen) +
                   for x in done_waiting] + reset_a)).set_lineno(lineno),
            # frozen -> saved
            Sequence(*(monitor_edge(l2s_frozen, l2s_saved) + save_state +
            # stay in same state (self edge)

    # tableau construction (sort of)

    # Note that we first transformed globally and eventually to named
    # binders, in order to normalize. Without this, we would get
    # multiple redundant axioms like:
    # forall X. (globally phi(X)) -> phi(X)
    # forall Y. (globally phi(Y)) -> phi(Y)
    # and the same redundancy will happen for transition updates.

    # temporals = []
    # temporals += list(ilu.temporals_asts(
    #     # TODO: these should be handled by mod_pass instead (and come via l2s_gs):
    #     # mod.labeled_axioms +
    #     # mod.labeled_props +
    #     [lf]
    # ))
    # temporals += [lg.Globally(lg.Not(t)) for vs, t in to_wait]
    # temporals += [lg.Globally(t) for vs, t in l2s_gs]
    # # TODO get from temporal axioms and temporal properties as well
    # print '='*40 + "\ntemporals:"
    # for t in temporals:
    #     print t, '\n'
    # print '='*40
    # to_g = [ # list of (variables, formula)
    #     (tuple(sorted(ilu.variables_ast(tt))), tt) # TODO what about variable normalization??
    #     for t in temporals
    #     for tt in [t.body if type(t) is lg.Globally else
    #                lg.Not(t.body) if type(t) is lg.Eventually else 1/0]
    # ]
    # TODO: get rid of the above, after properly combining it
    to_g = []  # list of (variables, formula)
    to_g += list(l2s_gs)
    to_g = list(set(to_g))
    if debug.get():
        print '=' * 40 + "\nto_g:\n"
        for vs, t, env in sorted(to_g):
            print vs, t, '\n'
        print '=' * 40

    assume_g_axioms = [
        AssumeAction(forall(vs, lg.Implies(l2s_g(vs, t, env)(*vs),
        for vs, t, env in to_g

    # now patch the module actions with monitor and tableau

    if debug.get():
        print "public_actions:", model.calls

    # Tableau construction
    # Each temporal operator has an 'environment'. The operator
    # applies to states *not* in actions labeled with this
    # environment. This has several consequences:
    # 1) The operator's semantic constraint is an assumed invariant (i.e.,
    # it holds outside of any action)
    # 2) An 'event' for the temporal operator occurs when (a) we return
    # from an execution context inside its environment to one outside,
    # or (b) we are outside the environment of the operator and some symbol
    # occurring in it's body is mutated.
    # 3) At any event for the operator, we update its truth value and
    # and re-establish its semantic constraint.

    # This procedure generates code for an event corresponding to a
    # list of operators. The tableau state is updated and the
    # semantics applied.

    def prop_events(gprops):
        res = []
        for gprop in gprops:
            vs, t, env = gprop.variables, gprop.body, gprop.environ
                    old_l2s_g(vs, t, env)(*vs),
                    l2s_g(vs, t, env)(*vs)).set_lineno(lineno))
            res.append(HavocAction(l2s_g(vs, t, env)(*vs)).set_lineno(lineno))
        for gprop in gprops:
            vs, t, env = gprop.variables, gprop.body, gprop.environ
                            old_l2s_g(vs, t, env)(*vs),
                            l2s_g(vs, t, env)(*vs)))).set_lineno(lineno))
                            lg.And(lg.Not(old_l2s_g(vs, t, env)(*vs)), t),
                            lg.Not(l2s_g(vs, t,
                AssumeAction(forall(vs, lg.Implies(l2s_g(vs, t, env)(*vs),

        return res

    # This procedure generates code for an event corresponding to a
    # list of eventualites to be waited on. The tableau state is updated and the
    # semantics applied.

    def wait_events(waits):
        res = []
        for wait in waits:
            vs = wait.variables
            t = wait.body

            # (l2s_w V. phi)(V) := (l2s_w V. phi)(V) & ~phi & ~(l2s_g V. ~phi)(V)

                        wait(*vs), lg.Not(t),
                            lg.Not(lg.Globally(proof_label, ilu.negate(t)))))
                    # TODO check this and make sure its correct
                    # note this adds to l2s_gs
        return res

    # The following procedure instruments a statement with operator
    # events for all of the temporal operators.  This depends on the
    # statement's environment, that is, current set of environment
    # labels.
    # Currently, the environment labels of a statement have to be
    # statically determined, but this could change, i.e., the labels
    # could be represented by boolean variables.

