def view_updateavatar(environ): """ Set the avatar to an address. """ user = environ["emapps.user"] db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT corp FROM auth_user " "WHERE username = %s AND authenticated = 1", user.username) if c.rowcount == 0: return kgi.template_response('403.html', reason='Not authenticated.') api = eveapi.EVEAPIConnection() charids = api.eve.CharacterID(names=user.username) charid = None for char in charids.characters: charid = char.characterID if charid is None: return kgi.redirect_response('') db = kgi.connect('dbforums') c = db.cursor() url = '' % charid c.execute("UPDATE mybb_users SET avatar = %s " "WHERE LOWER(username) = LOWER(%s)", (url, user.username)) return kgi.redirect_response('')
def update_userdetails(username, userid, apikey, message, authenticated, disabled, corp=None, alliance=None): """ Update the user API key details. message is displayed to the user. authenticated is a boolean to check whether the API key is valid. disabled is a boolean saying whether to try authentication again. """ db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() sql = ("UPDATE auth_user " "SET userid = %s, " " apikey = %s, " " message = %s, " " authenticated = %s, " " disabled = %s, ") args = [userid, apikey, message, authenticated, disabled] if corp is not None: sql += " corp = %s, " args.append(corp) if alliance is not None: sql += " alliance = %s, " args.append(alliance) else: sql += " alliance = '', " sql += (" last_attempt = NOW() " "WHERE username = %s") args.append(username) c.execute(sql, args) if c.rowcount == 0: c.execute("INSERT INTO auth_user (userid, apikey, message, " " authenticated, disabled, " " corp, alliance, " " username, last_attempt) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, " " %s, %s, " " %s, %s, " " %s, NOW())", (userid, apikey, message, authenticated, disabled, corp, alliance, username)) if corp is not None: db2 = kgi.connect('dbforums') c2 = db2.cursor() if username in TITLES: usertitle = TITLES[username] elif alliance is None: usertitle = "%s" % corp else: usertitle = "%s<br />%s" % (corp, alliance) c2.execute("UPDATE mybb_users SET usertitle = %s " "WHERE username = %s", (usertitle, username))
def sql_update_order(orderid, customer=None, source=None, state=None, producer=False, price=False, ordertext=None): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() sets = [] args = [] if customer is not None: sets.append("customer = %s") args.append(customer) if source is not None: sets.append("source = %s") args.append(source) if state is not None: sets.append("state = %s") args.append(state) if producer is not False: sets.append("producer = %s") args.append(producer) if price is not False: sets.append("price = %s") args.append(price) if ordertext is not None: sets.append("ordertext = %s") args.append(ordertext) args.append(orderid) c.execute("UPDATE market_order_old SET " + ", ".join(sets) + " WHERE id = %s", args)
def sql_get_orderlist(producer, sources=[], states=[]): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() where = ["state != 'done'"] or_where = [] args = [] if producer is not None: or_where.append("producer = %s") args.append(producer) if len(sources) > 0: or_where.append("(producer is NULL OR producer = '') AND source IN (%s)" % ", ".join(["%s"] * len(sources))) args.extend(sources) if len(or_where) > 0: where.append("(%s)" % (" OR ".join([("(%s)" % x) for x in or_where]),)) if len(states) > 0: where.append("status IN (%s)" % ", ".join(["%s"] * len(states))) args.extend(states) c.execute("SELECT * FROM market_order_old " "WHERE " + " AND ".join(where) + " " "ORDER BY source ASC, created DESC", args) orders = kgi.fetchbunches(c) for order in orders: c = sql_get_comment( if c is not None: order['lastcomment'] = c else: order['lastcomment'] = None return orders
def add_comment(imagename, author, comment): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO gallery_comments " " (imagename, author, comment) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (imagename, author, comment))
def view_info(environ): """ Show authentication status. """ user = environ["emapps.user"] if not user.is_authenticated(): return kgi.html_response( unauthorized(user, 'You need to log in to the forums.') ) db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT last_attempt, message, authenticated, disabled " "FROM auth_user WHERE username = %s LIMIT 1", (user.username,)) if c.rowcount == 1: (last_attempt, message, authenticated, disabled) = c.fetchone() else: (last_attempt, message, authenticated, disabled) = (None, None, None, None) return kgi.template_response('auth/info.html', user=user, last_attempt=last_attempt, message=message, authenticated=authenticated, disabled=disabled)
