Пример #1
 def __init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory):
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory) #Call the parent constructor
     if maxMemory != sys.maxint:
         logger.critical("A max memory has been specified for the parasol batch system class of %i, but currently this batchsystem interface does not support such limiting" % maxMemory)
     #Keep the name of the results file for the pstat2 command..
     self.parasolCommand = config.attrib["parasol_command"]
     self.parasolResultsFile = getParasolResultsFileName(config.attrib["job_tree"])
     #Reset the job queue and results (initially, we do this again once we've killed the jobs)
     self.queuePattern = re.compile("q\s+([0-9]+)")
     self.runningPattern = re.compile("r\s+([0-9]+)\s+[\S]+\s+[\S]+\s+([0-9]+)\s+[\S]+")
     self.killJobs(self.getIssuedJobIDs()) #Kill any jobs on the current stack
     logger.info("Going to sleep for a few seconds to kill any existing jobs")
     time.sleep(5) #Give batch system a second to sort itself out.
     logger.info("Removed any old jobs from the queue")
     #Reset the job queue and results
     exitValue = popenParasolCommand("%s -results=%s clear sick" % (self.parasolCommand, self.parasolResultsFile), False)[0]
     if exitValue != None:
         logger.critical("Could not clear sick status of the parasol batch %s" % self.parasolResultsFile)
     exitValue = popenParasolCommand("%s -results=%s flushResults" % (self.parasolCommand, self.parasolResultsFile), False)[0]
     if exitValue != None:
         logger.critical("Could not flush the parasol batch %s" % self.parasolResultsFile)
     open(self.parasolResultsFile, 'w').close()
     logger.info("Reset the results queue")
     #Stuff to allow max cpus to be work
     self.outputQueue1 = Queue()
     self.outputQueue2 = Queue()
     #worker = Thread(target=getUpdatedJob, args=(self.parasolResultsFileHandle, self.outputQueue1, self.outputQueue2))
     worker = Process(target=getUpdatedJob, args=(self.parasolResultsFile, self.outputQueue1, self.outputQueue2))
     worker.daemon = True
     self.usedCpus = 0
     self.jobIDsToCpu = {}
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory, workerFn=worker):
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, maxCpus,
                                  maxMemory)  #Call the parent constructor
     self.jobIndex = 0
     self.jobs = {}
     self.maxThreads = int(config.attrib["max_threads"])
         "Setting up the thread pool with %i threads given the max threads %i and the max cpus %i"
         % (min(self.maxThreads,
                self.maxCpus), self.maxThreads, self.maxCpus))
     self.maxThreads = min(self.maxThreads, self.maxCpus)
     self.cpusPerThread = float(self.maxCpus) / float(self.maxThreads)
     self.memoryPerThread = self.maxThreads + float(self.maxMemory) / float(
     )  #Add the maxThreads to avoid losing memory by rounding.
     assert self.cpusPerThread >= 1
     assert self.maxThreads >= 1
     assert self.maxMemory >= 1
     assert self.memoryPerThread >= 1
     self.inputQueue = Queue()
     self.outputQueue = Queue()
     self.workerFn = workerFn
     for i in xrange(self.maxThreads):  #Setup the threads
         worker = Process(target=workerFn,
                          args=(self.inputQueue, self.outputQueue))
         worker.daemon = True
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, config, batchSystem1, batchSystem2,
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, 0,
                                  0)  #Call the parent constructor
     self.batchSystem1 = batchSystem1
     self.batchSystem2 = batchSystem2
     self.batchSystemChoiceFn = batchSystemChoiceFn
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, config, workerClass=Worker):
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config) #Call the parent constructor
     self.jobIndex = 0
     self.jobs = {}
     self.maxThreads = int(config.attrib["max_threads"])
     assert self.maxThreads >= 1
     self.inputQueue = Queue()
     self.outputQueue = Queue()
     for i in xrange(int(config.attrib["max_threads"])): #Setup the threads
         worker = workerClass(self.inputQueue, self.outputQueue)
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory):
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, maxCpus,
                                  maxMemory)  #Call the parent constructor
     if maxMemory != sys.maxint:
             "A max memory has been specified for the parasol batch system class of %i, but currently this batchsystem interface does not support such limiting"
             % maxMemory)
     #Keep the name of the results file for the pstat2 command..
     self.parasolCommand = config.attrib["parasol_command"]
     self.parasolResultsFile = getParasolResultsFileName(
     #Reset the job queue and results (initially, we do this again once we've killed the jobs)
     self.queuePattern = re.compile("q\s+([0-9]+)")
     self.runningPattern = re.compile(
         self.getIssuedJobIDs())  #Kill any jobs on the current stack
         "Going to sleep for a few seconds to kill any existing jobs")
     time.sleep(5)  #Give batch system a second to sort itself out.
     logger.info("Removed any old jobs from the queue")
     #Reset the job queue and results
     exitValue = popenParasolCommand(
         "%s -results=%s clear sick" %
         (self.parasolCommand, self.parasolResultsFile), False)[0]
     if exitValue != None:
             "Could not clear sick status of the parasol batch %s" %
     exitValue = popenParasolCommand(
         "%s -results=%s flushResults" %
         (self.parasolCommand, self.parasolResultsFile), False)[0]
     if exitValue != None:
         logger.critical("Could not flush the parasol batch %s" %
     open(self.parasolResultsFile, 'w').close()
     logger.info("Reset the results queue")
     #Stuff to allow max cpus to be work
     self.outputQueue1 = Queue()
     self.outputQueue2 = Queue()
     #worker = Thread(target=getUpdatedJob, args=(self.parasolResultsFileHandle, self.outputQueue1, self.outputQueue2))
     worker = Process(target=getUpdatedJob,
                      args=(self.parasolResultsFile, self.outputQueue1,
     worker.daemon = True
     self.usedCpus = 0
     self.jobIDsToCpu = {}
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory):
        AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory) #Call the parent constructor
        self.lsfResultsFile = getParasolResultsFileName(config.attrib["job_tree"])
        #Reset the job queue and results (initially, we do this again once we've killed the jobs)
        self.lsfResultsFileHandle = open(self.lsfResultsFile, 'w')
        self.lsfResultsFileHandle.close() #We lose any previous state in this file, and ensure the files existence
        self.currentjobs = set()
        self.jobIDs = dict()
        self.lsfJobIDs = dict()
        self.nextJobID = 0