    # First, make some memo tables

    envprops = defaultdict(list)
    symprops = defaultdict(list)
    symwaits = defaultdict(list)
    for vs, t, env in l2s_gs:
        prop = l2s_g(vs, t, env)
        for sym in ilu.symbols_ast(t):
    for vs, t in to_wait:
        wait = l2s_w(vs, t)
        for sym in ilu.symbols_ast(t):
    actions = dict((b.name, b.action) for b in model.bindings)

    # lines = dict(zip(gprops,gproplines))

    def instr_stmt(stmt, labels):

        # first, recur on the sub-statements
        args = [
            instr_stmt(a, labels) if isinstance(a, Action) else a
            for a in stmt.args
        res = stmt.clone(args)

        # now add any needed temporal events after this statement
        event_props = set()
        event_waits = set()

        # first, if it is a call, we must consider any events associated with
        # the return

        # if isinstance(stmt,CallAction):
        #     callee = actions[stmt.callee()]  # get the called action
        #     exiting = [l for l in callee.labels if l not in labels] # environments we exit on return
        #     for label in exiting:
        #         for prop in envprops[label]:
        #             event_props.add(prop)

        # Second, if a symbol is modified, we must add events for every property that
        # depends on the symbol, but only if we are not in the environment of that property.

        for sym in stmt.modifies():
            for prop in symprops[sym]:
                #                if prop.environ not in labels:
            for wait in symwaits[sym]:

        # Now, for every property event, we update the property state (none in this case)
        # and also assert the property semantic constraint.

        events = prop_events(event_props)
        events += wait_events(event_waits)
        res = iact.postfix_action(res, events)
        stmt.copy_formals(res)  # HACK: This shouldn't be needed
        return res

    # Instrument all the actions

    model.bindings = [
        b.clone([b.action.clone([instr_stmt(b.action.stmt, b.action.labels)])])
        for b in model.bindings

    # Now, for every exported action, we add the l2s construction. On
    # exit of each external procedure, we add a tableau event for all
    # the operators whose scope is being exited.
    # TODO: This is wrong in the case of an exported procedure that is
    # also internally called.  We do *not* want to update the tableau
    # in the case of an internal call, since the scope of the
    # operators os not exited. One solution to this is to create to
    # duplicate the actions so there is one version for internal
    # callers and one for external callers. It is possible that this
    # is already done by ivy_isolate, but this needs to be verified.

    calls = set(model.calls)  # the exports
    for b in model.bindings:
        if b.name in calls:
            add_params_to_d = [
                AssignAction(l2s_d(p.sort)(p), lg.true)
                for p in b.action.inputs if p.sort.name not in mod.finite_sorts
            # tableau updates for exit to environment
            # event_props = set()
            # for label in b.action.labels:
            #     for prop in envprops[label]:
            #         event_props.add(prop)
            # events = prop_events(event_props)
            stmt = concat_actions(*(
                add_params_to_d +
                assume_g_axioms +  # could be added to model.asms
                [b.action.stmt] + add_consts_to_d)).set_lineno(lineno)
            b.action.stmt.copy_formals(stmt)  # HACK: This shouldn't be needed
            b.action = b.action.clone([stmt])

    # The idle action handles automaton state update and cycle checking

    idle_action = concat_actions(*(
        change_monitor_state +
        assume_g_axioms +  # could be added to model.asms
        add_consts_to_d + [assert_no_fair_cycle])).set_lineno(lineno)
    idle_action.formal_params = []
    idle_action.formal_returns = []
        itm.ActionTermBinding('idle', itm.ActionTerm([], [], [], idle_action)))

    l2s_init = [
        AssignAction(l2s_waiting, lg.true).set_lineno(lineno),
        AssignAction(l2s_frozen, lg.false).set_lineno(lineno),
        AssignAction(l2s_saved, lg.false).set_lineno(lineno),
    l2s_init += add_consts_to_d
    l2s_init += reset_w
    l2s_init += assume_g_axioms
    l2s_init += [AssumeAction(not_lf).set_lineno(lineno)]
    if not hasattr(model.init, 'lineno'):
        model.init.lineno = None  # Hack: fix this
    model.init = iact.postfix_action(model.init, l2s_init)

