Пример #1
    def fetch_dir(self,
        run_filter = run_filter or tools.RunFilter()
        parsers = parsers or []
        # Allow specyfing a list of multiple parsers or a single parser.
        if not isinstance(parsers, (tuple, list)):
            parsers = [parsers]
        # Make sure parsers is a list.
        parsers = list(parsers)

        prop_file = os.path.join(run_dir, 'properties')

        # Somehow '../..' gets inserted into sys.path and more strangely the
        # system lab.tools module gets called.
        # TODO: This HACK should be removed once the source of the error is clear.
        props = tools.Properties(filename=prop_file)
        if props.get('search_returncode'
                     ) is not None and props.get("coverage") is None:
            logging.warning('search_parser.py exited abnormally for %s' %
            logging.info('Rerunning search_parser.py')
            parsers.append(os.path.join(run_dir, '../../search_parser.py'))

        for parser in parsers:
            rel_parser = os.path.relpath(parser, start=run_dir)
            subprocess.call([rel_parser], cwd=run_dir)

        props = tools.Properties(filename=prop_file)
        props = run_filter.apply_to_run(props)
        if not props:
            return None, None
        run_id = props.get('id')
        # Abort if an id cannot be read.
        if not run_id:
            logging.critical('id is not set in %s.' % prop_file)

        if copy_all:
            dest_dir = os.path.join(eval_dir, *run_id)
            tools.fast_updatetree(run_dir, dest_dir, symlinks=True)

        return run_id, props
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, src_dir, dest_dir=None, copy_all=False, write_combined_props=True,
                 filter=None, parsers=None, **kwargs):
        if os.path.isdir(src_dir):

            run_filter = tools.RunFilter(filter, **kwargs)

            logging.info('Fetching files from %s -> %s' % (src_dir, dest_dir))

            # Get all run_dirs. None will be found if we fetch from an eval dir.
            run_dirs = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dest_dir, 'runs-*-*', '*')))
            total_dirs = len(run_dirs)
            logging.info('Scanning properties from %d run directories' % total_dirs)
            unxeplained_errors = 0
            for index, run_dir in enumerate(run_dirs, start=1):
                loglevel = logging.INFO if index % 100 == 0 else logging.DEBUG
                logging.log(loglevel, 'Scanning: %6d/%d' % (index, total_dirs))
                run_id, props = self.fetch_dir(run_dir, src_dir, copy_all=copy_all,
                                               run_filter=run_filter, parsers=parsers)
                if props is None:

                assert run_id, 'Dir %s has no id' % props.get('run_dir')
                if write_combined_props:
                    combined_props['-'.join(run_id)] = props
                if props.get('error', '').startswith('unexplained'):
                    logging.warning('Unexplained error in {run_dir}: {error}'.format(**props))
                    unxeplained_errors += 1

            if unxeplained_errors:
                logging.warning('There were %d runs with unexplained errors.'
                                % unxeplained_errors)

            logging.info('%s is not a valid directory, not using PAC commulative info' % src_dir)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, attributes=None, format="html", filter=None, **kwargs):
        Inherit from this or a child class to implement a custom report.

        Depending on the type of output you want to make, you will have
        to overwrite the :meth:`.write`, :meth:`.get_text` or
        :meth:`.get_markup` method.

        *attributes* is the list of attributes you want to include in
        your report. If omitted, use all numerical attributes. Globbing
        characters * and ? are allowed. Example:

        >>> report = Report(attributes=["coverage", "translator_*"])

        When a report is made, both the available and the selected
        attributes are printed on the commandline.

        *format* can be one of e.g. html, tex, wiki (MediaWiki), doku
        (DokuWiki), pmw (PmWiki), moin (MoinMoin) and txt (Plain text).
        Subclasses may allow additional formats.

        If given, *filter* must be a function or a list of functions
        that are passed a dictionary of a run's attribute keys and
        values. Filters must return True, False or a new dictionary.
        Depending on the returned value, the run is included or excluded
        from the report, or replaced by the new dictionary,

        Filters for properties can be given in shorter form without
        defining a function. To include only runs where attribute
        ``foo`` has value v, use ``filter_foo=v``. To include only runs
        where attribute ``foo`` has value v1, v2 or v3, use
        ``filter_foo=[v1, v2, v3]``.

        Filters are applied sequentially, i.e., the first filter is
        applied to all runs before the second filter is executed.
        Filters given as ``filter_*`` kwargs are applied *after* all
        filters passed via the ``filter`` kwarg.


