def setUp(self, switch_is_active): switch_is_active.return_value = True super(KarmaAPITests, self).setUp() try: self.mgr = KarmaManager() redis_client('karma').flushdb() except RedisError: raise SkipTest self.user1 = user(save=True) self.user2 = user(save=True) self.user3 = user(save=True) TestAction1(user=self.user1).save() TestAction2(user=self.user2).save() TestAction2(user=self.user2).save() TestAction1(user=self.user3).save() TestAction1(user=self.user3).save() TestAction1(user=self.user3).save() self.mgr.update_top() self.client.login(username=self.user1.username, password='******') add_permission(self.user1, models.Title, 'view_dashboard')
def setUp(self, switch_is_active): switch_is_active.return_value = True super(KarmaManagerTests, self).setUp() try: self.mgr = KarmaManager() redis_client('karma').flushdb() except RedisError: raise SkipTest self.user1 = user(save=True) self.user2 = user(save=True) self.user3 = user(save=True) today = # user1 actions (3 + 3 + 7): TestAction1(user=self.user1, day=today).save() TestAction1(user=self.user1, day=today).save() TestAction2(user=self.user1, day=today).save() # user2 actions (3 + 7 + 7): TestAction1(user=self.user2, day=today - timedelta(days=8)).save() TestAction2(user=self.user2, day=today - timedelta(days=32)).save() TestAction2(user=self.user2, day=today - timedelta(days=360)).save() # user3 actions (3 + 3 + 3 + 7): TestAction1(user=self.user3, day=today - timedelta(days=10)).save() TestAction1(user=self.user3, day=today - timedelta(days=40)).save() TestAction1(user=self.user3, day=today - timedelta(days=190)).save() TestAction2(user=self.user3, day=today - timedelta(days=3)).save()
def setUp(self): super(KarmaActionTests, self).setUp() self.user = user(save=True) try: self.mgr = KarmaManager() redis_client('karma').flushdb() except RedisError: raise SkipTest
def reindex_with_scoreboard(mapping_type_names): """Reindex all instances of a given mapping type with celery tasks. This will use Redis to keep track of outstanding tasks so nothing gets screwed up by two jobs running at once. """ # TODO: If this gets fux0rd, then it's possible this could be # non-zero and we really want to just ignore it. Need the ability # to ignore it. try: client = redis_client('default') val = client.get(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS) if val is not None and int(val) > 0: raise ReindexError('There are %s outstanding chunks.' % val) # We don't know how many chunks we're building, but we do want # to make sure another reindex request doesn't slide in here # and kick off a bunch of chunks. # # There is a race condition here. client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, 1) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can not check if there are ' 'outstanding tasks.') batch_id = create_batch_id() # Break up all the things we want to index into chunks. This # chunkifies by class then by chunk size. Also generate # reconcile_tasks. chunks = [] for cls, indexable in get_indexable(mapping_types=mapping_type_names): chunks.extend( (cls, chunk) for chunk in chunked(indexable, CHUNK_SIZE)) reconcile_task.delay(cls.get_index(), batch_id, cls.get_mapping_type_name()) chunks_count = len(chunks) try: client = redis_client('default') client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, chunks_count) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can\'t denote outstanding tasks.') for chunk in chunks: index = chunk[0].get_index() index_chunk_task.delay(index, batch_id, chunk)
def setUp(self): super(TestDocumentLocking, self).setUp() try: self.redis = redis_client('default') self.redis.flushdb() except RedisError: raise SkipTest
def get_bundle(request): if 'locale' not in request.GET or 'product' not in request.GET: return HttpResponseBadRequest(BAD_REQUEST, mimetype='application/json') locale = request.GET['locale'] product = request.GET['product'] if locale.lower() not in settings.LANGUAGES_DICT: return HttpResponseNotFound(INVALID_LOCALE, mimetype='application/json') name = redis_bundle_name(locale, product) try: redis = redis_client('default') except RedisError: return HttpResponse('not available yet', status=503) else: bundle = redis.hget(name, 'bundle') bundle_hash = redis.hget(name, 'hash') if bundle is None: return HttpResponseNotFound(NOT_FOUND, mimetype='application/json') response = HttpResponse(bundle, mimetype='application/json') response['Content-Length'] = len(bundle) response['X-Content-Hash'] = bundle_hash response['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = \ 'Content-Length, X-Content-Hash' return response
def redis_info(request): """Admin view that displays redis INFO+CONFIG output for all backends.""" redis_info = {} for key in django_settings.REDIS_BACKENDS.keys(): redis_info[key] = {} client = redis_client(key) redis_info[key]['connection'] = django_settings.REDIS_BACKENDS[key] try: cfg = client.config_get() redis_info[key]['config'] = [{ 'key': k, 'value': cfg[k] } for k in sorted(cfg)] info = redis_info[key]['info'] = [{ 'key': k, 'value': info[k] } for k in sorted(info)] except ConnectionError: redis_info[key]['down'] = True return render_to_response('kadmin/redis.html', { 'redis_info': redis_info, 'title': 'Redis Information' }, RequestContext(request, {}))
def test_creator_nums_redis(self, switch_is_active): """Test creator_num_* pulled from karma data.""" try: KarmaManager() redis_client('karma').flushdb() except RedisError: raise SkipTest switch_is_active.return_value = True a = answer(save=True) AnswerAction(a.creator).save() AnswerAction(a.creator).save() SolutionAction(a.creator).save() eq_(a.creator_num_solutions, 1) eq_(a.creator_num_answers, 3)
def setUp(self): super(TopUnhelpfulArticlesCronTests, self).setUp() self.REDIS_KEY = settings.HELPFULVOTES_UNHELPFUL_KEY try: self.redis = redis_client('helpfulvotes') self.redis.flushdb() except RedisError: raise SkipTest
def init_karma(): """Flushes the karma redis backend and populates with fresh data. Goes through all questions/answers/votes and save karma actions for them. """ if not waffle.switch_is_active('karma'): return redis_client('karma').flushdb() questions = Question.objects.all() for chunk in chunked(questions.values_list('pk', flat=True), 200): _process_question_chunk.apply_async(args=[chunk]) votes = AnswerVote.objects.all() for chunk in chunked(votes.values_list('pk', flat=True), 1000): _process_answer_vote_chunk.apply_async(args=[chunk])