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter patching actions" + "\n" * 3
        print model
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # now replace all named binders by fresh relations

    named_binders = defaultdict(
        list)  # dict mapping names to lists of (vars, body)
    for b in ilu.named_binders_asts(
                [b.action for b in model.bindings],
    named_binders = defaultdict(list, ((k, list(sorted(set(v))))
                                       for k, v in named_binders.iteritems()))
    # make sure old_l2s_g is consistent with l2s_g
    #    assert len(named_binders['l2s_g']) == len(named_binders['_old_l2s_g'])
    named_binders['_old_l2s_g'] = [
        lg.NamedBinder('_old_l2s_g', b.variables, b.environ, b.body)
        for b in named_binders['l2s_g']
    subs = dict((b, lg.Const('{}_{}'.format(k, i), b.sort))
                for k, v in named_binders.iteritems() for i, b in enumerate(v))
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nsubs:" + "\n" * 3
        for k, v in subs.items():
            print k, ' : ', v, '\n'
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
    mod_pass(lambda ast: ilu.replace_named_binders_ast(ast, subs))

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter replace_named_binders" + "\n" * 3
        print model
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # if len(gprops) > 0:
    #     assumes = [gprop_to_assume(x) for x in gprops]
    #     model.bindings = [b.clone([prefix_action(b.action,assumes)]) for b in model.bindings]

    # HACK: reestablish invariant that shouldn't be needed

    for b in model.bindings:
        b.action.stmt.formal_params = b.action.inputs
        b.action.stmt.formal_returns = b.action.outputs

    # Change the conclusion formula to M |= true
    conc = itm.TemporalModels(model, lg.And())

    # Build the new goal
    goal = ipr.clone_goal(goal, ipr.goal_prems(goal), conc)

    # Return the new goal stack

    goals = [goal] + goals[1:]
    return goals
Пример #12
 def scenario(self, scen):
     init_tokens = set(p.rep for p in scen.args[0].args)
     transs_by_action = defaultdict(list)
     for tr in scen.args[1:]:
     for (place_name, lineno) in scen.places():
         sym = find_symbol(place_name)
         iname = place_name + '[init]'
         iact = AssignAction(
             ivy_logic.And() if
             (place_name in init_tokens) else ivy_logic.Or())
         iact.formal_params = []
         iact.formal_returns = []
         iact.lineno = scen.lineno
         self.mod.actions[iname] = iact
     for actname, trs in transs_by_action.iteritems():
         choices = []
         params = None
         afters = []
         for tr in trs:
             scmix = tr.args[2]
             is_after = isinstance(scmix, ivy_ast.ScenarioAfterMixin)
             df = scmix.args[1]
             body = compile_action_def(df, self.mod.sig)
             seq = []
             if not is_after:
                 for p in tr.args[0].args:
                 for p in tr.args[0].args:
                         AssignAction(find_symbol(p.rep), ivy_logic.Or()))
                 for p in tr.args[1].args:
                         AssignAction(find_symbol(p.rep), ivy_logic.And()))
                 seq = Sequence(*seq)
                 for p in tr.args[0].args:
                         AssignAction(find_symbol(p.rep), ivy_logic.Or()))
                 for p in tr.args[1].args:
                         AssignAction(find_symbol(p.rep), ivy_logic.And()))
                 seq = Sequence(*seq)
                 seq = IfAction(
                     And(*[find_symbol(p.rep) for p in tr.args[0].args]),
             if params is None:
                 params = body.formal_params
                 returns = body.formal_returns
                 mixer = scmix.args[0]
                 mixee = scmix.args[1].args[0]
                 aparams = df.formal_params + df.formal_returns
                 subst = dict(zip(aparams, params + returns))
                 seq = substitute_constants_ast(seq, subst)
             seq.lineno = tr.lineno
             if not is_after:
         if choices:
             choice = BalancedChoice(choices)
             choice.lineno = choices[0].lineno
             choice.formal_params = params
             choice.formal_returns = returns
             self.mod.actions[mixer.rep] = choice
             self.mixin(ivy_ast.MixinBeforeDef(mixer, mixee))
         if afters:
             choice = Sequence(*afters)
             choice.lineno = afters[0].lineno
             choice.formal_params = params
             choice.formal_returns = returns
             self.mod.actions[mixer.rep] = choice
             self.mixin(ivy_ast.MixinAfterDef(mixer, mixee))
Пример #13
def p_sequence_lcb_rcb(p):
    'sequence : LCB RCB'
    p[0] = Sequence()
    p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p, 1)
Пример #14
def l2s(mod, temporal_goal):
    # modify mod in place