def sql_add_comment(contractid, author, text): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO market_contract_comments (contract_id, " " author, comment) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (contractid, author, text))
def sql_save_order(username, orders, type): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() ordertexts = {} comments = {} totals = {} args = orders.keys() args.append(type) contractids = [] c.execute("SELECT * FROM market_order " "WHERE id IN (%s) " " AND type = %%s " "ORDER BY item ASC" % ", ".join(["%s"] * len(orders)), args) bunches = kgi.fetchbunches(c) for b in bunches: amount = orders[] if b.amount <= 0 or b.amount < amount: continue b.amount -= amount if b.owner not in ordertexts: ordertexts[b.owner] = "" if b.owner not in comments: comments[b.owner] = "" if b.owner not in totals: totals[b.owner] = 0 ordertexts[b.owner] += ("%ix %s\n" % (amount, b.item)) comments[b.owner] += ("%15s %s x %s (%s p.u., %s)\n" % (humane(amount * b.price), b.item, humane(amount), humane(b.price), b.comment)) totals[b.owner] += amount * b.price for (owner, comment) in comments.items(): comments[owner] += "---------------\n" comments[owner] += "%15s sum" % humane(totals[owner]) for owner in ordertexts.keys(): if type == 'sell': creator = username handler = owner else: creator = owner handler = username contractids.append(sql_create_contract(creator=creator, contracttext=ordertexts[owner], handler=handler, state="in progress")) sql_add_comment(contractids[-1], creator, comments[owner]) for b in bunches: if b.amount == 0: c.execute("DELETE FROM market_order WHERE id = %s", (,)) else: c.execute("UPDATE market_order SET amount = %s WHERE id = %s", (b.amount, if len(contractids) == 1: return contractids[0] else: return None
def sql_create_order(username, type, item, amount, price, comment, expires): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() expires = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=expires) c.execute("INSERT INTO market_order (expires, type, amount, item, " " price, owner, comment) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (expires, type, amount, item, price, username, comment))
def sql_get_comments(contractid): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM market_contract_comments " "WHERE contract_id = %s " "ORDER BY created ASC", (contractid,)) return kgi.fetchbunches(c)
def get_comments(imagename): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT date, author, comment FROM gallery_comments " "WHERE imagename = %s " "ORDER BY date ASC", (imagename)) return c.fetchall()
def sql_create_contract(creator, contracttext, handler=None, state="new", queue=None): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO market_contract (contracttext, creator, " " handler, queue, state) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (contracttext, creator, handler, queue, state)) return c.lastrowid
def view_stats(environ): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c, submitter " "FROM locator_trace " "GROUP BY submitter " "ORDER BY c DESC") return kgi.template_response('intel/stats.html', user=environ['emapps.user'], stats=c.fetchall())
def get_apikey(username): """ Get the userid and apikey of a given user. """ db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT userid, apikey FROM auth_user " "WHERE username = %s", (username,)) return c.fetchone()
def sql_get_contract(contractid): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM market_contract " "WHERE id = %s " "LIMIT 1", (contractid,)) if c.rowcount == 1: return kgi.fetchbunches(c)[0] else: return None
def has_permission(self, name): if name == 'em': return self.is_emuser if self.permissions is None: db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute(""" SELECT permission FROM userpermissions WHERE username = %s """, (self.username,)) self.permissions = [x for (x,) in c.fetchall()] return name in self.permissions
def sql_get_lastcomment(contractid): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM market_contract_comments " "WHERE contract_id = %s " "ORDER BY created DESC " "LIMIT 1", (contractid,)) if c.rowcount == 1: return kgi.fetchbunches(c)[0] else: return None
