Пример #1
    def CompFirst(self):
        # uses the special null production token NULLTOKEN
        # snarfed directly from Aho+Ullman (terminals glossed)
        First = kjSet.NewDG([])
        # repeat the while loop until no change is made to First
        done = 0
        while not done:
            done = 1  # assume we're done until a change is made to First

            # iterate through all rules looking for a new arc to add
            # indicating Terminal > possible first token derivation
            for R in self.Rules:
                GoalNonterm = R.Nonterm
                Bodylength = len(R.Body)
                # look through the body of the rule up to the token with
                # no epsilon production (yet seen)
                Bodyindex = 0
                Processindex = 1
                while Processindex:
                    # unless otherwise indicated below, don't go to next token
                    Processindex = 0

                    # if index is past end of body then record
                    # an epsilon production for this nonterminal
                    if Bodyindex >= Bodylength:
                        if not kjSet.HasArc(First, GoalNonterm, NULLTOKEN):
                            kjSet.AddArc(First, GoalNonterm, NULLTOKEN)
                            done = 0  # change made to First
                        # otherwise try to add firsts of this token
                        # to firsts of the Head of the rule.
                        Token = R.Body[Bodyindex]
                        (type, name) = Token
                        if type in (KEYFLAG, TERMFLAG):
                            # try to add this terminal to First for GoalNonterm
                            if not kjSet.HasArc(First, GoalNonterm, Token):
                                kjSet.AddArc(First, GoalNonterm, Token)
                                done = 0
                        elif type == NONTERMFLAG:
                            # try to add each First entry for nonterminal
                            # to First entry for GoalNonterm
                            for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(First, Token):
                                if not kjSet.HasArc(First, GoalNonterm,
                                    kjSet.AddArc(First, GoalNonterm, FToken)
                                    done = 0
                            # does this nonterminal have a known e production?
                            if kjSet.HasArc(First, Token, NULLTOKEN):
                                # if so, process next token in rule
                                Processindex = 1
                            raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"
                    Bodyindex = Bodyindex + 1
                #endwhile Processindex
            #endfor R in self.Rules
        #endwhile not done
        self.First = First
Пример #2
    def compFollow(self):
        ''' computing the Follow set for the ruleset
            the good news: I think it's correct.
            the bad news: It's slower than it needs to be for epsilon cases.
        Follow = kjSet.NewDG([])

        # put end marker on follow of start nonterminal
        kjSet.AddArc(Follow, self.StartNonterm, kjParser.ENDOFFILETOKEN)

        # now compute other follows using the rules;
        # repeat the loop until no change to Follow.
        while not self.compFollowRules(Follow):

        self.Follow = Follow
Пример #3
    def Eclosure(self, Epsilon, DoNullMaps=0):
        ''' return the epsilon closure of the FSM as a new FSM

            DoNullMap, if set, will map unexpected tokens to
            the "empty" state (usually creating a really big fsm)
        Closure = CFSMachine( self.root_nonTerminal )

        # compute the Epsilon Graph between states
        EGraph = kjSet.NewDG([])
        for State in range(0,self.maxState+1):
            # every state is E-connected to self
            kjSet.AddArc( EGraph, State, State )
            # add possible transition on epsilon (ONLY ONE SUPPORTED!)
            key = (State, Epsilon)
            if self.StateTokenMap.has_key(key):
                keymap = self.StateTokenMap[key]
                if keymap[0][0] != MOVETOFLAG:
                    raise TypeError, "unexpected map type in StateTokenMap"
                for (Flag,ToState) in keymap:
                    kjSet.AddArc( EGraph, State, ToState )
        # transitively close EGraph
        kjSet.TransClose( EGraph )

        # Translate EGraph into a dictionary of lists
        EMap = {}
        for State in range(0,self.maxState+1):
            EMap[State] = kjSet.Neighbors( EGraph, State )

        # make each e-closure of each self.state a state of the closure FSM.
        # here closure states assumed transient -- reset elsewhere.
        # first do the initial state
        Closure.States[ Closure.initial_state ] = \
           [TRANSFLAG, kjSet.NewSet(EMap[self.initial_state]) ]
        # do all other states (save initial and successful final states)
        #for State in range(0,self.maxState+1):
        #   if State != self.initial_state \
        #    and State != self.successful_final_state:
        #      Closure.NewSetState(TRANSFLAG, kjSet.NewSet(EMap[State]) )

        # compute set of all known tokens EXCEPT EPSILON
        Tokens = kjSet.NewSet( [] )
        for (State, Token) in self.StateTokenMap.keys():
            if Token != Epsilon:
                kjSet.addMember(Token, Tokens)
        # tranform it into a list
        Tokens = kjSet.get_elts(Tokens)

        # for each state of the the closure FSM (past final) add transitions
        # and add new states as needed until all states are processed
        # (uses convention that states are allocated sequentially)
        ThisClosureState = 1
        while ThisClosureState <= Closure.maxState:
            MemberStates = kjSet.get_elts(Closure.States[ThisClosureState][1])
            # for each possible Token, compute the union UTrans of all
            # e-closures for all transitions for all member states,
            # on the Token, make  UTrans a new state (if needed),
            # and transition ThisClosureState to UTrans on Token
            for Token in Tokens:
                UTrans = kjSet.NewSet( [] )
                for MState in MemberStates:
                    # if MState has a transition on Token, include
                    # EMap for the destination state
                    key = (MState, Token)
                    if self.StateTokenMap.has_key(key):
                        DStateTup = self.StateTokenMap[key]
                        if DStateTup[0][0] != MOVETOFLAG:
                            raise TypeError, "unknown map type"
                        for (DFlag, DState) in DStateTup:
                            for EDState in EMap[DState]:
                                kjSet.addMember(EDState, UTrans)
                #endfor MState
                # register UTrans as a new state if needed
                UTState = Closure.NewSetState(TRANSFLAG, UTrans)
                # record transition from
                # ThisClosureState to UTState on Token
                if DoNullMaps:
                    Closure.SetMap( ThisClosureState, Token, UTState)
                    if not kjSet.Empty(UTrans):
                        Closure.SetMap( ThisClosureState, Token, UTState)
            #endfor Token
            ThisClosureState = ThisClosureState +1
        return Closure
Пример #4
    def compFollowRule(self, Follow, R):
        done = 1
        # work backwards in the rule body to
        # avoid retesting for epsilon nonterminals
        Bodylength = len(R.Body)
        # the tail of rule may expand to null
        EpsilonTail = 1
        # loop starts at the last
        for BodyIndex in range(Bodylength-1, -1, -1):
            Token = R.Body[BodyIndex]
            (Ttype,Tname) = Token