    # module pass helper funciton
    def mod_pass(transform):
        mod.labeled_conjs = [transform(x) for x in mod.labeled_conjs]
        # TODO: what about axioms and properties?
        for a in mod.public_actions:
            action = mod.actions[a]
            new_action = transform(action)
            new_action.lineno = action.lineno
            new_action.formal_params = action.formal_params
            new_action.formal_returns = action.formal_returns
            mod.actions[a] = new_action
        mod.initializers = [(x, transform(y)) for x, y in mod.initializers]

    l2s_waiting = lg.Const('l2s_waiting', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_frozen = lg.Const('l2s_frozen', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_saved = lg.Const('l2s_saved', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_error = lg.Const('l2s_error', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_d = lambda sort: lg.Const('l2s_d', lg.FunctionSort(sort, lg.Boolean))
    l2s_a = lambda sort: lg.Const('l2s_a', lg.FunctionSort(sort, lg.Boolean))
    l2s_w = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_w', vs, t)
    l2s_s = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_s', vs, t)
    l2s_g = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_g', vs, t)
    old_l2s_g = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('old_l2s_g', vs, t)

    # add conjectures about monitor state
    conjs = [
        lg.Or(l2s_waiting, l2s_frozen, l2s_saved),
        lg.Or(lg.Not(l2s_waiting), lg.Not(l2s_frozen)),
        lg.Or(lg.Not(l2s_waiting), lg.Not(l2s_saved)),
        lg.Or(lg.Not(l2s_frozen), lg.Not(l2s_saved)),
    for f in conjs:
        c = ast.LabeledFormula(ast.Atom('l2s_internal'), f)
        c.lineno = temporal_goal.lineno

    # add conjecture that we are not in the error state (this is
    # instead of using an assertion. see below)
    c = ast.LabeledFormula(ast.Atom('not_l2s_error'), lg.Not(l2s_error))
    c.lineno = temporal_goal.lineno

    #print ilu.used_symbols_asts(mod.labeled_conjs)
    #print '='*40
    #print list(ilu.named_binders_asts(mod.labeled_conjs))

    # some normalization

    # We first convert all temporal operators to named binders, so
    # it's possible to normalize them. Otherwise we won't have the
    # connection betweel (globally p(X)) and (globally p(Y)). Note
    # that we replace them even inside named binders.
    l2s_gs = set()

    def _l2s_g(vs, t):
        vs = tuple(vs)
        res = l2s_g(vs, t)
        l2s_gs.add((vs, t))
        return res

    replace_temporals_by_l2s_g = lambda ast: ilu.replace_temporals_by_named_binder_g_ast(
        ast, _l2s_g)
    not_temporal_goal = replace_temporals_by_l2s_g(
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter replace_temporals_by_named_binder_g_ast" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\nl2s_gs:"
        for vs, t in sorted(l2s_gs):
            print vs, t
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # now we normalize all named binders
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter normalize_named_binders" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # TODO: what about normalizing temporal_goal? - temporal_goal
    # should not contain any named binders except for temporal
    # properties, so it is normalized by construction

    # construct the monitor related building blocks

    uninterpreted_sorts = [
        s for s in mod.sig.sorts.values() if type(s) is lg.UninterpretedSort
    reset_a = [
                     l2s_d(s)(v)) for s in uninterpreted_sorts
        for v in [lg.Var('X', s)]
    add_consts_to_d = [
        AssignAction(l2s_d(s)(c), lg.true) for s in uninterpreted_sorts
        for c in mod.sig.symbols.values() if c.sort == s
    # TODO: maybe add all ground terms, not just consts (if stratified)
    # TODO: add conjectures that constants are in d and a

    # figure out which l2s_w and l2s_s are used in conjectures
    named_binders_conjs = defaultdict(
        list)  # dict mapping names to lists of (vars, body)
    for b in ilu.named_binders_asts(mod.labeled_conjs):
        named_binders_conjs[b.name].append((b.variables, b.body))
    named_binders_conjs = defaultdict(
        list, ((k, sorted(list(set(v))))
               for k, v in named_binders_conjs.iteritems()))
    to_wait = [
    ]  # list of (variables, term) corresponding to l2s_w in conjectures
    to_wait += named_binders_conjs['l2s_w']
    to_save = [
    ]  # list of (variables, term) corresponding to l2s_s in conjectures
    to_save += named_binders_conjs['l2s_s']

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nto_wait:\n"
        for vs, t in to_wait:
            print vs, t
            # print list(ilu.variables_ast(t)) == list(vs)
            # print
        print "=" * 40

    save_state = [AssignAction(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t) for vs, t in to_save]
    done_waiting = [forall(vs, lg.Not(l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs))) for vs, t in to_wait]
    reset_w = [
            l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs), lg.And(*(l2s_d(v.sort)(v) for v in vs)))
        for vs, t in to_wait
    update_w = [
            l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs),
                l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs), lg.Not(t),
            # ($l2s_w.  phi) waits until ( phi | globally ~phi), but
            # ($l2s_w. ~phi) waits until (~phi | globally  phi) (i.e., we avoid "globally ~~phi" here)
            # note this adds to l2s_gs
        ) for vs, t in to_wait
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nupdate_w:\n"
        for x in update_w:
            print x
        print "=" * 40

    fair_cycle = [l2s_saved]
    fair_cycle += done_waiting
    # projection of relations
    fair_cycle += [
                                for v in vs)), lg.Iff(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t)))
        if len(vs) > 0 else lg.Iff(l2s_s(vs, t), t) for vs, t in to_save
        if (t.sort == lg.Boolean or isinstance(t.sort, lg.FunctionSort)
            and t.sort.range == lg.Boolean)
    # projection of functions and constants
    fair_cycle += [
                lg.And(*([l2s_a(v.sort)(v) for v in vs] + [
                    lg.Or(l2s_a(t.sort)(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs)),
                ])), lg.Eq(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t))) for vs, t in to_save
        if (isinstance(t.sort, lg.UninterpretedSort)
            or isinstance(t.sort, lg.FunctionSort)
            and isinstance(t.sort.range, lg.UninterpretedSort))
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nfair_cycle:\n"
        for x in fair_cycle:
            print x
        print "=" * 40
    # TODO: figure out why AssertAction doesn't work properly
    def assert_no_fair_cycle(a):
        # comment and uncomment the following lines to debug:
        # res = AssertAction(lg.Not(lg.And(*fair_cycle)))
        # res = AssertAction(lg.false)
        # res.lineno = temporal_goal.lineno
        # res.lineno = a.lineno
        res = AssignAction(l2s_error, lg.And(*fair_cycle))
        return res

    monitor_edge = lambda s1, s2: [
        AssignAction(s1, lg.false),
        AssignAction(s2, lg.true),
    change_monitor_state = [
            # waiting -> frozen
            Sequence(*(monitor_edge(l2s_waiting, l2s_frozen) +
                       [AssumeAction(x) for x in done_waiting] + reset_a)),
            # frozen -> saved
            Sequence(*(monitor_edge(l2s_frozen, l2s_saved) + save_state +
            # stay in same state (self edge)

    # tableau construction
    to_g = []  # list of (variables, formula)
    to_g += sorted(list(l2s_gs))
    if debug.get():
        print '=' * 40 + "\nto_g:\n"
        for vs, t in to_g:
            print vs, t, '\n'
        print '=' * 40
    assume_g_axioms = [
        AssumeAction(forall(vs, lg.Implies(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs), t)))
        for vs, t in to_g
    update_g = [
        a for vs, t in to_g for a in [
            HavocAction(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs)),
                forall(vs, lg.Implies(
                    old_l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs),
                    l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs)))),
                    lg.Implies(lg.And(lg.Not(old_l2s_g(vs, t)(
                        *vs)), t), lg.Not(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs))))),