def view_info(environ): user = environ['emapps.user'] if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST': # FIXME! Check FC permission here. form = cgi.FieldStorage() optitle = form.getfirst("title") db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO opwarn_list (title) VALUES (%s)", (optitle,)) return kgi.redirect_response('') return kgi.template_response('ops/info.html', user=user)
def view_corp(environ): """ Show the members of your corp. """ user = environ["emapps.user"] db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT corp FROM auth_user " "WHERE username = %s AND authenticated = 1", user.username) if c.rowcount == 0: return kgi.template_response('auth/corp.html', user=environ['emapps.user'], error="You are not authenticated.") corpname = c.fetchone()[0] c.execute("SELECT username FROM auth_user " "WHERE corp = %s " " AND authenticated = 1 " "ORDER BY username ASC", corpname) apiusers = [x for (x,) in c.fetchall()] db2 = kgi.connect('dbforums') c2 = db2.cursor() c2.execute("SELECT username, usertitle FROM mybb_users " "WHERE CONCAT(',', usergroup, ',', additionalgroups, ',') " " LIKE '%,56,%' " "ORDER BY username ASC") c2.execute("SELECT username, lastactive FROM mybb_users") active = dict((username, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(lastactive)) for (username, lastactive) in c2.fetchall()) users = [(username, active[username], False) for username in apiusers] users.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0].lower(), b[0].lower())) return kgi.template_response('auth/corp.html', user=user, corp=corpname, error=None, users=users, now=datetime.datetime.utcnow())
def get_sales(sortby=None): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() query = "SELECT * FROM market_sale " if sortby == 'age': query += "ORDER BY created DESC" else: query += "ORDER BY item ASC" c.execute(query) now = bunches = kgi.fetchbunches(c) for b in bunches: b.age = (now - b.created).days return bunches
def sql_create_order(username, ordertext, source, comment=None, price=None, producer=None, state='unclaimed'): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO market_order_old (ordertext, price, " "customer, producer, source, state) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (ordertext, price, username, producer, source, state)) if comment is not None: # This is non-portable. PostgreSQL doesn't do c.lastrowid. c.execute("INSERT INTO market_comments (order_id, " "author, comment) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (c.lastrowid, username, comment))
def remove_users_without_api(): """ Throw all users out of "our" groups that don't have configured API keys. """ db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT username FROM auth_user") users = [x for (x,) in c.fetchall()] db = kgi.connect('dbforums') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT gid FROM mybb_usergroups " "WHERE title IN (%s)" % ", ".join(["%s"]*len(REQUIRES + GRDGROUPS)), [groupname for (groupname, _, _) in REQUIRES] + GRDGROUPS) gids = ["%%,%s,%%" % x for (x,) in c.fetchall()] c.execute("SELECT username FROM mybb_users " "WHERE " + " OR ".join(["CONCAT(',', usergroup, ',', additionalgroups, ',')" " LIKE %s"] * len(REQUIRES + GRDGROUPS)), gids) for (username,) in c.fetchall(): if username not in users: user = MyBBUser(username) groups = ([groupname for (groupname, _, require_key) in REQUIRES if require_key] + GRDGROUPS) for groupname in groups: if user.has_group(groupname): user.remove_group(groupname)"User %s loses group %s: No API key stored." % (username, groupname))
def sql_get_own_orderlist(customer): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM market_order_old " "WHERE state != 'done' " " AND customer = %s " "ORDER BY created DESC", (customer,)) orders = kgi.fetchbunches(c) for order in orders: c = sql_get_comment( if c is not None: order['lastcomment'] = c else: order['lastcomment'] = None return orders
def mybb_auth(environ): cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie(environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) try: (uid, loginkey) = cookie["mybbuser"].value.split("_", 1) except KeyError: return ("Anonymous", False) except ValueError: return ("Anonymous", False) db = kgi.connect("dbforums") c = db.cursor() c.execute( """SELECT username, usergroup, additionalgroups FROM mybb_users WHERE uid=%s AND loginkey=%s LIMIT 1 """, (uid, loginkey), ) if c.rowcount < 1: return ("Anonymous", False) (username, usergroup, additionalgroups) = c.fetchone() groups = [int(usergroup)] if additionalgroups != "": groups.extend([int(x) for x in additionalgroups.split(",")]) groupexpr = ",".join(["%s"] * len(groups)) auth_flags = {} for auth_group in forum_names: c.execute( """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mybb_forums AS forums INNER JOIN mybb_forumpermissions AS perm ON forums.fid = perm.fid WHERE = %%s AND perm.gid IN (%s) AND perm.canview = 1; """ % groupexpr, tuple([forum_names[auth_group]] + groups), ) count = c.fetchone()[0] auth_flags[auth_group] = count > 0 return (username, auth_flags)