        Include only the "cost" attribute in a LaTeX report:

        >>> report = Report(attributes=["cost"], format="tex")

        Only include successful runs in the report:

        >>> report = Report(filter_coverage=1)

        Only include runs in the report where the initial h value is
        at most 100:

        >>> def low_init_h(run):
        ...     return run["initial_h_value"] <= 100
        >>> report = Report(filter=low_init_h)

        Only include runs from "blocks" and "barman" with a timeout:

        >>> report = Report(filter_domain=["blocks", "barman"], filter_search_timeout=1)

        Add a new attribute:

        >>> def add_expansions_per_time(run):
        ...     expansions = run.get("expansions")
        ...     time = run.get("search_time")
        ...     if expansions is not None and time:
        ...         run["expansions_per_time"] = expansions / time
        ...     return run
        >>> report = Report(
        ...     attributes=["expansions_per_time"], filter=[add_expansions_per_time]
        ... )

        Rename, filter and sort algorithms:

        >>> def rename_algorithms(run):
        ...     name = run["algorithm"]
        ...     paper_names = {"lama11": "LAMA 2011", "fdss_sat1": "FDSS 1"}
        ...     run["algorithm"] = paper_names[name]
        ...     return run

        >>> # We want LAMA 2011 to be the leftmost column.
        >>> # filter_* filters are evaluated last, so we use the updated
        >>> # algorithm names here.
        >>> algorithms = ["LAMA 2011", "FDSS 1"]
        >>> report = Report(filter=rename_algorithms, filter_algorithm=algorithms)

        self.attributes = tools.make_list(attributes)
        if format not in txt2tags.TARGETS + ["eps", "pdf", "pgf", "png", "py"]:
            raise ValueError(f"invalid format: {format}")
        self.output_format = format
        self.toc = True
        self.run_filter = tools.RunFilter(filter, **kwargs)
Пример #4
    def __call__(self,
        This method can be used to copy properties from an exp-dir or
        eval-dir into an eval-dir. If the destination eval-dir already
        exist, the data will be merged. This means *src_dir* can either
        be an exp-dir or an eval-dir and *eval_dir* can be a new or
        existing directory.

        We recommend using lab.Experiment.add_fetcher() to add fetchers
        to an experiment. See the method's documentation for a
        description of the parameters.

        if not os.path.isdir(src_dir):
                "{} is missing or not a directory".format(src_dir))
        run_filter = tools.RunFilter(filter, **kwargs)

        eval_dir = eval_dir or src_dir.rstrip("/") + "-eval"
        logging.info("Fetching properties from {} to {}".format(
            src_dir, eval_dir))

        if merge is None:
        elif merge:
            # No action needed, data will be merged.

        # Load properties in the eval_dir if there are any already.
        combined_props = tools.Properties(os.path.join(eval_dir, "properties"))
        fetch_from_eval_dir = not os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(src_dir, "runs-00001-00100"))
        if fetch_from_eval_dir:
            src_props = tools.Properties(
                filename=os.path.join(src_dir, "properties"))
            logging.info("Fetched properties of {} runs.".format(
            slurm_err_content = tools.get_slurm_err_content(src_dir)
            if slurm_err_content:
                logging.error("There was output to *-grid-steps/slurm.err")

            new_props = tools.Properties()
            run_dirs = sorted(glob(os.path.join(src_dir, "runs-*-*", "*")))
            total_dirs = len(run_dirs)
                "Scanning properties from {:d} run directories".format(
            for index, run_dir in enumerate(run_dirs, start=1):
                loglevel = logging.INFO if index % 100 == 0 else logging.DEBUG
                            "Scanning: {:6d}/{:d}".format(index, total_dirs))
                props = self.fetch_dir(run_dir)
                if slurm_err_content:
                id_string = "-".join(props["id"])
                new_props[id_string] = props

        unexplained_errors = 0
        for props in combined_props.values():
            error_message = tools.get_unexplained_errors_message(props)
            if error_message:
                unexplained_errors += 1

        logging.info("Wrote properties file (contains {unexplained_errors} "
                     "runs with unexplained errors).".format(**locals()))
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, attributes=None, format='html', filter=None, **kwargs):
        *attributes* is a list of the attributes you want to include in your
        report. If omitted, use all found numerical attributes. Globbing
        characters * and ? are allowed. Example: ::


        When a report is made, both the available and the selected attributes
        are printed on the commandline.