    # now patch the module actions with monitor and tableau

    if debug.get():
        print "public_actions:", mod.public_actions
    for a in mod.public_actions:
        action = mod.actions[a]
        add_params_to_d = [
            AssignAction(l2s_d(p.sort)(p), lg.true)
            for p in action.formal_params
        new_action = concat_actions(*(
            # TODO: check this with Sharon
            assume_g_axioms + change_monitor_state + add_params_to_d +
            update_g + [action] + assume_g_axioms + add_consts_to_d +
            update_w + [assert_no_fair_cycle(action)]))
        new_action.lineno = action.lineno
        new_action.formal_params = action.formal_params
        new_action.formal_returns = action.formal_returns
        mod.actions[a] = new_action

    l2s_init = [
        AssignAction(l2s_waiting, lg.true),
        AssignAction(l2s_frozen, lg.false),
        AssignAction(l2s_saved, lg.false),
        AssignAction(l2s_error, lg.false),
    l2s_init += add_consts_to_d
    l2s_init += reset_w
    l2s_init += assume_g_axioms
    l2s_init += [AssumeAction(not_temporal_goal)]
    mod.initializers.append(('l2s_init', Sequence(*l2s_init)))

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter patching actions" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # now replace all named binders by fresh relations

    named_binders = defaultdict(
        list)  # dict mapping names to lists of (vars, body)
    for b in ilu.named_binders_asts(
                (y for x, y in mod.initializers),
    # sort named binders according to a consistent order
    named_binders = defaultdict(
        list, ((k,
                        key=lambda x:
                        (len(x.variables), str(x.variables), str(x.body)),
                    ))) for k, v in named_binders.iteritems()))
    # make sure old_l2s_g is consistent with l2s_g, so that
    # old_l2s_g_X is really old l2s_g_X after the substitution
    assert len(named_binders['l2s_g']) == len(named_binders['old_l2s_g'])
    assert named_binders['old_l2s_g'] == [
        lg.NamedBinder('old_l2s_g', b.variables, b.body)
        for b in named_binders['l2s_g']
    subs = dict((b, lg.Const('{}_{}'.format(k, i), b.sort))
                for k, v in named_binders.iteritems() for i, b in enumerate(v))
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nsubs:" + "\n" * 3
        for k in sorted(named_binders.keys()):
            v = named_binders[k]
            for i, b in enumerate(v):
                print '{}_{}'.format(k, i), ' : ', b
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
    mod_pass(lambda ast: ilu.replace_named_binders_ast(ast, subs))

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter replace_named_binders" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
Пример #15
def p_action_lcb_rcb(p):
    'action : LCB RCB'
    p[0] = Sequence()
    p[0].lineno = p.lineno(1)
Пример #16
def l2s(mod, lf):

    # modify mod in place

    # module pass helper funciton
    def mod_pass(transform):
        mod.labeled_conjs = [transform(x) for x in mod.labeled_conjs]
        # TODO: what about axioms and properties?
        for a in mod.public_actions:
            action = mod.actions[a]
            new_action = transform(action)
            new_action.lineno = action.lineno
            new_action.formal_params = action.formal_params
            new_action.formal_returns = action.formal_returns
            mod.actions[a] = new_action
        mod.initializers = [(x, transform(y)) for x, y in mod.initializers]

    l2s_waiting = lg.Const('l2s_waiting', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_frozen = lg.Const('l2s_frozen', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_saved = lg.Const('l2s_saved', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_d = lambda sort: lg.Const('l2s_d', lg.FunctionSort(sort, lg.Boolean))
    l2s_a = lambda sort: lg.Const('l2s_a', lg.FunctionSort(sort, lg.Boolean))
    l2s_w = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_w', vs, t)
    l2s_s = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_s', vs, t)
    l2s_g = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_g', vs, t)
    old_l2s_g = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('old_l2s_g', vs, t)

    #print ilu.used_symbols_asts(mod.labeled_conjs)
    #print '='*40
    #print list(ilu.named_binders_asts(mod.labeled_conjs))

    # some normalization

    # We first convert all temporal operators to named binders, so
    # it's possible to normalize them. Otherwise we won't have the
    # connection betweel (globally p(X)) and (globally p(Y)). Note
    # that we replace them even inside named binders.
    l2s_gs = set()

    def _l2s_g(vs, t):
        vs = tuple(vs)
        res = l2s_g(vs, t)
        l2s_gs.add((vs, t))
        return res

    replace_temporals_by_l2s_g = lambda ast: ilu.replace_temporals_by_named_binder_g_ast(
        ast, _l2s_g)
    not_lf = replace_temporals_by_l2s_g(lg.Not(lf.formula))
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter replace_temporals_by_named_binder_g_ast" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\nl2s_gs:"
        for vs, t in sorted(l2s_gs):
            print vs, t
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # now we normalize all named binders
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter normalize_named_binders" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # TODO: what about normalizing lf?

    # construct the monitor related building blocks

    uninterpreted_sorts = [
        s for s in mod.sig.sorts.values() if type(s) is lg.UninterpretedSort
    reset_a = [
                     l2s_d(s)(v)) for s in uninterpreted_sorts
        for v in [lg.Var('X', s)]
    add_consts_to_d = [
        AssignAction(l2s_d(s)(c), lg.true) for s in uninterpreted_sorts
        for c in mod.sig.symbols.values() if c.sort == s
    # TODO: maybe add all ground terms, not just consts (if stratified)
    # TODO: add conjectures that constants are in d and a

    # figure out which l2s_w and l2s_s are used in conjectures
    named_binders_conjs = defaultdict(
        list)  # dict mapping names to lists of (vars, body)
    for b in ilu.named_binders_asts(mod.labeled_conjs):
        named_binders_conjs[b.name].append((b.variables, b.body))
    named_binders_conjs = defaultdict(
        list, ((k, list(set(v))) for k, v in named_binders_conjs.iteritems()))
    to_wait = [
    ]  # list of (variables, term) corresponding to l2s_w in conjectures
    to_wait += named_binders_conjs['l2s_w']
    to_save = [
    ]  # list of (variables, term) corresponding to l2s_s in conjectures
    to_save += named_binders_conjs['l2s_s']

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nto_wait:\n"
        for vs, t in to_wait:
            print vs, t
            print list(ilu.variables_ast(t)) == list(vs)
        print "=" * 40

    save_state = [AssignAction(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t) for vs, t in to_save]
    done_waiting = [forall(vs, lg.Not(l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs))) for vs, t in to_wait]
    reset_w = [
            l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs), lg.And(*(l2s_d(v.sort)(v) for v in vs)))
        for vs, t in to_wait
    update_w = [
            l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs),
                l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs), lg.Not(t),
            # TODO check this and make sure its correct
            # note this adds to l2s_gs
        ) for vs, t in to_wait
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nupdate_w:\n"
        for x in update_w:
            print x
        print "=" * 40

    fair_cycle = [l2s_saved]
    fair_cycle += done_waiting
    # projection of relations
    fair_cycle += [
                                for v in vs)), lg.Iff(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t)))
        if len(vs) > 0 else lg.Iff(l2s_s(vs, t), t) for vs, t in to_save
        if (t.sort == lg.Boolean or isinstance(t.sort, lg.FunctionSort)
            and t.sort.range == lg.Boolean)
    # projection of functions and constants
    fair_cycle += [
                lg.And(*([l2s_a(v.sort)(v) for v in vs] + [
                    lg.Or(l2s_a(t.sort)(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs)),
                ])), lg.Eq(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t))) for vs, t in to_save
        if (isinstance(t.sort, lg.UninterpretedSort)
            or isinstance(t.sort, lg.FunctionSort)
            and isinstance(t.sort.range, lg.UninterpretedSort))
    assert_no_fair_cycle = AssertAction(lg.Not(lg.And(*fair_cycle)))
    assert_no_fair_cycle.lineno = lf.lineno

    monitor_edge = lambda s1, s2: [
        AssignAction(s1, lg.false),
        AssignAction(s2, lg.true),
    change_monitor_state = [
            # waiting -> frozen
            Sequence(*(monitor_edge(l2s_waiting, l2s_frozen) +
                       [AssumeAction(x) for x in done_waiting] + reset_a)),
            # # frozen -> saved
            # Sequence(*(
            #     monitor_edge(l2s_frozen, l2s_saved) +
            #     save_state +
            #     reset_w
            # )),
            # stay in same state (self edge)

    # tableau construction (sort of)

    # Note that we first transformed globally and eventually to named
    # binders, in order to normalize. Without this, we would get
    # multiple redundant axioms like:
    # forall X. (globally phi(X)) -> phi(X)
    # forall Y. (globally phi(Y)) -> phi(Y)
    # and the same redundancy will happen for transition updates.