def __init__(self, redis=None): if not redis: try: redis = redis_client(name='karma') except RedisError as e: statsd.incr('redis.errror') log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) self.redis = redis
class UnhelpfulReadout(Readout): title = _lazy(u'Unhelpful Documents') short_title = _lazy(u'Unhelpful', 'document') details_link_text = _lazy(u'All unhelpful articles...') slug = 'unhelpful' column3_label = _lazy(u'Total Votes') column4_label = _lazy(u'Helpfulness') modes = [] default_mode = None # This class is a namespace and doesn't get instantiated. key = settings.HELPFULVOTES_UNHELPFUL_KEY try: hide_readout = redis_client('helpfulvotes').llen(key) == 0 except RedisError as e: log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) hide_readout = True def rows(self, max=None): REDIS_KEY = settings.HELPFULVOTES_UNHELPFUL_KEY try: redis = redis_client('helpfulvotes') length = redis.llen(REDIS_KEY) max_get = max or length output = redis.lrange(REDIS_KEY, 0, max_get) except RedisError as e: log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) output = [] data = [] for r in output: row = self._format_row(r) if row: data.append(row) return data def _format_row(self, strresult): result = strresult.split('::') # Filter by product if self.product: doc = Document.objects.filter(products__in=[self.product], slug=result[5]) if not doc.count(): return None helpfulness = Markup('<span title="%+.1f%%">%.1f%%</span>' % (float(result[3]) * 100, float(result[2]) * 100)) return dict(title=result[6].decode('utf-8'), url=reverse('wiki.document_revisions', args=[unicode(result[5], "utf-8")], locale=self.locale), visits=int(float(result[1])), custom=True, column4_data=helpfulness)
def landing(request): """Customer Care Landing page.""" # Get a redis client redis = None try: redis = redis_client(name='default') except RedisError as e: statsd.incr('redis.errror') log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) contributor_stats = redis and redis.get(settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY) if contributor_stats: contributor_stats = json.loads(contributor_stats) statsd.incr('customercare.stats.contributors.hit') else: statsd.incr('customercare.stats.contributors.miss') twitter_user = None if request.twitter.authed: try: credentials = request.twitter.api.verify_credentials() except (TwythonError, TwythonAuthError): # Bad oauth token. Create a new session so user re-auths. request.twitter = twitter.Session() else: twitter_user = credentials['screen_name'] yesterday = - timedelta(days=1) recent_replied_count = _count_answered_tweets(since=yesterday) return render( request, 'customercare/landing.html', { 'contributor_stats': contributor_stats, 'canned_responses': get_common_replies(request.LANGUAGE_CODE), 'tweets': _get_tweets(locale=request.LANGUAGE_CODE, filter='unanswered', https=request.is_secure()), 'authed': request.user.is_authenticated() and request.twitter.authed, 'twitter_user': twitter_user, 'filters': FILTERS, 'filter': 'unanswered', 'time':, 'goal': settings.CC_REPLIES_GOAL, 'recent_replied_count': recent_replied_count })
def offline_admin(request): redis = redis_client('default') action = request.POST.get('action') if action == 'generate_all':'Requested regenerating all bundles.') build_kb_bundles() messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Bundles regenerated!') elif action == 'delete_all': if redis.delete(*redis.keys('osumo:*')): messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Deleted all bundles!') else: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Bundle deleting failed.') keys = redis.keys('osumo:*') bundles = [] totalsize = 0 for key in keys: bundle = {} # reverse operation to redis_bundle_name, the schema is: # osumo:locale~product tmp = key.split(':')[1].split('~') locale, bundle['product'] = tuple(tmp) # to get the non .lower()'ed version. locale = settings.LANGUAGE_URL_MAP[locale] bundle['locale'] = settings.LOCALES[locale].english bundle['hash'] = redis.hget(key, 'hash') updated = redis.hget(key, 'updated') if updated is not None: updated = float(redis.hget(key, 'updated')) updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(updated) bundle['updated'] = updated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: bundle['updated'] = 'N/A' bundle['size'] = round(len(redis.hget(key, 'bundle')) / 1024.0, 2) totalsize += bundle['size'] bundles.append(bundle) # Sorting by by locale and then product bundles.sort(key=lambda x: x['locale'] + x['product']) totalsize /= 1024 totalsize = round(totalsize, 2) return render(request, 'admin/offline.html', {'title': 'Offline SUMO Administration', 'bundles': bundles, 'totalsize': totalsize})
def offline_admin(request): redis = redis_client('default') action = request.POST.get('action') if action == 'generate_all':'Requested regenerating all bundles.') build_kb_bundles() messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Bundles regenerated!') elif action == 'delete_all': if redis.delete(*redis.keys('osumo:*')): messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Deleted all bundles!') else: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Bundle deleting failed.') keys = redis.keys('osumo:*') bundles = [] totalsize = 0 for key in keys: bundle = {} # reverse operation to redis_bundle_name, the schema is: # osumo:locale~product tmp = key.split(':')[1].split('~') locale, bundle['product'] = tuple(tmp) # to get the non .lower()'ed version. locale = settings.LANGUAGE_URL_MAP[locale] bundle['locale'] = settings.LOCALES[locale].english bundle['hash'] = redis.hget(key, 'hash') updated = redis.hget(key, 'updated') if updated is not None: updated = float(redis.hget(key, 'updated')) updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(updated) bundle['updated'] = updated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: bundle['updated'] = 'N/A' bundle['size'] = round(len(redis.hget(key, 'bundle')) / 1024.0, 2) totalsize += bundle['size'] bundles.append(bundle) # Sorting by by locale and then product bundles.sort(key=lambda x: x['locale'] + x['product']) totalsize /= 1024 totalsize = round(totalsize, 2) return render( request, 'admin/offline.html', { 'title': 'Offline SUMO Administration', 'bundles': bundles, 'totalsize': totalsize })
def reindex_with_scoreboard(mapping_type_names): """Reindex all instances of a given mapping type with celery tasks. This will use Redis to keep track of outstanding tasks so nothing gets screwed up by two jobs running at once. """ # TODO: If this gets fux0rd, then it's possible this could be # non-zero and we really want to just ignore it. Need the ability # to ignore it. try: client = redis_client('default') val = client.get(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS) if val is not None and int(val) > 0: raise ReindexError('There are %s outstanding chunks.' % val) # We don't know how many chunks we're building, but we do want # to make sure another reindex request doesn't slide in here # and kick off a bunch of chunks. # # There is a race condition here. client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, 1) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can not check if there are ' 'outstanding tasks.') batch_id = create_batch_id() # Break up all the things we want to index into chunks. This # chunkifies by class then by chunk size. chunks = [] for cls, indexable in get_indexable(mapping_types=mapping_type_names): chunks.extend((cls, chunk) for chunk in chunked(indexable, CHUNK_SIZE)) chunks_count = len(chunks) try: client = redis_client('default') client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, chunks_count) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can\'t denote outstanding tasks.') for chunk in chunks: index = chunk[0].get_index() index_chunk_task.delay(index, batch_id, chunk)
def landing(request): """Customer Care Landing page.""" # Get a redis client redis = None try: redis = redis_client(name="default") except RedisError as e: log.error("Redis error: %s" % e) contributor_stats = redis and redis.get(settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY) if contributor_stats: contributor_stats = json.loads(contributor_stats) twitter_user = None if request.twitter.authed: try: credentials = request.twitter.api.verify_credentials() except (TwythonError, TwythonAuthError): # Bad oauth token. Create a new session so user re-auths. request.twitter = twitter.Session() else: twitter_user = credentials["screen_name"] yesterday = - timedelta(days=1) recent_replied_count = _count_answered_tweets(since=yesterday) return render( request, "customercare/landing.html", { "contributor_stats": contributor_stats, "canned_responses": get_common_replies(request.LANGUAGE_CODE), "tweets": _get_tweets(locale=request.LANGUAGE_CODE, filter="unanswered", https=request.is_secure()), "authed": request.user.is_authenticated and request.twitter.authed, "twitter_user": twitter_user, "filters": FILTERS, "filter": "unanswered", "time":, "goal": settings.CC_REPLIES_GOAL, "recent_replied_count": recent_replied_count, }, )
def handle(self, **options): REDIS_KEY = settings.HELPFULVOTES_UNHELPFUL_KEY old_formatted = _get_old_unhelpful() final = _get_current_unhelpful(old_formatted) if final == {}: return def _mean(vals): """Argument: List of floats""" if len(vals) == 0: return None return sum(vals) / len(vals) def _bayes_avg(C, m, R, v): # Bayesian Average # C = mean vote, v = number of votes, # R = mean rating, m = minimum votes to list in topranked return (C * m + R * v) / (m + v) mean_perc = _mean( [float(final[key]['currperc']) for key in final.keys()]) mean_total = _mean( [float(final[key]['total']) for key in final.keys()]) # TODO: Make this into namedtuples sorted_final = [(key, final[key]['total'], final[key]['currperc'], final[key]['diffperc'], _bayes_avg(mean_perc, mean_total, final[key]['currperc'], final[key]['total'])) for key in final.keys()] sorted_final.sort(key=lambda entry: entry[4]) # Sort by Bayesian Avg redis = redis_client('helpfulvotes') redis.delete(REDIS_KEY) max_total = max([b[1] for b in sorted_final]) for entry in sorted_final: doc = Document.objects.get(pk=entry[0]) redis.rpush( REDIS_KEY, ( u'%s::%s::%s::%s::%s::%s::%s' % ( entry[0], # Document ID entry[1], # Total Votes entry[2], # Current Percentage entry[3], # Difference in Percentage 1 - (entry[1] / max_total), # Graph Color doc.slug, # Document slug doc.title, # Document title )))
def _process_answer_vote_chunk(data): """Save karma data for a chunk of answer votes.""" redis = redis_client(name='karma') v_qs = AnswerVote.objects.select_related('answer') for vote in v_qs.filter(pk__in=data): if vote.helpful: action_class = AnswerMarkedHelpfulAction else: action_class = AnswerMarkedNotHelpfulAction action_class(vote.answer.creator_id, vote.created).save(async=False, redis=redis)
def rows(self, max=None): REDIS_KEY = settings.HELPFULVOTES_UNHELPFUL_KEY try: redis = redis_client('helpfulvotes') length = redis.llen(REDIS_KEY) max_get = max or length output = redis.lrange(REDIS_KEY, 0, max_get) except RedisError as e: log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) output = [] return [self._format_row(r) for r in output]
def cache_most_unhelpful_kb_articles(): """Calculate and save the most unhelpful KB articles in the past month.""" REDIS_KEY = settings.HELPFULVOTES_UNHELPFUL_KEY old_formatted = _get_old_unhelpful() final = _get_current_unhelpful(old_formatted) if final == {}: return def _mean(vals): """Argument: List of floats""" if len(vals) == 0: return None return sum(vals) / len(vals) def _bayes_avg(C, m, R, v): # Bayesian Average # C = mean vote, v = number of votes, # R = mean rating, m = minimum votes to list in topranked return (C * m + R * v) / (m + v) mean_perc = _mean([float(final[key]['currperc']) for key in final.keys()]) mean_total = _mean([float(final[key]['total']) for key in final.keys()]) # TODO: Make this into namedtuples sorted_final = [(key, final[key]['total'], final[key]['currperc'], final[key]['diffperc'], _bayes_avg(mean_perc, mean_total, final[key]['currperc'], final[key]['total'])) for key in final.keys()] sorted_final.sort(key=lambda entry: entry[4]) # Sort by Bayesian Avg redis = redis_client('helpfulvotes') redis.delete(REDIS_KEY) max_total = max([b[1] for b in sorted_final]) for entry in sorted_final: doc = Document.objects.get(pk=entry[0]) redis.rpush(REDIS_KEY, (u'%s::%s::%s::%s::%s::%s::%s' % (entry[0], # Document ID entry[1], # Total Votes entry[2], # Current Percentage entry[3], # Difference in Percentage 1 - (entry[1] / max_total), # Graph Color doc.slug, # Document slug doc.title))) # Document title
