Пример #1
def _set_remaining_attrs(instance, remaining_attrs, **kwargs):
    # Set any remaining attributes on the newly created instance.
    for attr_name in remaining_attrs:
        loaded_attr = _common_impl.load(remaining_attrs[attr_name],
            setattr(instance, attr_name, loaded_attr)
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # This is raised when a @property does not have a setter.
Пример #2
def default_list_deserializer(obj: List, cls, **kwargs) -> object:
    Deserialize a list by deserializing all items of that list.
    :param obj: the list that needs deserializing.
    :param cls: the type optionally with a generic (e.g. List[str]).
    :param kwargs: any keyword arguments.
    :return: a deserialized list instance.
    cls_ = None
    if cls and hasattr(cls, '__args__'):
        cls_ = cls.__args__[0]
    return [_common_impl.load(x, cls_, **kwargs) for x in obj]
Пример #3
def _get_constructor_args(obj, signature_parameters, **kwargs):
    # Loop through the signature of cls: the type we try to deserialize to. For
    # every required parameter, we try to get the corresponding value from
    # json_obj.
    constructor_args = dict()
    sigs = [(sig_key, sig) for sig_key, sig in signature_parameters.items()
            if obj and sig_key != 'self' and sig_key in obj]
    for sig_key, sig in sigs:
        cls = sig.annotation if sig.annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty \
            else None
        value = _common_impl.load(obj[sig_key], cls, **kwargs)
        constructor_args[sig_key] = value
    return constructor_args
Пример #4
def default_string_deserializer(obj: str, _: type = None, **kwargs) -> object:
    Deserialize a string. If the given ``obj`` can be parsed to a date, a
    ``datetime`` instance is returned.
    :param obj: the string that is to be deserialized.
    :param _: not used.
    :param kwargs: any keyword arguments.
    :return: the deserialized obj.
        # Use load instead of default_datetime_deserializer to allow the
        # datetime deserializer to be overridden.
        return _common_impl.load(obj, datetime, **kwargs)
        return obj
Пример #5
def default_tuple_deserializer(obj: List, cls, **kwargs) -> object:
    Deserialize a (JSON) list into a tuple by deserializing all items of that
    :param obj: the list that needs deserializing.
    :param cls: the type optionally with a generic (e.g. Tuple[str, int]).
    :param kwargs: any keyword arguments.
    :return: a deserialized tuple instance.
    if hasattr(cls, '__tuple_params__'):
        tuple_types = cls.__tuple_params__
        tuple_types = cls.__args__
    list_ = [_common_impl.load(obj[i], tuple_types[i], **kwargs)
             for i in range(len(obj))]
    return tuple(list_)
Пример #6
def default_tuple_deserializer(obj: List, cls, **kwargs) -> object:
    Deserialize a (JSON) list into a tuple by deserializing all items of that
    :param obj: the list that needs deserializing.
    :param cls: the type optionally with a generic (e.g. Tuple[str, int]).
    :param kwargs: any keyword arguments.
    :return: a deserialized tuple instance.
    tuple_types = getattr(cls, '__tuple_params__', cls.__args__)
    if len(tuple_types) > 1 and tuple_types[1] is ...:
        tuple_types = [tuple_types[0]] * len(obj)
    list_ = [
        _common_impl.load(value, tuple_types[i], **kwargs)
        for i, value in enumerate(obj)
    return tuple(list_)
Пример #7
def default_dict_deserializer(obj: dict, cls: type,
                              key_transformer: Callable[[str], str] = None,
                              **kwargs) -> object:
    Deserialize a dict by deserializing all instances of that dict.
    :param obj: the dict that needs deserializing.
    :param key_transformer: a function that transforms the keys to a different
    style (e.g. PascalCase).
    :param cls: not used.
    :param kwargs: any keyword arguments.
    :return: a deserialized dict instance.
    key_transformer = key_transformer or (lambda key: key)
    kwargs_ = {**{'key_transformer': key_transformer}, **kwargs}
    if hasattr(cls, '__args__') and len(cls.__args__) > 1:
        sub_cls = cls.__args__[1]
        kwargs_['cls'] = sub_cls
    return {key_transformer(key): _common_impl.load(obj[key], **kwargs_)
            for key in obj}