    # temporals = []
    # temporals += list(ilu.temporals_asts(
    #     # TODO: these should be handled by mod_pass instead (and come via l2s_gs):
    #     # mod.labeled_axioms +
    #     # mod.labeled_props +
    #     [lf]
    # ))
    # temporals += [lg.Globally(lg.Not(t)) for vs, t in to_wait]
    # temporals += [lg.Globally(t) for vs, t in l2s_gs]
    # # TODO get from temporal axioms and temporal properties as well
    # print '='*40 + "\ntemporals:"
    # for t in temporals:
    #     print t, '\n'
    # print '='*40
    # to_g = [ # list of (variables, formula)
    #     (tuple(sorted(ilu.variables_ast(tt))), tt) # TODO what about variable normalization??
    #     for t in temporals
    #     for tt in [t.body if type(t) is lg.Globally else
    #                lg.Not(t.body) if type(t) is lg.Eventually else 1/0]
    # ]
    # TODO: get rid of the above, after properly combining it
    to_g = []  # list of (variables, formula)
    to_g += list(l2s_gs)
    to_g = list(set(to_g))
    if debug.get():
        print '=' * 40 + "\nto_g:\n"
        for vs, t in sorted(to_g):
            print vs, t, '\n'
        print '=' * 40

    assume_g_axioms = [
        AssumeAction(forall(vs, lg.Implies(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs), t)))
        for vs, t in to_g
    update_g = [
        a for vs, t in to_g for a in [
            HavocAction(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs)),
                forall(vs, lg.Implies(
                    old_l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs),
                    l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs)))),
                    lg.Implies(lg.And(lg.Not(old_l2s_g(vs, t)(
                        *vs)), t), lg.Not(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs))))),

    # now patch the module actions with monitor and tableau

    if debug.get():
        print "public_actions:", mod.public_actions
    # TODO: this includes the succ action (for the ticket example of
    # test/test_liveness.ivy). seems to be a bug, and this causes
    # wrong behavior for the monitor, since a call to succ from within
    # another action lets it take a step

    for a in mod.public_actions:
        action = mod.actions[a]
        add_params_to_d = [
            AssignAction(l2s_d(p.sort)(p), lg.true)
            for p in action.formal_params
        new_action = concat_actions(*(change_monitor_state + add_params_to_d +
                                      update_g + [action] + assume_g_axioms +
                                      add_consts_to_d + update_w +
        new_action.lineno = action.lineno
        new_action.formal_params = action.formal_params
        new_action.formal_returns = action.formal_returns
        mod.actions[a] = new_action

    l2s_init = [
        AssignAction(l2s_waiting, lg.true),
        AssignAction(l2s_frozen, lg.false),
        AssignAction(l2s_saved, lg.false),
    l2s_init += add_consts_to_d
    l2s_init += reset_w
    l2s_init += assume_g_axioms
    l2s_init += [AssumeAction(not_lf)]
    mod.initializers.append(('l2s_init', Sequence(*l2s_init)))

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter patching actions" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # now replace all named binders by fresh relations

    named_binders = defaultdict(
        list)  # dict mapping names to lists of (vars, body)
    for b in ilu.named_binders_asts(
                (y for x, y in mod.initializers),
    named_binders = defaultdict(list, ((k, list(sorted(set(v))))
                                       for k, v in named_binders.iteritems()))
    # make sure old_l2s_g is consistent with l2s_g
    assert len(named_binders['l2s_g']) == len(named_binders['old_l2s_g'])
    assert named_binders['old_l2s_g'] == [
        lg.NamedBinder('old_l2s_g', b.variables, b.body)
        for b in named_binders['l2s_g']
    subs = dict((b, lg.Const('{}_{}'.format(k, i), b.sort))
                for k, v in named_binders.iteritems() for i, b in enumerate(v))
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nsubs:" + "\n" * 3
        for k, v in subs.items():
            print k, ' : ', v, '\n'
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
    mod_pass(lambda ast: ilu.replace_named_binders_ast(ast, subs))

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter replace_named_binders" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
Пример #17
def p_sequence_lcb_actseq_semi_rcb(p):
    'sequence : LCB actseq SEMI RCB'
    p[0] = Sequence(*lower_var_stmts(p[2]))
    p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p, 1)