        self.newJobsQueue = Queue()
        self.updatedJobsQueue = Queue()
        self.worker = Worker(self.newJobsQueue, self.updatedJobsQueue, self)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory):
        AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory) #Call the parent constructor
        self.gridengineResultsFile = getParasolResultsFileName(config.attrib["job_tree"])
        #Reset the job queue and results (initially, we do this again once we've killed the jobs)
        self.gridengineResultsFileHandle = open(self.gridengineResultsFile, 'w')
        self.gridengineResultsFileHandle.close() #We lose any previous state in this file, and ensure the files existence
        self.currentjobs = set()
        self.nextJobID = 0

        self.newJobsQueue = Queue()
        self.updatedJobsQueue = Queue()
        self.killQueue = Queue()
        self.killedJobsQueue = Queue()
        self.worker = Worker(self.newJobsQueue, self.updatedJobsQueue, self.killQueue, self.killedJobsQueue, self)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, config):
        AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config) #Call the parent constructor
        self.gridengineResultsFile = config.attrib["results_file"]
        #Reset the job queue and results (initially, we do this again once we've killed the jobs)
        self.gridengineResultsFileHandle = open(self.gridengineResultsFile, 'w')
        self.gridengineResultsFileHandle.close() #We lose any previous state in this file, and ensure the files existence
        self.scratchFile = self.config.attrib["scratch_file"]
        self.currentjobs = set()
        self.jobIDs = dict()
        self.sgeJobIDs = dict()
        self.nextJobID = 0

