Пример #1
 def test_deepcopy(self, pc1):
     """Yields the expected parameters and an actual deep copy."""
     detector1 = EBSDDetector(pc=pc1)
     detector2 = detector1.deepcopy()
     detector1.pcx += 0.1
     assert np.allclose(detector1.pcx, 0.521)
     assert np.allclose(detector2.pcx, 0.421)
Пример #2
    def __init__(
        detector: EBSDDetector,
        phase: Phase,
        rotations: Rotation,
        """A generator storing necessary parameters to simulate
        geometrical EBSD patterns.

            Detector describing the detector-sample geometry.
            A phase container with a crystal structure and a space and
            point group describing the allowed symmetry operations.
            Unit cell rotations to simulate patterns for. The
            navigation shape of the resulting simulation is determined
            from the rotations' shape, with a maximum dimension of 2.

        >>> from orix.crystal_map import Phase
        >>> from orix.quaternion import Rotation
        >>> from kikuchipy.detectors import EBSDDetector
        >>> from kikuchipy.generators import EBSDSimulationGenerator
        >>> det = EBSDDetector(
        ...     shape=(60, 60), sample_tilt=70, pc=[0.5,] * 3
        ... )
        >>> p = Phase(name="ni", space_group=225)
        >>> p.structure.lattice.setLatPar(3.52, 3.52, 3.52, 90, 90, 90)
        >>> simgen = EBSDSimulationGenerator(
        ...     detector=det,
        ...     phase=p,
        ...     rotations=Rotation.from_euler([90, 45, 90])
        ... )
        >>> simgen
        EBSDSimulationGenerator (1,)
        EBSDDetector (60, 60), px_size 1 um, binning 1, tilt 0, pc
        (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        <name: . space group: None. point group: None. proper point
        group: None. color: tab:blue>
        Rotation (1,)
        self.detector = detector.deepcopy()
        self.phase = phase.deepcopy()
        self.rotations = deepcopy(rotations)