            if Ttype not in (KEYFLAG, TERMFLAG, NONTERMFLAG):
                raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"

            if Ttype in (KEYFLAG,TERMFLAG):
                # keywords etc cancel epsilon tail, otherwise ignore
                EpsilonTail = 0

            # if the tail expands to epsilon, map
            # follow for the goal nonterminal to this token
            # and also follow for the tail nonterms
            if EpsilonTail:
                # add follow for goal
                for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow,R.Nonterm):
                    if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow, Token, FToken):
                        kjSet.AddArc(Follow, Token, FToken)
                        # follow changed, loop again
                        done = 0
                # add follow for tail members
                #for Index2 in range(BodyIndex+1, Bodylength):
                #   TailToken = R.Body[Index2]
                #   for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow,TailToken):
                #       if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow,Token,FToken):
                #          kjSet.AddArc(Follow,Token,FToken)
                #          done = 0
            #endif EpsilonTail

            # if we are not at the end use First set for next token
            if BodyIndex != Bodylength-1:
                NextToken = R.Body[BodyIndex+1]
                (NTtype, NTname) = NextToken
                if NTtype in (KEYFLAG,TERMFLAG):
                    if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow, Token, NextToken):
                        kjSet.AddArc(Follow, Token, NextToken)
                        done = 0
                elif NTtype == NONTERMFLAG:
                    for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(self.First, NextToken):
                        if FToken != NULLTOKEN:
                            if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow, Token, FToken):
                                kjSet.AddArc(Follow, Token, FToken)
                                done = 0
                        # next token expands to epsilon:
                        # add its follow, unless already done above
                        for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow, NextToken):
                            if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow, Token, FToken):
                                kjSet.AddArc(Follow, Token, FToken)
                                done = 0
                    raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"

            # finally, check whether next iteration has epsilon tail
            if not kjSet.HasArc(self.First, Token, NULLTOKEN):
                EpsilonTail = 0

        return done
Пример #5
  def CompFollow(self):
     Follow = kjSet.NewDG( [] )

     # put end marker on follow of start nonterminal
     kjSet.AddArc(Follow, self.StartNonterm, kjParser.ENDOFFILETOKEN)

     # now compute other follows using the rules;
     # repeat the loop until no change to Follow.
     done = 0
     while not done:
       done = 1 # assume done unless Follow changes
       for R in self.Rules:
          #print R
          # work backwards in the rule body to
          # avoid retesting for epsilon nonterminals
          Bodylength = len(R.Body)
          EpsilonTail = 1 # the tail of rule may expand to null
          BodyIndex = Bodylength - 1
          Last = 1 # loop starts at the last
          from types import TupleType
          while BodyIndex >= 0:
             Token = R.Body[BodyIndex]
             (Ttype,Tname) = Token
             if Ttype in (KEYFLAG,TERMFLAG):
                # keywords etc cancel epsilon tail, otherwise ignore
                EpsilonTail = 0
             elif Ttype == NONTERMFLAG:
                # if the tail expands to epsilon, map
                # follow for the goal nonterminal to this token
                # and also follow for the tail nonterms
                if EpsilonTail:
                   # add follow for goal
                   for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow,R.Nonterm):
                      if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow,Token,FToken):
                         #if type(FToken[0])==TupleType:
                         #   raise ValueError, "bad FToken"+`FToken`
                         #print "new", Token, FToken
                         done = 0 # follow changed, loop again
                   # add follow for tail members
                   #for Index2 in range(BodyIndex+1, Bodylength):
                   #   TailToken = R.Body[Index2]
                   #   for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow,TailToken):
                   #       if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow,Token,FToken):
                   #          kjSet.AddArc(Follow,Token,FToken)
                   #          done = 0
                #endif EpsilonTail

                # if we are not at the end use First set for next token
                if not Last:
                   NextToken = R.Body[BodyIndex+1]
                   (NTtype, NTname) = NextToken
                   if NTtype in (KEYFLAG,TERMFLAG):
                      if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow,Token,NextToken):
                         #print "next", Token, NextToken
                         done = 0
                   elif NTtype == NONTERMFLAG:
                      for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(self.First, NextToken):
                         if FToken != NULLTOKEN:
                            if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow,Token,FToken):
                               #print "neighbor", Token, FToken
                               done = 0
                            # next token expands to epsilon:
                            # add its follow, unless already done above
                            #if not EpsilonTail:
                            for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow,NextToken):
                                if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow,Token,FToken):
                                   #print "epsilon", Token, FToken
                                   done = 0
                     raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"
                #endif not Last

                # finally, check whether next iteration has epsilon tail
                if not kjSet.HasArc(self.First, Token, NULLTOKEN):
                   EpsilonTail = 0
                raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"

             BodyIndex = BodyIndex - 1
             Last = 0 # no longer at the last token of the rule
     self.Follow = Follow