def sql_save_order(username, orders): db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() ordertexts = {} comments = {} totals = {} c.execute("SELECT * FROM market_sale " "WHERE id IN (%s) " "ORDER BY item ASC" % ", ".join(["%s"] * len(orders)), orders.keys()) bunches = kgi.fetchbunches(c) for b in bunches: amount = orders[] if b.amount == 0 or b.amount < amount: return b.amount -= amount if b.owner not in ordertexts: ordertexts[b.owner] = "" if b.owner not in comments: comments[b.owner] = "" if b.owner not in totals: totals[b.owner] = 0 ordertexts[b.owner] += ("%ix %s\n" % (amount, b.item)) comments[b.owner] += ("%15s %s x %s (%s p.u., %s)\n" % (humane(amount * b.price), b.item, humane(amount), humane(b.price), b.comment)) totals[b.owner] += amount * b.price for (owner, comment) in comments.items(): comments[owner] += "---------------\n" comments[owner] += "%15s sum" % humane(totals[owner]) for owner in ordertexts.keys(): sql_create_order(username, ordertexts[owner], "Alliance Market", comments[owner], price=totals[owner], producer=owner, state="claimed") for b in bunches: if b.amount == 0: c.execute("DELETE FROM market_sale WHERE id = %s", (,)) else: c.execute("UPDATE market_sale SET amount = %s WHERE id = %s", (b.amount,
def get_orders(ordertype, sortby=None): expire_orders() db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() query = "SELECT * FROM market_order " if ordertype == 'sell': query += " WHERE type = 'sell' " else: query += " WHERE type = 'buy' " if sortby == 'age': query += "ORDER BY created DESC" else: query += "ORDER BY item ASC" c.execute(query) now = bunches = kgi.fetchbunches(c) for b in bunches: b.age = (now - b.created).days return bunches
def __init__(self, username): self.username = username db = kgi.connect('dbforums') c = db.cursor() if gid2group is None: c.execute("SELECT title, gid FROM mybb_usergroups") global gid2group gid2group = dict(c.fetchall()) c.execute("SELECT usergroup, additionalgroups FROM mybb_users " "WHERE username = %s", (username,)) if c.rowcount == 0: log.error("User %s does not exist." % username) raise RuntimeError, "User does not exist" (usergroup, additionalgroups) = c.fetchone() self.groups = ([int(usergroup)] + [int(x) for x in additionalgroups.split(",") if x != '']) self.modified = False
def view_reputation(environ): db = kgi.connect('dbforums') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT u.uid, u.username, addu.uid, addu.username, " " r.reputation, r.dateline, r.comments, " "FROM mybb_reputation r " " INNER JOIN mybb_users u ON r.uid = u.uid " " INNER JOIN mybb_users addu ON r.adduid = addu.uid " "ORDER BY r.dateline DESC " "LIMIT 23") reputation = [(uid, username, adduid, addusername, reputation, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(dateline), comments, pid) for (uid, username, adduid, addusername, reputation, dateline, comments, pid) in c.fetchall()] return kgi.template_response('forums/reputation.html', user=environ["emapps.user"], reputation=reputation)
def view_oplist(environ): import simplejson as json db = kgi.connect('dbforcer') c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT id, created, title FROM opwarn_list " "WHERE created > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR " "ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1") if c.rowcount == 0: return kgi.html_response(json.dumps({}), header=[('Content-Type', 'application/json')] ) (id, created, title) = c.fetchone() delta = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - created return kgi.html_response(json.dumps({'id': id, 'created': eve_time(created), 'seconds': delta.seconds, 'title': title}), header=[('Content-Type', 'application/json')] )
def save(self): """ Save the new group memberships of this user. """ if not self.modified: return if len(self.groups) > 0: (usergroup, additionalgroups) = (self.groups[0], self.groups[1:]) else: (usergroup, additionalgroups) = (2, # Registered []) db = kgi.connect('dbforums') c = db.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE mybb_users " "SET usergroup = %s, " " additionalgroups = %s " "WHERE username = %s", (usergroup, ",".join(str(x) for x in additionalgroups), self.username))