        self.newJobsQueue = Queue()
        self.updatedJobsQueue = Queue()
        self.worker = Worker(self.newJobsQueue, self.updatedJobsQueue, self)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, config):
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config) #Call the parent constructor
     #Keep the name of the results file for the pstat2 command..
     self.parasolResultsFile = config.attrib["results_file"]
     #Reset the job queue and results (initially, we do this again once we've killed the jobs)
     self.parasolResultsFileHandle = open(self.parasolResultsFile, 'w')
     self.parasolResultsFileHandle.close() #We lose any previous state in this file, and ensure the files existence    
     self.queuePattern = re.compile("q\s+([0-9]+)")
     self.runningPattern = re.compile("r\s+([0-9]+)\s+[\S]+\s+[\S]+\s+([0-9]+)\s+[\S]+")
     #The scratch file
     self.scratchFile = self.config.attrib["scratch_file"]
     self.killJobs(self.getIssuedJobIDs()) #Kill any jobs on the current stack
     logger.info("Going to sleep for a few seconds to kill any existing jobs")
     time.sleep(5) #Give batch system a second to sort itself out.
     logger.info("Removed any old jobs from the queue")
     #Reset the job queue and results
     self.parasolResultsFileHandle = open(self.parasolResultsFile, 'w')
     self.parasolResultsFileHandle.close() #We lose any previous state in this file, and ensure the files existence
     self.parasolResultsFileHandle = open(self.parasolResultsFile, 'r')
     logger.info("Reset the results queue")
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory, workerFn=worker):
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory) #Call the parent constructor
     self.jobIndex = 0
     self.jobs = {}
     self.maxThreads = int(config.attrib["max_threads"])
     logger.info("Setting up the thread pool with %i threads given the max threads %i and the max cpus %i" % (min(self.maxThreads, self.maxCpus), self.maxThreads, self.maxCpus))
     self.maxThreads = min(self.maxThreads, self.maxCpus)
     self.cpusPerThread = float(self.maxCpus) / float(self.maxThreads)
     self.memoryPerThread = self.maxThreads + float(self.maxMemory) / float(self.maxThreads) #Add the maxThreads to avoid losing memory by rounding.
     assert self.cpusPerThread >= 1
     assert self.maxThreads >= 1
     assert self.maxMemory >= 1
     assert self.memoryPerThread >= 1
     self.inputQueue = Queue()
     self.outputQueue = Queue()
     self.workerFn = workerFn
     for i in xrange(self.maxThreads): #Setup the threads
         worker = Process(target=workerFn, args=(self.inputQueue, self.outputQueue))
         worker.daemon = True
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory):
        AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, maxCpus,
                                     maxMemory)  #Call the parent constructor

        self.resultsFile = getParasolResultsFileName(config.attrib["job_tree"])

        #Reset the job queue and results (initially, we do this again once we've killed the jobs)
        self.resultsFileHandle = open(self.resultsFile, 'w')
        )  #We lose any previous state in this file, and ensure the files existence

        self.currentjobs = set()
        self.jobIDs = dict()
        self.slurmJobTasks = dict()
        self.nextJobID = 0

        self.newJobsQueue = Queue()
        self.updatedJobsQueue = Queue()

        # store any of the slurm options
        slurmopts = dict()

        optiondata = SlurmBatchSystem.getOptionData()
        for switch, data in optiondata.iteritems():
            key = data['dest']
            if key in config.attrib:
                sbatchopt = re.sub(r'^slurm_', '', key)
                slurmopts[sbatchopt] = config.attrib[key]
        self.worker = Worker(self.newJobsQueue, self.updatedJobsQueue, self,
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, config, batchSystem1, batchSystem2, batchSystemChoiceFn):
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, 0, 0) #Call the parent constructor
     self.batchSystem1 = batchSystem1
     self.batchSystem2 = batchSystem2
     self.batchSystemChoiceFn = batchSystemChoiceFn
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory):
     AbstractBatchSystem.__init__(self, config, maxCpus, maxMemory) #Call the parent constructor
     self.job_type_queue = {}
     self.currentjobs = 0