        *format* can be one of e.g. html, tex, wiki (MediaWiki),
        gwiki (Google Code Wiki), doku (DokuWiki), pmw (PmWiki),
        moin (MoinMoin), txt (Plain text) and art (ASCII art). Subclasses may
        allow additional formats.

        If given, *filter* must be a function or a list of functions that
        are passed a dictionary of a run's keys and values and return
        True or False. Depending on the returned value, the run is included
        or excluded from the report.
        Alternatively, the function can return a dictionary that will overwrite
        the old run's dictionary for the report.

        Filters for properties can be given in shorter form without defining a function
        To include only runs where property p has value v, use *filter_p=v*.
        To include only runs where property p has value v1, v2 or v3, use
        *filter_p=[v1, v2, v3]*.


        Include only *coverage* and *expansions* in the report and write a
        LaTeX file at ``myreport.tex``::

            report = Report(attributes=['coverage', 'expansions'], format='tex')
            report(path_to_eval_dir, 'myreport.tex')

        Only include successful runs in the report::

            report = Report(filter_coverage=1)
            report(path_to_eval_dir, 'myreport.html')

        Only include runs in the report where the time score is better than the
        memory score::

            def better_time_than_memory_score(run):
                return run['score_search_time'] > run['score_memory']
            report = Report(filter=better_time_than_memory_score)
            report(path_to_eval_dir, 'myreport.html')

        Filter function that filters and renames configs with additional sorting::

            def rename_configs(run):
                config = run['config'].replace('WORK-', '')
                paper_names = {'lama11': 'LAMA 2011', 'fdss_sat1': 'FDSS 1',
                               'fdss_sat2': 'FDSS 2'}
                run['config'] = paper_names.get(config, 'unknown')
                return run

            # We want LAMA 2011 to be the leftmost column.
            # Filters defined with key word arguments are evaluated last,
            # so we use the updated config names here.
            configs = ['LAMA 2011', 'FDSS 1', 'FDSS 2']
            Report(filter=rename_configs, filter_config=configs)

        Filter function that only allows runs with a timeout in one of two domains::

            report = Report(attributes=['coverage'],
                            filter_domain=['blocks', 'barman'],
        if isinstance(attributes, basestring):
            attributes = [attributes]
        self.attributes = attributes or []
        assert format in txt2tags.TARGETS + ['eps', 'pdf', 'pgf', 'png', 'py']
        self.output_format = format
        self.toc = True
        self.run_filter = tools.RunFilter(filter, **kwargs)
Пример #6
    def fetch_dir(self, run_dir, src_dir, copy_all=False, run_filter=None, parsers=None):
        logging.info('Now I will copy for PAC')

        run_filter = run_filter or tools.RunFilter()
        parsers = parsers or []
        # Allow specyfing a list of multiple parsers or a single parser.
        if not isinstance(parsers, (tuple, list)):
            parsers = [parsers]
        # Make sure parsers is a list.
        parsers = list(parsers)

        prop_file = os.path.join(run_dir, 'properties')

        # Somehow '../..' gets inserted into sys.path and more strangely the
        # system lab.tools module gets called.
        # TODO: This HACK should be removed once the source of the error is clear.
        props = tools.Properties(filename=prop_file)
        if props.get('search_returncode') is not None and props.get("coverage") is None:
            logging.warning('search_parser.py exited abnormally for %s' % run_dir)
            logging.info('Rerunning search_parser.py')
            parsers.append(os.path.join(run_dir, '../../search_parser.py'))


        for parser in parsers:
            rel_parser = os.path.relpath(parser, start=run_dir)
            subprocess.call([rel_parser], cwd=run_dir)

        props = tools.Properties(filename=prop_file)
        props = run_filter.apply_to_run(props)
        if not props:
            return None, None
        run_id = props.get('id')
        # Abort if an id cannot be read.
        if not run_id:
            logging.critical('id is not set in %s.' % prop_file)

