Пример #1
    def test_authtoken_rs256_verification(self):
        # Verify that the auth token (signed by Bouncer's private key)
        # can be validated using Bouncer's public key. Obtain/construct
        # Bouncer's public key from it's JSON Web Key Set (jwks) entpoint

        # Obtain authentication token.
        token, _ = self.test_authtoken_rs256_anatomy()

        # Obtain the JSON Web Key Set.
        r = requests.get(Url('/auth/jwks'))
        keys = r.json()['keys'][0]

        # Extract the public modulus and exponent from the data.
        exponent_bytes = base64url_decode(keys['e'].encode('ascii'))
        exponent_int = bytes_to_number(exponent_bytes)

        modulus_bytes = base64url_decode(keys['n'].encode('ascii'))
        modulus_int = bytes_to_number(modulus_bytes)

        # Generate a public key instance from these numbers.
        public_numbers = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(n=modulus_int, e=exponent_int)
        public_key = public_numbers.public_key(backend=cryptography_backend)

        # Verify token signature using that public key.
        payload = jwt.decode(token, public_key, algorithms='RS256')
        assert payload['uid'] == self.user1_uid
Пример #2
def verify_token(masterUrl, authToken):
    keys = requests.get('https://' + masterUrl + '/acs/api/v1/auth/jwks',

    exponent_bytes = base64url_decode(keys['e'].encode('ascii'))
    exponent_int = bytes_to_number(exponent_bytes)

    modulus_bytes = base64url_decode(keys['n'].encode('ascii'))
    modulus_int = bytes_to_number(modulus_bytes)

    public_numbers = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(n=modulus_int, e=exponent_int)
    public_key = public_numbers.public_key(backend=default_backend())

    payload = jwt.decode(authToken, public_key, algorithm='RS256')

    print payload
    print "expiration is: " + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
Пример #3
def dcos_adminrouter(b, opts):

    # Require the IAM to already be up and running. The IAM contains logic for
    # achieving consensus about a key pair, and exposes the public key
    # information via its JWKS endpoint. Talk directly to the local IAM instance
    # which is reachable via the local network interface.
    r = requests.get('')

    if r.status_code != 200:
        log.info('JWKS retrieval failed. Got %s with body: %s', r, r.text)

    jwks = r.json()

    # The first key in the JSON Web Key Set corresponds to the current private
    # key used for signing authentiction tokens.
    key = jwks['keys'][0]

    exponent_bytes = base64url_decode(key['e'].encode('ascii'))
    exponent_int = bytes_to_number(exponent_bytes)
    modulus_bytes = base64url_decode(key['n'].encode('ascii'))
    modulus_int = bytes_to_number(modulus_bytes)
    # Generate a `cryptography` public key object instance from these numbers.
    public_numbers = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(n=modulus_int, e=exponent_int)
    public_key = public_numbers.public_key(

    # Serialize public key into the OpenSSL PEM public key format RFC 5280).
    pubkey_pem_bytes = public_key.public_bytes(

    rundir = utils.dcos_run_path / 'dcos-adminrouter'
    rundir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    pubkey_path = rundir / 'auth-token-verification-key'
    utils.write_public_file(pubkey_path, pubkey_pem_bytes)
    utils.chown(pubkey_path, user='******')
Пример #4
Файл: cli.py Проект: dcos/dcos
def dcos_adminrouter(b, opts):

    # Require the IAM to already be up and running. The IAM contains logic for
    # achieving consensus about a key pair, and exposes the public key
    # information via its JWKS endpoint. Talk directly to the local IAM instance
    # which is reachable via the local network interface.
    r = requests.get('')

    if r.status_code != 200:
        log.info('JWKS retrieval failed. Got %s with body: %s', r, r.text)

    jwks = r.json()

    # The first key in the JSON Web Key Set corresponds to the current private
    # key used for signing authentiction tokens.
    key = jwks['keys'][0]

    exponent_bytes = base64url_decode(key['e'].encode('ascii'))
    exponent_int = bytes_to_number(exponent_bytes)
    modulus_bytes = base64url_decode(key['n'].encode('ascii'))
    modulus_int = bytes_to_number(modulus_bytes)
    # Generate a `cryptography` public key object instance from these numbers.
    public_numbers = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(n=modulus_int, e=exponent_int)
    public_key = public_numbers.public_key(

    # Serialize public key into the OpenSSL PEM public key format RFC 5280).
    pubkey_pem_bytes = public_key.public_bytes(

    os.makedirs('/run/dcos/dcos-adminrouter', exist_ok=True)
    pubkey_path = '/run/dcos/dcos-adminrouter/auth-token-verification-key'
    _write_file_bytes(pubkey_path, pubkey_pem_bytes, 0o644)
    shutil.chown(pubkey_path, user='******')