def _document_lock_check(document_id): """Check for a lock on a document. Returns the username of the user that has the page locked, or ``None`` if no user has a lock. """ try: redis = redis_client(name='default') key = _document_lock_key.format(id=document_id) return redis.get(key) except RedisError as e: statsd.incr('redis.errror') log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) return None
def handle_reset(request): """Resets the redis scoreboard we use Why? The reason you'd want to reset it is if the system gets itself into a hosed state where the redis scoreboard says there are outstanding tasks, but there aren't. If you enter that state, this lets you reset the scoreboard. """ try: client = redis_client("default") client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, 0) except RedisError: log.warning("Redis not running. Can not check if there are " "outstanding tasks.") return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)
def index_chunk_task(write_index, batch_id, chunk): """Index a chunk of things. :arg write_index: the name of the index to index to :arg batch_id: the name for the batch this chunk belongs to :arg chunk: a (class, id_list) of things to index """ # Need to import Record here to prevent circular import from import Record cls, id_list = chunk task_name = '{0} {1} -> {2}'.format(cls.get_mapping_type_name(), id_list[0], id_list[-1]) rec = Record.objects.create(, text=u'Batch: {0} Task: {1}: Reindexing into {2}'.format( batch_id, task_name, write_index)) try: # Pin to master db to avoid replication lag issues and stale # data. pin_this_thread() index_chunk(cls, id_list, reraise=True) except Exception: rec.text = u'{0}: Errored out {1} {2}'.format( rec.text, sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)[:255] # Truncate at 255 chars. log.exception('Error while indexing a chunk') # Some exceptions aren't pickleable and we need this to throw # things that are pickleable. raise IndexingTaskError() finally: unpin_this_thread() rec.endtime = try: client = redis_client('default') client.decr(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, 1) except RedisError: # If Redis isn't running, then we just log that the task # was completed.'Index task %s completed.', task_name)
def index_chunk_task(write_index, batch_id, chunk): """Index a chunk of things. :arg write_index: the name of the index to index to :arg batch_id: the name for the batch this chunk belongs to :arg chunk: a (class, id_list) of things to index """ # Need to import Record here to prevent circular import from import Record cls, id_list = chunk task_name = '{0} {1} -> {2}'.format( cls.get_mapping_type_name(), id_list[0], id_list[-1]) rec = Record.objects.create(, text=u'Batch: {0} Task: {1}: Reindexing into {2}'.format( batch_id, task_name, write_index)) try: # Pin to master db to avoid replication lag issues and stale # data. pin_this_thread() index_chunk(cls, id_list, reraise=True) except Exception: rec.text = u'{0}: Errored out {1} {2}'.format( rec.text, sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)[:255] # Truncate at 255 chars. log.exception('Error while indexing a chunk') # Some exceptions aren't pickleable and we need this to throw # things that are pickleable. raise IndexingTaskError() finally: unpin_this_thread() rec.endtime = try: client = redis_client('default') client.decr(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, 1) except RedisError: # If Redis isn't running, then we just log that the task # was completed.'Index task %s completed.', task_name)
def test_stored_in_redis(self): key = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY try: redis = redis_client(name='default') # Other tests are lame and don't clean up after themselves. # This also verifies that Redis is alive and well. redis.delete(key) except RedisError: raise SkipTest get_customercare_stats() blob = redis.get(key) stats = json.loads(blob) eq_(len(stats), 2)
def handle_reset(request): """Resets the redis scoreboard we use Why? The reason you'd want to reset it is if the system gets itself into a hosed state where the redis scoreboard says there are outstanding tasks, but there aren't. If you enter that state, this lets you reset the scoreboard. """ try: client = redis_client('default') client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, 0) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can not check if there are ' 'outstanding tasks.') return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)
def _document_lock_steal(document_id, user_name, expire_time=60 * 15): """Lock a document for a user. Note that this does not check if the page is already locked, and simply sets the lock on the page. """ try: redis = redis_client(name='default') key = _document_lock_key.format(id=document_id) it_worked = redis.set(key, user_name) redis.expire(key, expire_time) return it_worked except RedisError as e: statsd.incr('redis.errror') log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) return False
def landing(request): """Customer Care Landing page.""" # Get a redis client redis = None try: redis = redis_client(name="default") except RedisError as e: statsd.incr("redis.errror") log.error("Redis error: %s" % e) contributor_stats = redis and redis.get(settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY) if contributor_stats: contributor_stats = json.loads(contributor_stats) statsd.incr("customercare.stats.contributors.hit") else: statsd.incr("customercare.stats.contributors.miss") twitter_user = None if request.twitter.authed: try: credentials = request.twitter.api.verify_credentials() except (TwythonError, TwythonAuthError): # Bad oauth token. Create a new session so user re-auths. request.twitter = twitter.Session() else: twitter_user = credentials["screen_name"] yesterday = - timedelta(days=1) recent_replied_count = _count_answered_tweets(since=yesterday) return render( request, "customercare/landing.html", { "contributor_stats": contributor_stats, "canned_responses": get_common_replies(request.LANGUAGE_CODE), "tweets": _get_tweets(locale=request.LANGUAGE_CODE, filter="unanswered", https=request.is_secure()), "authed": request.user.is_authenticated() and request.twitter.authed, "twitter_user": twitter_user, "filters": FILTERS, "filter": "unanswered", "goal": settings.CC_REPLIES_GOAL, "recent_replied_count": recent_replied_count, }, )
def _process_question_chunk(data): """Save karma data for a chunk of questions.""" redis = redis_client(name='karma') q_qs = Question.objects.select_related('solution').defer('content') for question in q_qs.filter(pk__in=data): first = True a_qs = question.answers.order_by('created').select_related('creator') for answer in a_qs.values_list('creator', 'created'): AnswerAction(answer[0], answer[1]).save(async=False, redis=redis) if first: FirstAnswerAction(answer[0], answer[1]).save(async=False, redis=redis) first = False soln = question.solution if soln: SolutionAction(soln.creator, soln.created).save(async=False, redis=redis)
def landing(request): """Customer Care Landing page.""" # Get a redis client redis = None try: redis = redis_client(name='default') except RedisError as e: statsd.incr('redis.errror') log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) contributor_stats = redis and redis.get(settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY) if contributor_stats: contributor_stats = json.loads(contributor_stats) statsd.incr('customercare.stats.contributors.hit') else: statsd.incr('customercare.stats.contributors.miss') twitter_user = None if request.twitter.authed: try: credentials = request.twitter.api.verify_credentials() except (TwythonError, TwythonAuthError): # Bad oauth token. Create a new session so user re-auths. request.twitter = twitter.Session() else: twitter_user = credentials['screen_name'] yesterday = - timedelta(days=1) recent_replied_count = _count_answered_tweets(since=yesterday) return render(request, 'customercare/landing.html', { 'contributor_stats': contributor_stats, 'canned_responses': get_common_replies(request.LANGUAGE_CODE), 'tweets': _get_tweets(locale=request.LANGUAGE_CODE, filter='unanswered', https=request.is_secure()), 'authed': request.user.is_authenticated() and request.twitter.authed, 'twitter_user': twitter_user, 'filters': FILTERS, 'filter': 'unanswered', 'time':, 'goal': settings.CC_REPLIES_GOAL, 'recent_replied_count': recent_replied_count})
def rows(self, max=None): REDIS_KEY = settings.HELPFULVOTES_UNHELPFUL_KEY try: redis = redis_client('helpfulvotes') length = redis.llen(REDIS_KEY) max_get = max or length output = redis.lrange(REDIS_KEY, 0, max_get) except RedisError as e: log.error('Redis error: {0!s}'.format(e)) output = [] data = [] for r in output: row = self._format_row(r) if row: data.append(row) return data
def redis_info(request): """Admin view that displays redis INFO+CONFIG output for all backends.""" redis_info = {} for key in django_settings.REDIS_BACKENDS.keys(): redis_info[key] = {} client = redis_client(key) redis_info[key]["connection"] = django_settings.REDIS_BACKENDS[key] try: cfg = client.config_get() redis_info[key]["config"] = [{"key": k, "value": cfg[k]} for k in sorted(cfg)] info = redis_info[key]["info"] = [{"key": k, "value": info[k]} for k in sorted(info)] except ConnectionError: redis_info[key]["down"] = True return render_to_response( "kadmin/redis.html", {"redis_info": redis_info, "title": "Redis Information"}, RequestContext(request, {}) )
def rows(self, max=None): REDIS_KEY = settings.HELPFULVOTES_UNHELPFUL_KEY try: redis = redis_client("helpfulvotes") length = redis.llen(REDIS_KEY) max_get = max or length output = redis.lrange(REDIS_KEY, 0, max_get) except RedisError as e: log.error("Redis error: %s" % e) output = [] data = [] for r in output: row = self._format_row(r) if row: data.append(row) return data
def redis_info(request): """Admin view that displays redis INFO+CONFIG output for all backends.""" redis_info = {} for key in django_settings.REDIS_BACKENDS.keys(): redis_info[key] = {} client = redis_client(key) redis_info[key]['connection'] = django_settings.REDIS_BACKENDS[key] try: cfg = client.config_get() redis_info[key]['config'] = [{'key': k, 'value': cfg[k]} for k in sorted(cfg)] info = redis_info[key]['info'] = [{'key': k, 'value': info[k]} for k in sorted(info)] except ConnectionError: redis_info[key]['down'] = True return render_to_response('kadmin/redis.html', {'redis_info': redis_info, 'title': 'Redis Information'}, RequestContext(request, {}))
def build_kb_bundles(products=('firefox-os', 'firefox', 'mobile')): redis = redis_client('default') if not redis: raise IOError('Redis not available. Cannot generate offline bundles.') start_time = time.time() size = 0 products = [Product.objects.get(slug=p) for p in products] with statsd.timer('offline.build_kb_bundles.time_elapsed'): for locale in settings.SUMO_LANGUAGES: for product in products: with uselocale(locale): bundle = merge_bundles(bundle_for_product(product, locale)) size += len( insert_bundle_into_redis(redis, product.slug, locale, bundle)[0]) time_taken = time.time() - start_time'Generated all offline bundles. ' 'Size: {0}. Took {1} seconds'.format(size, time_taken))
def _document_lock_clear(document_id, user_name): """Remove a lock from a document. This would be used to indicate the given user no longer wants the page locked, so the lock should be cleared. If the `user` parameter does not match the current lock, the lock remains in place. Returns true if the lock was removed, false otherwise. """ try: redis = redis_client(name='default') key = _document_lock_key.format(id=document_id) locked_by = redis.get(key) if locked_by == user_name: return redis.delete(key) else: return False except RedisError as e: statsd.incr('redis.errror') log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) return False
def bundle_meta(request): """This view is responsible for update checking.""" if 'locale' not in request.GET or 'product' not in request.GET: return HttpResponseBadRequest(BAD_REQUEST, mimetype='application/json') locale = request.GET['locale'] product = request.GET['product'] name = redis_bundle_name(locale, product) try: redis = redis_client('default') except RedisError: return HttpResponse('{"error": "no bundles available"}', mimetype='application/json', status=503) bundle_hash = redis.hget(name, 'hash') if bundle_hash: u = {'hash': bundle_hash} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(u), mimetype='application/json') else: return HttpResponseNotFound(NOT_FOUND, mimetype='application/json')
def redis_info(request): """Admin view that displays redis INFO+CONFIG output for all backends.""" redis_info = {} for key in list(django_settings.REDIS_BACKENDS.keys()): redis_info[key] = {} client = redis_client(key) redis_info[key]["connection"] = django_settings.REDIS_BACKENDS[key] try: cfg = client.config_get() redis_info[key]["config"] = [ {"key": k, "value": cfg[k]} for k in sorted(cfg) ] info = redis_info[key]["info"] = [ {"key": k, "value": info[k]} for k in sorted(info) ] except ConnectionError: redis_info[key]["down"] = True return render_to_response( "kadmin/redis.html", {"redis_info": redis_info, "title": "Redis Information"}, RequestContext(request, {}), )
def build_kb_bundles(products=('firefox-os', 'firefox', 'mobile')): redis = redis_client('default') if not redis: raise IOError('Redis not available. Cannot generate offline bundles.') start_time = time.time() size = 0 products = [Product.objects.get(slug=p) for p in products] with statsd.timer('offline.build_kb_bundles.time_elapsed'): for locale in settings.SUMO_LANGUAGES: for product in products: with uselocale(locale): bundle = merge_bundles(bundle_for_product(product, locale)) size += len(insert_bundle_into_redis(redis, product.slug, locale, bundle)[0]) time_taken = time.time() - start_time'Generated all offline bundles. ' 'Size: {0}. Took {1} seconds'.format(size, time_taken))
def get_customercare_stats(): """ Generate customer care stats from the Replies table. This gets cached in Redis as a sorted list of contributors, stored as JSON. Example Top Contributor data: [ { 'twitter_username': '******', 'avatar': '', 'avatar_https': '', 'all': 5211, '1m': 230, '1w': 33, '1d': 3, }, { ... }, { ... }, ] """ if settings.STAGE: print ('Skipped get_customercare_stats(). ' 'Set settings.STAGE to False to run it for real.') return contributor_stats = {} now = one_month_ago = now - timedelta(days=30) one_week_ago = now - timedelta(days=7) yesterday = now - timedelta(days=1) for chunk in chunked(Reply.objects.all(), 2500, Reply.objects.count()): for reply in chunk: user = reply.twitter_username if user not in contributor_stats: raw = json.loads(reply.raw_json) if 'from_user' in raw: # For tweets collected using v1 API user_data = raw else: user_data = raw['user'] contributor_stats[user] = { 'twitter_username': user, 'avatar': user_data['profile_image_url'], 'avatar_https': user_data['profile_image_url_https'], 'all': 0, '1m': 0, '1w': 0, '1d': 0, } contributor = contributor_stats[reply.twitter_username] contributor['all'] += 1 if reply.created > one_month_ago: contributor['1m'] += 1 if reply.created > one_week_ago: contributor['1w'] += 1 if reply.created > yesterday: contributor['1d'] += 1 sort_key = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_SORT limit = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_LIMIT # Sort by whatever is in settings, break ties with 'all' contributor_stats = sorted(contributor_stats.values(), key=lambda c: (c[sort_key], c['all']), reverse=True)[:limit] try: redis = redis_client(name='default') key = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY redis.set(key, json.dumps(contributor_stats)) except RedisError as e: statsd.incr('redis.error') log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) return contributor_stats
def handle(self, **options): """ This gets cached in Redis as a sorted list of contributors, stored as JSON. Example Top Contributor data: [ { 'twitter_username': '******', 'avatar': '', 'avatar_https': '', 'all': 5211, '1m': 230, '1w': 33, '1d': 3, }, { ... }, { ... }, ] """ if settings.STAGE: return contributor_stats = {} now = one_month_ago = now - timedelta(days=30) one_week_ago = now - timedelta(days=7) yesterday = now - timedelta(days=1) for chunk in chunked(Reply.objects.all(), 2500, Reply.objects.count()): for reply in chunk: user = reply.twitter_username if user not in contributor_stats: raw = json.loads(reply.raw_json) if "from_user" in raw: # For tweets collected using v1 API user_data = raw else: user_data = raw["user"] contributor_stats[user] = { "twitter_username": user, "avatar": user_data["profile_image_url"], "avatar_https": user_data["profile_image_url_https"], "all": 0, "1m": 0, "1w": 0, "1d": 0, } contributor = contributor_stats[reply.twitter_username] contributor["all"] += 1 if reply.created > one_month_ago: contributor["1m"] += 1 if reply.created > one_week_ago: contributor["1w"] += 1 if reply.created > yesterday: contributor["1d"] += 1 sort_key = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_SORT limit = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_LIMIT # Sort by whatever is in settings, break ties with 'all' contributor_stats = sorted( list(contributor_stats.values()), key=lambda c: (c[sort_key], c["all"]), reverse=True, )[:limit] try: redis = redis_client(name="default") key = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY redis.set(key, json.dumps(contributor_stats)) except RedisError as e: log.error("Redis error: %s" % e) return contributor_stats
except ES_EXCEPTIONS: pass try: write_stats = get_doctype_stats(write_index()) except ES_EXCEPTIONS: pass try: indexes = get_indexes() indexes.sort(key=lambda m: m[0]) except ES_EXCEPTIONS as e: error_messages.append('Error: {0}'.format(repr(e))) try: client = redis_client('default') outstanding_chunks = int(client.get(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS)) except (RedisError, TypeError): pass recent_records = Record.uncached.order_by('-starttime')[:20] return render( request, 'admin/search_maintenance.html', { 'title': 'Search', 'es_deets': es_deets, 'doctype_stats': stats, 'doctype_write_stats': write_stats, 'indexes': indexes, 'read_index': read_index(), 'write_index': write_index(),
def handle_reindex(request): """Caculates and kicks off indexing tasks""" # This is truthy if the user wants us to delete and recreate # the index first. delete_index_first = bool(request.POST.get('delete_index')) if delete_index_first: # Coming from the delete form, so we reindex all models. mapping_types_to_index = None else: # Coming from the reindex form, so we reindex whatever we're # told. mapping_types_to_index = [ name.replace('check_', '') for name in request.POST.keys() if name.startswith('check_') ] # TODO: If this gets fux0rd, then it's possible this could be # non-zero and we really want to just ignore it. Need the ability # to ignore it. try: client = redis_client('default') val = client.get(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS) if val is not None and int(val) > 0: raise ReindexError('There are %s outstanding chunks.' % val) # We don't know how many chunks we're building, but we do want # to make sure another reindex request doesn't slide in here # and kick off a bunch of chunks. # # There is a race condition here. client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, 1) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can not check if there are ' 'outstanding tasks.') batch_id = create_batch_id() # Break up all the things we want to index into chunks. This # chunkifies by class then by chunk size. chunks = [] for cls, indexable in get_indexable(mapping_types=mapping_types_to_index): chunks.extend((cls, chunk) for chunk in chunked(indexable, CHUNK_SIZE)) if delete_index_first: # The previous lines do a lot of work and take some time to # execute. So we wait until here to wipe and rebuild the # index. That reduces the time that there is no index by a little. recreate_index() chunks_count = len(chunks) try: client = redis_client('default') client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, chunks_count) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can\'t denote outstanding tasks.') for chunk in chunks: index_chunk_task.delay(write_index(), batch_id, chunk) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)
def get_customercare_stats(): """ Generate customer care stats from the Replies table. This gets cached in Redis as a sorted list of contributors, stored as JSON. Example Top Contributor data: [ { 'twitter_username': '******', 'avatar': '', 'avatar_https': '', 'all': 5211, '1m': 230, '1w': 33, '1d': 3, }, { ... }, { ... }, ] """ if settings.STAGE: return contributor_stats = {} now = one_month_ago = now - timedelta(days=30) one_week_ago = now - timedelta(days=7) yesterday = now - timedelta(days=1) for chunk in chunked(Reply.objects.all(), 2500, Reply.objects.count()): for reply in chunk: user = reply.twitter_username if user not in contributor_stats: raw = json.loads(reply.raw_json) if 'from_user' in raw: # For tweets collected using v1 API user_data = raw else: user_data = raw['user'] contributor_stats[user] = { 'twitter_username': user, 'avatar': user_data['profile_image_url'], 'avatar_https': user_data['profile_image_url_https'], 'all': 0, '1m': 0, '1w': 0, '1d': 0, } contributor = contributor_stats[reply.twitter_username] contributor['all'] += 1 if reply.created > one_month_ago: contributor['1m'] += 1 if reply.created > one_week_ago: contributor['1w'] += 1 if reply.created > yesterday: contributor['1d'] += 1 sort_key = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_SORT limit = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_LIMIT # Sort by whatever is in settings, break ties with 'all' contributor_stats = sorted(contributor_stats.values(), key=lambda c: (c[sort_key], c['all']), reverse=True)[:limit] try: redis = redis_client(name='default') key = settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY redis.set(key, json.dumps(contributor_stats)) except RedisError as e: statsd.incr('redis.error') log.error('Redis error: %s' % e) return contributor_stats
def handle_reindex(request): """Caculates and kicks off indexing tasks""" # This is truthy if the user wants us to delete and recreate # the index first. delete_index_first = bool(request.POST.get('delete_index')) if delete_index_first: # Coming from the delete form, so we reindex all models. mapping_types_to_index = None else: # Coming from the reindex form, so we reindex whatever we're # told. mapping_types_to_index = [name.replace('check_', '') for name in request.POST.keys() if name.startswith('check_')] # TODO: If this gets fux0rd, then it's possible this could be # non-zero and we really want to just ignore it. Need the ability # to ignore it. try: client = redis_client('default') val = client.get(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS) if val is not None and int(val) > 0: raise ReindexError('There are %s outstanding chunks.' % val) # We don't know how many chunks we're building, but we do want # to make sure another reindex request doesn't slide in here # and kick off a bunch of chunks. # # There is a race condition here. client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, 1) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can not check if there are ' 'outstanding tasks.') batch_id = create_batch_id() # Break up all the things we want to index into chunks. This # chunkifies by class then by chunk size. chunks = [] for cls, indexable in get_indexable(mapping_types=mapping_types_to_index): chunks.extend( (cls, chunk) for chunk in chunked(indexable, CHUNK_SIZE)) if delete_index_first: # The previous lines do a lot of work and take some time to # execute. So we wait until here to wipe and rebuild the # index. That reduces the time that there is no index by a little. recreate_index() chunks_count = len(chunks) try: client = redis_client('default') client.set(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS, chunks_count) except RedisError: log.warning('Redis not running. Can\'t denote outstanding tasks.') for chunk in chunks: index_chunk_task.delay(write_index(), batch_id, chunk) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)
def search(request): """Render the admin view containing search tools""" if not request.user.has_perm('search.reindex'): raise PermissionDenied error_messages = [] stats = {} if 'reset' in request.POST: try: return handle_reset(request) except ReindexError as e: error_messages.append(u'Error: %s' % e.message) if 'reindex' in request.POST: try: return handle_reindex(request) except ReindexError as e: error_messages.append(u'Error: %s' % e.message) if 'recreate_index' in request.POST: try: return handle_recreate_index(request) except ReindexError as e: error_messages.append(u'Error: %s' % e.message) if 'delete_index' in request.POST: try: return handle_delete(request) except DeleteError as e: error_messages.append(u'Error: %s' % e.message) except ES_EXCEPTIONS as e: error_messages.append('Error: {0}'.format(repr(e))) stats = None write_stats = None es_deets = None indexes = [] outstanding_chunks = None try: # TODO: SUMO has a single ES_URL and that's the ZLB and does # the balancing. If that ever changes and we have multiple # ES_URLs, then this should get fixed. es_deets = requests.get(settings.ES_URLS[0]).json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException: pass stats = {} for index in all_read_indexes(): try: stats[index] = get_doctype_stats(index) except ES_EXCEPTIONS: stats[index] = None write_stats = {} for index in all_write_indexes(): try: write_stats[index] = get_doctype_stats(index) except ES_EXCEPTIONS: write_stats[index] = None try: indexes = get_indexes() indexes.sort(key=lambda m: m[0]) except ES_EXCEPTIONS as e: error_messages.append('Error: {0}'.format(repr(e))) try: client = redis_client('default') outstanding_chunks = int(client.get(OUTSTANDING_INDEX_CHUNKS)) except (RedisError, TypeError): pass recent_records = Record.uncached.order_by('-starttime')[:100] outstanding_records = (Record.uncached.filter( endtime__isnull=True).order_by('-starttime')) index_groups = set(settings.ES_INDEXES.keys()) index_groups |= set(settings.ES_WRITE_INDEXES.keys()) index_group_data = [[group, read_index(group), write_index(group)] for group in index_groups] return render( request, 'admin/search_maintenance.html', { 'title': 'Search', 'es_deets': es_deets, 'doctype_stats': stats, 'doctype_write_stats': write_stats, 'indexes': indexes, 'index_groups': index_groups, 'index_group_data': index_group_data, 'read_indexes': all_read_indexes, 'write_indexes': all_write_indexes, 'error_messages': error_messages, 'recent_records': recent_records, 'outstanding_records': outstanding_records, 'outstanding_chunks': outstanding_chunks, 'now':, 'read_index': read_index, 'write_index': write_index, })
def setUp(self): super(OfflineViewTests, self).setUp() try: redis_client('default').flushdb() except RedisError: raise SkipTest
def monitor(request): """View for services monitor.""" status = {} # Note: To add a new component to the services monitor, do your # testing and then add a name -> list of output tuples map to # status. # Check memcached. memcache_results = [] try: for cache_name, cache_props in settings.CACHES.items(): result = True backend = cache_props['BACKEND'] location = cache_props['LOCATION'] # LOCATION can be a string or a list of strings if isinstance(location, basestring): location = location.split(';') if 'memcache' in backend: for loc in location: # TODO: this doesn't handle unix: variant ip, port = loc.split(':') result = test_memcached(ip, int(port)) memcache_results.append( (INFO, '%s:%s %s' % (ip, port, result))) if not memcache_results: memcache_results.append((ERROR, 'memcache is not configured.')) elif len(memcache_results) < 2: memcache_results.append( (ERROR, ('You should have at least 2 memcache servers. ' 'You have %s.' % len(memcache_results)))) else: memcache_results.append((INFO, 'memcached servers look good.')) except Exception as exc: memcache_results.append( (ERROR, 'Exception while looking at memcached: %s' % str(exc))) status['memcached'] = memcache_results # Check Libraries and versions libraries_results = [] try:'RGB', (16, 16)).save(StringIO.StringIO(), 'JPEG') libraries_results.append((INFO, 'PIL+JPEG: Got it!')) except Exception as exc: libraries_results.append((ERROR, 'PIL+JPEG: Probably missing: ' 'Failed to create a jpeg image: %s' % exc)) status['libraries'] = libraries_results # Check file paths. msg = 'We want read + write.' filepaths = ( (settings.USER_AVATAR_PATH, os.R_OK | os.W_OK, msg), (settings.IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH, os.R_OK | os.W_OK, msg), (settings.THUMBNAIL_UPLOAD_PATH, os.R_OK | os.W_OK, msg), (settings.GALLERY_IMAGE_PATH, os.R_OK | os.W_OK, msg), (settings.GALLERY_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_PATH, os.R_OK | os.W_OK, msg), (settings.GALLERY_VIDEO_PATH, os.R_OK | os.W_OK, msg), (settings.GALLERY_VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_PATH, os.R_OK | os.W_OK, msg), (settings.GROUP_AVATAR_PATH, os.R_OK | os.W_OK, msg), ) filepath_results = [] for path, perms, notes in filepaths: path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, path) path_exists = os.path.isdir(path) path_perms = os.access(path, perms) if path_exists and path_perms: filepath_results.append( (INFO, '%s: %s %s %s' % (path, path_exists, path_perms, notes))) status['filepaths'] = filepath_results # Check RabbitMQ. rabbitmq_results = [] try: rabbit_conn = establish_connection(connect_timeout=5) rabbit_conn.connect() rabbitmq_results.append((INFO, 'Successfully connected to RabbitMQ.')) except (socket.error, IOError) as exc: rabbitmq_results.append( (ERROR, 'Error connecting to RabbitMQ: %s' % str(exc))) except Exception as exc: rabbitmq_results.append( (ERROR, 'Exception while looking at RabbitMQ: %s' % str(exc))) status['RabbitMQ'] = rabbitmq_results # Check ES. es_results = [] try: es_utils.get_doctype_stats(es_utils.all_read_indexes()[0]) es_results.append( (INFO, ('Successfully connected to ElasticSearch and index ' 'exists.'))) except es_utils.ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc: es_results.append((ERROR, 'ElasticSearch problem: %s' % str(exc))) except Exception as exc: es_results.append( (ERROR, 'Exception while looking at ElasticSearch: %s' % str(exc))) status['ElasticSearch'] = es_results # Check Celery. # start = time.time() # pong = # rabbit_results = r = {'duration': time.time() - start} # status_summary['rabbit'] = pong == 'pong' and r['duration'] < 1 # Check Redis. redis_results = [] if hasattr(settings, 'REDIS_BACKENDS'): for backend in settings.REDIS_BACKENDS: try: redis_client(backend) redis_results.append((INFO, '%s: Pass!' % backend)) except RedisError: redis_results.append((ERROR, '%s: Fail!' % backend)) status['Redis'] = redis_results status_code = 200 status_summary = {} for component, output in status.items(): if ERROR in [item[0] for item in output]: status_code = 500 status_summary[component] = False else: status_summary[component] = True return render(request, 'services/monitor.html', { 'component_status': status, 'status_summary': status_summary }, status=status_code)
from django.conf import settings from kitsune.customercare.cron import get_customercare_stats from kitsune.sumo.redis_utils import redis_client, RedisError try: print "Removing old data" redis = redis_client(name='default') redis.delete(settings.CC_TOP_CONTRIB_CACHE_KEY) print "Collecting new data." get_customercare_stats() print "Done" except RedisError: print "This migration needs Redis to be done."