        #dest_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, *run_id)
        src_dir_hstar2h = src_dir + '/' + props.get('domain') + '/' + 'PAC_Commulative_ratio.csv'
        src_dir_hstar = src_dir + '/' + props.get('domain') + '/' + 'PAC_Commulative_hstar.csv'
        src_dir_stats = src_dir + '/' + props.get('domain') + '/' + 'PAC_Statistics.csv'
        src_dir_hffToh = src_dir + '/' + props.get('domain') + '/' + 'PAC_Commulative_h-ff_to_h-star.csv'
        run_dir_hstar2h = run_dir + '/' + 'PAC_Commulative_ratio.csv'
        run_dir_hstar = run_dir + '/' + 'PAC_Commulative_hstar.csv'
        run_dir_stats = run_dir + '/' + 'PAC_Statistics.csv'
        run_dir_hffToh = run_dir + '/' + 'PAC_Commulative_h-ff_to_h-star.csv'

        logging.info("run_dir: " + run_dir)
        logging.info("src_dir: " + src_dir)
        shutil.copy2(src_dir_hstar2h, run_dir_hstar2h)
        shutil.copy2(src_dir_hstar, run_dir_hstar)
        shutil.copy2(src_dir_stats, run_dir_stats)
        shutil.copy2(src_dir_hffToh, run_dir_hffToh)


        return run_id, props
Пример #7
    def __call__(self,
        This method can be used to copy properties from an exp-dir or eval-dir
        into an eval-dir. If the destination eval-dir already exist, the data
        will be merged. This means *src_dir* can either be an exp-dir or an
        eval-dir and *eval_dir* can be a new or existing directory.

        If *copy_all* is True (default: False), copy all files from the run
        dirs to a new directory tree at *eval_dir*. Without this option only
        the combined properties file is written do disk.

        If *write_combined_props* is True (default), write the combined
        properties file.

        You can include only specific domains or configurations by using
        :py:class:`filters <.Report>`.

        *parsers* can be a list of paths to parser scripts. If given, each
        parser is called in each run directory and the results are added to
        the properties file which is fetched afterwards. This option is
        useful if you haven't parsed all or some values already during the


        Fetch all results and write a single combined properties file to the
        default evaluation directory (this step is added by default)::

            exp.add_step(Step('fetch', Fetcher(), exp.path))

        Read the combined properties file at ``<eval_dir1>/properties`` and
        merge it into the combined properties file at

            exp.add_step(Step('combine', Fetcher(), eval_dir1, combined_eval_dir))

        Fetch only the runs for certain configuration from an older experiment::

            exp.add_step(Step('fetch', Fetcher(), src_dir,
                              filter_config_nick=['config_1', 'config_5']))
        if not os.path.isdir(src_dir):
            logging.critical('%s is not a valid directory' % src_dir)
        run_filter = tools.RunFilter(filter, **kwargs)

        src_props = tools.Properties(
            filename=os.path.join(src_dir, 'properties'))
        fetch_from_eval_dir = 'runs' not in src_props or src_dir.endswith(
        if fetch_from_eval_dir:
            src_props = run_filter.apply(src_props)
            for prop in src_props.values():
                if prop.get('error', '').startswith('unexplained'):
                    logging.warning("Unexplained error in '%s': %s" %
                                    (prop.get('run_dir'), prop.get('error')))

        eval_dir = eval_dir or src_dir.rstrip('/') + '-eval'
        logging.info('Fetching files from %s -> %s' % (src_dir, eval_dir))
        logging.info('Fetching from evaluation dir: %s' % fetch_from_eval_dir)

        if write_combined_props:
            # Load properties in the eval_dir if there are any already.
            combined_props = tools.Properties(
                os.path.join(eval_dir, 'properties'))
            if fetch_from_eval_dir:

        # Get all run_dirs. None will be found if we fetch from an eval dir.
        run_dirs = sorted(glob(os.path.join(src_dir, 'runs-*-*', '*')))
        total_dirs = len(run_dirs)
        logging.info('Scanning properties from %d run directories' %
        unxeplained_errors = 0
        for index, run_dir in enumerate(run_dirs, start=1):
            loglevel = logging.INFO if index % 100 == 0 else logging.DEBUG
            logging.log(loglevel, 'Scanning: %6d/%d' % (index, total_dirs))
            run_id, props = self.fetch_dir(run_dir,
            if props is None:

            assert run_id, 'Dir %s has no id' % props.get('run_dir')
            if write_combined_props:
                combined_props['-'.join(run_id)] = props
            if props.get('error', '').startswith('unexplained'):
                    'Unexplained error in {run_dir}: {error}'.format(**props))
                unxeplained_errors += 1

        if unxeplained_errors:
            logging.warning('There were %d runs with unexplained errors.' %
        if write_combined_props: